Replace quiver arrowheads with images - matlab

I have a circular lattice and on the lattice sites I plot normalized arrows that remain in the same magnitude and change direction according to a simulation, the details of which don't matter.
My plots look like this
Is it possible to replace the arrow in the quiver plot by an jpg/bmp/gif/png image? or by any other command?
Ideally, it would look something like this (although not necessarily arrows)

One way that you can do this, would be to use a surface object with a texture-map as the FaceColor.
In MATLAB, you can create a simple rectangular surface. You can set the FaceColor to be texturemap which will cause the value assigned to CData to be mapped across the surface.
Then to get transparency, you can also set the FaceAlpha value to be texturemap and set the AlphaData and those transparency values will be mapped across the extent of the surface as well.
For this to be applied to your case, you want to set the CData to the image that you want to use to replace your arrows. And you will want the AlphaData to be the same size as your image data with values of 1 where you want it to be opaque and 0 where you want it to be transparent. This will allow it to not look like the image that you have posted where you can clearly see the bounding box. Then you will need to draw one of these surfaces where each of the arrows would go and scale/position it appropriately.
Update: A more polished version of this code (ImageQuiver) is now available on Github as well as the MATLAB File Exchange.
As a demonstration of what I'm talking about, I have created the following function which essentially does just this. It accepts the same inputs as quiver (with the image data being supplied first and an optional AlphaData parameter at the end) and creates a surface at all of the requested coordinates pointing in the requested direction, and scaled by the specified amount.
function h = quiverpic(im, X, Y, dX, dY, scale, alpha)
% im - RGB or indexed image
% X - X positions
% Y - Y positions
% dX - X direction vector
% dY - Y direction vector
% scale - Any scaling (Default = 1)
% alpha - Transparency (same size as im), if not specified = ~isnan(im)
h = hggroup();
if ~exist('scale', 'var')
% By default there is no scaling
scale = 1;
if ~exist('alpha', 'var')
% By default, any NaN will be transparent
alpha = ~isnan(im);
% Determine aspect ratio of the source image
width_to_height = size(im, 2) / size(im, 1);
for k = 1:numel(X)
% Determine angle from displacement vectors
theta = atan2(dY(k), dX(k));
% Subtract pi/2 to +y is considered "up"
theta = theta + pi/2;
% Setup surface plot boundary
[xx,yy] = meshgrid([-0.5, 0.5] * width_to_height, [0 1]);
% Scale depending on magnitude of dX and dY
this_scale = scale * sqrt(dX(k).^2 + dY(k).^2);
% Scale X and Y components prior to rotating
xx = xx .* this_scale;
yy = yy .* this_scale;
% Rotate to align with the desired direction
xdata = xx .* cos(theta) - yy .* sin(theta);
ydata = xx .* sin(theta) + yy .* cos(theta);
% Determine what is considered the "anchor" of the graphic.
% For now this is assumed to be the "bottom-middle"
xoffset = X(k) - mean(xdata(2,:));
yoffset = Y(k) - mean(ydata(2,:));
% Actually plot the surface.
surf(xdata + xoffset, ...
ydata + yoffset, zeros(2), ...
'Parent', h, ...
'FaceColor', 'texture', ...
'EdgeColor', 'none', ...
'CData', im, ...
'FaceAlpha', 'texture', ...
'AlphaData', double(alpha));
I wrote a little test script to show how this can be used and to show the results.
t = linspace(0, 2*pi, 13);
dX = cos(t(1:end-1));
dY = sin(t(1:end-1));
X = (3 * dX) + 5;
Y = (3 * dY) + 5;
scale = 1;
% Load the MATLAB logo as an example image
png = fullfile(matlabroot,'/toolbox/matlab/icons/matlabicon.gif');
[im, map] = imread(png);
im = ind2rgb(im, map);
% Determine alpha channel based on upper left hand corner pixel
flatim = reshape(im, [], 3);
alpha = ~ismember(flatim, squeeze(im(1,1,:)).', 'rows');
alpha = reshape(alpha, size(im(:,:,1)));
% Plot some things prior to creating the quiverpic object
fig = figure();
hax = axes('Parent', fig);
axis(hax, 'equal');
% Plot a full circle
t = linspace(0, 2*pi, 100);
plot((cos(t) * 3) + 5, (sin(t) * 3) + 5, '-')
hold(hax, 'on')
% Plot markers at all the quiver centers
plot(X, Y, 'o', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'w')
% Plot a random image behind everything to demonstrate transparency
him = imagesc(rand(9));
uistack(him, 'bottom')
axis(hax, 'equal')
colormap(fig, 'gray')
set(hax, 'clim', [-4 4]);
% Now plot the quiverpic
h = quiverpic(im, X, Y, dX, dY, 1, alpha);
axis(hax, 'tight')
Same image with varying vectors and scaling
Any image of any aspect ratio will work just fine


