Converting vector of vectors to Matrix in scala - scala

What is the most efficient way to convert breeze.linalg.Vector[breeze.linalg.Vector[Double]] to a DenseMatrix?
I tried using asDenseMatrix, toBreezeMatrix, creating a new DenseMatrix etc but it seems like I am missing the most simple and obvious way to do this.

Not real pretty, but this will work and is probably fairly efficient:
val v: Vector[Vector[Double]] = ???
val matrix = DenseMatrix( _*)
You could make this a bit nicer by defining an implicit LiteralRow for subclasses of Vector like so:
implicit def vectorLiteralRow[E, V](implicit ev: V <:< Vector[E]) = new LiteralRow[V, E] {
def foreach[X](row: V, fn: (Int, E) => X): Unit = row.foreachPair(fn)
def length(row: V) = row.length
Now with this implicit in scope you could use
val matrix = DenseVector(v.toArray: _*)
It seems pretty natural to construct a matrix from its row vectors, so I'm not sure why the breeze library doesn't define implcit LiteralRows for subclasses of Vector. Maybe someone with more knowledge of the breeze library could comment on this.


Why List.fill method has two group of parameters instead of one?

What is the reason behind List.fill is being defined with two groups of parameters instead of one with n and elem parameters together
Current definition
def fill[A](n: Int)(elem: ⇒ A): CC[A]
Proposed definition
def fill[A](n: Int, elem: ⇒ A): CC[A]
Isn't it unnecessary boilerplate? Or is it designed to use the first part (List.fill(n)) as a curried function constructor?
You can write
List.fill(10){ val r = math.random; r * r }
but you cannot write
List.fill(10, r = math.random; r * r)
List.fill(10, {r = math.random; r * r})
looks somewhat awkward.
In this case, it's almost irrelevant, but note that the way how the arguments are grouped into argument lists can influence the type inference quite significantly, e.g.
def map[X, Y](a: F[X])(f: X => Y): F[Y]
works perfectly fine without any type annotations most of the time, whereas
def map[X, Y](a: F[X], f: X => Y): F[Y]
is quite painful to use. Take a careful look at such methods as ap, ap2 or map2 in this piece of code, for example. There is a good reason why the argument lists are the way they are, you would notice it immediately if they were defined differently.

Achieving compile safe indexing with Shapeless

Problem: Let val v = List(0.5, 1.2, 0.3) model a realisation of some vector v = (v_1, v_2, v_3). The index j in v_j is implied by the element's position in the list. A lot of boilerplate and bugs have been due to tracking these indices, eg, when creating modified lists from the original. (How to make sure (in compile-time) that collection wasn't reordered? seems related.)
General question: What could be a good way to ensure correct indexing at compile time? (I assume that performance is not essential.)
My plan is to use subclasses of Nat in shapeless to model the indices as (explicit) types. The current solution is
import shapeless._
import Nat._
trait Elem[+A, +N<:Nat]{
val v: A
val ind: N}
case class DecElem[N<:Nat](v: BigDecimal, ind: N) extends Elem[BigDecimal, N]
object Decimals {
type One = DecElem[ _0]:: HNil
type Two = DecElem[ _0]:: DecElem[_1] :: HNil
case class Scalar(v: Decimals.One)
case class VecTwo(v: Decimals.Two)
This, however, gets tedious in larger dimensions.
Another question is how to approach the generic case in trait Elem[+A, +N<:Nat]. As a start, I defined case class ElemVector[A, M<:Nat](vs: Sized[List[Elem[A, Nat]], M]), which loses the specific index type in Elem. What might be a strategy to circumvent this difficulty?
(Note: A better design may be to wrap List[A] by attaching explicit indices and deal with wrapper class. This, however, does not essentially change the question.)
UPDATE Here's is a trivial illustration of accidental swapping of vector elements.
import shapeless.Nat._
import shapeless.{Sized, nat}
type VectorTwo = Sized[IndexedSeq[Double], nat._2]
val f = (p: VectorTwo, x: Double) => {
val V = p(_0)
val K = p(_1)
V * x/(K + x)
val V : Double = 500
val K : Double = 1
val correct: VectorTwo = Sized(V, K)
val wrong: VectorTwo = Sized(K, V) //Compiles!
f(correct, 10) // = 454.54
f(wrong, 10) // = 0.02
I'd like to enlist the compiler to prevent such errors in vectors with many elements, and wonder if there could be an elegant solution with Shapeless.

