Is there a systematic approach to avoid the 3 pitfalls(below) of software solutions? [closed] - projects-and-solutions

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Developing software solutions which already exist and are available for re-use (either commercial or open-source). AKA "re-inventing the wheel".
Same as above, but your solution being broken. AKA "re-inventing the square wheel".
Developing solutions for problems which do not exist.
Again, I'm interested in a more formal approach, e.g. TRIZ

Doing some research beforehand (1) and investing in solid software architecture (2,3) usually helps :)
When you're planning to develop something you always need to calculate the benefits of doing some and the things like the ROI.
You could read more about this in Agile Estimating and Planning by Mike Cohn

Local Market Research
Internet Research
Google Metrics (Seeing what the Google Count is)


What are the advantages of NServiceBus over MSMQ? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I know this as been asked but couldn't find an answer that I understand...
Some people told me about the main thing are sagas, but it doesn't look such a big advantage to make me spend my bucks on NServiceBus when I already have MSMQ....
That's a little bit like asking "why do I need ASP.NET MVC when I already have HTTP?"... a little tongue-in-cheek, but still with a lot of truth in it.
NServiceBus gives you message serialization, a sensible threading model, routing, and several ready-to-use messaging patterns out of the box.
MSMQ gives you... message queues! And a fairly complicated API with many low level options that give you no real pit of succes...

Rest Web Service with scala [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am starting to learn how to build rest Web service (I come from soap web service).
I'm an intermediate scala programer. I'd like to know as of now, what is the most widespread framework for building Restful Service. But i would also appreciate personal opinion on what is the easiest to use for the task of solely building rest api/web-service, very fast, with a not so complicate learning curve.
Many thanks,
Play, Scalatra and Spray are all good choices with a reasonable learning curve.
You'll have to look at these (and others), then decide which fits best with your own preferences. It's a very subjective question and there are too many variables for anyone to be able to give a definitive answer.

Is anyone still using Atom? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am currently reading "REST in Practice", which is getting a bit long in the tooth by technical book standards (2009), but it came highly recommended to me as a book that still has a lot of pertinent information for today's world. One of the topics that has particularly caught my interest is the use of Atom feeds to publish events.
Reading the chapter focused on Atom got my very excited to look into replacing the home-grown/custom solution the company I work at has developed to solve the same problem (delivering a feed of events over a RESTful API)...however, I started doing some follow up research and found that development/interest in the various Atom libraries out there (like Apache Abdera and ROME) seem to suffer from dwindling community interest.
Is Atom still being used for this purpose (event feeds), or has another solution come into favor?

How to approach SRS [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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What is the best way to write the system requirement specification. Definition is given to me. project scope is very heavy.
Which model should i approach to get the detailed requirement from the client ?
Which are the common mistakes while gathering information from client and writing specification ?
Help appreciated.
First of all, you have to have a background in requirements engineering. As a start, look at the Volere templates, that help to organize the requirements in a meaningful way. The authors (the Robertsons) have written a book "Mastering the Requirements Process" (ISBN: 978-0321419491), but there are of course a lot of other authors.
There are a lot of techniques to get requirements from the customer, and it depends on how the customer behaves, in which area he is under way, and how much experiences he has there. It is not possible to give here any advice.
I don't think that there is a list of common mistakes that could help you in any way. Get an experienced requirements engineer, and follow his steps.

How can I learn about writing project specs? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I recently read through Code Complete, and it recommends that I create a project specification before actually coding.
The book didn't go very far into detail about what 'specs' are, and how they are made. Because this is a crucial part of software development, I would like to know how to create quality specs that are not too exhaustive.
Where can I learn more about software specifications? Or any of the other prerequisites outlined in Code Complete?
Here's Joel's article on Function Design documents.
If you are looking for books, I can recommend two right now, and in fact, I ordered a third because it looked good.
The two I can recommend fully are:
Software Requirements (2nd Edition)
More about Software Requirements
I also ordered a third book:
Software Requirements Patterns
Joel Spolsky posted the functional spec to his CoPilot application along with a brief blog post about it.