Writing script src dynamically via wicket - wicket

I want my page to load javascript dynamically to my body:
<script type= "text/javascript" src="this path should be decided from wicket dynamically"/>
I am using wicket version 1.4 therefore JavaScriptResourceReference does not exist in my version (for my inspection it wasn't ' )
how can I solve this ?
thanks in advance :).

I specify my comment into an answer.
You can use this code snippet:
WebMarkupContainer scriptContainer = new WebMarkupContainer("scriptContainer ");
scriptContainer .add(new AttributeAppender("type", Model.of("text/javascript")));
scriptContainer .add(
new AttributeAppender("src", urlFor(
new JavaScriptResourceReference(
YourClass.class, "JavaScriptFile.js"), null).toString()));
add(scriptContainer );
and the corresponding html:
<script wicket:id="scriptContainer "></script>
Just change the string JavaScriptFile.js to load any other Javascript file.

JavascriptPackageResource.getHeaderContributor() does exactly what you need.
You need nothing in your markup, just add the HeaderContributor it returns to your page.
Update: For Wicket 1.5 see the migration guide, but it goes like this:
public class MyPage extends WebPage {
public MyPage() {
public void renderHead(IHeaderResponse response) {
response.renderJavaScriptReference(new PackageResourceReference(YuiLib.class,
response.renderCSSReference(new PackageResourceReference(AbstractCalendar.class,
If you want to put your <script> element in the body, you can simply declare it as a WebMarkupContainer and add an AttributeModifier to set the src attribute. Although in that case wicket won't generate the relative URLs for you, you have to do it yourself.

I'm not sure I understood completely.
If you are trying to create and append a script to the body after the page is loaded you should do it this way:
<script type="text/javascript">
function load_js() {
var element = document.createElement("script");
element.src = "scripts/YOUR_SCRIPT_SRC.js"; // <---- HERE <-----
// Wait for the page to be loaded
else if(window.attachEvent)
window.onload = load_js;
What I did here is create a new script element, and then apply to it its source.
That way you can control dynamicaly the src. After that I append it to the body.
The last part is there so the new element is applied only after the page is loaded.


Jquery not working when click ajax button

I use jquery datepicker and it not display after I click ajax button.
Is there any way to show datepicker again after click? I use wicket 8.
public class BasePage extends WebPage {
<script src="/js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/js/jqueryui.min.js"></script>
<script src="/js/main.js"></script>
public class HomePage extends BasePage {
public HomePage() {
SearchForm searchForm = new SearchForm();
Form<SearchForm> form = new Form<>(new CompoundPropertyModel<SearchForm>(searchForm))
AjaxButton btn = new AjaxButton() {
protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequest target) {
// Handle search data
TextField<String> date = new TextField<>("searchDate");
<form wicket:id="form">
<input wicket:id="searchDate" class="datepicker" />
<button wicket:id="btn">Search</button>
$(function() {
After click ajax button all script in file main.js not working
Please help me.
when you update form via AJAX you replace each element inside it, which includes the input field you use with datepicker. But doing so you loose the javascript setting done by main.js when page was first loaded.
You can solve this in two ways. First, you could update only those elements that need to be refreshed, for example the component that you use to show search result (I suppose there must be such an element in your code).
The second solution, more heavier and complicated, is to make a custom TextField component that execute the datepicker javascript code each time is rendered.
An example of such solution can be found is in the user guide: https://wicket-guide.herokuapp.com/wicket/bookmarkable/org.wicketTutorial.ajaxdatepicker.HomePage
I would recommend to follow the first solution as it's more natural and simpler and requires less code.
If you want to refresh the textfield another simple solution is to use target.appendJavaScript​ to reapply the datepicker plugin:
target.add("$('#" + date.getMarkupId() + "').datepicker();");
this should add the datepicker to the fresh new field.

