Creating a circle in a square grid - matlab

I try to solve the following 2D elliptic PDE electrostatic problem by fixing the Parallel plate Capacitors code. But I have problem to plot the circle region. How can I plot a circle region rather than the square?
% I use following two lines to label the 50V and 100V squares
% (but it should be two circles)
V(pp1-r_circle_small:pp1+r_circle_small,pp1-r_circle_small:pp1+r_circle_small) = 50;
V(pp2-r_circle_big:pp2+r_circle_big,pp2-r_circle_big:pp2+r_circle_big) = 100;
% Contour Display for electric potential
contour_range_V = -101:0.5:101;
axis([min(x) max(x) min(y) max(y)]);
xlabel('x-axis in meters','fontsize',10);
ylabel('y-axis in meters','fontsize',10);
title('Electric Potential distribution, V(x,y) in volts','fontsize',14);
fh1 = figure(1);
set(fh1, 'color', 'white')
% Contour Display for electric field
contour_range_E = -20:0.05:20;
axis([min(x) max(x) min(y) max(y)]);
xlabel('x-axis in meters','fontsize',10);
ylabel('y-axis in meters','fontsize',10);
title('Electric field distribution, E (x,y) in V/m','fontsize',14);
fh2 = figure(2);
set(fh2, 'color', 'white')

You're creating a square due to the way you're indexing (see this post on indexing). You've specified the rows to run from pp1-r_circle_small to pp1+r_circle_small and similar for the columns. Given that Swiss cheese is not an option, you're creating a complete square.
From geometry we know that all points within distance sqrt((X-X0)^2 - (Y-Y0)^2) < R from the centre of the circle at (X0,Y0) with radius R are within the circle, and the rest outside. This means that you can simply build a mask:
% Set up your grid
Xsize = 30; % Your case: 1
Ysize = 30; % Your case: 1
step = 1; % Amount of gridpoints; use 0.001 or something
% Build indexing grid for circle search, adapt as necessary
X = 0:step:Xsize;
Y = 0:step:Ysize;
[XX,YY] = meshgrid(X, Y);
V = zeros(numel(X), numel(Y));
% Repeat the below for both circles
R = 10; % Radius of your circle; your case 0.1 and 0.15
X0 = 11; % X coordinate of the circle's origin; your case 0.3 and 0.7
Y0 = 15; % Y coordinate of the circle's origin; your case 0.3 and 0.7
% Logical check to see whether a point is inside or outside
mask = sqrt( (XX - X0).^2 + (YY - Y0).^2) < R;
V(mask) = 50; % Give your circle the desired value
imagesc(V) % Just to show you the result
axis equal % Use equal axis to have no image distortion
mask is a logical matrix containing 1 where points are within your circle and 0 where points are outside. You can then use this mask to logically index your potential grid V to set it to the desired value.
Note: This will, obviously, not create a perfect circle, given you cannot plot a perfect circle on a square grid. The finer the grid, the more circle-like your "circle" will be. This shows the result with step = 0.01
Note 2: You'll need to tweek your definition of X, Y, X0, Y0 and R to match your values.


Fancy Correlation Plots in MATLAB

I'm trying to find a way to generate these pretty correlation plots in MATLAB. These are generated in R using 'corrplot' function, but couldn't find any similar code in MATLAB. Any help would be appreciated.
As a quick description, this function will create a color scale of the correlation values, and create circles in each cell of the correlation matrix/plot with the associated color. The size of the circles is also an indicator of the magnitude of the correlation, with larger circles representing a stronger relationship (positive or negative). More details could be found here.
you can use plot-corrmat (or modify it, depending how articulate you are in matlab), to obtain similar visualizations of correlation matrices (top pic). Or use Correlation circles , that looks somewhat similar as well (bottom pic)...
I could write the below code to generate a similar graph, based on the code provided here
% Produce the input lower triangular matrix data
C = -1 + 2.*rand(12,12);
C = tril(C,-1);
C(logical(eye(size(C)))) = 1;
% Set [min,max] value of C to scale colors
clrLim = [-1,1];
% load('CorrColormap.mat') % Uncomment for custom CorrColormap
% Set the [min,max] of diameter where 1 consumes entire grid square
diamLim = [0.1, 1];
myLabel = {'ICA','Elev','Pr','Rmax','Rmin','Srad','Wspd','Tmin','Tmax','VPD','ET_o','AW'};
% Compute center of each circle
% This assumes the x and y values were not entered in imagesc()
x = 1 : 1 : size(C,2); % x edges
y = 1 : 1 : size(C,1); % y edges
[xAll, yAll] = meshgrid(x,y);
xAll(C==0)=nan; % eliminate cordinates for zero correlations
% Set color of each rectangle
% Set color scale
cmap = jet(256);
% cmap = CorrColormap; % Uncomment for CorrColormap
Cscaled = (C - clrLim(1))/range(clrLim); % always [0:1]
colIdx = discretize(Cscaled,linspace(0,1,size(cmap,1)));
% Set size of each circle
% Scale the size between [0 1]
Cscaled = (abs(C) - 0)/1;
diamSize = Cscaled * range(diamLim) + diamLim(1);
% Create figure
fh = figure();
ax = axes(fh);
% colormap(CorrColormap) %Uncomment for CorrColormap
tickvalues = 1:length(C);
x = zeros(size(tickvalues));
text(x, tickvalues, myLabel, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'right');
x(:) = length(C)+1;
text(tickvalues, x, myLabel, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'right','Rotation',90);
% Create circles
theta = linspace(0,2*pi,50); % the smaller, the less memory req'd.
h = arrayfun(#(i)fill(diamSize(i)/2 * cos(theta) + xAll(i), ...
diamSize(i)/2 * sin(theta) + yAll(i), cmap(colIdx(i),:),'LineStyle','none'),1:numel(xAll));
axis off
The exact graph is available here:
Fancy Correlation Plots in MATLAB

