Removing text in the banner in a Windows Installer project - deployment

I'm using the standard Visual Studio deployment project and want to remove the text in the banner (the text that says "Welcome to the Your Project Setup Wizard".
I want to remove it because I want a custom banner and don't want the text written over the banner.
I can't see any properties in VS to allow this. Can it be done without prodding around in the .MSI?

You can "remove" the text by removing the Welcome dialog and replacing it with a custom dialog. In VS 2005 -
Right click on the Setup project in the solution explorer
Select View - User Interface
Under the Start group for Install and Administrative Install delete "Welcome"
Then you can add a "Textboxes (A)" dialog (right click the "Start" group and select Add Dialog) to the project, set the visible property for the text boxes to false. Move the Textboxes (A) up to the top of the "Start" sequence.
The properties for this dialog include:
This should allow you to control the look / feel (to a certain extent) of this new "Welcome" page.

I'd just like to add to this that sometimes creating a custom dialog is a pain in the rear and that you can follow the advice at to use a tool called InstEdit ( -- there is a free version) to edit the outputted installer and remove the BannerText

I don't believe there is an easy way (e.g. changing a property). I had the same problem recently. I couldn't find anything. Ended up using Orca to "prod around in the .msi". It seems the only thing you can alter easily is the language it's displayed in.


Accessing SDK Wizard/installing additional drivers in MCUXpresso after initial project creation

Is there a way to re-access the SDK Wizard after the initial time you configure a project? Basically, at that point it lets you select which drivers you want and includes them in a drivers folder. However, as time went on I found that I need to add more drivers than I originally planned for. How do I select additional drivers to incorporate from the SDK after initial project creation?
I found it the information at the following link, in "add/remove components":
If the link breaks -
In the Project window view, there is a small icon that looks like a yellow square with perpendicular lines through it.
Click on the project so it is highlighted, then you will be able to click the square icon which says "Manage SDK Components" if you hover over it.
Once you click that, you can select/deselect components you wish to add/remove, respectively.

Can't edit files in Vscode

I've just started using Vscode and have a created a WebAPI project. On trying to open any of the default code files (Startup.cs and Program.cs) whatever I type starts to appear in the blue bar as shown below instead of where I have placed the cursor. I have no idea what's going on or what that blue bar is.
I am able to add my own code files and edit these as I would expect.
I'm running Vscode 1.29.1 on Win 10 on a Dell Latitude 12 7275. The vscode extension
Enabled extensions :
That's caused by Vim extension. Uninstall or disable it, otherwise use insert key on your keyboard to put it in insert mode.
I'l leave this here for future readers
Basically, if I split files in tabs in VS Code, I could work with the files on the left hand side but could "read-only" all the files on the right hand side.
When I went to the extensions tabs I noticed that whatever I typed was being typed in the field in the extensions search bar. After deleting that, and clicking back on the "Files" tab, it went back to normal and can basically edit files on the both sides of my split screen.
If cannot type
Check where whatever you type is going (e.g. Extensions > Search bar)
Delete wherever it's being typed, and click back on the "Files tab"
Check if it works
I had to change the parent folders permission...
Try changing the entire folder to:
Read & Write: Allows a user to open the item and change it.

