PostgreSQL deleted user postgres on accident - postgresql

Cannot find any tutorials that show what you do when you deleted default postgres user through root.
Created local postgres server through sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib. Inside shell, typed psql and was able to initiate db.
Logged into root and deleted postgres account in linux while trying something out.
2a: sudo pkill -KILL -u postgres
2b: sudo userdel postgres
Deleted postgres server. Re-installed. Got user not found when trying to log into postgres user account through shell.
Tried running postgres server through root and got unable to connect to server through shell.
Re-created postgres user account through root: sudo adduser postgres --disabled-password.
Postgres user through root: sudo usermod -a -G sudo postgres
Still getting unable to connect to server: connection refused. Logged into postgres user. No change.
Re-installed postgres. Same error.
Thanks a bunch.

You don't exactly need a user who is named postgres, you need a user who owns the data directory, the binaries and configuration files. You should check which uid and gid are now associated with your data directory, then create a user with that specific uid and gid. But check who those id's belong to first. If no user currently has those uid and gid then create a new user with those values:
useradd -u 123 -g 456 postgres
Alternatively, re-create user postgres and assign data directory and binaries to that new user (assuming group postgres still exists):
useradd -G postgres postgres
chown -r postgres:postgres $PGDATA
chown -r postgres:postgres /wherever/bin/is
chown -r postgres:postgres /wherever/conf/is

Found the answer, Read below.
Been on another rabbit hole hunt. Heard about the data file,
how someone deleted it and it has all kinds of info(config
stuff) in there. Also heard how some config files get left
around even after uninstalling the program. Not just config
files but a lot of other files get left around also with
other programs that I have installed and uninstalled.
So here I go to start just deleting a bunch of stuff and then
I go to this link to where it shows about
where the 'data file' is. Or I think maybe it is the 'data file'.
This page says the data file is usually in
'/var/lib/pgsql/data'. I uninstalled postgresql so I didn't
have a pgsql folder but I saw that there was a 'postgresql' folder
there. So I deleted it and now all is well. Now I am
able to reinstall postgresql with no problems, no cluster
problems or nothing. The 'posgresql' folder had 2 hidden files,
I've learned from the past to always check if there are
hidden files. These hidden files names were 'bash_history' and
'psql_history' & you know they were somehow
stopping a fresh complete installation. After deleting them I
was able to reinstall postgresql, with a newly created
'postgres' user waiting for me.
Its 3:43am in the morning & another rabbit hole in the books.
Happy hunting.
Here is the link that I mentioned:


Configuration issue Postgres on Ubuntu?

I have installed Postgres 12 on Ubuntu by building it from source and I am facing two issues:
Although I followed the installation manual from Postgrez, every time I restart my computer, my Postgres server stopz and is no longer seen as a running process.
To start it the first time after install, I do this from the terminal:
/usr/local/pgsql/bin/initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data
/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_ctl -D /usr/local/pgsql/data -l logfile start
After a restart, to start DB again when I run: /usr/local/pgsql/bin/initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data, it throws this error:
initdb: error: directory "/usr/local/pgsql/data" exists but is not empty
If you want to create a new database system, either remove or empty
the directory "/usr/local/pgsql/data" or run initdb
with an argument other than "/usr/local/pgsql/data".
Does that mean that every time I start Postgres after a restart, I have to create a new /data directory?
Upon installing Postgres sing pip or pip3, one can just switch user to postgres and run psql to enter postgres, however now I have to run "/usr/local/bin/psql". Please note I have exported all the paths per How can I fix this? Can an alias be set for this?
After a restart, to start DB again when I run:
/usr/local/pgsql/bin/initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data, it throws this
Does that mean that every
time I start Postgres after a restart, I have to create a new /data
No, quite the opposite. You don't need to initdb after the first time, you just need to start. It is your attempt to initdb when you don't need to which is causing the error message. Note that attempting to initdb isn't doing any harm, because it refused to run. It just generates log/console noise.
Upon installing Postgres sing pip or pip3, one can just switch user to
postgres and run psql to enter postgres, however now I have to run
"/usr/local/bin/psql". Please note I have exported all the paths per How can I fix
I don't know what your first sentence means, as you don't use pip or pip3 to install PostgreSQL (or at least, the docs don't describe doing so) although you might use them to install psycopg2 to enable python to talk to PostgreSQL.
You could use an alias, but it would probably make more sense to edit ~/.bash_profile to set the PATH, as described from the page you linked to under Environment Variables.
You have to register postgreSQL as a service.
run this:
pg_ctl register [-N servicename] [-U username] [-P password] [-D datadir] [-S a[uto] | d[emand] ] [-w] [-t seconds] [-s] [-o options]
pg_ctl register -N postgresql -U OS_username -P OS_password -D '/etc/postgresql/12/data' -w
More info in the manual: pg_ctl
Username and Password is related to the OS, not postgresql
If you have doubts read the manual.
/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_ctl start -D '/usr/local/pgsql/data'
Export following in postgres user account's ~/.bashrc:
export PATH

