Why List.fill method has two group of parameters instead of one? - scala

What is the reason behind List.fill is being defined with two groups of parameters instead of one with n and elem parameters together
Current definition
def fill[A](n: Int)(elem: ⇒ A): CC[A]
Proposed definition
def fill[A](n: Int, elem: ⇒ A): CC[A]
Isn't it unnecessary boilerplate? Or is it designed to use the first part (List.fill(n)) as a curried function constructor?

You can write
List.fill(10){ val r = math.random; r * r }
but you cannot write
List.fill(10, r = math.random; r * r)
List.fill(10, {r = math.random; r * r})
looks somewhat awkward.
In this case, it's almost irrelevant, but note that the way how the arguments are grouped into argument lists can influence the type inference quite significantly, e.g.
def map[X, Y](a: F[X])(f: X => Y): F[Y]
works perfectly fine without any type annotations most of the time, whereas
def map[X, Y](a: F[X], f: X => Y): F[Y]
is quite painful to use. Take a careful look at such methods as ap, ap2 or map2 in this piece of code, for example. There is a good reason why the argument lists are the way they are, you would notice it immediately if they were defined differently.


How to implement memoization in Scala without mutability?

I was recently reading Category Theory for Programmers and in one of the challenges, Bartosz proposed to write a function called memoize which takes a function as an argument and returns the same one with the difference that, the first time this new function is called, it stores the result of the argument and then returns this result each time it is called again.
def memoize[A, B](f: A => B): A => B = ???
The problem is, I can't think of any way to implement this function without resorting to mutability. Moreover, the implementations I have seen uses mutable data structures to accomplish the task.
My question is, is there a purely functional way of accomplishing this? Maybe without mutability or by using some functional trick?
Thanks for reading my question and for any future help. Have a nice day!
is there a purely functional way of accomplishing this?
No. Not in the narrowest sense of pure functions and using the given signature.
TLDR: Use mutable collections, it's okay!
Impurity of g
val g = memoize(f)
// state 1
// state 2
What would you expect to happen for the call g(a)?
If g(a) memoizes the result, an (internal) state has to change, so the state is different after the call g(a) than before.
As this could be observed from the outside, the call to g has side effects, which makes your program impure.
From the Book you referenced, 2.5 Pure and Dirty Functions:
[...] functions that
always produce the same result given the same input and
have no side effects
are called pure functions.
Is this really a side effect?
Normally, at least in Scala, internal state changes are not considered side effects.
See the definition in the Scala Book
A pure function is a function that depends only on its declared inputs and its internal algorithm to produce its output. It does not read any other values from “the outside world” — the world outside of the function’s scope — and it does not modify any values in the outside world.
The following examples of lazy computations both change their internal states, but are normally still considered purely functional as they always yield the same result and have no side effects apart from internal state:
lazy val x = 1
// state 1: x is not computed
// state 2: x is 1
val ll = LazyList.continually(0)
// state 1: ll = LazyList(<not computed>)
// state 2: ll = LazyList(0, <not computed>)
In your case, the equivalent would be something using a private, mutable Map (as the implementations you may have found) like:
def memoize[A, B](f: A => B): A => B = {
val cache = mutable.Map.empty[A, B]
(a: A) => cache.getOrElseUpdate(a, f(a))
Note that the cache is not public.
So, for a pure function f and without looking at memory consumption, timings, reflection or other evil stuff, you won't be able to tell from the outside whether f was called twice or g cached the result of f.
In this sense, side effects are only things like printing output, writing to public variables, files etc.
Thus, this implementation is considered pure (at least in Scala).
Avoiding mutable collections
If you really want to avoid var and mutable collections, you need to change the signature of your memoize method.
This is, because if g cannot change internal state, it won't be able to memoize anything new after it was initialized.
An (inefficient but simple) example would be
def memoizeOneValue[A, B](f: A => B)(a: A): (B, A => B) = {
val b = f(a)
val g = (v: A) => if (v == a) b else f(v)
(b, g)
val (b1, g) = memoizeOneValue(f, a1)
val (b2, h) = memoizeOneValue(g, a2)
// ...
The result of f(a1) would be cached in g, but nothing else. Then, you could chain this and always get a new function.
If you are interested in a faster version of that, see #esse's answer, which does the same, but more efficient (using an immutable map, so O(log(n)) instead of the linked list of functions above, O(n)).
Let's try(Note: I have change the return type of memoize to store the cached data):
import scala.language.existentials
type M[A, B] = A => T forSome { type T <: (B, A => T) }
def memoize[A, B](f: A => B): M[A, B] = {
import scala.collection.immutable
def withCache(cache: immutable.Map[A, B]): M[A, B] = a => cache.get(a) match {
case Some(b) => (b, withCache(cache))
case None =>
val b = f(a)
(b, withCache(cache + (a -> b)))
def f(i: Int): Int = { print(s"Invoke f($i)"); i }
val (i0, m0) = memoize(f)(1) // f only invoked at first time
val (i1, m1) = m0(1)
val (i2, m2) = m1(1)
Yes there is pure functional ways to implement polymorphic function memoization. The topic is surprisingly deep and even summons the Yoneda Lemma, which is likely what Bartosz had in mind with this exercise.
The blog post Memoization in Haskell gives a nice introduction by simplifying the problem a bit: instead of looking at arbitrary functions it restricts the problem to functions from the integers.
The following memoize function takes a function of type Int -> a and
returns a memoized version of the same function. The trick is to turn
a function into a value because, in Haskell, functions are not
memoized but values are. memoize converts a function f :: Int -> a
into an infinite list [a] whose nth element contains the value of f n.
Thus each element of the list is evaluated when it is first accessed
and cached automatically by the Haskell runtime thanks to lazy
memoize :: (Int -> a) -> (Int -> a)
memoize f = (map f [0 ..] !!)
Apparently the approach can be generalised to function of arbitrary domains. The trick is to come up with a way to use the type of the domain as an index into a lazy data structure used for "storing" previous values. And this is where the Yoneda Lemma comes in and my own understanding of the topic becomes flimsy.

