Delete portion of Sub Document Collection in Mongodb - mongodb

I am trying to delete a section of sub documents from a collections..
Tried (and many others):
db.collection.remove( {'Segments': {$gte: '20150612141038' }} )
db.collection.remove( { 'Segments.$' : {$gte: '0150612141038' }} )
db.collection.deleteMany( { 'Segments.$' : {$gte: '0150612141038' }} )
db.collection.deleteOne( { 'Segments.$' : {$eq: '0150612141038' }} )
just can't figure out what I am doing wrong...
"_id" : ObjectId("56e32c5147e030bc0a000035"),
"Date" : "2015-06-12",
"UnitID" : "5",
"Segments" : {
"20150612141037" : {
"Parameters" : {
"647" : "0",
"649" : "16",
"653" : "0",
"655" : "0",
"656" : "0",
"658" : "98",
"664" : "447.0486",
"666" : "442.7083",
"677" : "122.8004",
"20150612141038" : {
"Parameters" : {
"658" : "96",
"664" : "451.3889",
"666" : "447.0486",
"677" : "122.7892"
"20150612141039" : {
"Parameters" : {
"658" : "44",
"664" : "442.7083",
"677" : "122.8004",
"704" : "1"

First of all I think your queries are wrong.
If you try this query to the mongoShell:
db.bios.find({'Segments': {$gte: '20150612141038'}})
you don't have anything as output because 20150612141038 is a document and not a field. Maybe you can reshape your schema to set 20150612141038 as a field and Segments as an array of documents:
"_id" : ObjectId("56e32c5147e030bc0a000035"),
"Date" : "2015-06-12",
"UnitID" : "5",
"Segments" : [
"segmentId" : "20150612141037",
"Parameters" : {
"647" : "0",
"649" : "16",
"653" : "0",
"655" : "0",
"656" : "0",
"658" : "98",
"664" : "447.0486",
"666" : "442.7083",
"677" : "122.8004"
"segmentId" : "20150612141038",
"Parameters" : {
"658" : "96",
"664" : "451.3889",
"666" : "447.0486",
"677" : "122.7892"
"segmentId" : "20150612141039",
"Parameters" : {
"658" : "44",
"664" : "442.7083",
"677" : "122.8004",
"704" : "1"
and then you can use $pull operator to remove documents from Segments array where the field Segments.segmentId has a certain value:
{ multi: true}


Update query on in the collection by "_id"

"_id" : "tenant/data/EMAIL/ENGLISH",
"tenantId" : "tenant2",
"channelType" : "EMAIL",
"template" : [
"_id" : "1",
"templateName" : "abc",
"effectiveStartDate" : ISODate("2017-01-01T12:00:00.000Z"),
"modifiedDate" : ISODate("2017-06-02T22:08:55.782Z"),
"active" : false
I need to update the "templateName" : "xyz" on the basis of "_id" : "tenant/data/EMAIL/ENGLISH"
I have tried these queries but got no success
db.getCollection('data').updateOne({"_id": "tenant/data/EMAIL/ENGLISH"},
{$set : { "template.$.templateName" : "XYZ"}}); 
db.getCollection('data').updateOne({"_id": "tenant/data/EMAIL/ENGLISH"},
{$set : { "template.templateName" : "XYZ"}}); 
Any help will be appreciated.
I have used positional-all operator to update the array.
Here is the query:
"_id": "tenant/data/EMAIL/ENGLISH"
"_id" : "tenant/data/EMAIL/ENGLISH",
"tenantId" : "tenant2",
"channelType" : "EMAIL",
"template" : [
"_id" : "1",
"templateName" : "XYZ",
"effectiveStartDate" : ISODate("2017-01-01T12:00:00Z"),
"modifiedDate" : ISODate("2017-06-02T22:08:55.782Z"),
"active" : false
hope this will help :)

Fetch Unique Document in Mongodb?