Creating a circle in a square grid

I try to solve the following 2D elliptic PDE electrostatic problem by fixing the Parallel plate Capacitors code. But I have problem to plot the circle region. How can I plot a circle region rather than the square?
% I use following two lines to label the 50V and 100V squares
% (but it should be two circles)
V(pp1-r_circle_small:pp1+r_circle_small,pp1-r_circle_small:pp1+r_circle_small) = 50;
V(pp2-r_circle_big:pp2+r_circle_big,pp2-r_circle_big:pp2+r_circle_big) = 100;
% Contour Display for electric potential
contour_range_V = -101:0.5:101;
axis([min(x) max(x) min(y) max(y)]);
xlabel('x-axis in meters','fontsize',10);
ylabel('y-axis in meters','fontsize',10);
title('Electric Potential distribution, V(x,y) in volts','fontsize',14);
fh1 = figure(1);
set(fh1, 'color', 'white')
% Contour Display for electric field
contour_range_E = -20:0.05:20;
axis([min(x) max(x) min(y) max(y)]);
xlabel('x-axis in meters','fontsize',10);
ylabel('y-axis in meters','fontsize',10);
title('Electric field distribution, E (x,y) in V/m','fontsize',14);
fh2 = figure(2);
set(fh2, 'color', 'white')
You're creating a square due to the way you're indexing (see this post on indexing). You've specified the rows to run from pp1-r_circle_small to pp1+r_circle_small and similar for the columns. Given that Swiss cheese is not an option, you're creating a complete square.
From geometry we know that all points within distance sqrt((X-X0)^2 - (Y-Y0)^2) < R from the centre of the circle at (X0,Y0) with radius R are within the circle, and the rest outside. This means that you can simply build a mask:
% Set up your grid
Xsize = 30; % Your case: 1
Ysize = 30; % Your case: 1
step = 1; % Amount of gridpoints; use 0.001 or something
% Build indexing grid for circle search, adapt as necessary
X = 0:step:Xsize;
Y = 0:step:Ysize;
[XX,YY] = meshgrid(X, Y);
V = zeros(numel(X), numel(Y));
% Repeat the below for both circles
R = 10; % Radius of your circle; your case 0.1 and 0.15
X0 = 11; % X coordinate of the circle's origin; your case 0.3 and 0.7
Y0 = 15; % Y coordinate of the circle's origin; your case 0.3 and 0.7
% Logical check to see whether a point is inside or outside
mask = sqrt( (XX - X0).^2 + (YY - Y0).^2) < R;
V(mask) = 50; % Give your circle the desired value
imagesc(V) % Just to show you the result
axis equal % Use equal axis to have no image distortion
mask is a logical matrix containing 1 where points are within your circle and 0 where points are outside. You can then use this mask to logically index your potential grid V to set it to the desired value.
Note: This will, obviously, not create a perfect circle, given you cannot plot a perfect circle on a square grid. The finer the grid, the more circle-like your "circle" will be. This shows the result with step = 0.01
Note 2: You'll need to tweek your definition of X, Y, X0, Y0 and R to match your values.

how to produce this particular 3D graph from scalar data in Matlab?

I am trying to produce this graph using Matlab. The built-in ellipsoid function is confusing. For this problem I have two variables ( width and length ) and a constant height.
to make it very simple I want to show that the width is changing while we approach the tip but height is constant. w,x,h are the variables shown in the graph.
I would really appreciate it if someone can help.
The following code gets you a long way, I think. See example output:
I added enought comments that you should be able to take it from here...
% plot ellipsoid in 3D
% height and width of ellipsoid:
e_h = 10;
e_w = 3;
% position where the "quivers" (arrows) go:
q_offset = 2; % distance from axis
q_scale = 0.5; % multiplier to give parabola some size
q_spacing = 0.5; % distance between arrows
q_height = 2.5; % height above XY plane where arrows are drawn
N = 1000; % number of points for drawing
theta = linspace(0, 2*pi, N); % parameter to help drawing ellipse
zerov = zeros(1, N); % array of zeros that I will need
% coordinates of main ellipse:
x = e_w * sin(theta);
y = zeros(size(x));
z = e_h * cos(theta);
% plot main ellipse:
plot3(x, y, z)
% secondary plot
y2 = q_scale*(e_w.^2 - x.^2) + 2; % offset parabola - what your plot looked like...
hold on
plot3(x, y2, zerov+q_height); % plotting the parabola in the XY plane at height
axis equal % make the plot dimensions isotropic
% add quivers
q_base = -e_w:q_spacing:e_w; % x coordinate; y and z are fixed
q_length = (e_w.^2 - q_base.^2)*q_scale; % length of quiver - just an equation I chose
q0 = zeros(size(q_base)); % another vector I will need multiple times
q1 = ones(size(q_base)); % ditto
% plot the arrows: the "-1" argument means "don't scale"
quiver3(q_base, q0+q_offset, q_height*q1, q0, q_length, q0, -1)

