Addition of numbers recursively in Scala - scala

In this Scala code I'm trying to analyze a string that contains a sum (such as 12+3+5) and return the result (20). I'm using regex to extract the first digit and parse the trail to be added recursively. My issue is that since the regex returns a String, I cannot add up the numbers. Any ideas?
object TestRecursive extends App {
val plus = """(\w*)\+(\w*)""".r
def parse(str: String) : String = str match {
// sum
case plus(head, trail) => parse(head) + parse(trail)
case _ => str

You might want to use the parser combinators for an application like this.
"""(\w*)\+(\w*)""".r also matches "+" or "23+" or "4 +5" // but captures it only in the first group.
what you could do might be
scala> val numbers = "[+-]?\\d+"
numbers: String = [+-]?\d+
scala> numbers.r.findAllIn("1+2-3+42").map(_.toInt).reduce(_ + _)
res4: Int = 42
scala> numbers.r.findAllIn("12+3+5").map(_.toInt).reduce(_ + _)
res5: Int = 20


Customised string in spark scala

I have a string like "debug#compile". Now, my end goal is to convert first letter of each word to uppercase. So, at last I should get "Debug#Compile" where 'D' and 'C' are converted to uppercase.
My logic:
1) I have to split the string on the basis of delimiters. It will be special characters.So, I have to check everytime.
2) After that I would convert each word's first letter to upper case and then using map I would join it again.
I am trying my best but not able to design the code for this. Can anyone help me in this. Even hints would help!
Below is my code:
object WordCase {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val s="siddhesh#kalgaonkar"
var b=""
val delimeters= Array("#","_")
else if(delimeters(0)=="_")
println("Non-Standard String")
My code capitalizes the first letter of every word in capital on the basis of constant delimeter and have to merge it. Here for the first part i.e "#" it capitalizes first letter of every words but it fails for the second case i.e "_". Am I makinig any silly mistakes in looping?
scala> val s="siddhesh#kalgaonkar"
scala> val specialChar = (s.split("[a-zA-Z0-9]") filterNot Seq("").contains).mkString
scala> s.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z]+"," ").split(" ").map(_.capitalize).mkString(",").replaceAll(",",specialChar)
res41: String = Siddhesh#Kalgaonkar
You can manage multiple special char in this way
scala> val s="siddhesh_kalgaonkar"
s: String = siddhesh_kalgaonkar
scala> val specialChar = (s.split("[a-zA-Z0-9]") filterNot Seq("").contains).mkString
specialChar: String = _
scala> s.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z]+"," ").split(" ").map(_.capitalize).mkString(",").replaceAll(",",specialChar)
res42: String = Siddhesh_Kalgaonkar
I solved it the easy way:
object WordCase {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val s = "siddhesh_kalgaonkar"
var b = s.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z]+", " ").split(" ").map(_.capitalize).mkString(" ") //Replacing delimiters with space and capitalizing first letter of each word
val c=b.indexOf(" ") //Getting index of space
val d=s.charAt(c).toString // Getting delimiter character from the original string
val output=b.replace(" ", d) //Now replacing space with the delimiter character in the modified string i.e 'b'

How to do regex pattern matching in Scala

I have a list of String in Scala, each String has a key/value format as follows:
<row Id="25780063" PostTypeId="2" ParentId="25774527" CreationDate="2014-09-11T05:56:29.900" />
Each String may have some extra key/value. I'd like to extract the value for a few keys for each string. Here is the pattern I've defined but it is not working properly
val idPattern = "Id=(.*).r
val typePattern = "PostTypeId=(.*)".r
How can I correctly extract the value for 'Id' and 'PostTypeId'?
Making it unanchored says find instead of match all input.
scala> val id = """Id="([^"]*)"""".r.unanchored
id: scala.util.matching.UnanchoredRegex = Id="([^"]*)"
scala> """stuff Id="something" more""" match { case id(x) => x }
res7: String = something
scala> id.findFirstIn("""stuff Id="something" more""")
res8: Option[String] = Some(Id="something")
First you have to define the regex as valid stable identifiers.
val IdPattern = "Id=(.*).r
val TypePattern = "PostTypeId=(.*)".r
Note the initial uppercase, required for pattern matching (or use backquotes if really want it lowercased).
aString match {
case IdPattern(group) => println(s"id=$group")
case TypePattern(group) => println(s"type=$group")

