Editing Filemaker Custom Menu to Show Custom Name in Application menu - filemaker

How do you edit the application menu of a Filemaker solution to show the name of the client company or your application name instead of "Filemaker Pro"?

If you bind your solution as a Runtime, then it will display your application name instead of FileMaker. Otherwise, your solution is still running in FileMaker Pro and it probably should display, right?

I don't think it is possible. This menu and Tools menu in Advanced are always present and not editable. Also, you can't remove Help menu, although you can remove all items.


How to solve migration problem in sugar crm?

I have a problem in my work that when i migrate my sugarcrm system from 5.5 version to 6.2 version i am not able to get the delete, edit icon images in the dashlet and not able to get the drag option in the dashlet. please anyone help me out.
You may have your dashlets restricted. In ADMIN-->System Settings look to see if user editable dashlets is checked. This would make it so you can't drag the dashlet. The edit, refresh, delete option will appear when you move your cursor over the menu bar of the dashlet itself.

App preferences in Settings.app

I'm trying to achieve something similar to the "Clear History" and "Clear Cookies" cells in my apps settings (see screenshot):
I already have a few settings implemented that use toggle switches and Multi Value options.
When I edit my Root.plist the only options for an item are group, multi value, slider, text field, title & toggle switch. I'm pretty much trying to replicate the "Clear History" (ie press it once and clear an array), it doesn't store any settings or preferences, it's a one off event.
I hope that makes sense. How is this achieved?
Thanks for your help.
There is no way to do this (yet), so you'll have to find another solution.
You could simply use a switch and check it every time your app is started for this purpose and resetting the switch programmatically (since iOS4) :)
Unfortunately you can't do this. Apple have not exposed (or at least documented) the functionality. You'll either have to find some other way doing it (a toggle that causes the reset the next time the program is launched?) or just have the button in the app itself.

How do I jump to a method in RubyMine?

In Visual Studio, the editor has a drop-down list of functions in the current class; clicking on one will take me to the top of that function. Is there a way to get a similar behaviour from RubyMine?
I suggested this as a feature request to the folks at JetBrains, and within the day they got back to me to tell me about the 'File Structure Popup' on ^F12 which does very nearly what I want; it's an extra keypress but I can live with it.
If you're working on a Rails project, change the project view to Rails (change the View as: dropdown value)
Online help is here.
It looks like this is as close as it gets to the functionality you're looking for.
Ctrl+0 key in editor will show all methods with search capacity.
The same is drop-down menu Navigate -> File structure.

Eclipse RCP - Launch editor from file menu

What would be the best approach to launch an editor from the file menu(File>New). Should I encase the editor inside a view and launch the view from a command?
If you want an editor without a file, the best approach would be to go through the normal wizard creation stuff, but instead of creating a real file, use a virtual input instead. These might both be relevant to your interests: http://wiki.eclipse.org/FAQ_How_do_I_open_an_editor_on_a_file_in_the_workspace%3F and http://wiki.eclipse.org/FAQ_How_do_I_open_an_editor_programmatically%3F and http://wiki.eclipse.org/FAQ_How_do_I_open_an_editor_on_something_that_is_not_a_file%3F. I did see something ages ago which was about creating totally virtual inputs. If I see it, I'll edit the post. Otherwise, it should be as simple as creating a subclass of org.eclipse.ui.IEditorInput and then not pointing it at any resource, but using it to create the editor.

Removing text in the banner in a Windows Installer project

I'm using the standard Visual Studio deployment project and want to remove the text in the banner (the text that says "Welcome to the Your Project Setup Wizard".
I want to remove it because I want a custom banner and don't want the text written over the banner.
I can't see any properties in VS to allow this. Can it be done without prodding around in the .MSI?
You can "remove" the text by removing the Welcome dialog and replacing it with a custom dialog. In VS 2005 -
Right click on the Setup project in the solution explorer
Select View - User Interface
Under the Start group for Install and Administrative Install delete "Welcome"
Then you can add a "Textboxes (A)" dialog (right click the "Start" group and select Add Dialog) to the project, set the visible property for the text boxes to false. Move the Textboxes (A) up to the top of the "Start" sequence.
The properties for this dialog include:
This should allow you to control the look / feel (to a certain extent) of this new "Welcome" page.
I'd just like to add to this that sometimes creating a custom dialog is a pain in the rear and that you can follow the advice at http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/winformssetup/thread/5af7ff28-3dbb-4a8a-8d62-a09af9e32b29 to use a tool called InstEdit (http://www.instedit.com -- there is a free version) to edit the outputted installer and remove the BannerText
I don't believe there is an easy way (e.g. changing a property). I had the same problem recently. I couldn't find anything. Ended up using Orca to "prod around in the .msi". It seems the only thing you can alter easily is the language it's displayed in.