Fiddler parse duplicate response header keys - fiddler

The http response from the server contains such headers.
Set-Cookie: A=AValue
Set-Cookie: B=BValue
When I try to get the values from Fiddler script using following code:
I only get the first one, A=AValue.
Do you know how to get the full list of these values even if the keys are duplicated?

You can use the headers property off oResponse to get the full collection, then enumerate through each and find them. In C#:
var headers = oSession.oResponse.headers.Where(h => h.Name == "Set-Cookie").ToList();
Here is how you can do it in JScript.NET (Fiddler Script):
var headers = [];
var enumerator = oSession.oResponse.headers.GetEnumerator();
while(enumerator.MoveNext()) {
var current = enumerator.Current;
if (current.Name.ToLower() === "set-cookie") {
To explain, this loops over all of the headers, checks the name, and if the name of the header matches, it pushes the value into the headers array. After while loop, the headers array will contain all of the values for the Set-Cookie headers.


Generate and send pdf through Google Forms to my email address - doesn't send, debugging to no assitance

I'm trying to send myself a form-based report as a pdf. The problem is, I don't receive any emails. Debugging doesn't help much, since that only tells me which values are "undefined" (they are being defined the instant one fills out the form and triggers the email by clicking send; in theory). My coding experience stems from the days of TurboPascal and .bat-files, and I have lately realised I need to shape up. Trying to figure out Android, and this is a little experiment at work. But I had forgotten the lost feeling of "what now?"...
Here's the code:
// Samfunnsutvikling kursrapport
var docTemplate = "TemplateIDinGoogleDoks";
var docName = "Kursrapport";
// When Form Gets submitted
function onFormSubmit(e) {
//Get information from form and set as variables
var email = "";
var namn = e.namedvalues.namn;
var arrangement = e.namedvalues.arrangement;
var dato = e.namedvalues.dato;
var referat = e.namedvalues.referat;
// Get document template, copy it as a new temp doc, and save the Doc’s id
var copyId = DocsList.getFileById(docTemplate)
.makeCopy(docName+' for '+namn)
// Open the temporary document
var copyDoc = DocumentApp.openById(copyId);
// Get the document’s body section
var copyBody = copyDoc.getActiveSection();
// Replace place holder keys,in our google doc template
copyBody.replaceText('keynamn', namn);
copyBody.replaceText('keyarrangement', arrangement);
copyBody.replaceText('keydato', dato);
copyBody.replaceText('keyreferat', referat);
// Save and close the temporary document
// Convert temporary document to PDF
var pdf = DocsList.getFileById(copyId).getAs("application/pdf");
// Attach PDF and send the email
var subject = "Kursrapport";
var body = "Kursrapporten frå " + namn + "";
GmailApp.sendEmail(email, subject, body, {htmlBody: body, attachments: pdf});
// Delete temp file
The script/document is authorized to send emails, but, oddly, I had to authorize it twice. It is saved.
In general, you can add Logger.log() to print variable values or just messages to see how far does it reach.
It looks as attachments parameter expects Blob[] type, however you are passing just Blob. So, it should be:
GmailApp.sendEmail(email, subject, body, {htmlBody: body, attachments: [pdf]});
You may also want to replace DocsList with DriveApp class as-is since the first one is depricated.
It turned out also that getActiveSection() was renamed to getBody().

how to pass current user's email address to Google Script

I have a script behind a Google spreadsheet that sends an email once certain cells of a row is completed. The script works by sending to multiple hard coded email addresses. How can I add the current user's email address as a 2nd CC? One of the CC is hard coded but the 2nd changes depending on the person updating the spreadsheet. I know how to grab the email address but how do I pass it as a variable so it actually gets CC-ed?
var currentemail = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
var options = {cc: 'Session.getActiveUser().getEmail(),'};
var options = {cc: 'currentemail,'};
GmailApp.sendEmail(email, subject, body, options);
Obviously these do not work :)
Many thanks in advance
this can be done like below :
function sendWithCc(){
var currentemail = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
var options = {};// create object
options['cc'] = currentemail+',';// add key & values (comma separated in a string)
GmailApp.sendEmail('', 'subject', 'body', options);
// I stringified 'subject' and 'body' to make that test work without defining values for it
Your examples should be modified as follows:
var options = {cc: Session.getActiveUser().getEmail()+','};
var options = {cc: currentemail+','};
You cannot call a function, or reference a variable, from within a string. Instead, use the + operator to join the value of your variable (or the return value of your function call) with the string.
Note, depending on the context in which this code will be used, the script may not have permission to access the users identity regardless. See the notes under GetActiveUser() here:

How do I avoid truncation of message subjects at 255 chars with the EWS managed API?