How to show a zoomed part of a graph within a MATLAB plot?

I have about four series of data on a Matlab plot, two of them are quite close and can only be differentiated with a zoom. How do I depict the zoomed part within the existing plot for the viewer. I have checked similar posts but the answers seem very unclear.
I look for something like this:
Here is a suggestion how to do this with MATLAB. It may need some fine tuning, but it will give you the result:
function pan = zoomin(ax,areaToMagnify,panPosition)
% AX is a handle to the axes to magnify
% AREATOMAGNIFY is the area to magnify, given by a 4-element vector that defines the
% lower-left and upper-right corners of a rectangle [x1 y1 x2 y2]
% PANPOSTION is the position of the magnifying pan in the figure, defined by
% the normalized units of the figure [x y w h]
fig = ax.Parent;
pan = copyobj(ax,fig);
pan.Position = panPosition;
pan.XLim = areaToMagnify([1 3]);
pan.YLim = areaToMagnify([2 4]);
pan.XTick = [];
pan.YTick = [];
[areaToMagnify(1:2) areaToMagnify(3:4)-areaToMagnify(1:2)])
xy = ax2annot(ax,areaToMagnify([1 4;3 2]));
annotation(fig,'line',[xy(1,1) panPosition(1)],...
[xy(1,2) panPosition(2)+panPosition(4)],'Color','k')
annotation(fig,'line',[xy(2,1) panPosition(1)+panPosition(3)],...
[xy(2,2) panPosition(2)],'Color','k')
function anxy = ax2annot(ax,xy)
% This function converts the axis unites to the figure normalized unites
% AX is a handle to the figure
% XY is a n-by-2 matrix, where the first column is the x values and the
% second is the y values
% ANXY is a matrix in the same size of XY, but with all the values
% converted to normalized units
pos = ax.Position;
% white area * ((value - axis min) / axis length) + gray area
normx = pos(3)*((xy(:,1)-ax.XLim(1))./range(ax.XLim))+ pos(1);
normy = pos(4)*((xy(:,2)-ax.YLim(1))./range(ax.YLim))+ pos(2);
anxy = [normx normy];
Note that the units of areaToMagnify are like the axis units, while the units of panPosition are between 0 to 1, like the position property in MATLAB.
Here is an example:
x = -5:0.1:5;
subplot(3,3,[4 5 7 8])
ax = gca;
area = [-0.4 -0.4 0.25 0.25];
inlarge = subplot(3,3,3);
panpos = inlarge.Position;
inlarge = zoomin(ax,area,panpos);
title(inlarge,'Zoom in')

