Passing query results in a viewbag - entity-framework

This seems like it should be so easy, but I've tried three or four ways to do it (but to no avail).
I'm just trying to put a query result in a viewbag and display it.
I've tried putting a model object list in a ViewBag:
var mesg = from MSG in lemondb.Messages
where MSG.msg == Membership.GetUser().ToString()
select MSG;
ViewBag.messages = MSG;
And then I try to spit it out in a .cshtml:
var message = (List<LemonTrader.Models.Message>)ViewBag.messages; // <--- fails here because it is a string
foreach ( var MSG in message )
#Html.Label(MSG.msg)<br />
But it says:
Cannot convert type
So it seems I'm using using the wrong template. How do I spit out a System.Entity.Infrastructure.DbQuery?
I've also tried passing the results through the Viewbag as a list of strings. (Is that a worse way to do it?)
var mesg = from MSG in lemondb.Messages
where MSG.msg == Membership.GetUser().ToString()
select MSG.msg;
ViewBag.messages = mesg;
And spitting it out as a string list:
foreach (var atext in ViewBag.messages as List<string>) { // gets hung up on foreach here (why???)
#Html.Label( atext )
And I get this:
Object reference not set to an
instance of an object.
And it points at the "foreach" keyword.
Does that mean there were no messages? Or what?
I wish there was a tutorial showing how to put queryresults in a ViewBag and how to get them out! I've seen tutorials that return an object.ToList() without respect to any kind of "where" mechanism, but no examples to pull out a few, relevant entries and display them.

ViewBag.messages = MSG.ToList();
Also, System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbQuery implements IEnumerable ( ) so this should also work:
var message = (IEnumerable<LemonTrader.Models.Message>)ViewBag.messages;


