Unity pixelart multiple sprites not cutting corectly - unity3d

I have drawn a pixelart animation 32x32 pixel size, using Piskel online tool. I saved it as a 32x64 so i have both 2 frames in one png file. Then i included it in Unity and when i cut it in sprite editor i get this edge that appears on the next sprite, that shouldnt. See the picture of the robot above the head there is a line. I cutted exactly 32x32 pixels so that line should not be there.
Is there a way to fix this?

I have had the same problem once. If I remind correctly, you have to change the texture setting. Change the filter mode field to Point (no filter).
I may be wrong, but still I'm sure that your problem can be solved by changing it's texture setting.


How do i make a 3d game pixel perfect? so that there is no anti aliasing or other filtering applied

This is what the game looks like in the 'game' window in unity, which is what it should look like https://ibb.co/xjst4vw achieved by removing all lighting including ambient lighting.
And this is what it looks once built https://ibb.co/4RcbMv8
Why is there a haze in the border between colors? How do I get it to be pixel perfect?
The aspect ratio of the in editor display is 160x144
I have change the game resolution by going to >edit >project setting >player and changing the height and width to the right size
The camera is also passing to a render texture which is of the right size, with the filter mode set to point.
I cant figure out what is causing this. to my knowledge All lighting is turned off. It looks like some up scaling error or maybe some sort of anti-aliasing effect which has also been turned off everywhere i could find.
Does anyone have an idea about what might be causing this? thanks.
There is postprocessing window in unity where you can specify such things like antyaliasing and so on. I think that this will make your game pixel perfect.
Found the answer to my own question the resolution in the >edit >project setting >player >resolution and presentation need to be as high res as it can be so in my case for a 1920x1080 screen it should 1120,1008 which is 160x144 scaled up by 7.
Then send data from you're main camera to a render texture that is set to the resolution you want (in my case 160x144) and create UI canvas that takes up the whole screen and a raw image as a child. Then put the render texture you created in the texture.

Using shader graphs to add an outline to a sprite of a tank. Despite following tutorials, the outline distorts the sprite

I'm trying to add a black outline surrounding a sprite I have for a tank.
I've tried following every tutorial I could find on 2d outlines for sprites, however almost all of them were done using a previous unity version (I'm using 2021.1.3f1) and don't seem to have any of the problems I've been having.
After using Alpha subtraction on an offset copy of the sample texture (and multiplying by a color) I then try to add it back to the original sample texture. That's when things go wrong, no matter what I've tried it keeps either chopping off the right side of the sprite (I was trying to add the left outline first), or making the right side of the sprite the opposite color of what I'm putting on the left.
What I mean by "cutting off the right", those treads should be the same thickness on the right as on the left, it's like adding the outline to one side trimmed the other.
If it matters, the sprite is a PNG I got from Kenney and then modified in Krita.
For whatever reason, changing the color of the outline seems to also change how much is getting trimmed.
I've been banging my head against this for four hours now, any ideas or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Update: After following One Full Time Equivalent's suggestion below I do get an outline surrounding the entire sprite, but now it's distorting the colors at the edges of the sprite as seen here:
After replacing Add with Blend
After your subtraction node, put in an Absolute node, otherwise you will subtract the right edge in the alpha channel (this is exactly what you observe right now). Always be aware that you can only see half the color space and negative channels can be tricky to deal with.

Unity changed my image asset. How do I fix this?

I imported a PNG of all of the textures I want to use in a mobile game and when I went into the sprite editor, I noticed that the edges of the sprites were "fading" into the transparent background - and the transparency changes throughout this "fade". Autodesk Sketchbook does something similar when I open the image in it, but GIMP, MS Paint, and Windows Photos don't. I was going to put pictures of what I'm talking about here, but Stack Overflow says I'm not allowed to yet. How can I fix the problem? Is there a setting in Unity that I can change so it doesn't add the "fade" or do I have to change the file format and import it again?
EDIT: I have created an Imgur album with pictures of my problem. Basically, Unity is blending the colors of the sprites and it's blending the alpha too. Also, I made the textures bigger at one point and that improved the problem, but didn't fix it completely. Here are the pictures: https://imgur.com/a/6HGm3fy
EDIT #2: First off, someone commented trying to explain what I was seeing in my imgur pictures and I asked how to fix the problem he was describing without realizing that you can't properly reply to comments, so I'm asking again, how can I fix it? Second, I just tried messing with anti-aliasing in the quality settings of my project and got this error: "Setting anti-aliasing of already created render texture is not supported!" I didn't think I had any render textures - just regular textures - but when I double-clicked the error, an unnamed render texture with an illegal size (55x110 pixels) showed up in my inspector. Changing its settings doesn't seem to do anything, but in the inspector, it still looks like it was changed. What am I seeing?