Scala: how do I understand the curry mechanism

I understand how does a curried function work in practice.
def plainSum(a: Int)(b: Int) = a + b
val plusOne = plainSum(1) _
where plusOne is a curried function of type (Int) => Int, which can be applied to an Int:
res0: Int = 11
Independently, when reading the book (Chapter 2) Functional Programming in Scala, by Chiusano and Bjarnason, it demonstrated that the implementation of currying a function f of two arguments into a function of one argument can be written in the following way:
def curry[A, B, C](f: (A, B) => C): A => (B => C) =
a: A => b: B => f(a, b)
Reference: https://github.com/fpinscala/fpinscala/blob/master/answers/src/main/scala/fpinscala/gettingstarted/GettingStarted.scala#L157-L158
I can understand the above implementation, but have a hard time associating the signature with the plainSum and plusOne example.
The 1 in the plainSum(1) _ seems to correspond to the type parameter A, and the function value plusOne seems to correspond to the function signature B => C.
How does the Scala compiler apply the above curry signature when seeing the statement plainSum(1) _?
You are conflating partially applying a function with currying. In Scala, they some differences:
A partially applied function passes less arguments than provided in the application with the rest of the arguments, represented by the placeholder(_), is partially applied on the next call.
Currying is when a higher order function takes a function of N arguments and transforms it into a one-arg chains of functions.
The plusOne example is naturally curried out of the box by virtue of the multi-parameter list which takes a function of one argument successively and return the last argument.
Your mistake is that you are trying to use currying twice when this notation()() already gives you currying.
Meanwhile you can achieve same effect by currying the plainSum signature to the curry function like so:
def curry[A, B, C](f: (A, B) => C): A => (B => C) =
(a: A) => (b: B) => f(a, b)
def plainSum(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b
val curriedSum = curry(plainSum)
val add2 = curriedSum(2)
Both(partial application and currying) shouldn't be confused with another concept called partial functions.
Note: The red book, fpinscala, tried creating those abstraction as done in the Scala library without the syntactic sugar.

Testing a generated curried function with Scala Test

I'm having hard times trying to create a Scala Test to checks this function:
def curry[A,B,C](f: (A,B) => C): A => (B => C) =
a => b => f(a,b)
The first thought I had was to validate if given a function fx passed into curry(fx) function, will return a curried version of it.
Any tips?
One way to test it, is to pass different f's to it and see if you are getting back the function you expect. For example, you can test an f that returns the arguments as a tuple:
def f(x: String, y: Int) = (x, y)
curry(f)("4")(7) must be(("4", 7))
IMO, testing it for a few different functions f and for a few different a and b would be more than sufficiently assuring that something as trivial as this works as intended.

Scala Function.tupled and Function.untupled equivalent for variable arity, or, calling variable arity function with tuple