Salesforce trigger-Not able to understand

Below is the code written by my collegue who doesnt work in the firm anymore. I am inserting records in object with data loader and I can see success message but I do not see any records in my object. I am not able to understand what below trigger is doing.Please someone help me understand as I am new to salesforce.
trigger DataLoggingTrigger on QMBDataLogging__c (after insert) {
Map<string,Schema.RecordTypeInfo> recordTypeInfo = Schema.SObjectType.QMB_Initial_Letter__c.getRecordTypeInfosByName();
List<QMBDataLogging__c> logList = (List<QMBDataLogging__c>);
List<Sobject> sobjList = (List<Sobject>)Type.forName('List<'+'QMB_Initial_Letter__c'+'>').newInstance();
Map<string, QMBLetteTypeToVfPage__c> QMBLetteTypeToVfPage = QMBLetteTypeToVfPage__c.getAll();
Map<String,QMBLetteTypeToVfPage__c> mapofLetterTypeRec = new Map<String,QMBLetteTypeToVfPage__c>();
set<Id>processdIds = new set<Id>();
for(string key : QMBLetteTypeToVfPage.keyset())
if(!mapofLetterTypeRec.containsKey(key)) mapofLetterTypeRec.put(QMBLetteTypeToVfPage.get(Key).Letter_Type__c, QMBLetteTypeToVfPage.get(Key));
for(QMBDataLogging__c log : logList)
Sobject logRecord = (sobject)log;
Sobject QMBLetterRecord = new QMB_Initial_Letter__c();
string recordTypeId = recordTypeInfo.get(mapofLetterTypeRec.get(log.Field1__c).RecordType__c).isAvailable() ? recordTypeInfo.get(mapofLetterTypeRec.get(log.Field1__c).RecordType__c).getRecordTypeId() : recordTypeInfo.get('Master').getRecordTypeId();
string fieldApiNames = mapofLetterTypeRec.containskey(log.Field1__c) ? mapofLetterTypeRec.get(log.Field1__c).FieldAPINames__c : '';
if(string.isNotBlank(fieldApiNames) && fieldApiNames.contains(','))
Integer i = 1;
for(string fieldApiName : fieldApiNames.split(','))
string logFieldApiName = 'Field'+i+'__c';
fieldApiName = fieldApiName.trim();
Schema.DisplayType fielddataType = getFieldType('QMB_Initial_Letter__c',fieldApiName);
if(fielddataType == Schema.DisplayType.Date)
Date dateValue = Date.parse(string.valueof(logRecord.get(logFieldApiName)));
else if(fielddataType == Schema.DisplayType.DOUBLE)
string value = (string)logRecord.get(logFieldApiName);
Double dec = Double.valueOf(value.replace(',',''));
else if(fielddataType == Schema.DisplayType.CURRENCY)
Decimal decimalValue = Decimal.valueOf((string)logRecord.get(logFieldApiName));
else if(fielddataType == Schema.DisplayType.INTEGER)
string value = (string)logRecord.get(logFieldApiName);
Integer integerValue = Integer.valueOf(value.replace(',',''));
else if(fielddataType == Schema.DisplayType.DATETIME)
DateTime dateTimeValue = DateTime.valueOf(logRecord.get(logFieldApiName));
insert sobjList;
if(!processdIds.isEmpty()) DeleteDoAsLoggingRecords.deleteTheProcessRecords(processdIds);
Public static Schema.DisplayType getFieldType(string objectName,string fieldName)
SObjectType r = ((SObject)(Type.forName('Schema.'+objectName).newInstance())).getSObjectType();
DescribeSObjectResult d = r.getDescribe();
You might be looking in the wrong place. Check if there's an unit test written for this thing (there should be one, especially if it's deployed to production), it should help you understand how it's supposed to be used.
You're inserting records of QMBDataLogging__c but then it seems they're immediately deleted in DeleteDoAsLoggingRecords.deleteTheProcessRecords(processdIds). Whether whatever this thing was supposed to do succeeds or not.
This seems to be some poor man's CSV parser or generic "upload anything"... that takes data stored in QMBDataLogging__c and creates QMB_Initial_Letter__c out of it.
QMBLetteTypeToVfPage__c.getAll() suggests you could go to Setup -> Custom Settings, try to find this thing and examine. Maybe it has some values in production but in your sandbox it's empty and that's why essentially nothing works? Or maybe some values that are there are outdated?
There's some comparison if what you upload into Field1__c can be matched to what's in that custom setting. I guess you load some kind of subtype of your QMB_Initial_Letter__c in there. Record Type name and list of fields to read from your log record is also fetched from custom setting based on that match.
Then this thing takes what you pasted, looks at the list of fields in from the custom setting and parses it.
Let's say the custom setting contains something like
Name = XYZ, FieldAPINames__c = 'Name,SomePicklist__c,SomeDate__c,IsActive__c'
This thing will look at first record you inserted, let's say you have the CSV like that
This thing will try to parse and map it so eventually you create record that a "normal" apex code would express as
new QMB_Initial_Letter__c(
Name = 'XYZ',
SomePicklist__c = 'Closed',
SomeDate__c = Date.parse('2022-09-15'),
IsActive__c = true
It's pretty fragile, as you probably already know. And because parsing CSV is an art - I expect it to absolutely crash and burn when text with commas in it shows up (some text,"text, with commas in it, should be quoted",more text).
In theory admin can change mapping in setup - but then they'd need to add new field anyway to the loaded file. Overcomplicated. I guess somebody did it to solve issue with Record Type Ids - but there are better ways to achieve that and still have normal CSV file with normal columns and strong type matching, not just chucking everything in as strings.
In theory this lets you have "jagged" csv files (row 1 having 5 fields, row 2 having different record type and 17 fields? no problem)
Your call whether it's salvageable or you'd rather ditch it and try normal loading of QMB_Initial_Letter__c records. (get back to your business people and ask for requirements?) If you do have variable number of columns at source - you'd need to standardise it or group the data so only 1 "type" of records (well, whatever's in that "Field1__c") goes into each file.

Getting error 'Insight.Database.FastExpando' does not contain a definition for 'Set1'

