The mock of my class isn't getting called - scala

I have a HelperMethod class.
class HelperMethods {
def getUniqueID(): UUID = {
def bucketIDFromEmail(email:String): Int = {
val bucketID= email(0).toInt
println("returning id "+bucketID+" for name "+email)
And an object which has an instance of HelperMethods
package object utilities{
private val helper = new HelperMethods()
def getUniqueID(): UUID = helper.getUniqueID()
def bucketIDFromEmail(email:String): Int = helper.bucketIDFromEmail(email)
I wrote a spec to test that my mock works correctly.
class UserControllerUnitSpec extends PlaySpec {
val mockHelperMethods = mock(classOf[HelperMethods])
"mocking helper class " should {
"work" in {
val bucketId = utilities.bucketIDFromEmail("")
println("user keys are " + userKeys)
val id: UUID = utilities.getUniqueID()
println("got id " + userKeys)
bucketId mustBe 1
id mustBe UUID.fromString("87ea52b7-0a70-438f-81ff-b69ab9e57210")
the test fails with reason 116 was not equal to 1. This corresponds to line
bucketId mustBe 1 in the spec. I can see the print returning id 116 for name I shouldn't see it as I am trying to mock this class. I suspect that it could be because the utilities object is getting created before the statement val mockHelperMethods = mock(classOf[HelperMethods]) in the spec.
Question 2- Is there a way to mock HelperMethods and make utilities use the mocked class?

You have mocked HelperMethods but not utilities.
Question 2- Is there a way to mock HelperMethods and make utilities use the mocked class?
It is not possible to mock an object.
If you want, you have to extract the behavior in a trait.
Here is a solution that would work:
package utils
// move the behavior to a trait:
trait UtitilitiesTrait {
private[utils] def helper = new HelperMethods()
def getUniqueID(): UUID = helper.getUniqueID()
def bucketIDFromEmail(email: String): Int = helper.bucketIDFromEmail(email)
// provide an object for real use
object Utilities extends UtitilitiesTrait
// override helper for test mock
object TestUtilities extends UtitilitiesTrait {
private[utils] override def helper = mock(classOf[HelperMethods])
And here is your test:
class UserControllerUnitSpec extends PlaySpec {
val mockHelperMethods = mock(classOf[HelperMethods])
object TestUtilities extends UtitilitiesTrait {
private[utils] override def helper = mockHelperMethods
"mocking helper class " should {
"work" in {
val bucketId = TestUtilities.bucketIDFromEmail("")
println("user keys are " + userKeys)
val id: UUID = TestUtilities.getUniqueID()
println("got id " + userKeys)
bucketId mustBe 1
id mustBe UUID.fromString("87ea52b7-0a70-438f-81ff-b69ab9e57210")

The typical pattern that enables mocking objects used internally is to inject them, or at least provide a way to inject an alternate.
Since Utilities is an object, you can't inject using a constructor. You could still introduce a setter method.
If you'd like to discourage use of the setter for anything other than unit tests, make it package-private, and you might also prefix the name with "qa":
private[utils] def qaSetHelperMethods(qaHelper: HelperMethods): Unit


Is there any way to rewrite the below code using Scala value class or other concept?

I need to write two functions to get the output format and the output index for file conversion. As part of this, I wrote a TransformSettings class for these methods and set the default value. And in the transformer class, I created a new object of TransformSettings class to get the default values for each job run. Also, I have another class called ParquetTransformer that extends Transformer where I want to change these default values. So I implemented like below.
class TransformSettings{
def getOuputFormat: String = {
def getOuputIndex(table: AWSGlueDDL.Table): Option[String] = {
class Transformer{
def getTransformSettings: TransformSettings = {
new TransformSettings
def posttransform(table: AWSGlueDDL.Table):Dateframe ={
val indexAccess = getTransformSettings.getOuputIndex(table: AWSGlueDDL.Table)
class ParquetTransformer extends Transformer{
override def getTransformSettings: TransformSettings = {
val transformSettings = new TransformSettings {
override def getOuputFormat: String = {
override def getOuputIndex(table: AWSGlueDDL.Table): Option[String] = {
Is there a way to avoid creating a brand new object of TransformSettings in Transfomer class every time this is called?
Also is there a way to rewrite the code using Scala value class?
As #Dima proposed in the comments try to make TransformSettings a field / constructor parameter (a val) in the class Transformer and instantiate them outside
class TransformSettings{
def getOuputFormat: String = {
def getOuputIndex(table: AWSGlueDDL.Table): Option[String] = {
class Transformer(val transformSettings: TransformSettings) {
def posttransform(table: AWSGlueDDL.Table): DataFrame ={
val indexAccess = transformSettings.getOuputIndex(table: AWSGlueDDL.Table)
val parquetTransformSettings = new TransformSettings {
override def getOuputFormat: String = {
override def getOuputIndex(table: AWSGlueDDL.Table): Option[String] = {
class ParquetTransformer extends Transformer(parquetTransformSettings)
You don't seem to need value classes (... extends AnyVal) now. They are more about unboxing, not about life-cycle management. TransformSettings and Transformer can't be value classes because they are not final (you're extending them in class ParquetTransformer extends Transformer... and new TransformSettings { ... }). By the way, value classes have many limatations
Besides value classes, there are scala-newtype library in Scala 2 and opaque types in Scala 3.