Sample Data:
{"_id" : ObjectId("58bd10e4ff1743c527754160"),
"data" : [
"No" : "70",
"Type" : "82",
"Device" : "01",
"timestamp" : "2017-03-06 13:00:32"
{"_id" : ObjectId("58bd10sdfe4ff1743csdf0754"),
"data" : [
"No" : "75",
"Type" : "22",
"Device" : "02",
"timestamp" : "2017-03-06 13:00:32"
I have some document which having same timestamp,so I want to find only unique document on the basis of timestamp.
I have done distinct of timestamp but I want full document.
desired Output:
If same timestamp is there I want only One document.
You will only get one output if you run this query.
db.getCollection('tests').aggregate([{$match:{"data.timestamp":"2017-03-06 13:00:32"}},{$limit:1}])
Solution 1:
This will give you following :
{ "_id" : [ "2017-03-06 13:00:32" ], "data" : [ { "No" : "70", "Type" : "82", "Device" : "01", "timestamp" : "2017-03-06 13:00:32" }, { "No" : "10", "Type" : "20", "Device" : "01", "timestamp" : "2018-02-04 10:00:00" } ] }
Solution 2 :
{ $unwind : '$data'},
{ $group : {
_id : '$data.timestamp',
'No': { $first : '$data.No'},
'Type': { $first : '$data.Type'},
'Device': { $first : '$data.Device'},
'timestamp': { $first : '$data.timestamp'},
This will give you following :
{ "_id" : "2017-03-06 13:00:32", "No" : "70", "Type" : "82", "Device" : "01", "timestamp" : "2017-03-06 13:00:32" },
{ "_id" : "2018-02-04 10:00:00", "No" : "10", "Type" : "20", "Device" : "01", "timestamp" : "2018-02-04 10:00:00" },

Mongodb : get whether a document is the latest with a field value and filter on the result

