Import Class: error: not found: object Controller - scala

I'm a beginner in scala, without java background. I don't understand the import system.
I have my application, where i use the import
import Array._
import List._
import Controller.api
object scalaStart{
def main(args: Array[String]){
var apiCtrl = new api()
And this is the class:
package Controller
class api {
var id:Int
var title:String
var description:String
def getById(id:Int){
if(id = 1){ = 1
this.title = s"Title Nummer ${}"
this.description = s"Description Nummer ${}"
}else{ = 1
this.title = s"Artikel mit der ID: ${} existiert nicht."
this.description = s"Kein Eintrag mit der ID: ${}"
i checked also only import api and import controller and wildcards controller._ controller.api._.

Philipp, your code actually does not compile.
In the line if(id=1){ it should be if(id==1).
Try to correct this and rebuild your project.
You will notice that compiler will give you another error:
Error:(5, 7) class api needs to be abstract, since: it has 3
unimplemented members. /** As seen from class api, the missing
signatures are as follows. * For convenience, these are usable as
stub implementations. */ def description_=(x$1: String): Unit = ???
def id_=(x$1: Int): Unit = ??? def title_=(x$1: String): Unit = ???
class api {
This is because in Scala you can't leave variable declarations abstract as you could do in Java. Instead of var id:Int you need to put something liek var id:Int = 0 and the same for other declared variables.


Get PrepareStament Variable in Scala

I would like to make the prepareStatement serializable
A preparedStatement is not serializable. I have to build a serializable structure that wraps the call and the parameters to control the construction of the said statement during the deserialization
Here are the classes I created to wrap the PrepareStament
import java.sql._
import java.sql.SQLException
import java.util
import java.util.Collections
import scala.collection.immutable.HashMap
import scala.collection.mutable
class WrappedConnection(var delegate: Connection) extends Serializable {
def prepareStatement(sql: String): WrappedPreparedStatement = {
val ps = delegate.prepareStatement(sql)
new WrappedPreparedStatement(sql, ps)
// delegate all Connection methods to the delegate
class WrappedPreparedStatement(var sql: String, var delegate: PreparedStatement) extends Serializable {
private var parameters: mutable.Map[Integer, Object] = mutable.Map.empty[Integer, Object]
override def toString: String = sql
def apply( delegateVar: PreparedStatement) {
delegate = delegateVar
parameters = mutable.Map.empty[Integer, Object]
def getParameters = parameters
// TODO: many methods to delegate
def setString(parameterIndex: Int, x: String): Unit = {
delegate.setString(parameterIndex, x)
parameters.put(parameterIndex, x)
def executeQuery = { // perhaps you might want to do some logging here?
// delegate all PreparedStatement methods to the delegate
object WrappedConnection {
def apply(delegate: Connection): WrappedConnection = new WrappedConnection(delegate)
This is the test code
val connection = MsSqlUtils.createConnectionFactory(config)
val conn = connection()
val wrapperConn = WrappedConnection(conn)
val statement = wrapperConn.prepareStatement("select * from users")
Currently, my problem is to access the variables of my prepareStatement object and create get functions that will return them.
When I talk about variables I talk about the one shown in the picture below not the one in the querie
Anyone know how to access these variables?

Scala Arraylist with another class

Hi guys i'm a beginner and i have a problem with this code is. I am trying to create an arraylist but it can only use the default class Members
The problem lies in here var memberList : ArrayList[Members] with an error message of :
Error:(13, 30) not found: type Members
var memberList : ArrayList[Members]
Does anyone know a workaround with it?
The sample code is below.
import java.util.{ArrayList}
abstract class Groups(){
val groupName: String
val groupType: String
var memberList : ArrayList[Members]
def addMember(enter: String): Unit = {
def deleteMember(del: String): Any = {
class Members(var name: String, var permission: String){

