Error with Opencart - paypal

I installed the module chekout Express OpenCart for my eshop
I created the API of my business account, I created a sandbox account and I connected my business account for my sandbox account.
When I went to do a test purchase on my website everything goes well and the system sends me back to the order page made, but if I go to check in Opencart System-> Tool-> ErrorLog returns error. In link you can download the file where log.rtf control the type of error.
What should I do?
Thank you!

Your linked document seems to contain the debug logs of the transaction and no errors.
It contains the SetExpressCheckout, GetExpressCheckoutDetails and DoExpressCheckoutPayment API requests that your integration is sending and the response from PayPal.
It's also showing that an IPN was received for the transaction and PayPal responded with VERIFIED when your integration POSTed back for verification.
If you are worried about the "Transaction exists" line, that seems to be an intended log line from your PayPal module, and not an error, as seen here:


PayPal Express Checkout in Sandbox leaves transactions 'Pending'

I've integrated PayPal Express Checkout using the method at , with the JS SDK.
Everything works fine and I am able to create a button with the amount and the transaction succeeds. However, I don't see the money coming into the sandbox business account. I do see the transaction on the sandbox personal account, but it's pending on approval from seller, which I don't see there.
Not sure if this is sandbox behaviour or if I have something wrong.
The src script which I load is:${clientId}&currency='CAD'&disable-funding='credit,card,bancontact,blik,eps,giropay,ideal,mybank,p24,sepa,sofort,venmo'
Any help would be appreciated.
The most likely problem is that the receiving account's email address is not confirmed in sandbox.
To check, navigate to , log in with the receiving sandbox account, and resend any necessary confirmation message
To open the confirmation message, log in with your live developer account at and follow the link there to do the confirmation

Paypal Sandbox Error #10548: Invalid Configuration

I setup a test Magento site with paypal payment pro on a sandbox account, sandbox account does have business-pro enable, when I test my first transaction, everything was good, order create and sandbox payment received, but when I'm testing again with same test credit number or others provided by paypal, I'm now getting this #10548: Invalid Configuration error.
I know that usually this error occur when the account is not business pro enabled, but I recheck again and it is enabled, I even create 2 more merchant test account with business pro enabled and still get the same error. Why did first transaction was OK and now it can't process?
To validate that this doesnt have anything to do with an isssue on your end, I would recommend you to use this site
Enter your sandbox API credentials, sandbox mode and choose DoDirectPayment API. If you didnt receive any error, the issue might be on your end.
If even using this site you still receive the error, can you post the full response?

Paypal DG Express Cannot Use Sandbox. Live Account Works Fine

I have a Paypal Digital Goods Express payment form created using their wizard.
When I use our live account it works fine. But when I use the sandbox Business (Seller) account I created, when a user clicks on the 'Buy' button, the popup window appears with only this message:
SetExpressCheckout API call failed. Detailed Error Message: Short Error Message: Error Code: Error Severity Code:
I did some research and saw this article:
It suggests that our hosting company needs to update their PHP/TLS, but I did the Curl test and it properly returns a 200 OK.
I also saw this Stackoverflow article:
Paypal "SetExpressCheckout" API method has stopped working with sandbox seller account
...where the problem was the wrong sandbox endpoint, but I've made sure that the endpoint is indeed:
...and it still doesn't work.
I've tried clearing my browser cache, using different computers to test and all with the same result.
Any ideas?
did you enable Digital Goods feature on your sandbox accounts?
If you have not enabled it on your sandbox account, please contact MTS(Merchant Technical Support)
to toggle it for your sandbox account.

Paypal IPN not working on another paypal account

We have this website that was running since September 2013 and relying on paypal IPN for user registration. However, this week we got a report from the client where 3 users was able to pay through paypal but was not registered into the site.
We temporary changed the paypal email('business' field) from the client's to another paypal account. Went through the process of registration and the IPN was successfully delivered. The user was created in the system, the IPN transaction was logged into our system. When we tried to changed it back to the client's paypal email account, but unfortunately the IPN did not reached through our system.
Here are some questions that I have in mind
Does the type of paypal account (ie. business or personal account) matter when sending and receiving IPNs? Could this be a possibility? (even though last year it was working perfectly fine with the client's paypal account)
We've been receiving this paypal email (below) for the past months. That email was appearing after a few months when we opened the site and we didn't even changed a single code from our IPN listener. Could this be the reason why the IPN was not sent when we use the client's paypal account? However, we always use the notify_url field since we have multiple IPN listeners.
>Please check your server that handles PayPal Instant Payment
>Notifications (IPN). IPNs sent to the following URL(s) are failing:
>If you do not recognize this URL, you may be using a service provider
>that is using IPN on your behalf. Please contact your service provider
>with the above information. If this problem continues, IPNs may be
>disabled for your account.
Your IPN script is not completing successfully, so PayPal's server is not getting a 200 result back, which causes it to send repeat IPN's and will eventually disable itself as the message says.
Your web server logs should provide the info you need. Check there to see the history of the IPN script getting hit and you'll probably find some 500 results. Those should also provide the actual error that happened so you can get it resolved.
It's possible that some IPN's are working just fine but others are failing based on certain characters in payer information or other similar issues. You need to get all of that worked out in your IPN script so it can handle anything thrown at it.

PayPal IPN Failing

I got an email from paypal saying:
>Hello <>,
>Please check your server that handles PayPal Instant Payment
>Notifications (IPN). IPNs sent to the following URL(s) are failing:
>If you do not recognize this URL, you may be using a service provider
>that is using IPN on your behalf. Please contact your service provider
>with the above information. If this problem continues, IPNs may be
>disabled for your account.
>Thank you for your prompt attention to this issue.
Is anyone familiar with this? We got 1 payment that made through today, it updated the database and all but still I am concern if this email will be a threat to our website.
I tested the IPN url using the IPN stimulator and it worked fine. Should I need to change my IPN setting? Some forums are saying to turn off the IPN notifications. Should I assume that this is coming from the server refusing to accept the Paypal IPN? I'm so confused on what to do with this problem, let alone my client also knows.
I checked my site error logs but I couldn't find any new errors related to the my paypal IPN listener.
If the warning message you are receiving is showing "url--", you may want to double check:
- the value set up in your PayPal Profile > Instant Payment Notification
- or the value you have inserted in your integration in the variable "notify_url" (if you are using Website Payment Standard or "PAYMENTREQUEST_n_NOTIFYURL" (if you are using API).
When you receive an IPN warning message, I'd recommend to check your IPN history (in your PayPal account) to check what is the HTTP response that your server is returning to PayPal.
You can test your IPN listener here
Find IPN overview here