Opening a .im files (nanoSIMS data) on FIJI using Macro - plugins

I am looking for a macro command to open .im files in FIJI.
Since FIJI does not support the .im format, it requires a plugin called OpenMIMS, but simple lines:
run("Open MIMS Image");
open(" directory ");
would give an error message:
File is not in a supported format, a reader plugin is not available, or it was not found.
An almost the same question has apparently been asked and solved here-
Problems with an ImageJ plugin, except I am already using FIJI and Bio-Formats would not be a solution to my problem as it does not seem to support .im files, either.
I would much appreciate it if someone could enlighten me. =)

You should first check whether you can open the file using the menu via Plugins > Open MIMS Image. (I assume you installed the OpenMIMS plugin according to these instructions, adding an update site.)
When you do this while the macro recorder is running, it should record the necessary command to use in your macro code.
In the lines you posted, the second line:
open(" directory ");
doesn't make any sense and by itself will result in the error message you posted (have a look at the second part of the error message to find out the path that ImageJ is trying to open).


Cannot change content of an Edit control

I am using pywinauto to open a file in some software. My code is supposed to open a specific file using the Open dialog:
import pywinauto
from pywinauto.application import Application
app = Application(backend="uia").start(cmd_line="C:\\Program Files (x86)\... etc")
app.FORAM3.Open.Edit.SetEditText(r"C:\\Users\... etc")
The code opens the software and clicks the "Open Spectrum" button, where it gets the standard Open dialog:
on the line app.FORAM3.Open.Edit.SetEditText("Paracetamol 4.foram") I get a pywinauto.findwindows.ElementNotFoundError which states that it could not find an element or a method called SetEditText.
I have already looked around on the internet and cannot find any solutions.
How to open an existing file using pywinauto from SourceForge says to use app.Open.Edit.SetEditText.
I tried using app.Open.Edit, removing the "FORAM3" part, and it could not find "Open".
I replaced this with app.Dialog.Edit and it gave me the original ElementNotFoundError.
I also looked at Open an existing excel workbook using pywinauto, however the answer to this question suggests opening the file within excel itself, which does not apply to me.
I even tried replacing SetEditText with TypeKeys and got AttributeError: Neither GUI element (wrapper) nor wrapper method 'TypeKeys' were found (typo?)
One answer in another question, "Open file from windows file dialog with python automatically", suggests to use pywinauto and gives the following code:
from pywinauto import application
app = application.Application().start_('notepad.exe')
# app.[window title].[control name]...
I tried again using SetText and again got the AttributeError saying that it could not find an element or method with that name.
The accepted answer for this particular question says to use ctypes. I may resort to this if I cannot find a solution in pywinauto. The question has also been suggested as a possible duplicate of Choosing a file in Python with simple Dialog so I looked at that.
The accepted answer here suggests to use Tkinter. The other two suggest easygui and Zenity. Not what I'm after. There are no mentions of pywinauto in the other answers.
I am not asking how to open a file. From the answers I've looked at I can clearly see how to do it. My question is: Why isn't it working? It's clear that my code isn't recognising any of these Methods that have been suggested, so there must be something else wrong.
I started using Inspect.exe.
Part of the hierarchy has a Pane with an empty string for a name. This could be the problem, however I've worked on other software with empty panes in. In those cases I have been able to ignore the empty panes and still use the child controls. There are also three different controls with the name "Filename" which could be an issue, however since I have referred to the Edit control, it can only be one of them. I did a quick check to see whether I had to refer to the Edit control as a child of the combo box, used the line app.Dialog.combobox.Edit.SetText, and got the same AttributeError again.
My final attempt at fixing the problem was to try a different console. I have been running my code in PyCharm and found a question on jetbrains asking if it was possible to run code from PyCharm in an external console, stating that the PyCharm console did not have the same low-level control that the windows cmd.exe has.
I ran my code in the IDLE shell, and got the same error:
I tried running the code in the regular python command prompt, and it closes with the same error. This seems enough evidence to suggest that PyCharm itself isn't the issue here.
So, to reiterate: Why doesn't python recognise any Edit control methods?
backend="uia" provides different hierarchy and different method names (sometimes). Default backend is "win32" so old Notepad examples are not always relevant for "uia" backend. Also old CamelCase methods are deprecated in 0.6.5 and they even exist in "win32" backend only. Use PEP-8 method names for "uia" backend like set_text. And upgrade by pip install -U pywinauto.

Matlab failed to open m file

I am new to matlab and I've installed it successfully. Everything works fine. But when ever I try to open .m files, I always get following error popping out of dialog box:
Error using open(line 162)
Failed to open matlab editor.
And in command window it throws a lot of Java exceptions.
First of all please forgive my poor English.
I've been searching for this problem all over the internet but couldn't find any useful solution.
I'm using windows 8.1 pro 64-bit os.
Your error message indicates that there is an error in a line that justs consists of
This is not valid matlab code (looks more like html). As such it seems like you have either messed up the open function, or overloaded it somehow.
I think the first thing to do is check which open and see where this points you.
If this does not help, try to look at the matlab path carefully and see whether you accidentally added a (html?) file on it called open.m.
Lastly, you could try to use the built in open function directly, check doc builtin for this. If you succeed at least you are sure it is not a matter of corrupting the standard file.