how to remove google sign in button in eclipse

I'm facing a wierd problem. My eclipse, has a google signin button which is occupying some of the space which I do not want to happen. Initially it had "Sign-in to Google" text along with it. I've followed some blog post and set accordingly to show just the icon (I don't remember that blog post link).
But now, the icon is getting replicating .. it is being shown 12 times. It is actually creating childs :P
I've gone through all the options present in Customize Perspective menu, none of them had this button listed. Can someone help me in removing that google sign button from my perspective? One possible suspect is- my eclipse crashes when I suspend and wakeup my machine.
You can use the Window > Reset Perspective... menu command to reset the perspective to its default state, which might eliminate that toolbar and buttons. If that fails, I would create a new workspace and import the projects into it using File > Import > Existing Projects into Workspace.
If you want to try to salvage your existing workspace, it's possible to do so my manually editing Eclipse's internal file that stores your Workbench layout, but it's a bit tricky. Here are the steps I've followed to eliminate a similar repeated toolbar item:
Exit Eclipse.
Find the Workbench layout file, it's path is <workbench>\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.e4.workbench\workbench.xmi. Make a backup of this file before you touch it - this is essential because it's easy to corrupt the file if you change the wrong things.
Open the file in your favorite XML-aware editor - most packages of Eclipse include the XML editor that works just fine1, but be aware that if you use Eclipse to edit the file you can't have Eclipse open on the workspace that contains the workbench.xmi you want to edit.
Find the section of <trimBars> nodes in the XML; from there you have to determine which <trimBars> node you need to edit. In your case it looks like a vertical one, probably with a side="Right" attribute.
Under the correct <trimBars> node you'll find multiple <chlidren> nodes, each with an elementId attribute that should help you identify it; you're looking for <children> nodes that are identified as something related to the Google plugin.
Delete the <children> nodes that seem related to the unwanted toolbar buttons. In your case, it appears that there is an entire toolbar that you might want to eliminate, so you might want to delete the entire containing <trimBars> node.
Save the file and start Eclipse on that workspace.
1Some packages of Eclipse include EMF tools that will open it in a special XMI editor that does not provide a view of the source, only a structural tree view. Depending on how you like to work with XML, this might be easier than editing raw XML.
This is not a perspective but a view. You can hover over that bar with the buttons and click Alt+Shift+F1 to check where this View comes from. Then you can either disable/uninstall the contributing feature (Help -> Installation Details) or check where the feature came from.
If it comes from the IDE, you can open a bug for it. If it is contributed from a third party plugin, contact the developers of that plugin.
There is an eclipse bug concerning duplicate view toolbar buttons in Luna that has recently closed as well. Maybe this solves your problem as well.
Edit: Taken from this bug:
root cause is that in Luna 4.4M5 WorkbenchWindowControlContribution.createControl is called twice, the
first time with a null value for
WorkbenchWindowControlContribution.getWorkbenchWindow() while it is
still being created. This is related to what has been reported here
second cause is that my createControl(Composite parent) method was calling PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow() instead
of WorkbenchWindowControlContribution.getWorkbenchWindow(). This
resulted in an attempt to create a new Workbench Window, which
recursively calls createControl() again. This has already been
reported here

SQLDeveloper jump between Package body and Package spec

I'm currently using Oracle SQLDeveloper a lot more that I have ever used and I'm starting to like the tool.
I use Shift+F4 a lot to jump into a package/function/procedure. But one thing that I don't really get is how to jump directly to the package body or as an alternative some kind of shortcut that toggles between the spec and the body of a package.
Toad has something like this and I'm unable to find this feature in SQLDeveloper.
I'm also aware that you have the object tree on the left side of the screen but it's not really the best way to navigate to a package body when you are already looking at its specification. Especially if you have something like 300 packages with similar names...
For someone that uses SQLDeveloper to work everyday and does a lot of development with packages there has to be a way to do this...
I'm hoping for some magical shortcut or some obscure plugin.
see the picture above-- the downward pointing side arrow -- click on it-- it will open up the function defintion.
After opening the package spec using Shift+F4, press Ctrl+Shift+F12 to open or toggle between body and spec
Go to VIEW menu, click on find DB objects option. In the find db object pane put the name of the package and select the DB.
Both, the spec and body will appear, double click to open.
You have a couple of questions:
how to 'jump into' a pl/sql object AND
how to toggle from spec to body and vice versa
How to 'jump into' a pl/sql object
Ctrl+Mouse Hover+Click
If you don't like this mouse-kung-fu, you can also assign a keyboard shortcut, I show you how to do this here.
How to toggle from spec to body and back
You can use the arrows in the gutter, they point up or down, you can use the toolbar button, or you can use the keyboard shortcut.
If you use the 'arrow' in the gutter, you'll go straight to that item's corresponding bit in the spec or body. Using the toolbar button/kb shortcut will just take you to line 1 of the spec or body.
I talk about these PL/SQL features and more on my blog.
(this is at least with my PLSQL-DEv version (, default settings)
The shortcut to view Spec. + Body is SHIFT+ F5, then CTRL+ H to toggle to the "body" tab.
This works if you have certain rights to view the package's body, especially the DEBUG right: ask your DBA to do you a
GRANT DEBUG on <package_you_want_to_view_the_body_of> to <your_user>
GRANT DEBUG on <package_you_want_to_view_the_body_of> to PUBLIC
Note sure but you might also need the EXECUTE right just to view. Same thing if needed, ask your DBA similar above grant.
Another thing I had to do in Oracle 12c for Code assistant to view the packages when typing: check the "Use DBA Views if available" in Tools > preferences:

How to edit a working set or maybe there are other tools for fast filtering?

I have a lot of projects in my package view with a lot of resources(.java, .xml, .vm, .js, and so on) but I work only with several of them and the list could change with the time. I need a tool that allow me to filter quickly only selected files("my files") and back to a full projects list. I thought I can do that using working sets but I can't find a way to add and delete files from an existing working set.
Go to Window->Customize Perspective. In Command And Groups Availability tab enable Window Working Set option if not enabled. Click OK
Go to Window->Working Sets->Edit. A dialog will pop up. Click Edit button after selecting any working set.