I was trying to do some stuff last night around accepting and calling a generic function (i.e. the type is known at the call site, but potentially varies across call sites, so the definition should be generic across arities).
For example, suppose I have a function f: (A, B, C, ...) => Z. (There are actually many such fs, which I do not know in advance, and so I cannot fix the types nor count of A, B, C, ..., Z.)
I'm trying to achieve the following.
How do I call f generically with an instance of (A, B, C, ...)? If the signature of f were known in advance, then I could do something involving Function.tupled f or equivalent.
How do I define another function or method (for example, some object's apply method) with the same signature as f? That is to say, how do I define a g for which g(a, b, c, ...) type checks if and only if f(a, b, c, ...) type checks? I was looking into Shapeless's HList for this. From what I can tell so far, HList at least solves the "representing an arbitrary arity args list" issue, and also, Shapeless would solve the conversion to and from tuple issue. However, I'm still not sure I understand how this would fit in with a function of generic arity, if at all.
How do I define another function or method with a related type signature to f? The biggest example that comes to mind now is some h: (A, B, C, ...) => SomeErrorThing[Z] \/ Z.
I remember watching a conference presentation on Shapeless some time ago. While the presenter did not explicitly demonstrate these things, what they did demonstrate (various techniques around abstracting/genericizing tuples vs HLists) would lead me to believe that similar things as the above are possible with the same tools.
Thanks in advance!
Yes, Shapeless can absolutely help you here. Suppose for example that we want to take a function of arbitrary arity and turn it into a function of the same arity but with the return type wrapped in Option (I think this will hit all three points of your question).
To keep things simple I'll just say the Option is always Some. This takes a pretty dense four lines:
import shapeless._, ops.function._
def wrap[F, I <: HList, O](f: F)(implicit
ftp: FnToProduct.Aux[F, I => O],
ffp: FnFromProduct[I => Option[O]]
): ffp.Out = ffp(i => Some(ftp(f)(i)))
We can show that it works:
scala> wrap((i: Int) => i + 1)
res0: Int => Option[Int] = <function1>
scala> wrap((i: Int, s: String, t: String) => (s * i) + t)
res1: (Int, String, String) => Option[String] = <function3>
scala> res1(3, "foo", "bar")
res2: Option[String] = Some(foofoofoobar)
Note the appropriate static return types. Now for how it works:
The FnToProduct type class provides evidence that some type F is a FunctionN (for some N) that can be converted into a function from some HList to the original output type. The HList function (a Function1, to be precise) is the Out type member of the instance, or the second type parameter of the FnToProduct.Aux helper.
FnFromProduct does the reverse—it's evidence that some F is a Function1 from an HList to some output type that can be converted into a function of some arity to that output type.
In our wrap method, we use FnToProduct.Aux to constrain the Out of the FnToProduct instance for F in such a way that we can refer to the HList parameter list and the O result type in the type of our FnFromProduct instance. The implementation is then pretty straightforward—we just apply the instances in the appropriate places.
This may all seem very complicated, but once you've worked with this kind of generic programming in Scala for a while it becomes more or less intuitive, and we'd of course be happy to answer more specific questions about your use case.

Dealing with Option and Either types - idiomatic conversions?

I'm probably missing something that's right in the documentation, but I can't really make much sense of it - I've been teaching myself Scala mostly by trial and error.
Given a function f: A => C, what is the idiomatic way to perform the following conversions?
Either[A, B] -> Either[C, B]
Either[B, A] -> Either[B, C]
(If I have two such functions and want to convert both sides, can I do it all at once or should I apply the idiom twice sequentially?)
Option[A] -> Option[C]
(I have a feeling that this is supposed to use for (...) yield somehow; I'm probably just blanking on it, and will feel silly when I see an answer)
And what exactly is a "projection" of an Either, anyway?
You do either a:
or a:
You can also use a for-comprehension: for (x <- either.left) yield f(x)
Here's a more concrete example of doing a map on an Either[Boolean, Int]:
scala> val either: Either[Boolean, Int] = Right(5)
either: Either[Boolean, Int] = Right(5)
scala> val e2 = either.right.map(_ > 0)
either: Either[Boolean, Boolean] = Right(true)
scala> e2.left.map(!_)
either: Either[Boolean, Boolean] = Right(true)
How does it work? Say you have an Either[A, B]. Calling left or right creates a LeftProjection or a RightProjection object that is a wrapper that holds the Either[A, B] object.
For the left wrapper, a subsequent map with a function f: A => C is applied to transform the Either[A, B] to Either[C, B]. It does so by using pattern matching under the hood to check if Either is actually a Left. If it is, it creates a new Left[C, B]. If not, it just changes creates a new Right[C, B] with the same underlying value.
And vice versa for the right wrapper. Effectively, saying either.right.map(f) means - if the either (Either[A, B]) object holds a Right value, map it. Otherwise, leave it as is, but change the type B of the either object as if you've mapped it.
So technically, these projections are mere wrappers. Semantically, they are a way of saying that you are doing something that assumes that the value stored in the Either object is either Left or Right. If this assumption is wrong, the mapping does nothing, but the type parameters are changed accordingly.
Given f: A=>B and xOpt: Option[A], xOpt map f produces the Option[B] you need.
Given f: A=>B and xOrY: Either[A, C], xOrY.left.map(f) produces the Either you are looking for, mapping just the first component; similarly you can deal with RightProjection of Either.
If you have two functions, you can define mapping for both components, xOrY.fold(f, g).
val e1:Either[String, Long] = Right(1)
val e2:Either[Int,Boolean] = e1.left.map(_.size).right.map( _ >1 )
// e2: Either[Int,Boolean] = Right(false)