I forgot to configure login Email id and password while install pg admin 4. how i can change after installation

I am new to pgAdmin 4. I have forgot to setup of login Email id and password while install pgAdmin 4. How can I change after installation? Any one can help me?
I'm assuming that since you don't remember your admin/password, you didn't do much with pgAdmin yet. If that's the case, you can move/remove the SQLite database out of the way and restart pgAdmin:
rm /var/lib/pgadmin/pgadmin4-server.db
mv /var/lib/pgadmin/pgadmin4-server.db /tmp
When you do this, you'll be prompted for a password the next time you start up the app.
You can also dump the contents of the SQLite database before moving/removing:
sqlite3 /var/lib/pgadmin/pgadmin4-server.db .dump
As my friend #Almadani and #richyen post are completely right.
But If you are working on remote host databases its best to delete that folder.Such as it may on some instance[ssh]
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/pgadmin
After deletion of folder. you can simply create new credentials
sudo /usr/pgadmin4/bin/
You can also check it out from the blog.
By the way the blog is from here.
I solved this issue on Linux Fedora 32, and it's working. I hope you find it useful for you.
cd /var/lib/pgadmin4/
[root#localhost pgadmin4]# ls
pgadmin4.db sessions storage
[root#localhost pgadmin4]# rm pgadmin4.db
rm: remove regular file 'pgadmin4.db'? y
[root#localhost pgadmin4]# ls
sessions storage
there is still a way to find the database pgadmin4.db download and open this file via HeidiSQL as SQLite, directly viewing the table is not available - you can run the query SELECT * from user you will see your username, and if you do not remember the password can be changed to any known (encoded) - this method helped me
It was solved with me by removing pgadmin4.db, and run
python3.6 /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pgadmin4-web/
and restart Apache web server, pgadmin4.

Eliminating non-working PostgreSQL installations on Ubuntu 10.04 and starting afresh

I find I have the wreckage of two old PostgreSQL installations on Ubuntu 10.04:
$ pg_lsclustersVersion Cluster Port Status Owner Data directory Log file
Use of uninitialized value in printf at /usr/bin/pg_lsclusters line 38.
8.4 main 5432 down /var/lib/postgresql/8.4/main /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-8.4-main.log
Use of uninitialized value in printf at /usr/bin/pg_lsclusters line 38.
9.1 main 5433 down /var/lib/postgresql/9.1/main /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-9.1-main.log
Attempts to perform basic functions return errors, for instance:
createuser: could not connect to database postgres: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
More information comes when I try to start the database server:
$ sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql start
* Starting PostgreSQL 9.1 database server
* Error: The cluster is owned by user id 109 which does not exist any more!
My question: how do I completely remove both clusters and set up a new one? I've tried removing, purging, and reinstalling postgresql, following the advice here: Now pg_lsclusters shows no clusters in existence, but the No such file or directory error persists when I try to createuser, createdb or run psql. What have I failed to do?
First, that answer you linked to was pretty unsafe - hand-editing /etc/passwd ?!? dselect where an apt wildcard would do? Crazy stuff. I'm not surprised you're having issues.
As for the no such file or directory messages: You need to make sure you have a running PostgreSQL server ("cluster") before you can use admin commands like createdb, because they make a connection to the server. The No such file or directory message is telling you that the server doesn't exist or isn't running.
Here's what's happening:
Ubuntu uses pg_wrapper to manage multiple concurrent PostgreSQL instances. The issues you're having are really with pg_wrapper.
Ideally you would've just used pg_dropcluster to get rid of the unwanted clusters. Unfortunately, by following bad advice it sounds like you've got your system into a bit of a messed-up state where the PostgreSQL packages are half-installed and kind of mangled. You need to either repair the install, or totally clean it out.
I'd clean it out. I'd recommend:
Verify that pg_lsclusters lists no database clusters
apt-get --purge remove postgresql\* - this is important
Remove /etc/postgresql/
Remove /etc/postgresql-common
Remove /var/lib/postgresql
userdel -r postgres
groupdel postgres
apt-get install postgresql-common postgresql-9.1 postgresql-contrib-9.1 postgresql-doc-9.1
It's possible that the apt-get --purge step will fail because you've removed the user IDs, etc. Re-creating the postgres user ID with useradd -r -u 109 postgres should allow you to re-run the purge successfully then delete the user afterwards.
This answer is not directly about removing a postgres instance, rather, about resoliving the issue,
Error: The cluster is owned by user ...
I got this error while trying to spin up a docker container pointed to a postgres data directory that was produced via a different container (on a different host machine).
The error is directly related to directory ownership. In my case, the system was unable to find the user that certain postgres directories was owned by in the current environment. By re-owning those directories to the right user resolves the issue. Following is an example mapping (that worked for me):
chown -R postgres:postgres /var/lib/postgresql
chown -R postgres:postgres /etc/postgresql
chown -R postgres:postgres /var/log/postgresql
chown -R postgres:postgres /var/run/postgresql

