Mongodb find subdocument all values - mongodb

I want to find all the values from a subdocument like this:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("XXXXXXXXXXXX"), "consumers" : { "AAAAAAAA" : { "CLIENT" : { "AA" : true } } }, "country" : "ES", "history" : [ ], "last_time_updated" : ISODate("2014-11-28T13:32:19.948Z"), "msisdn" : "123", "operator" : "ES", "time_created" : ISODate("2014-11-28T13:32:19.948Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("XXXXXXXXXXXX"), "consumers" : { "AAAAAAAA" : { "CLIENT" : { "BB" : true } } }, "country" : "ES", "history" : [ ], "last_time_updated" : ISODate("2014-11-28T13:32:19.971Z"), "msisdn" : "123", "operator" : "ES", "time_created" : ISODate("2014-11-28T13:32:19.971Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("XXXXXXXXXXXX"), "consumers" : { "AAAAAAAA" : { "CLIENT" : { "CC" : false } } }, "country" : "ES", "history" : [ ], "last_time_updated" : ISODate("2014-11-28T13:32:19.977Z"), "msisdn" : "123", "operator" : "ES", "time_created" : ISODate("2014-11-28T13:32:19.977Z") }
That include all the values from "CLIENT" that i don't know, i am triying with:
db.collection.find({"consumers" : { "AAAAAAAA" : { "CLIENT" : { $exists : true } } }})
But is not a valid query, please some help?
Thank you very much.

Dot notation can be used to match by fields in a sub document.
db.collection.find({"consumers.AAAAAAAA.CLIENT": {"$exists":true}})


Update query on in the collection by "_id"

"_id" : "tenant/data/EMAIL/ENGLISH",
"tenantId" : "tenant2",
"channelType" : "EMAIL",
"template" : [
"_id" : "1",
"templateName" : "abc",
"effectiveStartDate" : ISODate("2017-01-01T12:00:00.000Z"),
"modifiedDate" : ISODate("2017-06-02T22:08:55.782Z"),
"active" : false
I need to update the "templateName" : "xyz" on the basis of "_id" : "tenant/data/EMAIL/ENGLISH"
I have tried these queries but got no success
db.getCollection('data').updateOne({"_id": "tenant/data/EMAIL/ENGLISH"},
{$set : { "template.$.templateName" : "XYZ"}}); 
db.getCollection('data').updateOne({"_id": "tenant/data/EMAIL/ENGLISH"},
{$set : { "template.templateName" : "XYZ"}}); 
Any help will be appreciated.
I have used positional-all operator to update the array.
Here is the query:
"_id": "tenant/data/EMAIL/ENGLISH"
"_id" : "tenant/data/EMAIL/ENGLISH",
"tenantId" : "tenant2",
"channelType" : "EMAIL",
"template" : [
"_id" : "1",
"templateName" : "XYZ",
"effectiveStartDate" : ISODate("2017-01-01T12:00:00Z"),
"modifiedDate" : ISODate("2017-06-02T22:08:55.782Z"),
"active" : false
hope this will help :)