Plotting several images in the same plot

I'm trying to plot small images on a larger plot... Actually its isomap algorithm, I got many points, now each point correspond to some image, I know which image is it... The porblem is how to load that image and plot on the graph?
One more thing I have to plot both image and the points, so, basically the images will overlap the points.
Certainly, the type of image given here
Something like this should get you started. You can use the low-level version of the image function to draw onto a set of axes.
% Define some random data
N = 5;
x = rand(N, 1);
y = rand(N, 1);
% Load an image
rgb = imread('ngc6543a.jpg');
% Draw a scatter plot
scatter(x, y);
axis([0 1 0 1]);
% Offsets of image from associated point
dx = 0.02;
dy = 0.02;
width = 0.1;
height = size(rgb, 1) / size(rgb, 2) * width;
for i = 1:N
image('CData', rgb,...
'XData', [x(i)-dx x(i)-(dx+width)],...
'YData', [y(i)-dy y(i)-(dy+height)]);

Drawing shape context logpolar bins in MATLAB

I am using shape context histograms as a feature descriptor to encode silhouette images. To assist with debugging, I would like to view the shape context logpolar bins overlaid on a silhouette image (the sample points taken from the edge image).
An example of what it should look like for one of the points is as follows:
I know how to display the circles (radial bins), but I am having difficulty in producing the angular bins (lines).
Given a set of angles, how can I draw line segments similar to those shown in the example image?
You can use this function:
function scDrawPolar(samp,point,r_min,r_max,nbins_theta,nbins_r)
%SCDRAWPOLAR draw a polar on the center point
% point - the center point
% r_min - min radius
% r_max - max radius
% nbins_theta - theta divide
% nbins_r - r divide
% fig_handle - draw the diagram on which figure
hold on;
% draw circles
th = 0 : pi / 50 : 2 * pi;
xunit = cos(th);
yunit = sin(th);
for i=1:length(r_bin_edges)
line(xunit * r_bin_edges(i) + point(1), ...
yunit * r_bin_edges(i) + point(2), ...
'LineStyle', ':', 'Color', 'k', 'LineWidth', 1);
% draw spokes
th = (1:nbins_theta) * 2*pi / nbins_theta;
cs = [cos(th);zeros(1,size(th,2))];
sn = [sin(th);zeros(1,size(th,2))];
line(r_max*cs + point(1), r_max*sn + point(2),'LineStyle', ':', ...
'Color', 'k', 'LineWidth', 1);
axis equal;
axis off;
hold off;
See the result here:
Doing this:
>> figure
>> axes
>> hold on
>> radius = 1;
>> theta = 0:30:360;
>> for angle = theta
line([0 radius * cosd(angle)], [0 radius * sind(angle)]);
produces this:

