Overture error: Name 'BinBuilder()' is not in scope - vdm++

I've been doing the exercises of a book focused on iteratively building a whole application. After having written four classes, I'm writing my fifth which is a test for the fourth one. However, Overture is reporting a "Name 'BinBuilder()' is not in scope" error; BinBuilder is the last class I successfully wrote. I cannot figure out what I'm doing differently this time. BinBuilder is not the only class causing problems, two other are too. Since I don't know what's wrong, I'm including a link to the whole thing here. Thank you.
EDIT: It links a zip file exported from Overture and it includes a screen capture showing the error.

You have the following:
builder: BinBuilder := BinBuilder();
But I think you mean:
builder: BinBuilder := new BinBuilder();
The "not in scope" error means "I can't find a function or operation call of that name in scope". It's not a great error message, I'm afraid. Overture and VDMJ use the same "not in scope" message for when a name does not exist anywhere and for when it does exist, but is not visible within the current scope. In this case, the syntax causes it to look for a func/op call rather than a class name.


Error in referencing function using package

NetBeans 8.2 Patch 2 (Build 201705191307)
My package hierarchy is:
My classes w/functions are:
The duplication of class names and function names is deliberate. All stateMachine functions are static, that is,
public static stateMachine() { }
I attempt to reference the spider.ui.output.DisplayManager.stateMachine in the spider.ui.DisplayManager.stateMachine using:
import spider.ui.output.DisplayManager;
stateMachine() {
and get a "ui" variable not found.
Cannot find symbol
symbol: variable ui
location: variable spider of type JFrame
I would have expected that if there was an error it would be in using duplicate names not in identifying the "ui" in spider.ui.output.DisplayManager.stateMachine() as being wrong.
It is not a great labor to change the names so that they are unique, but can anyone tell me why I get the error message I do?
I apologize and thank you all. This was most definitely an Operator ERROR, that is, it was created by me.
What was pointed out to me was that:
Spider spider; //variable and
o o o
spider.ui.*; // collide
Once "Spider spider;" was removed, the error was cleared.
What mystified me was that the error message said that 'ui' in "spider.ui." was at fault because "ui" was a variable which could not be found. If I had given it an even moment of thought I would have guessed that the compiler was treating "spider" as an variable name and not a package name. But mystified or not, the error went pfft once "Spider spider;" was removed.
Thanks again and I am sorry to have wasted your time.
The good news is that I earned some StackOverflow brouwnie points for giving a faulty analysis about an error. So I am just wonderful.

Unity Can't Find C# Script

I can't seem to compile on Unity because all of my scripts have errors. The error messages keep on repeating, "The associated script cannot be loaded. Please fix any compile errors and assign a valid script." I have checked all of my scripts on Visual Studio 2017 and have not found any errors.
The image below shows the error showing on the inspector view of the unity engine:
If there are really no compiler errors as you say the reason might be incorrect file names or class types.
Make sure that the file names and the class names match!
If your class is called
public class Player_Collision1 : MonoBehaviour
the script/file must exactly be called
and the other way round.
Attention: The Unity project view (Assets) strips of the file endings so there it should only display as
Another reason for a script to be not valid is e.g. if your class doesn't inherit from MonoBehaviour at all.
Unity would usually prevent you from adding those "invalid" scripts to an object but it might happen that you renamed them or changed their type afterwards. In this case you will see the error you currently have.
Check you log and see if any compiler error has happened.If no have a look at your class name and file name are same.
I see that you are (relatively) new here. welcome to Stack Overflow! ^^
what unity is trying to say is that it can't compile your scripts because there is one or more another script(s) that have errors in them.
in the Console, you will find your errors and by double left clicking on one of then, you will be taken to the script and the location of its error.
by selecting (left click) an error you will be able to read more a more detailed description of the error.

How to get rid of strange doxygen warning

When running doxygen over one particular pretty large C-language project consisting many files (all completely documented, I think), then I always find this warning at the bottom of the output:
<#1>:1: warning: parameters of member #1 are not (all) documented
How can I find and remove the trigger of this warning?
Note that the project in question is too large (and the issue not important enough) for bisection or other trial and error based search methods.
Realize this is an old question but just ran into this behaviour myself and didn't find a solution online.
Found the offending file by running Doxygen and looking at where the error message appears in the output (make sure you're not suppressing stdout or you'll just get the error with no context).
In my case the error appeared after the line "Generating dependency graph for group [name]". By looking at the relevant file I found an undocumented, unnamed enum. The members of the enum were still documented. e.g.
X = 1, /**< Documented. */
I'm guessing it's the lack of name on the enum that was throwing Doxygen and causing the unhelpful message. Adding a name causes more helpful error messages to be generated. Documenting the enum (with or without a name) removes the error.