Postgresql dump permission denied

I get this error while trying to dump database, i entered
linuxuser $ sudo su postgres
linuxuser $ [sudo] password for linuxuser:...
$ pg_dump -h localhost mydb >tempfile
$ sh: cannot create tempfile: Permission denied
What the problem? i've just installed fresh postgresql.
Write into directory where postgres user has write access. For instance /tmp.
$ pg_dump -h localhost mydb >/tmp/tempfile
In your attempt postgres user tries to create a file in some random directory belonging to the other user.
backup and restore can be done by any unpriviledged user that knows the postgres superuser password by changing permissions on the working directory:
% mkdir backup
% chmod 0777 backup
% su postgres
[enter password]
$ cd backup
$ pg_dump mydb >tempfile
$ exit
"tempfile" will be owned by postgres and same group as the user
sudo su postgres doesn't change the current directory so you're still in linuxuser's home directory and postgres has no permission to write into it.
Change to a different directory
postgres User
As the other correct answers said, the folder in which you are trying save the backup does not have permissions assigned to the postgres user (operating system user account). The postgres user is the one running the backup utility. This user account was created during the Postgres installation process. You may have used a different name, but the default is postgres.
Folder With Permissions
The solution is to either find or create a folder where the postgres user has read-write permissions.
Mac OS X
In Mac OS X (Mountain Lion), I am able to create such a folder in the Finder.
In the Finder, create a new folder. Select it.In this example, I created a folder named postgres_backups.
Choose File > Get Info.
Open the disclosure triangle for the Sharing & Permissions section.
Click the Plus button to add another item to the list of users.A list of users appears in a "sheet" dialog.
Select the postgres user from the list.
In the Privilege column, for the new postgres row, change the popup menu to Read & Write.
Close the Get Info window. Done.
Now you can direct your Postgres backup files to that folder.
By the way, I use the pgAdmin app to do backups and restores. Control+click on the desired database and choose Backups…. The pgAdmin app was probably bundled with your Postgres installation.
first thing you have to do is do not switch to user postgres. The use this command for backup:
pg_dump -U username -h localhost dbname > /db.sql
I wrestled with this "Permission Denied" issue while trying to backup my PSQL database on an Ubuntu machine for a long time, and tried user access rights, superuser status, folder properties--lots of stuff. Finally, something worked that was ridiculously simple. In the command:
pg_dump -U username -O dbname > 'filename.sql'
Make sure you have quotes (single or double quotes seem to work) around the filename which follows the greater than (">") sign. The examples above do not have quotes around the filename. Once I tried that, I no longer received Permission Denied errors.

FATAL: could not create lock file "": Permission denied

I receive error
FATAL: could not create lock file "": Permission denied
when trying to execute command
pg_ctl restart --pgdata "D:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.3\data"
Full rights for postgres user to D:\, D:\Program Files\, D:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\ and D:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.3\data are set. What else I need to do?
I set full access to D:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.3\data to Users group and now it works. Detail are at
(last post).
You need to ensure that the user postgres has write permission to the postgres data_directory configured in postgresql.conf file. In my case /var/lib/postgresql/9.5/main/ if not add permission with:
chmod u+w /var/lib/postgresql/9.5/main/
You have to make ensure that the user postgres has right to write & execute /var/run/postgresql
sudo chmod 765 /var/run/postgresql
sudo chown postgres /var/run/postgresql
I had this issue due to installing postgres-xc and the solution was to remove it.
pg_ctl is the most common (and recommended) way used to start/stop/etc postgres.
For some reason it was not part of my postgres install.
After duckduckgo'ing a little, I installed postgre-xc which includes pg_ctl.
postgres-xc changed the owner of /var/run/postgresql from postgres to postgres-xc.
This caused lots of headaches and warnings about being unable to lock the pid file.
So, I removed postgres-xc (and reverted the owner of /var/run/postgresql to postgres).
Instead of using pg_ctl, I control postgres using
service postgresql status
/etc/init.d/postgresql status.
Hopefully this will help someone.
postgresql serviceis logined in NETWORK SERVICE, so you must needed make data dir(ie: "D:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.3\data") is full control over to NETWORK SERVICE group.
I just added my username to group "postgres"; all went fine
sudo adduser your-user-name postgres