lldb arrow key issue - centos

I'm building the llvm/clang/lldb tool chain on my CentOS 6.6.
I checked out the code of the version 3.7 and built the clang/lldb executable successfully. Everything works grateful except when I launch the lldb debugger and hit the arrow keys I just get:
$ lldb
(lldb) ^[[A <-- What I hit is the `up` key
(lldb) ^[[B <-- What I hit is the `down` key
Same issues on the left and right keys.
How can I get the arrow keys work in the lldb just as it should do, move the cursor and navigate the command history? Do I need any external configurations or do I need to rebuild the lldb with certain options?

I found the reason. I should not disable the libedit by specify -DLLDB_DISABLE_LIBEDIT=1.


VS Code Terminal command extra first letter

In vs code terminal I'm getting first letter of command twice. it's not causing any problem but it's kind of annoys me to watch the wrong command. I'm not writing any letter twice, the first letter of all commands gets repeated automatically.
as you can see there are 2 commands first one ppython first p automatically got repeated even though i wrote python it makes it ppython. and the first p that got repeated won't delete from there even if i spam backspace so many time . the I tried to clear the command till first p and as I'm not able to remove first p from terminal I just wrote ython in front of it. it looks proper now python. but I got a error response as ython is not recognized command. this same happens with other commands too like cd converts to ccd.
Edit : I Re-installed vs code then but that didn't resolved my problem, when I installed it again all my extensions were there already installed then I deleted vs code again then went to the vs code's location there was a folder name .vscode I deleted that then installed vs code again now all the extensions were deleted from vs code but I'm still having the main problem . that doesn't resolved it. and I'm not getting that error while using other terminals like git bash and I'm getting this error only when I open python file's folder not when I open a react app folder or normal js or other language.
I also tried reseting the default setting from setting.json file as one of the answers suggested but that doesn't worked.
It's hard to answer this without knowing your configuration. What plugins have you installed? Try disabling those related to the terminal emulator one by one to see if they're causing any issues.
In doing this, you would naturally restart the terminal emulator as well. If the problem persists, check if you get this erroneous doubling on a terminal emulator outside of VS Code (Terminal or PowerShell).
If nothing works, try reinstalling the interpreter and also VS Code. Especially the latter, if this seems to affect only the terminal emulator within VS Code.
It's really hard to answer your question without knowing your vs code configuration setting.
The easiest way is you can reset your vs code to default
The Steps
Go to View > Command Palette or press Cmd + Shift + P (macOS) or Ctrl + Shift + P (Windows).
Search for open settings json and select Preferences: Open Settings (JSON) which show ups from the result list.
If you’ve been working with VS Code for a while and installed a lot of things and made a lot of changes, you’ll find there’s a lot of stuff in this file:
Delete everything inside the root braces and save the file
Relaunch your VS Code.
(This step is optional) In case you want to not only reset VS Code but also remove all installed extensions:
Delete the ~/.vscode/extensions folder if you’re on a Mac.
Delete the %USERPROFILE%.vscode\extensions folder if you’re using Windows.

WIndows/iPython: my arrow keys are not scrolling through command history (python 3.6.5)

I am trying to use iPython 6.4.0 on my gitbash terminal (using python 3.6.5). The problem I am having is that the arrow keys don't seem to be working properly in iPython. When I press the up arrow key, it does not go through past commands; it instead moves up a line in the terminal. This is the same with the other arrow keys, where they just move through the terminal lines instead of the ^[[(letter) output. Anyone know of a way to fix this?
I'm sorry if this question is not very clear, I am very new to python.
I just encountered this.
The solution is to:
winpty ipython
As you need to use winpty to get things like readline working in programs.

Eclipse rebinding delete line to ctrl+shift+d does not work

I'm trying to have eclipse (Luna and Kepler on Ubuntu 12.04) duplicate a line using ctrl+d (like other editors do) and delete it using ctrl+shift+d.
I tried rebinding delete line to ctrl+shift+d, but even if I leave everything else at their default assignments, it simply does not work.
Rebinding line duplication to ctrl+shift+d works perfectly though.
Can anybody tell me please why line deletion is not properly bound to ctrl+shift+d while line duplication could be (there are no binding conflicts in either case)?
Also, is there a way to make delete line work with ctrl+shift+d?
I had this problem too. Initially, Ctrl+D did not work at all. Then I changed the shortcut to Ctrl+Shift+D, which only worked after I restart eclipse.
(For GTK users (for instance on Ubunutu)): I wanted to bind sort members to Ctrl+Shift+D, but it wasn't working as GTK Debugger was launched on Ctrl+Shift+D. I was able to disable the GTK Debugger key by this key in terminal:
gsettings set org.gtk.Settings.Debug enable-inspector-keybinding false

eclipse debug perl curses

I am writing a Perl program that uses curses for output and move the cursor, and color characters. Previously, when I was working under windows I use Komodo it was able to run an external console.
Now I work in Linux environment and use eclipse + epic. If you try to just run the script, it uses the internal console eclipse, which is very cut. You can just run the script using external tool, but I'm interested to debug using external console window. Is this possible?
Unfortunately, use of a File and /dev/pty/1 does not help in solving my problem.
The fact is that in this case it is impossible to get the characters introduced in the console through curses getch(). Always returned 1 instead code of pressed key.
Here is an answer that will take you most of the way (based on post #6 of: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=743131, although since then, in the "Indigo" and "Juno" versions of Eclipse, things have changed somewhat, and this answer is up to date):
Go to "Run -> Debug configurations". Click on the (fourth) "Common" tab. Go to the third frame from top, and there, check-mark the checkbox which says: "File". Enter the file name of the console window you want your output in.

ALT+CMD+R stopped working

I am using Mac and Eclipse. I used to use ALT+CMD+R for name refactoring. Unfortunatelly this key stopped working and using this key I write ® (only in Eclipse). ALT+CMD+R is still correctly defined in Keys section of Eclipse preferences. What could cause this strange behaviour?
Perhaps there is a conflict with other keybindings. Open up the binding view and in a unbinded command press ALT+CMD+R. Check the conflicts section. If you can just see the "Rename-Refactoring /In Windows" you are fine.
Else search for "refactor" and then in the bind section of "Renaming-Refactoring" when "In Windows" clear everything and then press ALT+CMD+R. Check for conflicts, clear them if any and then save.
Voila! you should be ready.
try unbinding the key. Close the eclipse and bind it again. Or try to bind it with different key. Is all other shortcut keys work?
I had the same issue and unbinding/rebinding did not work. However, uninstalling Aptana plugin fixed this issue right away.
I've known Eclipse to occasionally lose key bindings. Often undefining the binding and then reapplying it is enough to fix them. In the worst case, you can export your key bindings, restore the default settings, and then import your bindings. (Or, if you're using the defaults, just restore them and skip the import/export.)
The Aptana Studio plugin may be the problem.
This problem started occurring for me after I installed Aptana Studio to try it out. I tried clearing and resetting the keybinding, and restarting Eclipse to no avail. Uninstalling Aptana Studio fixed the problem.