Expanding terrain without changing the original part in Unity? - unity3d

I have this map with mountains on the edges and a harbor with water at the bottom left corner.
I want to make it bigger but if I change the width or the length of
the terrain, it only stretches itself.
So how could I make it bigger? I dont think that adding other terrains is a good solution.
Or I have to delete the mountains and remake them deeper on the island?

You can hit the Export Raw button (in Terrain Settings), do whatever you want to the file that comes out (it will be an image file, so editing it the way you want shouldn't be difficult in something like Photoshop) and then use the Import Raw button to re-import the modified file.
EDIT: Unless you're trying to scale the terrain uniformly, in which case you should increase the height as well as the other dimensions.


2D sprite problem when setting up an instant messaging UI

I'm new to Unity and to game development in general.
I would like to make a text-based game.
I'm looking to reproduce the behavior of an instant messenger like messenger or whatapp.
I made the choice to use the Unity UI system for the pre-made components like the rect scroll.
But this choice led me to the following problem:
I have "bubbles" of dialogs, which must be able to grow in width as well as in height with the size of the text. Fig.1
I immediately tried to use VectorGraphics to import .svg with the idea to move runtime the points of my curves of Beziers.
But I did not find how to access these points and edit them runtime.
I then found the "Sprite shapes" but they are not part of the "UI",
so if I went with such a solution, I would have to reimplement
scroll, buttons etc...
I thought of cutting my speech bubble in 7 parts Fig.2 and scaling it according to the text size. But I have the feeling that this is very heavy for not much.
Finally I wonder if a hybrid solution would not be the best, use the
UI for scrolling, get transforms and inject them into Shape sprites
(outside the Canvas).
If it is possible to do 1. and then I would be very grateful for an example.
If not 2. 3. 4. seem feasible, I would like to have your opinion on the most relevant of the 3.
Thanks in advance.
There is a simpler and quite elegant solution to your problem that uses nothing but the sprite itself (or rather the design of the sprite).
Take a look at 9-slicing Sprites from the official unity documentation.
With the Sprite Editor you can create borders around the "core" of your speech bubble. Since these speech bubbles are usually colored in a single color and contain nothing else, the ImageType: Sliced would be the perfect solution for what you have in mind. I've created a small Example Sprite to explain in more detail how to approach this:
The sprite itself is 512 pixels wide and 512 pixels high. Each of the cubes missing from the edges is 8x8 pixels, so the top, bottom, and left borders are 3x8=24 pixels deep. The right side has an extra 16 pixels of space to represent a small "tail" on the bubble (bottom right corner). So, we have 4 borders: top=24, bottom=24, left=24 and right=40 pixels. After importing such a sprite, we just have to set its MeshType to FullRect, click Apply and set the 4 borders using the Sprite Editor (don't forget to Apply them too). The last thing to do is to use the sprite in an Image Component on the Canvas and set the ImageType of this Component to Sliced. Now you can scale/warp the Image as much as you like - the border will always keep its original size without deforming. And since your bubble has a solid "core", the Sliced option will stretch this core unnoticed.
Edit: When scaling the Image you must use its Width and Height instead of the (1,1,1)-based Scale, because the Scale might still distort your Image. Also, here is another screenshot showing the results in different sizes.

Unity pixelart multiple sprites not cutting corectly

I have drawn a pixelart animation 32x32 pixel size, using Piskel online tool. I saved it as a 32x64 so i have both 2 frames in one png file. Then i included it in Unity and when i cut it in sprite editor i get this edge that appears on the next sprite, that shouldnt. See the picture of the robot above the head there is a line. I cutted exactly 32x32 pixels so that line should not be there.
Is there a way to fix this?
I have had the same problem once. If I remind correctly, you have to change the texture setting. Change the filter mode field to Point (no filter).
I may be wrong, but still I'm sure that your problem can be solved by changing it's texture setting.

How to 9-slice a sprite while keeping the center not scaled?