I am trying to port an existing SQL schema into Mongo.
We have document tables, with sometimes several times the same document, with a different revision but the same reference. I want to get only the latest revisions of the documents.
A sample input data:
"Uid" : "xxx",
"status" : "ACCEPTED",
"reference" : "DOC305",
"code" : "305-D",
"title" : "Document 305",
"creationdate" : ISODate("2011-11-24T15:13:28.887Z"),
"creator" : "X"
"Uid" : "xxx",
"status" : "COMMENTED",
"reference" : "DOC306",
"code" : "306-A",
"title" : "Document 306",
"creationdate" : ISODate("2011-11-28T07:23:18.807Z"),
"creator" : "X"
"Uid" : "xxx",
"status" : "COMMENTED",
"reference" : "DOC306",
"code" : "306-B",
"title" : "Document 306",
"creationdate" : ISODate("2011-11-28T07:26:49.447Z"),
"creator" : "X"
"Uid" : "xxx",
"status" : "ACCEPTED",
"reference" : "DOC501",
"code" : "501-A",
"title" : "Document 501",
"creationdate" : ISODate("2011-11-19T06:30:35.757Z"),
"creator" : "X"
"Uid" : "xxx",
"status" : "ACCEPTED",
"reference" : "DOC501",
"code" : "501-B",
"title" : "Document 501",
"creationdate" : ISODate("2011-11-19T06:40:32.957Z"),
"creator" : "X"
Given this data, I want this result set (sometimes I want only the last revision, sometimes I want all revisions with an attribute telling me whether it's the latest):
"Uid" : "xxx",
"status" : "ACCEPTED",
"reference" : "DOC305",
"code" : "305-D",
"title" : "Document 305",
"creationdate" : ISODate("2011-11-24T15:13:28.887Z"),
"creator" : "X",
"lastrev" : true
"Uid" : "xxx",
"status" : "COMMENTED",
"reference" : "DOC306",
"code" : "306-B",
"title" : "Document 306",
"creationdate" : ISODate("2011-11-28T07:26:49.447Z"),
"creator" : "X",
"lastrev" : true
"Uid" : "xxx",
"status" : "ACCEPTED",
"reference" : "DOC501",
"code" : "501-B",
"title" : "Document 501",
"creationdate" : ISODate("2011-11-19T06:40:32.957Z"),
"creator" : "X",
"lastrev" : true
I already have a bunch of filters, sorting, and skip/limit (for pagination of data), so the final result set should be mindful of these constraints.
The current "find" query (built with the .Net driver), which filters fine but gives me all revisions of each document:
{ "$and" : [
{ "$or" : [
{ "deletedid" : { "$exists" : false } },
{ "deletedid" : null }
] },
{ "$or" : [
{ "taskid" : { "$exists" : false } },
{ "taskid" : null }
] },
{ "objecttypeuid" : { "$in" : ["xxxxx"] } }
] },
{ "_id" : 0, "Uid" : 1, "lastrev" : 1, "title" : 1, "code" : 1, "creator" : 1, "owner" : 1, "modificator" : 1, "status" : 1, "reference": 1, "creationdate": 1 }
).sort({ "creationdate" : 1 }).skip(0).limit(10);
Using another question, I have been able to build this aggregation, which gives me the latest revision of each document, but with not enough attributes in the result:
{ $sort: { "creationdate": 1 } },
$group: {
"_id": "$reference",
result: { $last: "$creationdate" },
creationdate: { $last: "$creationdate" }
I would like to integrating the aggregate with the find query.
I have found the way to mix aggregation and filtering:
{ $match: {
"$and" : [
{ "$or" : [
{ "deletedid" : { "$exists" : false } },
{ "deletedid" : null }
] },
{ "$or" : [
{ "taskid" : { "$exists" : false } },
{ "taskid" : null }
] },
{ "objecttypeuid" : { "$in" : ["xxx"] } }
{ $sort: { "creationdate": 1 } },
{ $group: {
"_id": "$reference",
"doc": { "$last": "$$ROOT" }
{ $sort: { "doc.creationdate": 1 } },
{ $skip: skip },
{ $limit: limit }
{ allowDiskUse: true }
For each result node, this gives me a "doc" node with the document data. It has too much data still (it's missing projections), but it's a start.
Translated in .Net:
FilterDefinitionBuilder<BsonDocument> filterBuilder = Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter;
FilterDefinition<BsonDocument> filters = filterBuilder.Empty;
filters = filters & (filterBuilder.Not(filterBuilder.Exists("deletedid")) | filterBuilder.Eq("deletedid", BsonNull.Value));
filters = filters & (filterBuilder.Not(filterBuilder.Exists("taskid")) | filterBuilder.Eq("taskid", BsonNull.Value));
foreach (var f in fieldFilters) {
filters = filters & filterBuilder.In(f.Key, f.Value);
var sort = Builders<BsonDocument>.Sort.Ascending(orderby);
var group = new BsonDocument {
{ "_id", "$reference" },
{ "doc", new BsonDocument("$last", "$$ROOT") }
var aggregate = coll.Aggregate(new AggregateOptions { AllowDiskUse = true })
return aggregate.ToList();
I'm pretty sure there are better ways to do this, though.
You answer is pretty close. Instead of $last, $max is better.
About $last operator:
Returns the value that results from applying an expression to the last document in a group of documents that share the same group by a field. Only meaningful when documents are in a defined order.
Get the last revision in each group, see code below in mongo shell:
$group: {
_id: '$reference',
doc: {
$max: {
"creationdate" : "$creationdate",
"code" : "$code",
"Uid" : "$Uid",
"status" : "$status",
"title" : "$title",
"creator" : "$creator"
$project: {
_id: 0,
Uid: "$doc.Uid",
status: "$doc.status",
reference: "$_id",
code: "$doc.code",
title: "$doc.title",
creationdate: "$doc.creationdate",
creator: "$doc.creator"
The output as your expect:
"Uid" : "xxx",
"status" : "ACCEPTED",
"reference" : "DOC501",
"code" : "501-B",
"title" : "Document 501",
"creationdate" : ISODate("2011-11-19T06:40:32.957Z"),
"creator" : "X"
"Uid" : "xxx",
"status" : "COMMENTED",
"reference" : "DOC306",
"code" : "306-B",
"title" : "Document 306",
"creationdate" : ISODate("2011-11-28T07:26:49.447Z"),
"creator" : "X"
"Uid" : "xxx",
"status" : "ACCEPTED",
"reference" : "DOC305",
"code" : "305-D",
"title" : "Document 305",
"creationdate" : ISODate("2011-11-24T15:13:28.887Z"),
"creator" : "X"

