How to override zk.Widget method for only concrete object? - zk

<script type="text/javascript">
function move() {
var pMeter = zk.Widget.$('$curr_met');
// TODO override pMeter method here
<progressmeter id="curr_met" value="0" width="280px" />
I want to override _fixImgWidth for pMeter object. Is it possible ?

This answer is given at ZK forum by cor3000 :
I'm only adding this answer for the future readers.
yes it is possible. Like with any JS object you can override methods
by replacing them. (This is not ZK specific.)
var oldMethod = pMeter._fixImgWidth;
pMeter._fixImgWidth = function(){
// your implementation
// or call original method
oldMethod.apply(this, arguments)
However there are some supporting functions in ZK to make this simpler
from both ZUL or java code (see documentation links below):
Override in zul
Override using the java API (same
In case you just want to change the animation-speed follow this
using the ca:animation-speed client/attribute (7.0.3+):


What is the replacement of create() in tinymce 6?

create() function is used to add a class, subclass or static singleton.
Example :
tinymce.create('tinymce.somepackage.SomeClass', {
SomeClass: function() {
// Class constructor
method: function() {
// Some method
I have used this function to add custom utility functions on my tinymce object, but this is being removed in tinymce 6. I am planning to upgrade to latest version but I am not finding any alternative method to register my functions on tinymce object.

Link to route without additional JS code

I'm a beginner to OpenUI5 and have written a menu like below:
<NavigationList id="navigationList" width="12rem">
<NavigationListItem text="People" icon="sap-icon://card" select="goToRoute"></NavigationListItem>
goToRoute: function() {
That works, but it's bad, as I have a couple of menu items and JS events for each of them.
I wish I had something like this below, without any JS behind, but couldn't find anything in documentation and examples.
<NavigationList id="navigationList" width="12rem">
<NavigationListItem text="People" icon="sap-icon://card" linkToRoute="peoplelist"></NavigationListItem>
Anyone knows?
You can build a generic event handler which derives the target route from the corresponding item. To achieve this you can make use of custom data which you can add to controls in a declarative way. For this add the following line to your opening View tag:
Adopt your navigation list:
<NavigationList id="navigationList" width="12rem">
<NavigationListItem text="People" icon="sap-icon://card" select="onItemSelect" custom:route="peopleList"/>
And your controller:
onItemSelect : function(event) {
var item = event.getSource();
var route ="route");
Here you find further details.

Add CSS dynamically to a control in UI5

I'm trying to add a CSS property dynamically to a control.
I have a group of RadioButton. On selection of any one of the buttons, I want to make one layout visible.
Below are some of the snippets I tried, none of them seem to work!
showhide: function(){
var fcid = sap.ui.getCore().byId("FC7");
fcid.visibility = "hidden";
showhide: function(){
var fcid = sap.ui.getCore().byId("FC7");
showhide: function(){
var fcid = sap.ui.getCore().byId("FC7");
You cannot use fcid.visibility = "hidden"; and expect it to behave like a DOM object; it's not, it's a Javascript class with getters, setters, events, aggregations, etc.
Therefore, you should use the control's properties instead: fcid.setVisible(true);
See the API docs for the correct signature of the control/layout properties
You can:
var fcid = ...byId("FC7");
fcid.$().hide(); // or every other jquery method
Last one with Css-Class:
.hiddenObject { display:none; }

Writing script src dynamically via wicket

I want my page to load javascript dynamically to my body:
<script type= "text/javascript" src="this path should be decided from wicket dynamically"/>
I am using wicket version 1.4 therefore JavaScriptResourceReference does not exist in my version (for my inspection it wasn't ' )
how can I solve this ?
thanks in advance :).
I specify my comment into an answer.
You can use this code snippet:
WebMarkupContainer scriptContainer = new WebMarkupContainer("scriptContainer ");
scriptContainer .add(new AttributeAppender("type", Model.of("text/javascript")));
scriptContainer .add(
new AttributeAppender("src", urlFor(
new JavaScriptResourceReference(
YourClass.class, "JavaScriptFile.js"), null).toString()));
add(scriptContainer );
and the corresponding html:
<script wicket:id="scriptContainer "></script>
Just change the string JavaScriptFile.js to load any other Javascript file.
JavascriptPackageResource.getHeaderContributor() does exactly what you need.
You need nothing in your markup, just add the HeaderContributor it returns to your page.
Update: For Wicket 1.5 see the migration guide, but it goes like this:
public class MyPage extends WebPage {
public MyPage() {
public void renderHead(IHeaderResponse response) {
response.renderJavaScriptReference(new PackageResourceReference(YuiLib.class,
response.renderCSSReference(new PackageResourceReference(AbstractCalendar.class,
If you want to put your <script> element in the body, you can simply declare it as a WebMarkupContainer and add an AttributeModifier to set the src attribute. Although in that case wicket won't generate the relative URLs for you, you have to do it yourself.
I'm not sure I understood completely.
If you are trying to create and append a script to the body after the page is loaded you should do it this way:
<script type="text/javascript">
function load_js() {
var element = document.createElement("script");
element.src = "scripts/YOUR_SCRIPT_SRC.js"; // <---- HERE <-----
// Wait for the page to be loaded
else if(window.attachEvent)
window.onload = load_js;
What I did here is create a new script element, and then apply to it its source.
That way you can control dynamicaly the src. After that I append it to the body.
The last part is there so the new element is applied only after the page is loaded.

jquery selection with .not()

I have some troubles with jQuery.
I have a set of Divs with .square classes. Only one of them is supposed to have an .active class. This .active class may be activated/de-activated onClick.
Here is my code :
jQuery().ready(function() {
$(".square").not(".active").click(function() {
// some action here...
$('').click(function() {
My problem is that the first function si called, even if I click on an active .square, as if the selector was not working. In fact, this seems to be due to the addClass('active') line...
Would you have an idea how to fix this ?
Just to give something different from the other answers. Lonesomeday is correct in saying the function is bound to whatever they are at the start. This doesn't change.
The following code uses the live method of jQuery to keep on top of things. Live will always handle whatever the selector is referencing so it continually updates if you change your class. You can also dynamically add new divs with the square class and they will automatically have the handler too.
$(".square:not(.active)").live('click', function() {
$('').live('click', function() {
Example working:
Note: I'm not saying this is how I would do it (depends exactly on your requirement) but it is just another way to look at things.
This is because the function is bound to elements that don't have the active class when you create them. You should bind to all .square elements and take differing actions depending on whether the element has the class active:
var clicked = $(this);
if (clicked.hasClass('active')) {
} else {