I wonder is there any way to slice this sprite(dialog pop up thing) that could keep the bottom center (the upside-down triangle) not scaled? I'm using nGUI if it matters.
Sorry, but that's how 9-slice scaling works. You would need 25 slice scaling to do what you're looking for and that's overkill for most things, so I've never seen an implementation.
What to do instead...
Break up your sprite into two pieces: the 9-slice portion and the "notch" portion. Then just position the notch to be in the right place.
I haven't used nGUI (only iGUI and the Unity native--both old and new) so I'm not sure on the precise nature of how nGUI will let you do that, but you'd still need two sprites, one of which is scaled and the other one which isn't, positioned either manually or through parent-child relative relationship. If your dialog is always the same width, it'll be pretty straight forward. If not, it might be more challenging.
A few other things:
You'll probably want the notch sprite and the bubble sprite to the same native image size, but its not necessary (might make things easier, might not).
The notch will want to have some "overbleed" so that when the two stack the underlying rendering code doesn't go all squinty eyed and go "there's a gap here..." and draw through in some cases.
Depending on the bubble portion's drawn edge, you might want the notch to be in front or behind. In your precise case, I don't think it'll make a difference. It's a little hard to tell due to the colors, but when I did a selectable tab (which is built similarly), the tab sits on top of the container window so that the shaded edge flows nicely. The unselected version then has no overbleed so it looks like it sits "behind" (accurate pixel placement--2D game at a fixed size--insures that no "gap" is rendered).
It's a little tedious but pretty straightforward to implement this for UI images. I recently did it in order to make a slice stretch the left/right borders of a 9-slice instead of the center.
The trick is to subclass Image and override OnPopulateMesh, where you do the calculations you need and set positions/uvs to whatever you require.
Here's a helpful how-to article: https://www.hallgrimgames.com/blog/2018/11/25/custom-unity-ui-meshes
Things for a non-UI sprite will be harder. I think you'll have to create all your geometry in a script, and the calculations might be a little complicated because you're using an atlas.

Unity3D - Make texture edges not stretch

I've been searching around for this one for a bit, and unfortunately I can't seem to find any good, consistent results. So, in the Unity UI system, buttons can stretch without becoming pixelated or distorted. This is because the texture is split up into 9 parts - the corners, middle, and sides.
This works because the button's middle and sides are stretched, but not the corners. Then, the button appears not pixelated, at any dimension.
So, the question is as follows: How can I do the same thing for a transparent, unlit texture in 3D space? I have a speech bubble texture on a flat plane that I know how to re-scale to fit the text in the speech bubble.
I've set the texture type to Multiple Sprite, and divided it up into 9 parts. However, I cannot seem to find where I can set the texture to act like the UI button does, and I'm not sure that this is even possible in this way in 3D space.
Is there a way, or should I just make the different parts of the texture different objects, and move them together? That would seem very inefficient and ugly compared to this.
To accomplish what you are asking, you would need to create tiles for this speech bubble and then write a script that procedurally builds a speech bubble based on the plane's scale value. You could also try just changing the texture's Filter Mode to Point.
However I really don't think you should be using textures for this anyway. Why not just use a Unity Canvas and set the Render Mode to World Space? Then you can just set your text box to be a sprite, not a texture, and set its filter mode to Point (See below). This would also make it a lot easier for when you want there to be text in the speech bubble later on.

Cocos2D changes the colours in the last row of pixles in a sprite?

I have never seen this issue before, its very strange. Just wondering if anyone else has come across this too.
I have added a sprite to my game, its supposed to be the top left corner of a box to put text on to. I want to make it scalable without loosing anything so i have it broken up into sections. In the image above the one on top is the image itself, and then the one on the bottom is the image when its being drawn in the iPhone simulator.
Any idea why the last column of pixels on the right are altered? I have not scaled the image at all.
I don't know about Cocos2D, but in general terms what you've done here is to draw the image at a position that isn't an exact multiple of one pixel.
Consequently even without scaling you have resampled the image across a grid that doesn't coincide with the original image data, causing all pixels to be a bit off. It's just the right-hand edge is the most obvious case, since the resampling leaves you with a partial transparency here. But look at eg the two rows of purple pixels in the border: they're not the same, because your vertical alignment is off as well, causing a small amount of colour from the grey border below it to bleed into the lower row of purple.
Ok I actually figured it out this time. Cocos2D adds a bit of antialiasing to CCTextures. To stop it from doing this you need to call this:
[[mySprite texture] setAliasTexParameters];
to turn it back on you call this:
[[mySprite texture] setAntiAliasTexParameters];