Unity 2D art is blurry

For some reason, I can't get these tilemaps to come out like they were created in Unity...
The pixel art is imported to Unity from Tiled.
The pixel art in Tiled:
The same pixel art imported to Unity:
Does anyone have any idea how I can fix this?
Thanks in advance!
As requested, the sprite import settings:
Posting my comment as an answer after all.
As I suggested, one way to get rid of blurring is to set the "Filter Mode" of the sprite to "Point (no filter)" instead of "Bilinear" or "Trilinear"
Here you can see the difference between bilinear and point filtering.
If that doesn't help, try messing with the quality settings in the Sprite Import.
Increase the "Max Size" and maybe disable "Compression" or increase the quality of the compression.
Here you can see differences between the different compression qualities, ranging from "Low" over "High" to "None"
You can also try to increase the "Max Size" value for higher quality sprites. It scales the dimensions of your sprite to not exceed the specified value. If your sprite sheet is already smaller than the "Max Value", increasing it will have no effect though.
The next picture shows the differences between Sizes 512, 256, 128 and 64 for a Sprite with dimensions 423 x 467
You can see that sizes above the dimensions won't have any effect, whereas smaller values will scale the sprite down, decreasing its visual quality.
Usually fiddling around with those values should help making your sprites look sharp and not blurred anymore.
As #NikaKasradze pointed out, there are also default quality settings you can try. Go to Edit > Project Settings > Quality
The matrix on top gives you a selection of all current quality levels for the Editor itself as well as all build target platforms. The green tick shows what currently is selected as the default quality. You can also set the "Texture Quality" which defines the overall texture resolution in your project. You can choose between "Full", "Half", "Quarter" and "Eight Res". You should choose "Full Res" for your current default settings.
Considering you already changed the filtering from Bilinear to Point (no filter), the issue may be that Unity compresses your texture by default. This is likely if it is a POT texture (Power of two resolution).
You can override this for individual platforms at the bottom of the texture's import settings. Select RGBA 32 bit if you need the alpha channel (transparency) or RGB 24 bit if you don't, to get your texture uncompressed.
And don't forget hitting that Apply-button! ;)
If this doesn't help, could you post a picture of your import settings?
Also, what data type is your image?
After the import settings screenshot has been added, it seems to me the issue lies in the SpriteMode settings.
As far as I understand, the image used is a Spritesheet in form of a tilemap. Therefore the SpriteMode should be set to Multiple.
You can then click on the Sprite Editor button and cut the sheet into individual sprites using the Slice function (now separate, as of Unity 5.6).
You probably want to use the Grid - By Cell Size method, which is basically how this is handled inside Tiled.
You also want to adjust your Pixels Per Unit setting to match the resolution of your tiles (for pixel-perfect results).
I had some issues with blurry sprites and I was able to fix it by changing the resolution of my sprites in an image editing software. The resolution was 576x352 and I changed it to 512x512 and that fixed it. I think its best for Unity that images are square and have a resolution that is a power of 2 as often as possible (for example 512 = 2 ^ 9).
Make sure you disabled Mip Maps:
After literally hours of tinkering, the only solution I could come to was to open photoshop and export the tilemap at 4000% its original size.
There is still some minor blurring if I zoom in but at least it isn't as bad as I demoed in my question.
I have tried everyone's answers here to no avail, I am left with the conclusion that it must be a Tiled2Unity problem (despite it never doing this before)
I will update this post if I find a solution...

How to create a trail effect in a rendertexture?

I'm trying to create a cumulative trail effect in a render texture. By cumulative I mean that the render texture would show the last few frames overlaid on each other. Currently, when my camera outputs to a render texture it completely overwrites whatever was there previously.
Let me know if I can clarify anything.
You could set the clear flag on the camera to Don't clear. This will prevent the clearing of previous frame on your camera and then will create this overlapping kinda like Flash movement style.
The issue is that everything will be kept on screen so if only the character moves then it is ok but if the camera moves then the effect also applies to environment and your scene becomes a big blur.
You could have two cameras for the effect, each with different rendering layers. One takes care of the items that should not have the effect and one takes care of those that are considered for the effect. This way you can apply the effect on characters and ignore the environment, if that is required else just go with one camera.