Groovy debugger out of sync

I am having a difficulty while attempting to debug some code in grails. It is difficult to put into text, so I have posted a screencast showing exactly what the problem is here. In short, while I am debugging the debugger starts jumping from place to place and not following the program logic I have in place. The only other similar question I have found is a year old, had no solution, and can be found here.
The best guess I have so far is that the debugger is displaying the text I have typed in, but is actually executing an older version of the class file which it has cached somewhere. Therefore, I tried:
cleaning the project
manually deleting all of the class files from the target folder and from the target-eclipse folder
Searching my entire hdd for additional files with similar names
removing my project from the workspace and re-adding it
closing and reopening the IDE
grails refresh-dependencies
Importing the project into a new IDE (I was using GGTS, I switched to IntelliJ)
None of those solutions had any effect. I realized that the issue was in a .groovy file, and I was writing almost pure Java, so I deleted the .groovy file, and re-created the class in a .java file. That solved my problem. Unfortunately I am having the problem again, and this time it is in a controller that heavily relies on the grails framework, so that solution is not an option. Other than also being in a .groovy file, another similarity is that the code breaks on an if statement.
My next steps:
Verify that the application is not executing the code I see by using print functions to monitor actual execution flow.
comment out the entire function and re-add functionality one line at a time to see if I can see what breaks it.
Delete the .groovy file, and re-create it as another .groovy file.
Any help is appreciated, and since I can't find any answers online I will continue to update this question as I learn more.
See my comment on the jira issue that you raised. You have found a problem with the groovy compiler and how it calculates line numbers. This is not a problem with executing the wrong class files or using a broken debugger. The debugger is doing exactly what it is expected to do. It is the compiler that is providing erroneous line number information.
The next step, as described in the issue, is to provide a simple project that recreates the bug. I tried to do so myself, but could not. So, please supply something that we can work with. Then we can notify the groovy compiler team.

How to Change Netbeans Fonts and Colors Preview Document?

Within the Netbeans 6.5's Tools -> Options -> Fonts & Colors -> Syntax dialog, you have the ability to change the look and feel of the Netbeans text editor. When you select a language, you are presented with a preview of your font/color scheme. However, when I preview Java, there are far more options for syntax changes than are being displayed in that preview window. If I were able to view a more robust piece of code, I'd be able to see the immediate effect of more of the options.
How can I supply a preview document to view my font/color changes?
After looking into this some more, I've been able to narrow down the problem a bit. From what I can tell, everything in Netbeans is considered a plugin. The GUI editor is a plugin, and even the text editor is a plugin. This means that what ever piece of Netbeans that actually analyzes Java code and does syntax highlights is also a plugin (since Java is just one of many languages Netbeans highlights, it makes sense this is a plugin).
I think fromvega is on the right track with his suggestion. The tutorial for creating a manifest file editing plugin pointed me in the right direction. The tutorial eludes to a file used as a sample document used for font/color previews. It tells you how to create one inside this new plugin project. (Located in "Registering the Options in the NetBeans System Filesystem", part 4. About 4/5 of the way down the page.)
My next line of thought was to look for the Java syntax editing mode plugin and find this file and update it with a richer example file. I looked in the installation directory and came up empty, but I found what looks like the appropriate files within my user settings directory. There is a config directory with a lot of subfolders within my user directory (Windows: C:\Documents and Settings\saterus.netbeans\config).
I've been poking around inside this directory a bit, but have only found the xml files the manifest tutorial talks about. I have been unable to find the extensionless sample file for the Java plugin that I believe should be there.
Since I've hit a brick wall for the moment, I thought I'd toss it back to the SO community and see if you guys might make the last leap and find the solution.
Just for anyone who wants to alter this themselves it is possible on a unix machine to use grep to locate the file i.e.
grep -lr "some part of the current sample code" /path/to/netbeans
I used this method to locate the ruby example filename and from that identified that it is kept in org-netbeans-modules-ruby.jar as a file called RubyExample. By simply altering that file I was able to construct a better sample file for my own use.
Hope this helps someone!
The document which is displayed (for each mime type) is specified in a particular folder in the "system file system" (which is a NetBeans concept which is a virtual file system composed from contributions from individual modules; this is how functionality is dynamically registered in NetBeans).
Modules typically specify their system file system contributions in a file named "layer.xml" in the plugin. The create plugin templates typically offer to create this for you.
For example, here's how the Python example is registered:
<folder name="OptionsDialog">
<folder name="PreviewExamples">
<folder name="text">
<file name="x-python" url=""/>
Here, is a sample file in the same directory as the layer file.
Therefore, what you need to do is create a plugin which overrides the existing registration(s) for the mime type(s) you care about and provide alternate sample documents. You may need to hide the existing registration first (see the _hidden
part from ).
Hopefully this guides you in the right direction.
However, in thinking about it, we probably ought to make the preview area editable - so people can cut & paste whatever codefragment they care about right in there. This wouldn't be persistent, so whenever you change languages you get the original samples back - but it provides a quick way to see your own code. This shouldn't be just for the Fonts & Colors customization, but for the Formatting preview panels as well.
I've filed an issue against NetBeans for this:
-- Tor
I think you can only accomplish that with a new plugin, since you need somekind of parsing to define what is what.
Give a look a these tutorials, I haven't read them in details but they seem to show you how to do what you want:

How to save file using Eclipse Monkey?

I've recently started working with Aptana and Eclipse Monkey. What I want to do now is to create a script that saves a file then uploads it to a FTP.
Problem is that Eclipse Monkey is VERY poorly documented and Google returned only unrelated results.
I've made it upload the file, but I need the script to save the file before uploading.
Do you know any resource for Eclipse Monkey with methods,etc ?
Check this out, it has the solution for your problem:
Edit; to be more specific;
You need to add the following line into the meta-data piece at the top, so the script knows the reference 'editors':
* DOM:
After you've done that, you need to add the following line right before the sync. stuff;;
That's it :)