$concat string with $cond in mongodb aggregation

"user_id" : 12453,
"profile_type" : "demo_type_1",
"records" : [
"type" : "typ_11",
"value" : {
"high" : 115,
"low" : 78
"_meta" : {
"data_type" : "text"
"type" : "type_1",
"files" : [
"title" : "path_prescription_1",
"url" : "/file_name.extension"
"title" : "path_prescription_2",
"url" : "/file_name__1.extension"
"_meta" : {
"data_type" : "file"
"user_id" : 12455,
"profile_type" : "demo_type_1",
"records" : [
"type" : "typ_11",
"value" : {
"high" : 115,
"low" : 78
"_meta" : {
"data_type" : "text"
"type" : "type_1",
"files" : [
"title" : "path_prescription_1",
"url" : "/file_name.extension"
"title" : "path_prescription_2",
"url" : "/file_name__1.extension"
"_meta" : {
"data_type" : "file"
i want to append prefix the url value to make it an absolute path while retrieving from the database only when the _meta fields data_type is file not for text. The is stored in the above format and retrieved in the same format only with the appended url.
is there any way to do this by using aggregation pipeline ?
You can try using $addFields like this:
$unwind: {
preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true
$unwind: {
preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true
$addFields: {
$cond: {
if: {
$eq: ['$records.files', undefined]
then: null,
else: {$concat: ["some_prefix", "$records.files.url"]}
This will give you:
/* 1 */
"_id" : ObjectId("5b6c484b9a8ea6a11c508520"),
"user_id" : 12453.0,
"profile_type" : "demo_type_1",
"records" : {
"type" : "typ_11",
"value" : {
"high" : 115.0,
"low" : 78.0
"_meta" : {
"data_type" : "text"
"files" : {
"url" : null
/* 2 */
"_id" : ObjectId("5b6c484b9a8ea6a11c508520"),
"user_id" : 12453.0,
"profile_type" : "demo_type_1",
"records" : {
"type" : "type_1",
"files" : {
"title" : "path_prescription_1",
"url" : "some_prefix/file_name.extension"
"_meta" : {
"data_type" : "file"
/* 3 */
"_id" : ObjectId("5b6c484b9a8ea6a11c508520"),
"user_id" : 12453.0,
"profile_type" : "demo_type_1",
"records" : {
"type" : "type_1",
"files" : {
"title" : "path_prescription_2",
"url" : "some_prefix/file_name__1.extension"
"_meta" : {
"data_type" : "file"
/* 4 */
"_id" : ObjectId("5b6c484b9a8ea6a11c508521"),
"user_id" : 12455.0,
"profile_type" : "demo_type_1",
"records" : {
"type" : "typ_11",
"value" : {
"high" : 115.0,
"low" : 78.0
"_meta" : {
"data_type" : "text"
"files" : {
"url" : null
/* 5 */
"_id" : ObjectId("5b6c484b9a8ea6a11c508521"),
"user_id" : 12455.0,
"profile_type" : "demo_type_1",
"records" : {
"type" : "type_1",
"files" : {
"title" : "path_prescription_1",
"url" : "some_prefix/file_name.extension"
"_meta" : {
"data_type" : "file"
/* 6 */
"_id" : ObjectId("5b6c484b9a8ea6a11c508521"),
"user_id" : 12455.0,
"profile_type" : "demo_type_1",
"records" : {
"type" : "type_1",
"files" : {
"title" : "path_prescription_2",
"url" : "some_prefix/file_name__1.extension"
"_meta" : {
"data_type" : "file"
But remember to ignore records.files.url field when the record is type text.

Delete portion of Sub Document Collection in Mongodb

I am trying to delete a section of sub documents from a collections..
Tried (and many others):
db.collection.remove( {'Segments': {$gte: '20150612141038' }} )
db.collection.remove( { 'Segments.$' : {$gte: '0150612141038' }} )
db.collection.deleteMany( { 'Segments.$' : {$gte: '0150612141038' }} )
db.collection.deleteOne( { 'Segments.$' : {$eq: '0150612141038' }} )
just can't figure out what I am doing wrong...
"_id" : ObjectId("56e32c5147e030bc0a000035"),
"Date" : "2015-06-12",
"UnitID" : "5",
"Segments" : {
"20150612141037" : {
"Parameters" : {
"647" : "0",
"649" : "16",
"653" : "0",
"655" : "0",
"656" : "0",
"658" : "98",
"664" : "447.0486",
"666" : "442.7083",
"677" : "122.8004",
"20150612141038" : {
"Parameters" : {
"658" : "96",
"664" : "451.3889",
"666" : "447.0486",
"677" : "122.7892"
"20150612141039" : {
"Parameters" : {
"658" : "44",
"664" : "442.7083",
"677" : "122.8004",
"704" : "1"
First of all I think your queries are wrong.
If you try this query to the mongoShell:
db.bios.find({'Segments': {$gte: '20150612141038'}})
you don't have anything as output because 20150612141038 is a document and not a field. Maybe you can reshape your schema to set 20150612141038 as a field and Segments as an array of documents:
"_id" : ObjectId("56e32c5147e030bc0a000035"),
"Date" : "2015-06-12",
"UnitID" : "5",
"Segments" : [
"segmentId" : "20150612141037",
"Parameters" : {
"647" : "0",
"649" : "16",
"653" : "0",
"655" : "0",
"656" : "0",
"658" : "98",
"664" : "447.0486",
"666" : "442.7083",
"677" : "122.8004"
"segmentId" : "20150612141038",
"Parameters" : {
"658" : "96",
"664" : "451.3889",
"666" : "447.0486",
"677" : "122.7892"
"segmentId" : "20150612141039",
"Parameters" : {
"658" : "44",
"664" : "442.7083",
"677" : "122.8004",
"704" : "1"
and then you can use $pull operator to remove documents from Segments array where the field Segments.segmentId has a certain value:
{ multi: true}