Test a nested method call on a mocked class using ScalaMock

I am new to both ScalaMock and mocking in general. I am trying to test a method which calls a method in another (mocked) class and then calls a method on the returned object.
Detailed information:
So I am using ScalaTest and there are five classes involved in this test...
SubInstruction which I am testing
class SubInstruction(label: String, val result: Int, val op1: Int, val op2: Int) extends Instruction(label, "sub") {
override def execute(m: Machine) {
val value1 = m.regs(op1)
val value2 = m.regs(op2)
m.regs(result) = value1 - value2
object SubInstruction {
def apply(label: String, result: Int, op1: Int, op2: Int) =
new SubInstruction(label, result, op1, op2)
Machine which must be mocked for the test
case class Machine(labels: Labels, prog: Vector[Instruction]) {
private final val NUMBEROFREGISTERS = 32
val regs: Registers = new Registers(NUMBEROFREGISTERS)
override def toString(): String = {
prog.foldLeft("")(_ + _)
def execute(start: Int) =
start.until(prog.length).foreach(x => prog(x) execute this)
object Machine extends App {
if (args.length == 0) {
println("Machine: args should be sml code file to execute")
} else {
println("SML interpreter - Scala version")
val m = Translator(args(0)).readAndTranslate(new Machine(Labels(), Vector()))
println("Here is the program; it has " + m.prog.size + " instructions.")
println("Beginning program execution.")
println("Ending program execution.")
println("Values of registers at program termination:")
println(m.regs + ".")
Registers which is required to construct a Machine object
case class Registers(size: Int) {
val registers: Array[Int] = new Array(size)
override def toString(): String =
registers.mkString(" ")
def update(k: Int, v: Int) = registers(k) = v
def apply(k: Int) = registers(k)
MockableMachine which I have created as the original Machine class does not have an empty constructor and therefore (as I understand) can not be mocked
class MockableMachine extends Machine(Labels(), Vector()){
and finally my test class SubInstructionTest which compiles but throws the exception below.
class SubInstructionTest extends FlatSpec with MockFactory with Matchers {
val label1 = "f0"
val result1 = 25
val op1_1 = 24
val op2_1 = 20
val sub1 = SubInstruction(label1, result1, op1_1, op2_1)
"A SubInstruction" should "retrieve the operands from the correct registers in the given machine " +
"when execute(m: Machine) is called, and perform the operation saving the " +
"result in the correct register." in {
val mockMachine = mock[MockableMachine]
inSequence {
(mockMachine.regs.apply _).expects(op1_1).returning(50)
(mockMachine.regs.apply _).expects(op2_1).returning(16)
(mockMachine.regs.update _).expects(result1, 34)
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: Registers.mock$apply$0()
I have been searching for a straightforward way to mock this class for hours, but have found nothing. For the time being I have settled on the workaround detailed below, but I was under the impression that mocking would offer a less convoluted solution to the problem of testing my SubInstruction class.
The workaround:
Delete the MockableMachine class and create a CustomMachine class which extends Machine and replaces the registers value with mockedRegisters provided at construction time.
class CustomMachine (mockedRegister: Registers) extends Machine(Labels(), Vector()) {
val regs: Registers = mockedRegister
a MockableRegisters class which I have created as the original does not have an empty constructor and therefore (as I understand) can not be mocked
class MockableRegisters extends Registers(32) {
and the SubInstructionTest class written in a slightly different way
class SubInstructionTest extends FlatSpec with MockFactory with Matchers {
val label1 = "f0"
val result1 = 25
val op1_1 = 24
val op2_1 = 20
val sub1 = SubInstruction(label1, result1, op1_1, op2_1)
"A SubInstruction" should "retrieve the operands from the correct registers in the given machine " +
"when execute(m: Machine) is called, and perform the operation saving the " +
"result in the correct register." in {
val mockRegisters = mock[MockableRegisters]
val machine = new CustomMachine(mockRegisters)
inSequence {
(mockRegisters.apply _).expects(op1_1).returning(50)
(mockRegisters.apply _).expects(op2_1).returning(16)
(mockRegisters.update _).expects(result1, 34)
As indicated, this feels like a workaround to me, is there not a simpler way to do this (perhaps similar to my original attempt)?
I have just included the essential code to ask the question, but you can find the full code on my GitHub account.
I don't think mocking nested objects is supported by Scalamock implicitly. You'll have to mock the object returned by the first call which is what your working example does.
FWIW, Mockito supports this. Search for RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS.