Best practices for MATLAB message IDs?

When creation a MATLAB exception (MException object) or printing a warning or error message, MATLAB lets you supply a message ID that defines the except you're throwing.
The message ID is in the format:
For example, MATLAB's own undefined variable message ID is:
So when you use exceptions in your own code, what do you use for a message ID? Do you reuse MATLAB's default ones? Make up your own? What do you use for the component and mnemonic strings?
I generally follow this pattern for error (or warning) message identifiers, where things in parentheses may or may not be present:
The components are:
className: The name of the class, if the function where the error occurs is a method/constructor.
parentFunction: If the function where the error occurs is a subfunction in an m-file or a nested function, this would be the primary m-file function or the parent of the nested function, respectively. You could therefore have multiple parentFunction components.
functionWhereErrorOccurs: The name of this component is pretty self-explanatory. ;)
descriptiveMnemonic: I stress descriptive. For example inputError doesn't really tell me anything, but notEnoughInputs makes it clear that I didn't pass enough arguments. I always use lower camel case for the mnemonic, where the first letter of a word is capitalized except for the very first word.
The className and parentFunction components could be considered somewhat redundant, since the stack property of the MException class already identifies a complete path to the parent m-file and the line number of the error. However, one of the purposes of a message identifier is that it allows you to uniquely identify an error for purposes other than just hunting down the source of the error.
Let's say you have a function myFcn and a class myClass that overloads myFcn. If you make an error message identifier for the first one be myFcn:maxIterationsReached and an error message identifier for the second one be myClass:myFcn:maxIterationsReached, this would allow you to, for example, set a breakpoint with DBSTOP that halts execution only when this error is produced by myClass\myFcn and not myFcn. Likewise, unique warning message identifiers are useful in that you can specifically choose to ignore warnings from specific functions while letting others be displayed.
Additionally, you could also include components in the identifier indicating that the function where the error occurs is located in a package folder or a private folder (but this might make for a rather long identifier).
In my work I use YMA:(mainFunctionName):(descriptiveMnemonic), where YMA are simply my initials. For example, all the warnings and errors invoked in my UIInspect utility have IDs similar to YMA:uiinspect:XXX.

Why can't my Perl object find its skip() method, even though I can call it as a subroutine?

I'm working on a Perl module and whenever I call the skip() method I wrote in the following way:
I get:
Undefined subroutine &MyModule::Cursor::skip called at t/tester.pl line 24.
(in cleanup) invalid object at t/tester.pl line 24.
When I call it like:
MyModule::Cursor::skip($cursor, 4);
Perl finds it!
Oddly, if I name "skip" anything else ("skipper", "hello"), this syntax works:
I thought maybe skip() was a "secret" reserved key word or something, but I've also got methods named sort() and next() (which I know are reserved), and those work fine.
I'd really like to name this method "skip." Does anyone know why Perl can't find it?
skip() is exported from Test::More, which you might have loaded since your executable is named t/tester.pl.
What does ref($cursor) yield you? It should be a blessed MyModule::Cursor object, but the "invalid object" error might be suggesting the object was not constructed properly.
EDIT: perldiag gives another clue: "in cleanup" signifies that a problem was encountered by the object's destructor. Assuming you don't already have a destructor in the object, create a MyModule::Cursor::DESTROY method that Data::Dumps the object to see what it looks like at this time.
A concise snippet of example code that exhibits this behaviour would be very helpful.
Without actual code, it's difficult to debug this.
Do you use MyModule::Cursor in your test code? When you replaced skip with skipper, were you calling it in exactly the same way from your test module? Are you able to use skip from a throw-away (one-liner or very short script)?
Where I'm going with this is looking for an error in your test code, rather than the module.
UPDATE: You're not doing something like declaring methods on MyModule::Cursor in two different files, are you? The error message you're getting tells me it has a blessed reference to an object of type MyModule::Cursor, so it knows about the class; but then it can't find the definition of skip. Do you happen to declare part of MyModule::Cursor in one file, and skip in another, and your test module isn't including the second file? Or do you have a syntax error somewhere around your definition of skip -- a missing semi-colon or unpaired curly brace? (But then again, why would MyModule::Cursor::skip work where $cursor->skip does not?)