Function to compute partial derivatives of function with arbitrary many variables

I am trying to write a function in Scala that will compute the partial derivative of a function with arbitrary many variables. For example
One Variable(regular derivative):
def partialDerivative(f: Double => Double)(x: Double) = { (f(x+0.001)-f(x))/0.001 }
Two Variables:
def partialDerivative(c: Char, f: (Double, Double) => Double)(x: Double)(y: Double) = {
if (c == 'x') (f(x+0.0001, y)-f(x, y))/0.0001
else if (c == 'y') (f(x, y+0.0001)-f(x, y))/0.0001
I am wondering if there is a way to write partialDerivative where the number of variables in f do not need to be known in advance.
I read some blog posts about varargs but can't seem to come up with the correct signature.
Here is what I tried.
def func(f: (Double*) => Double)(n: Double*)
but this doesn't seem to be correct. Thanks for any help on this.
Double* means f accepts an arbitrary Seq of Doubles, which is not correct.
The only way I can think of to write something like this is using shapeless Sized. You will need more implicits than this, and possibly some type-level equality implicits as well; type-level programming in scala is quite complex and I don't have the time to debug this properly, but it should give you some idea:
def partialDerivative[N <: Nat, I <: Nat](f: Sized[Seq[Double], N] => Double)(i: I, xs: Sized[Seq[Double], N])(implicit diff: Diff[I, N]) = {
val (before, atAndAfter) = xs.splitAt(i)
val incrementedAtAndAfter = (atAndAfter.head + 0.0001) +: atAndAfter.tail
val incremented = before ++ incrementedAtAndAfter
(f(incremeted) - f(xs)) / 0.0001

Understanding Random monad in Scala

This a follow-up to my previous question
Travis Brown pointed out that java.util.Random is side-effecting and suggested a random monad Rng library to make the code purely functional. Now I am trying to build a simplified random monad by myself to understand how it works.
Does it make sense ? How would you fix/improve the explanation below ?
Random Generator
First we plagiarize a random generating function from java.util.Random
// do some bit magic to generate a new random "seed" from the given "seed"
// and return both the new "seed" and a random value based on it
def next(seed: Long, bits: Int): (Long, Int) = ...
Note that next returns both the new seed and the value rather than just the value. We need it to pass the new seed to another function invocation.
Random Point
Now let's write a function to generate a random point in a unit square.
Suppose we have a function to generate a random double in range [0, 1]
def randomDouble(seed: Long): (Long, Double) = ... // some bit magic
Now we can write a function to generate a random point.
def randomPoint(seed: Long): (Long, (Double, Double)) = {
val (seed1, x) = randomDouble(seed)
val (seed2, y) = randomDouble(seed1)
(seed2, (x, y))
So far, so good and both randomDouble and randomPoint are pure. The only problem is that we compose randomDouble to build randomPoint ad hoc. We don't have a generic tool to compose functions yielding random values.
Monad Random
Now we will define a generic tool to compose functions yielding random values. First, we generalize the type of randomDouble:
type Random[A] = Long => (Long, A) // generate a random value of type A
and then build a wrapper class around it.
class Random[A](run: Long => (Long, A))
We need the wrapper to define methods flatMap (as bind in Haskell) and map used by for-comprehension.
class Random[A](run: Long => (Long, A)) {
def apply(seed: Long) = run(seed)
def flatMap[B](f: A => Random[B]): Random[B] =
new Random({seed: Long => val (seed1, a) = run(seed); f(a)(seed1)})
def map[B](f: A => B): Random[B] =
new Random({seed: Long = val (seed1, a) = run(seed); (seed1, f(a))})
Now we add a factory-function to create a trivial Random[A] (which is absolutely deterministic rather than "random", by the way) This is a return function (as return in Haskell).
def certain[A](a: A) = new Random({seed: Long => (seed, a)})
Random[A] is a computation yielding random value of type A. The methods flatMap , map, and function unit serves for composing simple computations to build more complex ones. For example, we will compose two Random[Double] to build Random[(Double, Double)].
Monadic Random Point
Now when we have a monad we are ready to revisit randomPoint and randomDouble. Now we define them differently as functions yielding Random[Double] and Random[(Double, Double)]
def randomDouble(): Random[Double] = new Random({seed: Long => ... })
def randomPoint(): Random[(Double, Double)] =
randomDouble().flatMap(x => randomDouble().flatMap(y => certain(x, y))
This implementation is better than the previous one since it uses a generic tool (flatMap and certain) to compose two calls of Random[Double] and build Random[(Double, Double)].
Now can re-use this tool to build more functions generating random values.
Monte-Carlo calculation of Pi
Now we can use map to test if a random point is in the circle:
def randomCircleTest(): Random[Boolean] =
randomPoint().map {case (x, y) => x * x + y * y <= 1}
We can also define a Monte-Carlo simulation in terms of Random[A]
def monteCarlo(test: Random[Boolean], trials: Int): Random[Double] = ...
and finally the function to calculate PI
def pi(trials: Int): Random[Double] = ....
All those functions are pure. Side-effects occur only when we finally apply the pi function to get the value of pi.
Your approach is quite nice although it is a little bit complicated. I also suggested you to take a look at Chapter 6 of Functional Programming in Scala By Paul Chiusano and Runar Bjarnason.
The chapter is called Purely Functional State and it shows how to create purely functional random generator and define its data type algebra on top of that to have full function composition support.