The mock of my class isn't getting called

I have a HelperMethod class.
class HelperMethods {
def getUniqueID(): UUID = {
def bucketIDFromEmail(email:String): Int = {
val bucketID= email(0).toInt
println("returning id "+bucketID+" for name "+email)
And an object which has an instance of HelperMethods
package object utilities{
private val helper = new HelperMethods()
def getUniqueID(): UUID = helper.getUniqueID()
def bucketIDFromEmail(email:String): Int = helper.bucketIDFromEmail(email)
I wrote a spec to test that my mock works correctly.
class UserControllerUnitSpec extends PlaySpec {
val mockHelperMethods = mock(classOf[HelperMethods])
"mocking helper class " should {
"work" in {
val bucketId = utilities.bucketIDFromEmail("")
println("user keys are " + userKeys)
val id: UUID = utilities.getUniqueID()
println("got id " + userKeys)
bucketId mustBe 1
id mustBe UUID.fromString("87ea52b7-0a70-438f-81ff-b69ab9e57210")
the test fails with reason 116 was not equal to 1. This corresponds to line
bucketId mustBe 1 in the spec. I can see the print returning id 116 for name I shouldn't see it as I am trying to mock this class. I suspect that it could be because the utilities object is getting created before the statement val mockHelperMethods = mock(classOf[HelperMethods]) in the spec.
Question 2- Is there a way to mock HelperMethods and make utilities use the mocked class?
You have mocked HelperMethods but not utilities.
Question 2- Is there a way to mock HelperMethods and make utilities use the mocked class?
It is not possible to mock an object.
If you want, you have to extract the behavior in a trait.
Here is a solution that would work:
package utils
// move the behavior to a trait:
trait UtitilitiesTrait {
private[utils] def helper = new HelperMethods()
def getUniqueID(): UUID = helper.getUniqueID()
def bucketIDFromEmail(email: String): Int = helper.bucketIDFromEmail(email)
// provide an object for real use
object Utilities extends UtitilitiesTrait
// override helper for test mock
object TestUtilities extends UtitilitiesTrait {
private[utils] override def helper = mock(classOf[HelperMethods])
And here is your test:
class UserControllerUnitSpec extends PlaySpec {
val mockHelperMethods = mock(classOf[HelperMethods])
object TestUtilities extends UtitilitiesTrait {
private[utils] override def helper = mockHelperMethods
"mocking helper class " should {
"work" in {
val bucketId = TestUtilities.bucketIDFromEmail("")
println("user keys are " + userKeys)
val id: UUID = TestUtilities.getUniqueID()
println("got id " + userKeys)
bucketId mustBe 1
id mustBe UUID.fromString("87ea52b7-0a70-438f-81ff-b69ab9e57210")
The typical pattern that enables mocking objects used internally is to inject them, or at least provide a way to inject an alternate.
Since Utilities is an object, you can't inject using a constructor. You could still introduce a setter method.
If you'd like to discourage use of the setter for anything other than unit tests, make it package-private, and you might also prefix the name with "qa":
private[utils] def qaSetHelperMethods(qaHelper: HelperMethods): Unit