The following code is giving the above error, and I cannot figure out why:
var x = _sqlConn.Connection().QueryResults<Results>("MyDb.dbo.get_records", new { id = theId });
int retVal = x.Outputs.Return_Value;
if (retVal == 0) // ...meaning result set was also returned...fine to this point.
var list = x.Outputs.Set1; // exception thrown here with above error
var temp = list.FirstOrDefault();
I have been using other features of Insight.Database for a number of years, but have not had to retrieve a SQL RETURN value at the same time as a recordset. The SQL itself works correctly in SSMS, returning a result set and the RETURN value of 0, as expected. This is happening in VS2019, .NET 4 and .NET 4.5.2; Insight.Database 5.2.7 and 5.2.8.
I got this code from the following page:
where it shows this:
var results = connection.QueryResults<Beer, Glass>("GetAllBeersAndAllGlasses");
IList<Beer> beers = results.Set1;
which I combined with the following code from here:
var results = connection.QueryResults<Results>("MyProc", inputParameters);
var p = results.Outputs.p;
That part works. It's accessing .Set1 that is failing, and I am not sure how to track down why.
I do not have experience with the FastExpando class, but Jon promised magic, and I want to believe. Thanks for any help.
I haven’t tried results+dynamic objects in a while…
I think it is because you are doing:
QueryResults<Results> and Results is an Insight type
You probably want:
And then you get back a Results<MyType>
Which contains the return val and Set1
If not, post a ticket over on github and we will help you out.

jayData complex filter evaluation

I am new to jayData and am trying to filter on an entity set. The filter needs to perform an complex evaluation beyond what I saw in the samples.
Here is a working sample of what I am trying to accomplish (the listView line isn't and is just there to show what I plan to do with the data):
function () {
var weekday = moment().isoWeekday()-1;
var de = leagueDB.DailyEvents.toArray(function (events) {
var filtered = [];
for (var e = 0; e < events.length;e++) {
var rule = RRule.fromString(events[e].RecurrenceRule);
var ruleOptions = rule.options.byweekday;
var isDay = ruleOptions.indexOf(weekday);
console.log(ruleOptions, isDay);
if(isDay =! -1)
Basically it is just evaluating a recurring rule string to see if the current day meets that criteria, if so add that event to the list for viewing.
But it blows up when I try to do this:
console.log("The Weekday is:"+viewModel.weekday);
console.log("The recurrence rule is:"+e.RecurrenceRule);
var rruleOptions = viewModel.rruleOptions(e.RecurrenceRule);
if (rruleOptions !== -1) {
return true;
The error that is generating is:
Exception: Unable to resolve type:undefined
The thing is it seems to be occurring on "e" and the console logs like the event is not being passed in. However, I am not seeing a list either. In short I am really confused as to what is going on.
Any help would be appreciated.
You can't write filter expressions such as this.
When you write .filter(...), jaydata will parse your expression and then it will generate filter for underlying provider, for example where for webSql and $filter for oDataProvider.
Both JayData expression parser and the data provider itself should understand your filter.
Your filter is not suitable for this approach, because most of your codes are not familiar for jaydata expression parser and the underlying data provider, for example your console.log etc.
You can simplify your filter, or you should load all your data into an array, and then you can use filter method of array itself, there, you can write any filter you like, and your filter will work. Of course this has performance issue in some scenarios when your data set is large.

What does this string of code: gr.sys_id[key] = current.getValue(glideElement.getName());

I'm trying to copy (duplicate) a record in ServiceNow table of incidents, but can not make this string work: gr.sys_id[key] = current.getValue(glideElement.getName());
The goal is to copy all fields values except sys_id.
Take a look at the UI Action Insert & Stay which is kind of a Duplicate Script.
You can use the same functionality in your Business rule or any other server side script:
function doInsertAndStay() {
var saveMe = current;
if (typeof current.number != 'undefined' && current.number){
current.number = ""; // generate a new number
The GlideRecord function insert() duplicates a record and of course a new sys_id is used for the new record. As far as I know you are not able to define the sys_id by your self.

how to parse SMValue to String array

I am just getting familiar with the StackMob server side custom code sdk and i am trying to get a relationship field and iterate through it in the form of a String array. How do i do that ? is it possble to iterate through it without parsing it into an array?
DataService ds = serviceProvider.getDataService();
List<SMCondition> query = new ArrayList<SMCondition>();
query.add(new SMEquals("product_id", new SMString(jsonObj.getString("product_id"))));
List<SMObject> results = ds.readObjects("product", query);
SMObject product= results.get(0);
//product.getValue().get("categories"); how do i get this to be a String array?
At its simplest, that would look something like this:
List<SMValue> categories = (List<SMValue>)(rawObj.getValue().get("categories").getValue());
for (SMValue smString : categories) {
SMString stringValue = (SMString)smString.getValue();
//do whatever you want with the string value here
Obviously there are some unchecked casts in here, so you will want to add type/null checking to the appropriate sections depending on your data & schema.