Customize Display of Linked doctype in form select - erpnext

How does one customize the fields being displayed in a form's link field selection.?

Mostly this works by setting the "Search Fields" property of the DocType via Customize Form
This is a comma separated list of fieldname, like item_name,description


How to control Show/Hide fields at Runtime in Orbeon Form Runner?

I have created a form in orbeon form builder which has three 30 questions which are belongs to 3 categories. Now I don't want to show all the 30 questions to every one also I don't want to create different forms for each category because all these categories belongs to one module.
While adding the form I have a drop down question like "Select Category". If user select the first category then I need to display only first category related questions and hide the second and third category related questions.
Is there any way to achieve my task in Form Runner?
#ebruchez, I have followed your suggestion, I tried testing this feature on default "contacts" form. I have created a new text field in the contact form named "Account Related Field" as a label and "control-10" as Control Name. Below is the screen shot for the same.
Then After that I clicked on control setting of the "Account Related Field" and under the "Formulas" tab I have added the following XPath expression in "Visibility" section. $topic='Account' following is the screenshot.
After adding the path expression I saved the contact form and published. Then I tried opening the form in form runner. But I am not able to view the "Account Related Field" field on UI after selecting the "topic" value is "Account" in the form runner. This is the screenshot of form runner after publishing form in form builder.
Did I miss something. Please help to resolve the issue. I need to view "Account Related Field" field only if "topic" field value is "Account"
Thanks in advance.
Yes you can, by using a "Visibility" formula under the section settings. For example if your dropdown is named foo and has two entries, category1 and category2, then you can write:
$foo = 'category1'
to make the section visible only if the dropdown selected category1, and:
$foo = 'category2'
to make the section visible only if the dropdown selected category2.
This doc might help.

Pardot: progressive profiling for the "above form" text

I'm looling for a way to change the text above the form in a same manner as the fields use the progressive profiling.
At the bottom of this page " " it says:
If you would like to have multiple progressive questions per “phase” of the form then use the same logic as designated above for all fields in that “phase”.
But no further explanation or example is given ( if this even applies to the 'above form' text )
The text above (or below) the form can not be changed by actions in the form. Your best bet to change this text above the form is to use dynamic content, which only works on populated fields for known prospects when the page is loaded. Dynamic content is useless for anonymous visitors..
Multiple questions per 'phase' allows you to have several fields appear after a single selection. For example, you ask for 'delivery' preferences - email, download, mail - and the user selects 'mail' you can have a full contact field set appear.

Define default value for plain input field (Templavoila)

I tried to set the field "Sample Data" on the "Configuration" page when mapping a data element with Templavoila. But it seems it is used for something else.
Is it possible to define default values for fields like "Plain input field"?
Open the Templavoila DS/TO editor, select your field and add following to "Form"
<default>Your default value</default>
Heres an example:

Word forms - display a form value in text below the form

how to display a value from MS Word Form.
I have a form with one dropdown list with following values:
DropDown1: a, b, c
When I select value a, I want to display the value in plain text. Eg:
Value of the selected field is: a.
I would prefere not to use vba.
You can use the (assuming DropDown1 is a ComboBox control) ComboBox's Change routine.
Private Sub DropDown1_Change()
Selection.TypeText DropDown1.Value
End Sub
If it is a "legacy form" (not a form with ActiveX controls or content controls, then
a. set the properties of the dropdown to calculate on exit, and the "bookmark" to (say) dropdown1.
b. put a { REF dropdown1 } field in the document where you want the value
c. protect the form in the usual way.
The value will only appear when the user tabs out of the dropdown.
It's not exactly "plain text", but it's not a form field either. If you need "genuine plain text", you would need code.
If it is a content control, then you would need to set up a Custom XML part and link the dropdown to it, then insert a plain text content control that was also linked to the same element/attribute in that part. That requires code at design time (or a third party add-in, or Word 2013) but not at run time.

How to add a simple text label in a jqGrid form?

When using the Add or Edit form from the pager I'm wondering how a simple static label can be added in the form without it creating any additional columns in it's affect on colNames[]'s and colModel[]'s. For example I have a quite simple typical Add form which opens from the pager containing a few label's and form elements: Name, Email, Web Site, etc., and then the lower section of the form has a few drop down menus containing the number 1 through 10 with the idea being to ask the user to pick a value between 1 and 10 to put a value on the importance to them about the product or service which is listed beside it. Just above this section I want to add some text only to give a brief instruction asking the user to "Choose the importance of the following products and services using the scale: [1=Low interest --- 10=Very high interest]". I cannot figure out how to get a text label inserted in the form without having to define a column with a formoption{} etc which is not needed for just some descriptive text. I know about the "bottominfo: 'some text'" for adding text to the bottom of the form but I need to insert some text similar to that mid-way (or other positions) in the form without it affecting the tabular structure of the grid. Is this even possible? TIA.
You can modify Edit or Add forms inside of afterShowForm. The ids of the form fields are like "tr_Name". There consist from "tr_" prefix and the corresponding column name.
I modified the code example from my old answer so that in the Add dialod there exist an additional line with the bold text "Additional Information:". In the "Edit" dialog (like one want in the original question) the input field for one column is disabled. You can see the example live here. I hope that a working code example can say more as a lot of words.