Class A cannot be cast to Class A after dynamic loading

Let's say I have:
var str = ""
class A(_str: String){
GLOBAL_OBJECT.str = _str
and I would like to create 2 copies of GLOBAL_OBJECT (for tests), so I am using different classloader to create obj2:
val obj1 = new A("1")
val class_loader = new CustomClassLoader()
val clazz = class_loader.loadClass("my.packagename.A")
val obj2 = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor(classOf[String]).newInstance("2")
println("obj1.getSecret() == " + obj1.getSecret()) // Expected: 1
println("obj2.getSecret() == " + obj2.asInstanceOf[A].getSecret()) // Expected: 2
which results following error:
my.packagename.A cannot be cast to my.packagename.A.
IntelliJ Idea seems to do it correctly, I can run obj2.asInstanceOf[A].getSecret() in "expression" window during debug process without errors.
PS. I have seen similar questions, but I could not find any not regarding loading class from .jarfile.
You're not going to be able to get around Java's class casting, which requires strict typing, within the same ClassLoader. Same with traits/interfaces.
However, Scala comes to the rescue with structural typing (a.k.a. Duck Typing, as in "it quacks like a duck.") Instead of casting it to type A, cast it such that it has the method you want.
Here's an example of a function which uses structural typing:
def printSecret(name : String, secretive : { def getSecret : String } ) {
println(name+".getSecret = "+secretive.getSecret)
And here's sample usage:
printSecret("obj1", obj1) // Expected: 1
printSecret("obj2", obj2.asInstanceOf[ {def getSecret : String} ]) // Expected: 2
You could, of course, just call
println("secret: "+ obj2.asInstanceOf[ {def getSecret : String} ].getSecret
Here's full sample code that I wrote and tested.
Main code:
object TestBootstrap {
def createClassLoader() = new URLClassLoader(Array(new URL("file:///tmp/theTestCode.jar")))
trait TestRunner {
def runTest()
object RunTest extends App {
val testRunner = TestBootstrap.createClassLoader()
In the separate JAR file:
var str = ""
class A(_str: String) {
println("A classloader: "+getClass.getClassLoader)
println("GLOBAL classloader: "+GLOBAL_OBJECT.getClass.getClassLoader)
GLOBAL_OBJECT.str = _str
def getSecret : String = GLOBAL_OBJECT.str
class TestCodeNotInMainClassLoader extends TestRunner {
def runTest() {
println("Classloader for runTest: " + this.getClass.getClassLoader)
val obj1 = new A("1")
val classLoader1 = TestBootstrap.createClassLoader()
val clazz = classLoader1.loadClass("com.vocalabs.A")
val obj2 = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor(classOf[String]).newInstance("2")
def printSecret(name : String, secretive : { def getSecret : String } ) {
println(name+".getSecret = "+secretive.getSecret)
printSecret("obj1", obj1) // Expected: 1
printSecret("obj2", obj2.asInstanceOf[ {def getSecret : String} ]) // Expected: 2
Structural typing can be used for more than one method, the methods are separated with semicolons. So essentially you create an interface for A with all the methods you intend to test. For example:
type UnderTest = { def getSecret : String ; def myOtherMethod() : Unit }
One workaround to actually run some method from dynamically delivered object instead of casting it is to use reflection in order to extract particular method, from new class and then invoke it on our new object instance:
val m2: Method = obj2.getClass.getMethod("getSecret")
The class file that contains obj2.asInstanceOf[A].getSecret() should be reloaded by CustomClassLoader, too.
And you must not use any class that references to A unless you reload the class by the same class loader that reloads A.

