protege set data range expression for a data properties - range

I have a data properties hasCode that can assume one of this values:
What is the expression that I have to write for get this restriction?
Thank you so much

{"1"^^xsd:int, "2"^^xsd:int, "3"^^xsd:int, "4"^^xsd:int}
This should do the trick.
Note: there's a bug in Protege 5 beta 21 that will not make this work. Either use Protege 5 beta 17 or wait for the next beta for this to work properly.


How to get nifty and sensex data using Alpha Vantage api key

Is possible to get nifty 50 data using Alpha Vantage?
Also the current price of gold?
As of now, Alpha Vantage only has 100% support for US ETFs, so to get NIFTY data you can download the 50 tickers, you can download the list here, and then make a call to each ticker.
Yes, use the CURRENCY_EXCHANGE_RATE function, and "from_currency=XAU" parameter. XAU is the symbol for gold.

How do I generate a fixed sized list of facts (duplicates included)?

I'm new to ASP & Clingo and I need to work on a project for school. I thought about some basic music generator.
For now, I need to generate notes (I'm sticking with C major for now). I also want to generate them randomly and I don't know how to do that. How can I make the following code generate a random sequence of notes (duplicates too)?
20 { play(X) : note(X)} 30.
#show play/1.
So far, the code won't allow for more than 7 as the upper bound, because it won't show duplicate notes.
Current output: play(b) play(g) play(e) play(c)
Wanted output: play(d) play(g) play(f) ...[20-30 randomly generated notes]
I want to be able to add constraints later (such as this note should not be followed by that note, and so on). I appreciate any tips since I know so little about this.
An answer set is a set. The atoms have no order and duplicates are not possible because it is a set.
You want to guess one note for each beat.
1 { play(N,B) : note(N) } 1 :- beat(B).

AS400 Macro, input fields count

5250 emulator:
Hello everyone, I want an operator which will count that input fields as it is shown on attached picture. In this case i have 5 input field.
Thanks in advance and best regards
It can be done!
Download this source:
You can comment out the GETKEY section from FFDRPG as you won't need that and it will probably cause it to fall over anyway.
Also, rememember when you use the command, to put the record format name in as well as your display file name - don't just leave *FIRST in there or you'll just get the fields from the first record format in the display file.
You'll need to add an extra field to the ListDs data structure:
D ListDs DS
D SfFld 1 10
D SfType 11 11
D SfUse 12 12
D BufferOut 13 16B 0
D FieldLen 21 24B 0
D Digits 25 28B 0
D Decimals 29 32B 0
D FieldDesc 33 82
If you add the 3rd field SfUse, you can check whether it contains 'I' so you only count Input Capable fields.
Check out the QUSLFLD API if you want to see exactly what information can be retrieved by this API.
The example in the download uses the most basic format FLDL0100 but more information can be retrieved if you ask for format FLDL0200 or FLDL0300 but they will take longer to execute and you shouldn't need the extra info to achieve what you're after.
I'm not sure if this is possible, but you might find some joy with the DSM APIs.
QsnQry5250 has a maximum number of input fields return parameter, but it may just show you the maximum allowed on the display rather than the number you have on your screen.
There's an example here
And the API documentation here
Sorry I can't be of more help - I've never used those APIs and can't think of another way to achieve what you're after.
If you tell us the reason you need to know the number of input fields on screen, we may be able to suggest another way to achieve what you want to achieve.

Stata: append two datasets, retain value labels

I'm using Stata14 and I'm trying to append two survey datasets that have ~200 variables with same names but different values and value labels. I would like to do the appending so that value labels are retained from the dataset 'on disk'.
Here is an example describing my problem:
Variable in dataset 1 (master):
value - label
1 - yes
2 - no
Same variable in dataset 2 (appended to master):
value - label
1 - yes absolutely
2 - no definitely not
3 - maybe
4 - don't know
Result with append using "dataset 2.dta"
value - label
1 - yes
2 - no
3 - 3
4 - 4
Desired result:
value - label
1 - yes
2 - no
3 - maybe
4 - don't know
Is there any way to do this directly using append? If not, any suggestions on doing the task efficiently are most welcome.
You want to make value labels consistent, which is sensible, fine and easy to do.
When you have appended all the datasets, you then overwrite any value label assignment with a quick
label define whatever 1 yes 2 no 3 maybe 4 "don't know"
label val myvar whatever
with a , modify on the first if a set of value labels with that name already exists.
It's a task to do late. It doesn't need to be fixed before or during the append, and it can most easily be done at that point.
Naturally, this is tedious for several variables, but it's not difficult to understand. Furthermore, even if append were able to take instructions on which labels to use, you would still have to spell that out. In your example, the value labels you want are not actually in use in any of the datasets. So, there will be some inevitable pain. There is a mess to sort out and what the fix is can't be fully automated because it depends on your ideas of what labels are best.
in short, the answer is
so you have to be smart. Try to use this trick where you get a local copy of the labels that you will be attaching to the full dataset afterwards.

SAPUI5: set Timepicker configuration for 15 min interval

Is is possible to configure the sap.m.TimePicker to display only 15 minute intervals?
At the moment the user can enter any time they like.
It's possible now with version 1.40.+
There was incorrect information in the API documentation and it wasn't possible even on version 1.38
Change it to a DropDownBox with a value range of 00:00, 00:15, 00:30, ... 23:30, 23:45? This makes the limitation to specific intervals clear at a glance, is easy to implement and avoids entry of undesired values altogether.
While #vwegert 's answer is function I think there is a better way where you you still get the look and feel of the TimePicker.
In the source of the control there is a property minutesStep. If you can set this in the xml or js definition I think you could be onto a winner.
In fact there is a setter (yay) setMinutesStep.
oTimer.setMinutesStep(15); should be a winner for you.
Hope that helps,