karma-runner: load scripts (and CSS) via DOM

I want to inject some CSS and JavaScript files via a preprocessor.
In my preprocessor I inject the html template to the body element.
I printed the result out via console.log(document.body) - you can see the result at the bottom. It looks good, but the script is not evaluated.
If I run console.log(window.foobar) in my test, it's undefined.
Actually I don't want to to inject simple scripts, I want to load some files via
<script src="build/app.js"></script>
I need it in every test, so I don't want to refactor every single test for the same code injection, that's the reason why I tried to put it into the html generated by karma.
<body><script> window.foobar = 'miau!';</script>
<!-- The scripts need to be at the end of body, so that some test running frameworks
(Angular Scenario, for example) need the body to be loaded so that it can insert its magic
into it. If it is before body, then it fails to find the body and crashes and burns in an epic
manner. -->
<script type="text/javascript">
// sets window.__karma__ and overrides console and error handling
// Use window.opener if this was opened by someone else - in a new window
if (window.opener) {
} else {
// All served files with the latest timestamps
window.__karma__.files = {
'/base/node_modules/mocha/mocha.js': '253e2fdce43a4b2eed46eb25139b784adbb5c47f',
'/base/node_modules/karma-mocha/lib/adapter.js': '3664759c75e6f4e496fef20ad115ce8233a0f7b5',
'/base/test/custom-test.js': 'abf5b0b3f4dbb62653c816b264a251c7fc264fb9',
'/base/test/build/build.css': 'df7e943e50164a1fc4b66e0a0c46fc86efdef656',
'/base/test/build/build.js': '9f0a39709e073846c73481453cdee8d37e528856',
'/base/test/build/test.js': '0ccd4711b9c887458f81cf1dedc04c6ed59abe43'
<!-- Dynamically replaced with <script> tags -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/base/node_modules/mocha/mocha.js?253e2fdce43a4b2eed46eb25139b784adbb5c47f"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/base/node_modules/karma-mocha/lib/adapter.js?3664759c75e6f4e496fef20ad115ce8233a0f7b5"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/base/test/custom-test.js?abf5b0b3f4dbb62653c816b264a251c7fc264fb9"></script></body>
Karma introduces the page scripts/html just like ajax, so it wont execute once the append has finished.
You will need to append the files for each spec. I have a helper for this job:
function appendCSS(path){
var link = document.createElement('link');
link.rel = 'stylesheet';
link.href='base/' + path;
function appendScript(path){
var link = document.createElement('script');
link.type = 'javascript';
link.src='base/' + path;
function loadAssets(page){
document.body.innerHTML = __html__['_site/' + (page || 'index') + '.html'];
appendCSS('_site/styles/' + page + '.css');
appendScript('_site/scripts/' + page + '.js');
module.exports = {
loadAssets: loadAssets
In my spec i then simply call the helper, passing the name of the html page to be tested.
As you can see, i use the borwserify plugin, but i hope this helps.