scala: easier way to wrap an object inside another object

In a play 2.1 application I have the following code (it's just a request wrapper that gets rid of any trailing slash):
class NormalizedRequest(request: RequestHeader) extends RequestHeader {
val headers = request.headers
val id =
val method = request.method
val queryString = request.queryString
val remoteAddress = request.remoteAddress
val tags = request.tags
val version = request.version
// strip first part of path and uri if it matches http.path config
val path = if (request.path == "/") "/" else request.path.stripSuffix("/")
val uri = path + {
if(request.rawQueryString == "") ""
else "?" + request.rawQueryString
object NormalizedRequest {
def apply(request: RequestHeader) = new NormalizedRequest(request)
This kind of code is pretty common, you just wrap an object inside another
I was wondering if there's an easier way to acomplish it, ideally it would be something like (pseudo code inspired on case classes):
object NormalizedRequest {
def apply(request: RequestHeader) = {
val path = if (request.path == "/") "/" else request.path.stripSuffix("/")
val uri = path + {
if(request.rawQueryString == "") ""
else "?" + request.rawQueryString
request.copy(path = path, uri = uri)
If I understand correctly, you're asking for a more concise version of the Decorator pattern in scala. You still need your "wrapper" to be the same type as you inner class (by extending it or a common base/trait) in order to be able to pass it over to some function that expects to receive an instance of the inner class (or of the common base/trait).
What you wrote in your pseudo code is actually almost legal scala, you just have to change the definition of apply in NormalizedRequest to return an anonymous class that extends RequestHeader.
I.e. instead of
class NormalizedRequest(request: RequestHeader) extends RequestHeader {
//.... "decorated" logic here
object NormalizedRequest {
def apply(request: RequestHeader) = new NormalizedRequest(request)
you would have
object NormalizedRequest {
def apply(request: RequestHeader) = new RequestHeader {
// ...
// instead of having a separate NormalizedRequest class
// define its behaviour here in anonymous form
A simplified example:
// our inner class and companion object
// (a simplified version of your RequestHeader)
class Inner() {def test="hello"}; object Inner {
def apply() = new Inner()
// our wrapper
object Outer {
def apply(inner: Inner) = new Inner {
override def test=inner.test + "!"
however, although it saves you a few keystrokes, I really think you would lose in readability.

Scala: Can I reproduce anonymous class creation with a factory method?

As far as I understand it, Scala creates an anonymous class if I create a class using the new keyword and follow the class name with a constructor:
class MyClass {
def doStuff() {
// ...
val mc = new MyClass {
The nice thing being that all the code in the constructor is in the scope of the new object.
Is there a way I can reproduce this syntax where the class is created by a factory method rather than the new keyword? i.e. make the following code work:
val mf = new MyFactory
val mc = mf.MyClass {
I can't find a way to do it but Scala has so much to it that this might be pretty easy!
Using an import as suggested by #Ricky below I can get:
val mf = MyFactory;
val mc = mf.MyClass
import mc._
(Where the blank line before the block is needed) but that code block is not a constructor.
You can do this, but you still have to keep the new keyword, and create the nested class as a path-dependent type:
class Bippy(x: Int) {
class Bop {
def getIt = x
val bip = new Bippy(7)
val bop = new bip.Bop
bop.getIt // yields 7
val bop2 = new bip.Bop{ override def getIt = 42 }
bop2.getIt // yields 42
I don't think it's possible. However, a common pattern is to add a parameter to factory methods which takes a function modifying the created object:
trait MyClass {
var name = ""
def doStuff():Unit
class Foo extends MyClass {
def doStuff() { println("FOO: " + name) }
trait MyClassFactory {
def make: MyClass
def apply( body: MyClass => Unit ) = {
val mc = make
object FooFactory extends MyClassFactory {
def make = new Foo
You can then create and modify instance with a syntax close to your example:
val foo = FooFactory { f=> = "Joe"
It sounds like you're just looking to mix in a trait. Instead of calling myFactoryMethod(classOf[Foo]] which ideally would do (if Scala permitted it):
new T {
override def toString = "My implementation here."
you can instead write
trait MyImplementation {
override def toString = "My implementation here."
new Foo with MyImplementation
However, if you are just looking to get the members of the new object accessible without qualification, remember you can import from any stable identifier:
val foo = new Bar
import foo._
println(baz) //where baz is a member of foo.