UITabBarItem does not register click on the icon - iphone

I have four UITabBarItem's. Each has a label and custom icon. My AppDelegate uses the UITabBarDelegate protocol and every click on a tabbaritem is logged to the console so I can see what is happening.
The only way to select a tabbaritem is to click on the label. If I click anywhere else on the button area, including the icon, nothing happens at all.
Have you come across anything similar?

Well, I found the issue. Whenever a tab was clicked and a new view was programatically inserted, that view was placed on top of the tabbar, but since it's background was transparent I could not see it. So half of the tab bar was covered by another view. By making sure to bringSubviewToFront: the problem could be solved. Thank you everyone who tried to help.


How i implemented an Tab into UITabBar without seeing this tab as item?

I have an UITabBarController which has 5 Tabs. So, my problem is, i want to make an welcome screen into the UITabBarController, but this screen should be just only one time visible, when the app started. After the screen appears and the user switch the Tabs, he can't go back to the welcome screen, otherwise he must quit the app and open it again.
I tried to make an UIViewController as an RootViewController, but he dont show me the UITabBarController instead.
Is there any way that i can solve this problem over the storyboard? Also with code it will be also okay.
If I did not misunderstand your question these ideas will help you;
Add an extra tab to your tabBarViewController , make it welcome view and make this view controller initial VC so user when landing to tabBarViewController this view will appear after few seconds change tab index selectedIndex as you desire from UITabBarViewController then hide welcome view button from tabBar.
Seond way : Inside UItabbarViewController create custom tabbarView (scrollable) you can use collectionView it's easy to implement and it cells selectable like buttons. Hide original tabbar make welcome view appears first, make its index sixth then change selectedIndex programmatically when you need and disable scrolling from collectionView with this way only your five buttons appears on screen and welcome view button automatically remain out of screen.
You can find example code in my Github repo UICWaveTabBar, UICSlideTabBar , UICExapandableTabBar
Fist link including .xib file, you can edit it from storyboard, second and third only code

SWRevealViewController and Tab Bar Controller

I'm trying to develop my first app. I recognize this is probably an easy problem (and that i'm likely not stating my question clearly) so any help is more than appreciated.
I've got a storyboard that uses SWRevealController. The sw_rear panel that gets swiped out from the side has a few options in table form. One of the options is connected to a UITabBarController. There are three tabs. The implementation file for each of the 3 views has
[self.view addGestureRecognizer:self.revealViewController.panGestureRecognizer];
to allow me to do a pan gesture to bring back the sw_rear panel.
When I compile, everything works well the first time. i can go to tab 1 and swipe and the panel appears. i go to tab 2 and swipe and the panel appears. but then, if i go back to panel 1 and swipe....nothing!
Any ideas how to fix this problem?
Add this code [self.view addGestureRecognizer:self.revealViewController.panGestureRecognizer]; in viewWillAppear Method

Showing a overlaying menu when tab bar item is clicked - IOS

Thanks for reading my question!
I have a 5-part tabbar which I use for app navigation, the center tab is covered by a UIButton and is slightly larger (much like the instagram app). This works fine.
But what I want is the far right tab bar item to show a overlaying menu when clicked. I don't want it to switch to a viewcontroller with a menu. I want the menu to be displayed no matter which of the other views you're in at the moment. So I want it to act much like a button which is in the tabbar. But I have no idea how to go about doing this.
Should I use a overlaying button over the tabbaritem or should I catch the tabbarclick, but how can I prevent the view from changing in that case?
Thanks you for any help!
You need to implement UITabBarDelegate. Then override tabBar:didSelectItem: and implement your custom displaying here. See below for reference
Then i would just make a custom UIView and fade it in when that specific tagged UITabBarItem is pressed.

More button replaces UIBarButtonItems in the Left Side of the UINavigationBar

I have a Tabbed Application which has six tabs, so as expected two of the tabs move under the "More" tab at the end. I have a refresh button I want to put in the top left corner of every tab view, but when I place these using the Storyboard, the back button with the "More" text is overwritten if I'm in one of the tabs that was moved under the More tab. The behaviour I'm trying to get is to put the refresh button NEXT to the More tab, kind of like how Apple did their tabs in the iTunes app in the attached screenshot.
I've tried looking at methods that do button placement using code but most of them seem to assume you want to create all the buttons using code and place them in an array. I haven't been able to find a way to create the More button, since I think that's generated automatically, but if there's a method I could use to add an extra button alongside it, that would do what I'm wanting.
tl;dr: Is there a way to add buttons alongside the More button?
(I'm new so I can't add screenshots, but here is a link to the screenshot I meant. http://i.stack.imgur.com/GV6M2.png)
Will you know what the index of the "More" button will be, so you could add your "Refresh" button to the button array just before it?
Found the answer! It always helps to look at the list of methods. There's a BOOL you can set called leftItemsSupplementBackButton and it is normally set to NO, but if it's set to YES it will add any buttons next to the back button instead of replacing it. Even works with Storyboard-created buttons :D
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
[self performSelector:#selector(loadLoginScreen) withObject:nil];
isAnimated = YES;
[self.navigationItem setLeftItemsSupplementBackButton:YES];

Hidden UITabBar

I'm writing an app that has a 5 item TabBar. When launching, I want the app to show the contents of the view for the first item, without showing the Tabbar. I want a hidden button to cover the full screen so that when I tap anywhere the TabBar pops up from the bottom. I then want it to hide itself again after a few seconds.
I guess it isn't vital that it not show the TabBar on launch if it will hide itself after the predetermined time frame.
I'm new to programming, and I'm having difficulty making this happen. I've looked at the suggestions for similar questions, but they don't seem to help. Any suggestions for making this happen?
Look at the example code "The Elements". It hides the tab bar when you select an element.