Generic column access for scala matrix

I have code that stores matrices of different types, e.g. m1: Array[Array[Double]], m2: List[List[Int]]. As seen, these matrices are all stored as as a sequence of rows. Any row is easy to retrieve but columns seem to me to require traversal of the matrix. I'd like to write a very generic function that returns a column from a matrix of either of these types. I've written this in many ways, the latest of which is:
/* Get a column of any matrix stored in rows */
private def column(M: Seq[Seq[Any]], n: Int, c: Seq[Any] = List(),
i: Int = 0): List[Any] = {
if (i != M.size) column(M, n, c :+ M(i)(n), i+1) else c.toList
This compiles however it doesn't work: I get a type mismatch when I try to pass in an Array[Array[Double]]. I've tried to write this with some view bounds as well i.e.
private def column[T1 <% Seq[Any], T2 <% Seq[T1]] ...
But this wasn't fruitful either. How come the first code segment I wrote doesn't work? What is the best way to do this?
import collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
def column[T, M[_]](xss: M[M[T]], c: Int)(
implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[Nothing, T, M[T]],
mm2s: M[M[T]] => Seq[M[T]],
m2s: M[T] => Seq[T]
): M[T] = {
val bf = cbf()
for (xs <- mm2s(xss)) { bf += m2s(xs).apply(c) }
If you don't care about the return type, this is a really simple way to do it:
def column[A, M[_]](matrix: M[M[A]], colIdx: Int)
(implicit v1: M[M[A]] => Seq[M[A]], v2: M[A] => Seq[A]): Seq[A] =
I suggest you represent a Matrix as an underlying single-dimensional Array (the only kind of Array there is!) and separately represent its structure in terms of rows and columns.
This gives you more flexibility both in representation and access. E.g., you can provide both row-major and column-major organizations. Producing row iterators is just as easy as producing column iterators, regardless of whether it's a row-major or column-major organization.
Try this one:
private def column[T](
M: Seq[Seq[T]], n: Int, c: Seq[T] = List(), i: Int = 0): List[T] =
if (i != M.size) column(M, n, c :+ M(i)(n), i+1) else c.toList