Modify a position in a (String, String) variable in Scala

I have tuple separated by a coma that looks like this:
("TRN_KEY", "88.330000;1;2")
I would like to add some more info to the second position.
For example:
I would like to add ;99;99 to the 88.330000;1;2 so that at the end it would look like:
(TRN_KEY, 88.330000;1;2;99;99)
One way is to de-compose your tuple and concat the additional string to the second element:
object MyObject {
val (first, second) = ("TRN_KEY","88.330000;1;2")
(first, second + ";3;4"))
Which yields:
res0: (String, String) = (TRN_KEY,88.330000;1;2;3;4)
Another way to go is copy to tuple with the new value using Tuple2.copy, as tuples are immutable by design.
You can not modify the data in place as Tuple2 is immutable.
An option would be to have a var and then use the copy method.
In Scala due to structural sharing this is a rather cheap and fast operation.
scala> var tup = ("TRN_KEY","88.330000;1;2")
tup: (String, String) = (TRN_KEY,88.330000;1;2)
scala> tup = tup.copy(_2 = tup._2 + "data")
tup: (String, String) = (TRN_KEY,88.330000;1;2data)
Here is a simple function that gets the job done. It takes a tuple and appends a string to the second element of the tuple.
def appendTup(tup:(String, String))(append:String):(String,String) = {
(tup._1, tup._2 + append)
Here is some code using it
val tup = ("TRN_KEY", "88.330000;1;2")
val tup2 = appendTup(tup)(";99;99")
Here is my output
If you really want to make it mutable you could use a case class such as:
case class newTup(col1: String, var col2: String)
val rec1 = newTup("TRN_KEY", "88.330000;1;2")
rec1.col2 = rec1.col2 + ";99;99"
res3: newTup = newTup(TRN_KEY,88.330000;1;2;99;99)
But, as mentioned above, it would be better to use .copy

Scala: Print separators when using output stream

When we need an array of strings to be concatenated, we can use mkString method:
val concatenatedString = listOfString.mkString
However, when we have a very long list of string, getting concatenated string may not be a good choice. In this case, It would be more appropriated to print out to an output stream directly, Writing it to output stream is simple:
listOfString.foreach(outstream.write _)
However, I don't know a neat way to append separators. One thing I tried is looping with an index:
var i = 0
for(str <- listOfString) {
if(i != 0) outstream.write ", "
outstream.write str
i += 1
This works, but it is too wordy. Although I can make a function encapsules the code above, I want to know whether Scala API already has a function do the same thing or not.
Thank you.
Here is a function that do what you want in a bit more elegant way:
def commaSeparated(list: List[String]): Unit = list match {
case List() =>
case List(a) => print(a)
case h::t => print(h + ", ")
The recursion avoids mutable variables.
To make it even more functional style, you can pass in the function that you want to use on each item, that is:
def commaSeparated(list: List[String], func: String=>Unit): Unit = list match {
case List() =>
case List(a) => func(a)
case h::t => func(h + ", ")
commaSeparated(t, func)
And then call it by:
commaSeparated(mylist, oustream.write _)
I believe what you want is the overloaded definitions of mkString.
Definitions of mkString:
scala> val strList = List("hello", "world", "this", "is", "bob")
strList: List[String] = List(hello, world, this, is, bob)
def mkString: String
scala> strList.mkString
res0: String = helloworldthisisbob
def mkString(sep: String): String
scala> strList.mkString(", ")
res1: String = hello, world, this, is, bob
def mkString(start: String, sep: String, end: String): String
scala> strList.mkString("START", ", ", "END")
res2: String = STARThello, world, this, is, bobEND
How about this?
scala> + ", ").foreach(print) // or
hello, world, this, is, bob,
Not good for parallelized code, but otherwise:
val it = listOfString.iterator
it.foreach{x => print(x); if (it.hasNext) print(' ')}
Here's another approach which avoids the var
listOfString.zipWithIndex.foreach{ case (s, i) =>
if (i != 0) outstream write ","
outstream write s }
Self Answer:
I wrote a function encapsulates the code in the original question:
implicit def withSeparator[S >: String](seq: Seq[S]) = new {
def withSeparator(write: S => Any, sep: String = ",") = {
var i = 0
for (str <- seq) {
if (i != 0) write(sep)
i += 1
You can use it like this:
listOfString.withSeparator(print _)
The separator can also be assigned:
listOfString.withSeparator(print _, ",\n")
Thank you for everyone answered me. What I wanted to use is a concise and not too slow representation. The implicit function withSeparator looks like the thing I wanted. So I accept my own answer for this question. Thank you again.

