Setting Up Netbeans with MINGW on Ubuntu 10.10 - netbeans

i am currently trying to develop an JNI(Native) component for a Java application, I would like to compile my native components into a Windows DLL, however don't have the time to reinstall windows.
is it was possible to set up MINGW with Netbeans so that i can use the IDE's functions to compile the DLL.
Thanks Lee.

This great netbeans tutorial explain how to do and manage crosscompilation of JNI libraries.


javah.exe not included in Windows JDK 8?

I'm trying to learn JNI on Windows 7 64-bit, but JDK 8 does not include javah.exe. I tried both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions. The Oracle documentation shows that javah is part of JDK 8 and doesn't make any platform distinction. Is there a separate download for JNI?
Also, the tutorials that I could find on JNI on Windows are pretty old - is there a newer way to do JNI in Windows, or does anyone have any suggestions for current Windows JNI Tutorials? NetBeans is my preferred IDE, but I'm not exclusive.
Hej Kevin, there is no seperate download needed for JNI and javah.exe is included in your JDK, search for it in %JAVA_HOME%/bin (if you don't have set this environment variable, look into C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121\bin or the version you have). Make sure you have downloaded the JDK, not JRE. And, the best JNI tutorial to start with is indeed that one, at least for me it was.

Can I run C written in NetBeans on Ubuntu in the Windows NetBeans IDE?

I have some C code written using the NetBeans editor in Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.
Would I be able to run this on a Windows 7 system without any problems, using the same Windows NetBeans IDE?
In short no. (... there are some work arounds)
On the Linux Side
Netbeans installed on Ubuntu, by default, will compile this using GCC, and compile it to run on Linux.
On the Windows Side
If you basically copied your Ubuntu-Netbeans project in Netbeans for Windows, Netbeans on windows will need to be pointed towards a tool chain. By default, Netbeans looks for the GNU tool chain.
I personally have not been able to get Netbeans to play with the latest Windows SDK packages, so the simple act compiling the same C code on two different platforms with the same IDE is a little tricky. You will see alot of people say to Install GCC on windows, use Cygwin, MinGW, ect.
Keep in mind, Netbeans has no affect on the final compiled product of your code, that is up to the compiler being used in the background.

Eclipse IDE different languages configuration

my question may be silly but I am in a weird situation right now. I am currently using the latest edition of Eclipse IDE configured for android development ,downloaded from the android developers site. I am trying to install other languages to it like C++ and no matter what I do I get the binary not found when I try to compile a C++ programm. I installed different editions of compilers and I get the same problem .So here is my question:
Do I have to download a different edition of Eclipse to install the other languages or am I doing anything wrong?
Take a look at this tutorial on how to ready eclipse for C++, perhaps it will help you locate your problem
C++ for Eclipse

Eclipse setup Ubuntu 10.04

I am trying to setup Eclipse on Ubuntu 10.04. I have installed Eclipse SDK 3.5.2 from the Synaptic Package manager.
The problem is, Eclipse is not giving me an option to create Java or Dynamic Web Projects. It also does not properly recognize the projects that I import (shows source folders but not packages).
Do I have the right version of Eclipse or do I need to install anything besides this.
Please note that I already have Sun's JVM set as the default for my system. Have been trying for a while and have searched everywhere with no luck, any help would be highly appreciated.
The version packaged in Ubuntu is a light version for Java SE development (i.e. standalone java application). If you want to create web projects, you need a version with a lot more plugins. Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
I guess you need Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers.. Here it is.

Setting up Eclipse for other programming languages

I have installed Eclipse (Helios) for the Java programming language, but I also want to use it for programming in C/C++, Python and Ruby. I've installed CDT and DLTK (for Python and Ruby).
I already had mingw-w64 (Windows platform) installed. How do I set up Eclipse so that it uses MinGW as the toolchain? It apparently detects MinGW as a toolchain, but when I create a project, two warnings already appear saying "error launching external scanner info generator". I'm assuming this is because it can't find the compiler program. Also, it doesn't detect any of the standard-library header files. Could these problems be because I'm using mingw-w64 rather than the standard MinGW?
I have Ruby working, but as for Python, it cannot find the interpreter nor the default system library. I have Python 2.7 already installed. I don't know how to tell Eclipse where to look for the files.
Note: I am on Windows 7 Professional 64-bit. I've heard of people on 64-bit versions of Vista having trouble getting mingw-w64 to work. I may be having the same problem. Ignoring Eclipse, when I try to compile a C file using gcc, it has trouble finding the libraries and includes.
Edit: If I set the path to /bin/ and /libexec/ via environmental variables, I don't get the initial errors when creating a project, but, what I want to know is, how could I set the paths via Eclipse? Also, even if I set the paths, the linker still can't find the libraries and includes. I went to Project > Properties > C/C++ Build > Settings and tried to set the libraries and includes that way, but it still couldn't find them (the libraries, at least)! Moreover, would I really have to do this for every project? This option isn't available in Window > Preferences.
As for the python part, I recommend using pydev:
It's the best eclipse plugin for python. From code completion, syntax highlighting, virtualenv support ( and so on...
If you are into web development,
from javascript, php, html, python, ruby... you also might want to take a look at aptana.
It's a eclipse based IDE with lots of goodies working out of thebox, like git and subversion plugins, pydev etc... aptana is (or was, I switched IDE) installable as a plugin in a regular eclipse)
Martin K. link looks good for mingw part.