MongoDB find documents if a property array doesn't contain an object

I have a list of documents like this.
"name" : "test",
"data" : [
{ "code" : "name", "value" : "Diego" },
{ "code" : "nick", "value" : "Darko" },
{ "code" : "special", "value" : true }
"name" : "another",
"data" : [
{ "code" : "name", "value" : "Antonio" },
{ "code" : "nick", "value" : "Tony" }
now I need to find all the documents that:
a) don't contain a "data" item with code "special"
b) contains a "data" item with code "special" and value false
It's like I needed the opposite of $elemMatch or I'm missing something?
I'm assuming that you're inserting each document in your list of documents as a separate member of a collection test.
For a,
db.test.find({ "data.code" : { "$ne" : "special" } })
For b.,
db.test.find({ "data" : { "$elemMatch" : { "code" : "special", "value" : false } } })
Combining the two with $or,
db.test.find({ "$or" : [
{ "data.code" : { "$ne" : "special" } },
{ "data" : { "$elemMatch" : { "code" : "special", "value" : false } } }
] })
Hope this $nin will solve your issues.
I insertd your docs into "so" collection{}).pretty();
"_id" : ObjectId("5489cd4f4cb16307b808d4b2"),
"name" : "test",
"data" : [
{ "code" : "name",
"value" : "Diego"
{ "code" : "nick",
"value" : "Darko"
{ "code" : "special",
"value" : true
"_id" : ObjectId("5489cd674cb16307b808d4b3"),
"name" : "another",
"data" : [
{"code" : "name",
"value" : "Antonio"
{ "code" : "nick",
"value" : "Tony"
don't contain a "data" item with code "special"
"_id" : ObjectId("5489cd674cb16307b808d4b3"),
"name" : "another",
"data" : [
{ "code" : "name",
"value" : "Antonio"
{ "code" : "nick",
"value" : "Tony"
contains a "data" item with code "special" and value false{$and:[{"data.code":"special"},{"data.value":false}]}).pretty();

How query on some subdocument mongodb

There is a colloction, that have multi subdocument per document as follow:
"username" : " user1",
"Items" : [
"name" : "Total",
"value" : 53951
"name" : "n1",
"value" : 5711
"name" : "n2",
"value" : 5477
"name" : "n3",
"value" : 11444
"username" : " user2",
"Items" : [
"name" : "Total",
"value" : 43951
"name" : "n1",
"value" : 5011
"name" : "n2",
"value" : 5117
"name" : "n3",
"value" : 1444
"username" : " user3",
"Items" : [
"name" : "Total",
"value" : 51421
"name" : "n1",
"value" : 5241
"name" : "n2",
"value" : 1477
"name" : "n3",
"value" : 9244
I want to select Items that its name is "Total" as following:
"username" : " user1",
"Items" : [
"name" : "Total",
"value" : 53951
"username" : " user2",
"Items" : [
"name" : "Total",
"value" : 43951
"username" : " user3",
"Items" : [
"name" : "Total",
"value" : 51421
I used some queries like db.test.find({"":"Total"},{"":1,"Items.value":1}) . But its not correct.
Do is any way, or I should change Data Structure?
For more information check MongoDB docs.