Polish notation evaluate function

I am new to Scala and I am having hard-time with defining, or more likely translating my code from Ruby to evaluate calculations described as Polish Notations,
f.e. (+ 3 2) or (- 4 (+ 3 2))
I successfully parse the string to form of ArrayBuffer(+, 3, 2) or ArrayBuffer(-, 4, ArrayBuffer(+, 3 2)).
The problem actually starts when I try to define a recursive eval function ,which simply takes ArrayBuffer as argument and "return" an Int(result of evaluated application).
I want to simply check if 2nd element is an instanceOf[Int] and 3rd element is instanceOf[Int] then evaluate them together (depending on sign operator - 1st element) and return Int.
However If any of the elements is another ArrayBuffer, I simply want to reassign that element to returned value of recursively called eval function. like:
Storage(2) = eval(Storage(2)). (** thats why i am using mutable ArrayBuffer **)
The error ,which I get is:
scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer cannot be cast to java.lang.Integer
I am of course not looking for any copy-and-paste answers but for some advices and observations.
Constructive Criticism fully welcomed.
****** This is the testing code I am using only for the addition ******
def eval(Input: ArrayBuffer[Any]):Int = {
if(ArrayBuffer(2).isInstaceOf[ArrayBuffer[Any]]) {
ArrayBuffer(2) = eval(ArrayBuffer(2))
if(ArrayBuffer(3).isInstaceOf[ArrayBuffer[Any]]) {
ArrayBuffer(3) = eval(ArrayBuffer(3))
if(ArrayBuffer(2).isInstaceOf[Int] && ArrayBuffer(3).isInstanceOf[Int]) {
ArrayBuffer(2).asInstanceOf[Int] + ArrayBuffer(3).asInstanceOf[Int]
A few problems with your code:
ArrayBuffer(2) means "construct an ArrayBuffer with one element: 2". Nowhere in your code are you referencing your parameter Input. You would need to replace instances of ArrayBuffer(2) with Input(2) for this to work.
ArrayBuffer (and all collections in Scala) are 0-indexed, so if you want to access the second thing in the collection, you would do input(1).
If you leave the the final if there, then the compiler will complain since your function won't always return an Int; if the input contained something unexpected, then that last if would evaluate to false, and you have no else to fall to.
Here's a direct rewrite of your code: fixing the issues:
def eval(input: ArrayBuffer[Any]):Int = {
input(1) = eval(input(1).asInstanceOf[ArrayBuffer[Any]])
input(2) = eval(input(2).asInstanceOf[ArrayBuffer[Any]])
input(1).asInstanceOf[Int] + input(2).asInstanceOf[Int]
(note also that variable names, like input, should be lowercased.)
That said, the procedure of replacing entries in your input with their evaluations is probably not the best route because it destroys the input in the process of evaluating. You should instead write a function that takes the ArrayBuffer and simply recurses through it without modifying the original.
You'll want you eval function to check for specific cases. Here's a simple implementation as a demonstration:
def eval(e: Seq[Any]): Int =
e match {
case Seq("+", a: Int, b: Int) => a + b
case Seq("+", a: Int, b: Seq[Any]) => a + eval(b)
case Seq("+", a: Seq[Any], b: Int) => eval(a) + b
case Seq("+", a: Seq[Any], b: Seq[Any]) => eval(a) + eval(b)
So you can see that for the simple case of (+ arg1 arg2), there are 4 cases. In each case, if the argument is an Int, we use it directly in the addition. If the argument itself is a sequence (like ArrayBuffer), then we recursively evaluate before adding. Notice also that Scala's case syntax lets to do pattern matches with types, so you can skip the isInstanceOf and asInstanceOf stuff.
Now there definitely style improvements you'd want to make down the line (like using Either instead of Any and not hard coding the "+"), but this should get you on the right track.
And here's how you would use it:
eval(Seq("+", 3, 2))
res0: Int = 5
scala> eval(Seq("+", 4, Seq("+", 3, 2)))
res1: Int = 9
Now, if you want to really take advantage of Scala features, you could use an Eval extractor:
object Eval {
def unapply(e: Any): Option[Int] = {
e match {
case i: Int => Some(i)
case Seq("+", Eval(a), Eval(b)) => Some(a + b)
And you'd use it like this:
scala> val Eval(result) = 2
result: Int = 2
scala> val Eval(result) = ArrayBuffer("+", 2, 3)
result: Int = 5
scala> val Eval(result) = ArrayBuffer("+", 2, ArrayBuffer("+", 2, 3))
result: Int = 7
Or you could wrap it in an eval function:
def eval(e: Any): Int = {
val Eval(result) = e
Here is my take on right to left stack-based evaluation:
def eval(expr: String): Either[Throwable, Int] = {
import java.lang.NumberFormatException
import scala.util.control.Exception._
def int(s: String) = catching(classOf[NumberFormatException]).opt(s.toInt)
val symbols = expr.replaceAll("""[^\d\+\-\*/ ]""", "").split(" ").toSeq
allCatch.either {
val results = symbols.foldRight(List.empty[Int]) {
(symbol, operands) => int(symbol) match {
case Some(op) => op :: operands
case None => val x :: y :: ops = operands
val result = symbol match {
case "+" => x + y
case "-" => x - y
case "*" => x * y
case "/" => x / y
result :: ops