draw ellipse and ellipsoid in MATLAB

How do I draw an ellipse and an ellipsoid using MATLAB?
a=0; b=2*pi;
c=0; d=2*pi;
for i=1:n
for j=1:m
But I want the shape?
Ellipse article on Wikipedia had a simple JavaScript code to draw ellipses.
It uses the parametric form:
x(theta) = a0 + ax*sin(theta) + bx*cos(theta)
y(theta) = b0 + ay*sin(theta) + by*cos(theta)
(a0,b0) is the center of the ellipse
(ax,ay) vector representing the major axis
(bx,by) vector representing the minor axis
I translated the code into a MATLAB function:
function [X,Y] = calculateEllipse(x, y, a, b, angle, steps)
%# This functions returns points to draw an ellipse
%# #param x X coordinate
%# #param y Y coordinate
%# #param a Semimajor axis
%# #param b Semiminor axis
%# #param angle Angle of the ellipse (in degrees)
narginchk(5, 6);
if nargin<6, steps = 36; end
beta = -angle * (pi / 180);
sinbeta = sin(beta);
cosbeta = cos(beta);
alpha = linspace(0, 360, steps)' .* (pi / 180);
sinalpha = sin(alpha);
cosalpha = cos(alpha);
X = x + (a * cosalpha * cosbeta - b * sinalpha * sinbeta);
Y = y + (a * cosalpha * sinbeta + b * sinalpha * cosbeta);
if nargout==1, X = [X Y]; end
and an example to test it:
%# ellipse centered at (0,0) with axes length
%# major=20, ,minor=10, rotated 50 degrees
%# (drawn using the default N=36 points)
p = calculateEllipse(0, 0, 20, 10, 50);
plot(p(:,1), p(:,2), '.-'), axis equal
The answers from Jacob and Amro are very good examples for computing and plotting points for an ellipse. I'll address some easy ways you can plot an ellipsoid...
First, MATLAB has a built-in function ELLIPSOID which generates a set of mesh points given the ellipsoid center and the semi-axis lengths. The following creates the matrices x, y, and z for an ellipsoid centered at the origin with semi-axis lengths of 4, 2, and 1 for the x, y, and z directions, respectively:
[x, y, z] = ellipsoid(0, 0, 0, 4, 2, 1);
You can then use the function MESH to plot it, returning a handle to the plotted surface object:
hMesh = mesh(x, y, z);
If you want to rotate the plotted ellipsoid, you can use the ROTATE function. The following applies a rotation of 45 degrees around the y-axis:
rotate(hMesh, [0 1 0], 45);
You can then adjust the plot appearance to get the following figure:
axis equal; %# Make tick mark increments on all axes equal
view([-36 18]); %# Change the camera viewpoint
Also, if you want to use the rotated plot points for further calculations, you can get them from the plotted surface object:
xNew = get(hMesh, 'XData'); %# Get the rotated x points
yNew = get(hMesh, 'YData'); %# Get the rotated y points
zNew = get(hMesh, 'ZData'); %# Get the rotated z points
I've adapted this excellent ellipse plotting script from MATLAB Central for your requirement of
function plotEllipse(a,b,C)
% range to plot over
N = 50;
theta = 0:1/N:2*pi+1/N;
% Parametric equation of the ellipse
state(1,:) = a*cos(theta);
state(2,:) = b*sin(theta);
% Coordinate transform (since your ellipse is axis aligned)
X = state;
X(1,:) = X(1,:) + C(1);
X(2,:) = X(2,:) + C(2);
% Plot
hold on;
axis equal;
Note: change N to define the resolution of your ellipse
Here's an ellipse centered at (10,10) with a = 30 and b = 10
Ellipse article on Wikipedia and Rotation matrix.
Rewrite that functions:
rotate by rotAngle counter-clockwise around (0,0)
Coordinate transform to (cx, cy)
function [X,Y] = calculateEllipse(cx, cy, a, b, rotAngle)
%# This functions returns points to draw an ellipse
%# #param x X coordinate
%# #param y Y coordinate
%# #param a Semimajor axis
%# #param b Semiminor axis
%# #param cx cetner x position
%# #param cy cetner y position
%# #param angle Angle of the ellipse (in degrees)
steps = 30;
angle = linspace(0, 2*pi, steps);
% Parametric equation of the ellipse
X = a * cos(angle);
Y = b * sin(angle);
% rotate by rotAngle counter clockwise around (0,0)
xRot = X*cosd(rotAngle) - Y*sind(rotAngle);
yRot = X*sind(rotAngle) + Y*cosd(rotAngle);
X = xRot;
Y = yRot;
% Coordinate transform
X = X + cx;
Y = Y + cy;
and an example to test it:
[X,Y] = calculateEllipse(0, 0, 20, 10, 0);
plot(X, Y, 'b'); hold on; % blue
[X,Y] = calculateEllipse(0, 0, 20, 10, 45);
plot(X, Y, 'r'); hold on; % red
[X,Y] = calculateEllipse(30, 30, 20, 10, 135);
plot(X, Y, 'g'); % green
grid on;
Create two vectors, one of the x-coordinates of the points of the circumference of the ellipsoid, one of the y-coordinates. Make these vectors long enough to satisfy your accuracy requirements. Plot the two vectors as (x,y) pairs joined up. I'd drop the for loops from your code, much clearer if you use vector notation. Also I'd format your question using the SO markup for code to make it all clearer to your audience.
The simplest way might be to use the Matlab function
For example:
However, this is simple solution is good to have a quick glance how the ellipse looks like. If you want to have a nice plot, look at the other solutions.
I don't know in which version of Matlab this was added, but it's available at least from version R2012b on.