inject a javascript function into an Iframe

This link (archived version) describes how to inject code from a script into an iframe:
function injectJS() {
var iFrameHead = window.frames["myiframe"].document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
var myscript = document.createElement('script');
myscript.type = 'text/javascript';
myscript.src = 'myscript.js'; // replace this with your SCRIPT
That's ok, but what if I want to insert a function object into an iframe and get it executed in the iframe context? Let's say I have:
function foo () {
console.log ("Look at me, executed inside an iframe!", window);
and I want to insert foo's code inside an iframe? (function foo could be something loaded dynamically, I can't just wrap it in quotes)
I naively tried:
var scriptFooString = "<script>" + foo.toString() + "</script>"
to get the code inside function, but
I don't know how to insert it in the iframe HEAD (maybe with jquery?)
I don't know if it's the right way
I don't know what happens when if function is way more complex than that
I don't know what happens with double and single quotes in scriptFooString
Any hint?
First of all you can only accomplish this if your frame and the page displaying it is within the same domain (Due to cross-domain rules)
secondly you can manipulate dom and window objects of the frame directly through JS:
frames[0].window.foo = function(){
console.log ("Look at me, executed inside an iframe!", window);
to get your frame from a DOMElement object you can use:
var myFrame = document.getElementById('myFrame');
myFrame.contentWindow.foo = function(){
console.log ("Look at me, executed inside an iframe!");
Note that the scope in foo is NOT changed, so window is still the parent window etc. inside foo.
If you want to inject some code that needs to be run in the context of the other frame you could inject a script tag, or eval it:
frames[0].window.eval('function foo(){ console.log("Im in a frame",window); }');
Though the general consensus is to never use eval, I think its a better alternative than DOM injection if you REALLY need to accomplish this.
So in your specific case you could do something like:
This code is the result of my research. The accepted answer also helped me a lot.
First of all, I create a simple iframe:
<iframe id="myiframe" width="200" height="200" srcdoc="<h1 id='title'>Hello from Iframe</h1><button type='button' id='fire'>Click Me!</button>
For access to iframe's window and document I used this code.
const iframe = document.getElementById('myiframe');
const iframeWin = iframe.contentWindow || iframe;
const iframeDoc = iframe.contentDocument || iframeWin.document;
Finally I injected js codes into iframe:
var script = iframeDoc.createElement("script");
window.onload = function() {
document.getElementById("fire").addEventListener('click', function() {
const text = document.getElementById('title').innerText;
Here's my solution. I'm using jquery to insert the content, then using eval to execute the script tags in the context of that iframe:
var content = $($.parseHTML(source, document, true));
var cw = document.getElementById("content").contentWindow;
[].forEach.call(cw.document.querySelectorAll("script"), function (el, idx) {

How to manipulate forms with Mootools

I'm trying to manipulate forms with Mootools. My purpose is to inject the response content of a form into a div element named result.
Here a code that works, but it replaces the content of the result div. This is not what I want : I want to ADD the form response content to the result div existing content. I just can't find on the web how to do this, and I've tried many things that are not working ... Please help
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
$('myform').addEvent('submit', function(e) {
var result = $('result').empty();
url: this.get('action'),
data: this,
onSuccess: function() {
result.set("html", this.response.text);
If it's only text you want to add, just remove the empty method, and replace result.set() with result.appendText().
If you need to append an element tree, repeat the first step, and do:
onSuccess: function(){
Btw. It's all in the documentation - http://mootools.net/docs/core/Element/Element

Popup browser back to parent browser after a certain page is reached

I have a popup (which I used by necessity) that is opened on a link click. I have the user going through a series of pages picking attributes to then be sent to a shopping cart.
My problem: After the user reaches the end of the selection process i want to kill the open popup and send the request back to the original browser (parent) so the user can checkout.
Any idea how I would do this?
Javascript: in the child (popup) window.
window.opener.location = 'page.html";
Is that what your looking for?
The parent window can be accessed using "opener" in JavaScript.
window.opener.title='hello parent window';
Script in my child form:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function SetData() {
// form validation
// var frmvalidator = new Validator("myForm");
// frmvalidator.addValidation("name","req","Please enter Account Name");
// get the new dialog values
var str1 = document.getElementById("name").value;
var winArgs = str1;
// pass the values back as arguments
window.returnValue = winArgs;
Script in my parent form:
<% #account_head= current_company.account_heads.find_by_name("Sundry Debtors")%>
<script type="text/javascript">
function OpenDialog() {
var winSettings = 'center:yes;resizable:no;help:yes;status:no;dialogWidth:450px;dialogHeight:200px';
// return the dialog control values after passing them as a parameter
winArgs = window.showModalDialog('<%= "/accounts/new?account_head_id=#{#account_head.id} #man" %>', winSettings);
if(winArgs == null) {
window.alert("no data returned!");
} else {
// set the values from what's returned
document.getElementById("to_account_auto_complete").value = winArgs;
This is work but not as i want, any one if found good solution please suggest.