Mongodb find subdocument all values

I want to find all the values from a subdocument like this:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("XXXXXXXXXXXX"), "consumers" : { "AAAAAAAA" : { "CLIENT" : { "AA" : true } } }, "country" : "ES", "history" : [ ], "last_time_updated" : ISODate("2014-11-28T13:32:19.948Z"), "msisdn" : "123", "operator" : "ES", "time_created" : ISODate("2014-11-28T13:32:19.948Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("XXXXXXXXXXXX"), "consumers" : { "AAAAAAAA" : { "CLIENT" : { "BB" : true } } }, "country" : "ES", "history" : [ ], "last_time_updated" : ISODate("2014-11-28T13:32:19.971Z"), "msisdn" : "123", "operator" : "ES", "time_created" : ISODate("2014-11-28T13:32:19.971Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("XXXXXXXXXXXX"), "consumers" : { "AAAAAAAA" : { "CLIENT" : { "CC" : false } } }, "country" : "ES", "history" : [ ], "last_time_updated" : ISODate("2014-11-28T13:32:19.977Z"), "msisdn" : "123", "operator" : "ES", "time_created" : ISODate("2014-11-28T13:32:19.977Z") }
That include all the values from "CLIENT" that i don't know, i am triying with:
db.collection.find({"consumers" : { "AAAAAAAA" : { "CLIENT" : { $exists : true } } }})
But is not a valid query, please some help?
Thank you very much.
Dot notation can be used to match by fields in a sub document.
db.collection.find({"consumers.AAAAAAAA.CLIENT": {"$exists":true}})

MongoDB groupby query

I have colletions containing records like
{ "type" : "me", "tid" : "1" }
{ "type" : "me", "tid" : "1" }
{ "type" : "me", "tid" : "1" }
{ "type" : "you", "tid" : "1" }
{ "type" : "you", "tid" : "1" }
{ "type" : "me", "tid" : "2" }
{ "type" : "me", "tid" : "2"}
{ "type" : "you", "tid" : "2"}
{ "type" : "you", "tid" : "2" }
{ "type" : "you", "tid" : "2"}
I have want result like below
{"tid" : "1","me" : 3,"you": 2},
{"tid" : "2","me" : 2,"you": 3}
I have tried group and; aggregate queries doesn't get required result format.
below is the group query.{
key: {tid : 1,type:1},
cond: { tid : { "$in" : [ "1","2"]} },
reduce: function (curr,result) { = + 1
initial: { total : 0}
it result is like
{"tid" : "1", "type" : "me" ,"total": 3 },
{"tid" : "1","type" : "you" ,"total": 2 },
{"tid" : "2", "type" : "me" ,"total": 2 },
{"tid" : "2","type" : "you" ,"total": 3 }
following is aggregate query
{$match : { "tid" : {"$in" : ["1","2"]}}},
{$group : { _id : {tid : "$tid",type : "$type"},total : {"$sum" : 1}}}
gives following result
"result" :
{"_id" : {"tid" : "1","type" : "me"},"total" : 3},
{"_id" : {"tid" : "2","type" : "me" },"total" : 2},
{"_id" : {"tid" : "2","type" : "you"},"total" : 3}
"ok" : 1
it is possible to obtain I specified result or I have to do some manipulation in my code.
If you change your aggregation to this:[
{ $match : { "tid" : { "$in" : ["1", "2"] } } },
{ $group : {
_id : { tid : "$tid", type : "$type" },
total : { "$sum" : 1 }
} },
{ $group : {
_id : "$_id.tid",
values: { $push: { type: "$_id.type", total: '$total' } }
} }
Then your output is:
"result" : [
"_id" : "1",
"values" : [
{ "type" : "you", "total" : 2 },
{ "type" : "me", "total" : 3 }
"_id" : "2",
"values" : [
{ "type" : "me", "total" : 2 },
{ "type" : "you", "total" : 3 }
"ok" : 1
Although that is not the same as what you want, it is going to be the closest that you can get. And in your application, you can easily pull out the values in the same was as with what you would like to get out of it.
Just keep in mind, that in general you can not promote a value (you, me) to a key — unless your key is of a limited set (3-4 items max).