Custom json serialization of structured scala case classes

I have some working jackson scala module code for roundtripping scala case classes. Jackson worked great for flat case classes but when I made one which contains a list of other case classes the amount of code I seemed to need was a lot. Consider:
abstract class Message
case class CardDrawn(player: Long, card: Int, mType: String = "CardDrawn") extends Message
case class CardSet(cards: List[CardDrawn], mType: String = "CardSet") extends Message
To get the CardSet to roundtrip to/from json with jackson scala module I used a custom serializer/deserializer written in java:
object ScrumGameMashaller {
val mapper = new ObjectMapper()
val module = new SimpleModule("CustomSerializer")
module.addSerializer(classOf[CardSet], new CardSetSerializer)
module.addDeserializer(classOf[CardSet], new CardSetDeserializer)
val scalaModule = DefaultScalaModule
def jsonFrom(value: Any): String = {
val writer = new StringWriter()
mapper.writeValue(writer, value)
private[this] def objectFrom[T: Manifest](value: String): T =
mapper.readValue(value, typeReference[T])
private[this] def typeReference[T: Manifest] = new TypeReference[T] {
override def getType = typeFromManifest(manifest[T])
private[this] def typeFromManifest(m: Manifest[_]): Type = {
if (m.typeArguments.isEmpty) { m.runtimeClass }
else new ParameterizedType {
def getRawType = m.runtimeClass
def getActualTypeArguments =
def getOwnerType = null
with serializer:
public class CardSetSerializer extends JsonSerializer<CardSet> {
public void serialize(CardSet cardSet, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
List<CardDrawn> cardsDrawn =;
scala.collection.Iterator<CardDrawn> iter = cardsDrawn.iterator();
CardDrawn cd =;
jgen.writeStringField("mType", "CardSet");
private void cdSerialize(JsonGenerator jgen, CardDrawn cd) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
jgen.writeNumberField("player", cd.player());
jgen.writeNumberField("card", cd.card());
and matching deserializer:
public class CardSetDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer<CardSet> {
private static class CardDrawnTuple {
Long player;
Integer card;
public CardSet deserialize(JsonParser jsonParser, DeserializationContext cxt) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
ObjectCodec oc = jsonParser.getCodec();
JsonNode root = oc.readTree(jsonParser);
JsonNode cards = root.get("cards");
Iterator<JsonNode> i = cards.elements();
List<CardDrawn> cardObjects = new ArrayList<>();
while( i.hasNext() ){
CardDrawnTuple t = new CardDrawnTuple();
ObjectNode c = (ObjectNode);
Iterator<Entry<String, JsonNode>> fields = c.fields();
while( fields.hasNext() ){
Entry<String,JsonNode> f =;
if( f.getKey().equals("player")) {
t.player = f.getValue().asLong();
} else if( f.getKey().equals("card")){
t.card = f.getValue().asInt();
} else {
System.err.println(CardSetDeserializer.class.getCanonicalName()+ " : unknown field " + f.getKey());
CardDrawn cd = new CardDrawn(t.player, t.card, "CardDrawn");
return new CardSet(JavaConversions.asScalaBuffer(cardObjects).toList(), "CardSet");
This seems like a lot code to deal with something fairly vanilla in the scala. Can this code be improved (what did I miss that jackson has to make this easy)? Else is there a library which will do structured case classes automatically? The jerkson examples looked easy but that seems to have been abandoned.
Argonaut does a great job. Mark Hibbard helped me out with getting the example below working. All that is needed is to create a codec for the types and it will implicitly add an asJson to your objects to turn them into strings. It will also add a decodeOption[YourClass] to strings to extract an object. The following:
package argonaut.example
import argonaut._, Argonaut._
abstract class Message
case class CardDrawn(player: Long, card: Int, mType: String = "CardDrawn") extends Message
case class CardSet(cards: List[CardDrawn], mType: String = "CardSet") extends Message
object CardSetExample {
implicit lazy val CodecCardSet: CodecJson[CardSet] = casecodec2(CardSet.apply, CardSet.unapply)("cards","mType")
implicit lazy val CodecCardDrawn: CodecJson[CardDrawn] = casecodec3(CardDrawn.apply, CardDrawn.unapply)("player", "card", "mType")
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val value = CardSet(List(CardDrawn(1L,2),CardDrawn(3L,4)))
println(s"Got some good json ${value.asJson}")
val jstring =
| "cards":[
| {"player":"1","card":2,"mType":"CardDrawn"},
| {"player":"3","card":4,"mType":"CardDrawn"}
| ],
| "mType":"CardSet"
| }""".stripMargin
val parsed: Option[CardSet] =
println(s"Got a good object ${parsed.get}")
Got some good json {"cards":[{"player":"1","card":2,"mType":"CardDrawn"},{"player":"3","card":4,"mType":"CardDrawn"}],"mType":"CardSet"}
Got a good object CardSet(List(CardDrawn(1,2,CardDrawn), CardDrawn(3,4,CardDrawn)),CardSet)
The question is old but maybe someone could still find it helpful. Apart from Argonaut, Scala has several Json libraries. Here you can find a list of them updated to the beginning of 2016 (and it still gives you a good overall picture).
Most of them (probably all) should allow you to come up with a drier version of your custom serializer/deserailizer. My preference goes to json4s which aims to provide a single AST across multiple libraries including Jackson (a bit like slf4j does for logging libraries). In this post you can find a working example of a Json custom serializer/deserializer using Json4s and Akka Http.

Scala: Can I reproduce anonymous class creation with a factory method?

As far as I understand it, Scala creates an anonymous class if I create a class using the new keyword and follow the class name with a constructor:
class MyClass {
def doStuff() {
// ...
val mc = new MyClass {
The nice thing being that all the code in the constructor is in the scope of the new object.
Is there a way I can reproduce this syntax where the class is created by a factory method rather than the new keyword? i.e. make the following code work:
val mf = new MyFactory
val mc = mf.MyClass {
I can't find a way to do it but Scala has so much to it that this might be pretty easy!
Using an import as suggested by #Ricky below I can get:
val mf = MyFactory;
val mc = mf.MyClass
import mc._
(Where the blank line before the block is needed) but that code block is not a constructor.
You can do this, but you still have to keep the new keyword, and create the nested class as a path-dependent type:
class Bippy(x: Int) {
class Bop {
def getIt = x
val bip = new Bippy(7)
val bop = new bip.Bop
bop.getIt // yields 7
val bop2 = new bip.Bop{ override def getIt = 42 }
bop2.getIt // yields 42
I don't think it's possible. However, a common pattern is to add a parameter to factory methods which takes a function modifying the created object:
trait MyClass {
var name = ""
def doStuff():Unit
class Foo extends MyClass {
def doStuff() { println("FOO: " + name) }
trait MyClassFactory {
def make: MyClass
def apply( body: MyClass => Unit ) = {
val mc = make
object FooFactory extends MyClassFactory {
def make = new Foo
You can then create and modify instance with a syntax close to your example:
val foo = FooFactory { f=> = "Joe"
It sounds like you're just looking to mix in a trait. Instead of calling myFactoryMethod(classOf[Foo]] which ideally would do (if Scala permitted it):
new T {
override def toString = "My implementation here."
you can instead write
trait MyImplementation {
override def toString = "My implementation here."
new Foo with MyImplementation
However, if you are just looking to get the members of the new object accessible without qualification, remember you can import from any stable identifier:
val foo = new Bar
import foo._
println(baz) //where baz is a member of foo.