ios/iphone/storyboard: Barbuttons on toolbar not displaying - iphone

For some reason, the lower bar button items, Select All and Select None shown in the image from storyboard below are not displaying. I copied this configuration from another app where it works fine. Can't for the life of me figure out what could be the problem. The upper buttons, Cancel and Done do display. This VC is presented modally.
Has anyone seen this before or can you suggest what could be wrong?
The bar buttons are not outlets. They are wired to action methods, however, since they do not display in the app, I can't tell if they work.
The other thing that is not working properly here is that the tableview is empty. However, for now I'd be content to see the lower bar button items. I've tried changing the table view size to no avail.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions
What displays on phone:


ios 7 TableViewController cells cannot be shown completely

I tried to update one of my IOS6 app to IOS7 using Xcode 5 GM which was just released couple of days ago.
One of the main problem I met is that some of the table views (UITableViewController) cannot be shown correctly anymore after being recompiled by IOS7 SDK:
Some of them cannot shown the last cells completely: You can see half of the last cell right there, but cannot scroll down to see full of it; some others cannot show the first cells completely: half of the cells was hide and you need to draw down the table view to see it.
BTW, those problematic tableViewControllers are all embedded in tab bar controllers.
Could anybody help me with this? Thanks.
I tried several ways, and here's my solution:
Delete the tab bar controllers, and add them back through editor->embed in->tab bar controller (I tried to drag out a tab bar controller from the object library directly, but that didn't fix the problem. Don't know why).
Re-link other view controllers to this new tab bar controller and run the app. Now, you probably see the first cell still cannot be show completely as I described before, but the last one can be shown correctly.
Go back to storyboard, select the tab bar controller and deselect "under top bars" in the attributes inspector. Run it again, everything works fine, at least for me.
I think it's not a bug but rather a UI design as intended. As you can see the overlap of Tabbar still have some see through effect.
As I dont want to resize my table view to fit specific above the Tabbar.
Workaround with last cell bottom padding or add in extra last cell with same height as Tabbar?

UITabBarItem does not register click on the icon

I have four UITabBarItem's. Each has a label and custom icon. My AppDelegate uses the UITabBarDelegate protocol and every click on a tabbaritem is logged to the console so I can see what is happening.
The only way to select a tabbaritem is to click on the label. If I click anywhere else on the button area, including the icon, nothing happens at all.
Have you come across anything similar?
Well, I found the issue. Whenever a tab was clicked and a new view was programatically inserted, that view was placed on top of the tabbar, but since it's background was transparent I could not see it. So half of the tab bar was covered by another view. By making sure to bringSubviewToFront: the problem could be solved. Thank you everyone who tried to help.

A View and Scroll View inside a view

I am building a Calendar app. I have Navigation based app template. Navigation controller has segmented control having namely Daily and Weekly segments.
Upon clicking the segments i show the relevant View having status bar, navigation controller and bottom toolbar. This is working fine.
My daily view will have a top view and scrollView. Top view will have previous button, next button and date in label. When i add only scrollView inside my dailyView than it works fine, but upon adding top View it gives crash when i try to scroll the scrollView.
Please suggest is it possible? Else, what could be a better alternative? I even tried adding a second navigation bar (this time using the Interface Builder), button than i am not able to change the date in label.
Please let me know if more clarity is required.
I see you have two questions:
Please suggest is it possible? Else, what could be a better alternative?
So I'll go ahead and answer those questions:
What you're trying to do is possible, so there's no need to look for an alternative.
However, I guess the real question is: "Why is it crashing?" and I certainly would answer that, but without crash logs and(/or) code it's nearly impossible to give you a usable answer.

Current UIView Questions iPhone SDK

I posted earlier but am running into similar problems again. Basically the way that my app is setup there is a top bar that is basically just a static image that has UIButtons placed on top of it. That is the Main View Controller and is persistent no matter what view is shown beneath it. I can't use a navigation controller because it is not possible to change the height and I need the bar to be significantly larger than a navbar. However my bar is functioning in much the same way. There is a "Home" Button, a "Back" Button and several destination buttons.
I understand how to switch views from say the home screen. My confusion comes with the back button. In order to press back the app is going to need to know what view is currently being displayed so that it can be removed from view and a new subview can be added. Ideally I would use the UINavigationController so that I can push and pop views which is really what I want to do here, however that is not possible because of the visual problem.
Does anybody know of a method that returns the current displayed view so I could do something like the following
[currentview.view removeFromSuperView];
[self.view insertSubview:experienceViewController.view atIndex:0]
You can use UINavigationController with the nav bar hidden. Put the nav controller inside a view that does have your jumbo toolbar and you'll have access to the push/pop behavior you're looking for.

UISearchDisplayController,UINavigationController,UITabBarController Woes

Hey everyone, running into a bit of an issue,
I have created all my views through IB, with the main window having a NavigationController, and a TabBarController which loads a TableViewController in its first tab.
The problem happens when i use the searchbarcontroller in the navigation controller, everything works fine with the exception that when the navigation bar at the top disappears, the table expands too high, and i can't figure out what im doing wrong.
Attached is an image of what im referring to, any help would be greatly appreciated.
alt text
Some more information:
i have my MainWindow with a UINavigationController, and a UITabBarController. On the first Tab, i have it loading another nib "AVN_TableController" which is a UITableViewController nib, with the Searchbar delegate.
If you've set your view sizes correctly in Interface Builder and are using the "Simulated Interface Elements" to cause the status bar, navigation bar, and tab bar to display, it should work correctly. If not, then what comes to mind is this issue where displaying an action sheet has it's tappable rectangle offset by the height of the tab bar because it is added to the wrong view. Not sure if that would apply here, but it's at least something to consider.
I ended up going the route of creating my own tabbarcontroller, as that was causing the issue.