can not create c++ project using NetBeans IDE, build host not connected - netbeans

I'm new to C++ and is trying to use the NetBeans IDE to create a C++ project. However, I have encountered the following error. I have downloaded the sygwin compiler but after mending around for a hour and half, I still couldn't get the NetBeans C++ compiler working? Could someone please give me a hand? I apologise if this sounds silly to some of you. Thanks in advance for any help!

The NetBeans C/C++ bundle does not include a C/C++ compiler.
You have to download an environment like Cygwin or MinGW which includes the compiler and then add it as build host.


How to install Parallel Tools Platform into my existing Eclipse IDE?

Hi guys I'm using OS X right now. It seems like I can't compile my parallel code with default clang in OS X so I decided to install the Parallel Tools Platform into my Eclipse, which I use to write Java.
The problem is that I can't find the right package named Parallel Tools Platform in the Eclipse Market Place. What's the name of that package?
I've already downloaded the CDT but have no idea where the parallel tools are. Can someone help me with this please?
Thank you.
Another question is since the default clang doesn't support openMP, I installed g++ but when compiling it still can't find <omg.h>, so I have to use Eclipse. How to use g++ or clang compile openMP in OS X?
You'll find instructions for adding it into your existing install at . Maybe use a different Question for your second question.

Eclipse IDE different languages configuration

my question may be silly but I am in a weird situation right now. I am currently using the latest edition of Eclipse IDE configured for android development ,downloaded from the android developers site. I am trying to install other languages to it like C++ and no matter what I do I get the binary not found when I try to compile a C++ programm. I installed different editions of compilers and I get the same problem .So here is my question:
Do I have to download a different edition of Eclipse to install the other languages or am I doing anything wrong?
Take a look at this tutorial on how to ready eclipse for C++, perhaps it will help you locate your problem
C++ for Eclipse

Failed to create javafx flatform in netbeans

I got this error when I'm trying to create a Java Swing Application, by using Netbeans.
I really don't know how to fix this error. Internet did't give me a really good answer.
I Unistalled Netbeans & then reInstalled. but It doesn't work.
How can I fix this error. Thank you.
I don't have a NetBeans installation at hand, but have a look at your Java installations configured in NetBeans ("Java Platform Manager" in Tools menu?). Select the Java version you are using. There should be a JavaFX tab. I think you can disable it there, if you don't need it.
Note: If you're using the latest Java version from Oracle, then JavaFX should automatically be configured correctly, since JavaFX is now shipped with the JDK.

Setting Up Netbeans with MINGW on Ubuntu 10.10

i am currently trying to develop an JNI(Native) component for a Java application, I would like to compile my native components into a Windows DLL, however don't have the time to reinstall windows.
is it was possible to set up MINGW with Netbeans so that i can use the IDE's functions to compile the DLL.
Thanks Lee.
This great netbeans tutorial explain how to do and manage crosscompilation of JNI libraries.

Eclipse, the AVR Plugin, and Arduino

I'm attempting to compile Arduino code in the Eclipse IDE using WinAVR and the AVR IDE plugin, and I'm running into one major stumbling block - when I try to compile the code I get the following error:
/usr/bin/sh: g++: command not found
make: *** [main.o] Error 127
Yeah, I bet not...I'm using Windows Vista. I have the paths to WinAVR's avr-g++ all set correctly in the preferences tab, does anyone know why it might be doing this?
Did you set your paths like this?
avr preference panel
I followed the instructions on and everything worked fine on my Vista box with Eclipse 3.5.
The easiest way now to use arduino in eclipse is by using the arduino eclipse plugin.
It is build on the same software stack CDT +win AVR but it sets all the options correctly for you. It even comes with a library import functionality.
Look at for installation instructions an FAQ.