How to define array like parameter in gradle project extension - plugins

I want to construct an extension in gradle plugin code to realise some config like
repositories {
maven {
url ""
maven {
url ""
there're two maven sub elements here!
I could handle the case with one maven sub element, i could write something in plugin like
However when it comes to this case. How could I handle it.


Nrwl NX enforce-module-boundaries - rule if lib does NOT have source tag?

We are trying to setup a lib in NX with a scope:example tag, such that it can only be imported by other libs with a scope:example tag.
We were hoping to set it up like this:
"sourceTag": "scope:example",
"onlyDependOnLibsWithTags": ["scope:example"]
"sourceTag": "*",
"notDependOnLibsWithTags": ["scope:example"]
This doesn't work, because the 2nd rule applies even to the scope:example libs, preventing them from importing other scope:example libs.
We could fix this by adding a new tag to all of our existing libs, so we can replace the * in the second rule with that new tag.
This is not ideal, because if other devs make libs, the rule will not be enforced unless they manually add the new tag to it.
What would be ideal is something like:
"sourceTag": "scope:example",
"onlyDependOnLibsWithTags": ["scope:example"]
"libsNotContainingSourceTag": "scope:example",
"notDependOnLibsWithTags": ["scope:example"]
Any help on any means to achieve the desired lint rule? Thanks in advance!

Using Eclipse's JDT, how do I identify the classpath for a project?

I am writing a plug-in that will generate unit tests for a Java class that is selected in Eclipse's Project Explorer. This plug-in uses a third-party program called Randoop to generate the tests, so I make this happen using ProcessBuilder:
ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(command);
where the command that is passed to the ProcessBuilder is a list of Strings, something like
["java", "-classpath", "path1;path2;etc", "randoop.main.Main", ...]
Within the plug-in I am trying to generate the classpath for Randoop based on the classpath that Eclipse knows about. Here is some of what I have so far:
IClasspathEntry[] resolvedClasspath = javaProject.getResolvedClasspath(true);
for (IClasspathEntry entry : resolvedClasspath) {
if (entry.getEntryKind() == IClasspathEntry.CPE_SOURCE) {
IPath outputLocation = entry.getOutputLocation();
if (outputLocation != null) {
else {
else {
It isn't quite right. It seems to specify the library jar files okay, but doesn't do so well with identifying the paths to class files corresponding to CPE_SOURCE entries. For example, I see a classpath entry of /myPkgFragRoot/src/main/java instead of myPkgFragRoot/target/classes.
I seem to have a muddled picture of how Eclipse treats classpaths, so I'm looking for some help. Firstly, I'm wondering if my high-level approach is wrong. It seems like I am writing a large amount of code to generate an incorrect classpath. Is there some simpler way of getting a classpath from an IJavaProject than getting the results of getResolvedClasspath and iterating through them and manipulating the individual entries? Secondly, if there isn't a simpler way, how should I be locating the class files produced by building the project?
If the outputLocation is null, you have to use the default output location javaProject.getOutputLocation() instead of entry.getPath().
See Javadoc of IClasspathEntry.getOutputLocation():
the full path [...], or null if using default output folder
If in Project > Properties: Java Build Path tab Source the check box Allow output folders for source folders is not checked, IClasspathEntry::getOutputLocation() will always return null.

issue changing properties on project items using multi-project vstemplate with IWizard

I am creating a VSIX extension that generates a multi-project solution to be distributed. I would like to do several things to individual items I include in each projects vstemplate but think I may be taking the wrong approach. I have created a IWizard and am able to debug the solution. I added a custom item type to the project items in vstemplate in order to identify which ones I want to flag. I am then doing the following to change a ProjectItems Build Action from Content to Compile. I am still learning Visual Studio Extensability and have very limited experience using the objects so I apologize if the below is horrendous!
public void ProjectFinishedGenerating(Project project)
var myproject = (VSProject)project.Object;
foreach (ProjectItem pi in myproject.ProjectItems)
var myBuildAction = pi.Properties.Item("ItemType").Value;
if myBuildAction == "CompileContent")
pi.Properties.Item("ItemType").Value = "Compile";
This is my item in vstemplate
<VSTemplate Version="3.0.0" Type="Project" xmlns="" xmlns:sdk="">
<ProjectItem TargetFileName="MyFolder\$ext_safeprojectname$\$ext_safeprojectname$_CodeFile.cs" ReplaceParameters="true" ItemType="CompileContent">CodeFile.cs</ProjectItem>

Configuring ScalaDoc task in Gradle to generate aggregated documentation

I have a multi module scala project in Gradle. Everything works great with it, except the ScalaDoc. I would like to generate a single 'uber-scaladoc' with all of the libraries cross-linked. I'm still very new to groovy/gradle, so this is probably a 'me' problem. Any assistance getting this setup would be greatly appreciated.
build.gradle (in the root directory)
// ...
task doScaladoc(type: ScalaDoc) {
subprojects.each { p ->
// do something here? include the project's src/main/scala/*?
// it looks like I would want to call 'include' in here to include each project's
// source directory, but I'm not familiar enough with the Project type to get at
// that info.
The goal here would be able to just run 'gradle doScalaDoc' at the command line and have the aggregate documentation show up.
Thanks in advance.

Eclipse RCP: How to access internal classes of plugins?

I want to use the default XML editor (org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui) of Eclipse in an RCP application. I need to read the DOM of the xml file currently open. The plugin doesn't offer any extension point, so I'm trying to access the internal classes. I am aware that the I should not access the internal classes, but I don't have another option.
My approach is to create a fragment and an extension point to be able to read data from the plugin. I'm trying not to recompile the plugin, that's why I thought that a fragment was necessary. I just want to load it and extract the data at runtime.
So, my question is: is there another way to access the classes of a plugin? if yes, how?
Any tutorial, doc page or useful link for any of the methods is welcome.
Since nobody answered my question and I found the answer after long searches, I will post the answer for others to use if they bump into this problem.
To access a plugin at runtime you must create and extension point and an extension attached to it into the plugin that you are trying to access.
Adding classes to a plugin using a fragment is not recommended if you want to access those classes from outside of the plugin.
So, the best solution for this is to get the plugin source from the CVS Repository and make the modifications directly into the source of the plugin. Add extension points, extensions and the code for functionality.
Getting the plugin from the CVS Repository:
Creating extensions and extension points and accessing them:
I ended up extending XMLMultiPageEditorPart like this:
public class MultiPageEditor extends XMLMultiPageEditorPart implements
IResourceChangeListener {
public void resourceChanged(IResourceChangeEvent event) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public Document getDOM() {
int activePageIndex = getActivePage();
StructuredTextEditor fTextEditor = (StructuredTextEditor) getSelectedPage();
IDocument document = fTextEditor.getDocumentProvider().getDocument(
IStructuredModel model = StructuredModelManager.getModelManager()
Document modelDocument = null;
try {
if (model instanceof IDOMModel) {
// cast the structured model to a DOM Model
modelDocument = (Document) (((IDOMModel) model).getDocument());
} finally {
if (model != null) {
return modelDocument;
This is not a clean implementation, but it gets the job done.