I have an email messge on an Exchange server (2010 SP1) with a Subject header that is 272 characters long. Both Outlook and OWA show it truncated to the first 252 characters followed by "...". EWSEditor shows it the same way. I know, however, that the full Subject is stored somewhere, because when I look at the headers in Message Options dialog Outlook or in the Message Details in OWA, all 272 characters are there.
My code is only gettting the truncated Subject, and I need a way to get the full string.
My code is using SyncFolderItems to get a ChangeCollection of ItemChange objects. I have two code branches for this. One retrieves FirstClassProperties, and one retrieves IdOnly. I have a function called getItemStringProp(), and depending on the branch, I either call it directly with the Item that I get from the ItemChange, or with the Item that I get by binding to the ItemChange.Item.Id. In both cases, my getItemStringProp() uses Item.TryGetProperty() and returns a max of 255 characters for the Subject. If the actual subject is longer, then I get 252 chars followed by "...".
Here's my code from the branch doing SyncFolderItems with FirstClassProperties:
useIdOnly = false;
icc = exchange.SyncFolderItems(folderId, PropertySet.FirstClassProperties, null, syncFolderItemsBatchSize, SyncFolderItemsScope.NormalItems, result.getSyncState());
and from the other branch:
useIdOnly = true;
icc = exchange.SyncFolderItems(folderId, PropertySet.IdOnly, null, syncFolderItemsBatchSize, SyncFolderItemsScope.NormalItems, result.getSyncState());
Following this, I drill down to get the Subject:
foreach (ItemChange ic in icc)
if (!useIdOnly)
icSubject = getItemStringProp(ic.Item, EmailMessageSchema.Subject,"Subject", folderName,"");
PropertySet itemProps = new PropertySet(BasePropertySet.IdOnly);
Item item = Item.Bind(exchange, ic.Item.Id, itemProps);
icSubject = getItemStringProp(item, EmailMessageSchema.Subject, "Subject", folderName, "");
And here's the function that gets the Subject:
private String getItemStringProp(Item item, PropertyDefinition propDef, String propName, String fName, String defaultValue)
// some debug logging code and error checks omitted
object prop = null;
String value = "";
if (item.TryGetProperty(propDef, out prop) && prop != null)
value = prop.ToString();
if (prop == null || value == null)
value = defaultValue;
return value;
By the way, I'm aware that neither Outlook (at least the 2007 version) nor OWA allows creation of a message with a Subject longer than 255 characters. The message in question came into Exchange via SMTP, and a Subject far longer than 255 characters is legal according to the RFCs.
Don't rely on Item.Bind(), sync, search, or any other operation in EWS to load up all of the properties you're looking for. Have you tried getting the item, then doing a .load(PropertySet) or ExchangeService.loadPropertiesForItems()? Some properties won't come through in various retrieval actions even if you specifically request them. Some may come through, but get truncated. What makes it more fun is that I don't think there's any documentation telling you exactly which operations will return which properties, so you get to guess and check. You have to load the property set after you retrieve the Item(s), so it's usually best to get the Item with the ID only, then load the property set.

How to retrieve the value from the data attribute in node js via form submit with method post

How to get the value from the data attribute in node js via form submit.
I want to get a 2nd information from user!
My first try was this:
input(type="submit" ,name="responseValue" , value="yes", data="question1" )
input(type="submit" ,name="responseValue" , value="no", data="question2" )
//works ok
var responseValue = req.body.responseValue;
//following does not work
var questionNumber =
Is there any solution for this without a hidden field ?
You can concatenate string in the value field and then separate it at server side.
Your client side may look like this.
input(type="submit",name="responseValue", value="yes,question1")
Then at server side you can separate the string responseValue by the index of ','.

Passing query results in a viewbag

This seems like it should be so easy, but I've tried three or four ways to do it (but to no avail).
I'm just trying to put a query result in a viewbag and display it.
I've tried putting a model object list in a ViewBag:
var mesg = from MSG in lemondb.Messages
where MSG.msg == Membership.GetUser().ToString()
select MSG;
ViewBag.messages = MSG;
And then I try to spit it out in a .cshtml:
var message = (List<LemonTrader.Models.Message>)ViewBag.messages; // <--- fails here because it is a string
foreach ( var MSG in message )
#Html.Label(MSG.msg)<br />
But it says:
Cannot convert type
So it seems I'm using using the wrong template. How do I spit out a System.Entity.Infrastructure.DbQuery?
I've also tried passing the results through the Viewbag as a list of strings. (Is that a worse way to do it?)
var mesg = from MSG in lemondb.Messages
where MSG.msg == Membership.GetUser().ToString()
select MSG.msg;
ViewBag.messages = mesg;
And spitting it out as a string list:
foreach (var atext in ViewBag.messages as List<string>) { // gets hung up on foreach here (why???)
#Html.Label( atext )
And I get this:
Object reference not set to an
instance of an object.
And it points at the "foreach" keyword.
Does that mean there were no messages? Or what?
I wish there was a tutorial showing how to put queryresults in a ViewBag and how to get them out! I've seen tutorials that return an object.ToList() without respect to any kind of "where" mechanism, but no examples to pull out a few, relevant entries and display them.
ViewBag.messages = MSG.ToList();
Also, System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbQuery implements IEnumerable ( ) so this should also work:
var message = (IEnumerable<LemonTrader.Models.Message>)ViewBag.messages;