matlab: moving circle along a graph and axis equal

Hello and pardon me if my english is a bit rusty. I'm trying to create a circle that moves along a parametric function (coordinates are stored in vectors). I have written a function for drawing the circle and I know that you can use the axis equal command in matlab in order to create a circle shape and avoid an ellipse. My problem is that when I do this the figure window becomes very wide relative to the plotted graph. Any input is appreciated.
t = linspace(0,3);
x = 30*cos(pi/4)/2*(1-exp(-0.5*t));
y = (30*sin(pi/4)/2 + 9.81/0.5^2)*(1-exp(0.5*t)) - 9.81*t/0.5;
for i = 1:length(t)
axis equal
hold on
cirkel(x(i),y(i),1,1,'r') % argument #3 is the radius #4 is 1 for fill
hold off
function cirkel(x,y,r,f,c)
angle = linspace(0, 2*pi, 360);
xp = x + r*cos(angle);
yp = y + r*sin(angle);
if f == 1 && nargin == 5
When you call axis equal it makes one unit of the x axis be the same size as one unit of the y axis. You are seeing what you are because your y values span a much larger range than the x values.
One way to deal with this would be to query the aspect ratio and x/y limits of the current axes as shown in the second part of this answer. However, an easier approach is rather than using fill to plot your circle, you could instead use scatter with a circular marker which will be circular regardless of the aspect ratio of your axes.
t = linspace(0,3);
x = 30*cos(pi/4)/2*(1-exp(-0.5*t));
y = (30*sin(pi/4)/2 + 9.81/0.5^2)*(1-exp(0.5*t)) - 9.81*t/0.5;
% Plot the entire curve
hplot = plot(x, y);
hold on;
% Create a scatter plot where the area of the marker is 50. Store the handle to the plot
% in the variable hscatter so we can update the position inside of the loop
hscatter = scatter(x(1), y(1), 50, 'r', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'r');
for k = 1:length(t)
% Update the location of the scatter plot
set(hscatter, 'XData', x(k), ... % Set the X Position of the circle to x(k)
'YData', y(k)) % Set the Y Position of the circle to y(k)
% Refresh the plot
As a side note, it is best to update existing plot objects rather than creating new ones.
If you want the small dot to appear circular, and you want to have a reasonable domain (x-axis extent), try this:
function cirkel(x,y,r,f,c)
angle = linspace(0, 2*pi, 360);
xp = x + 0.04*r*cos(angle); %% adding scale factor of 0.04 to make it appear circular
yp = y + r*sin(angle);
if f == 1 && nargin == 5
Note the addition of the scale factor in the computation of xp. If you want to automate this, you can add another parameter to cirkel(), let's call it s, that contains the scale factor. You can calculate the scale factor in your script by computing the ratio of the range to the domain (y extent divided by x extent).

Replace quiver arrowheads with images

I have a circular lattice and on the lattice sites I plot normalized arrows that remain in the same magnitude and change direction according to a simulation, the details of which don't matter.
My plots look like this
Is it possible to replace the arrow in the quiver plot by an jpg/bmp/gif/png image? or by any other command?
Ideally, it would look something like this (although not necessarily arrows)
One way that you can do this, would be to use a surface object with a texture-map as the FaceColor.
In MATLAB, you can create a simple rectangular surface. You can set the FaceColor to be texturemap which will cause the value assigned to CData to be mapped across the surface.
Then to get transparency, you can also set the FaceAlpha value to be texturemap and set the AlphaData and those transparency values will be mapped across the extent of the surface as well.
For this to be applied to your case, you want to set the CData to the image that you want to use to replace your arrows. And you will want the AlphaData to be the same size as your image data with values of 1 where you want it to be opaque and 0 where you want it to be transparent. This will allow it to not look like the image that you have posted where you can clearly see the bounding box. Then you will need to draw one of these surfaces where each of the arrows would go and scale/position it appropriately.
Update: A more polished version of this code (ImageQuiver) is now available on Github as well as the MATLAB File Exchange.
As a demonstration of what I'm talking about, I have created the following function which essentially does just this. It accepts the same inputs as quiver (with the image data being supplied first and an optional AlphaData parameter at the end) and creates a surface at all of the requested coordinates pointing in the requested direction, and scaled by the specified amount.
function h = quiverpic(im, X, Y, dX, dY, scale, alpha)
% im - RGB or indexed image
% X - X positions
% Y - Y positions
% dX - X direction vector
% dY - Y direction vector
% scale - Any scaling (Default = 1)
% alpha - Transparency (same size as im), if not specified = ~isnan(im)
h = hggroup();
if ~exist('scale', 'var')
% By default there is no scaling
scale = 1;
if ~exist('alpha', 'var')
% By default, any NaN will be transparent
alpha = ~isnan(im);
% Determine aspect ratio of the source image
width_to_height = size(im, 2) / size(im, 1);
for k = 1:numel(X)
% Determine angle from displacement vectors
theta = atan2(dY(k), dX(k));
% Subtract pi/2 to +y is considered "up"
theta = theta + pi/2;
% Setup surface plot boundary
[xx,yy] = meshgrid([-0.5, 0.5] * width_to_height, [0 1]);
% Scale depending on magnitude of dX and dY
this_scale = scale * sqrt(dX(k).^2 + dY(k).^2);
% Scale X and Y components prior to rotating
xx = xx .* this_scale;
yy = yy .* this_scale;
% Rotate to align with the desired direction
xdata = xx .* cos(theta) - yy .* sin(theta);
ydata = xx .* sin(theta) + yy .* cos(theta);
% Determine what is considered the "anchor" of the graphic.
% For now this is assumed to be the "bottom-middle"
xoffset = X(k) - mean(xdata(2,:));
yoffset = Y(k) - mean(ydata(2,:));
% Actually plot the surface.
surf(xdata + xoffset, ...
ydata + yoffset, zeros(2), ...
'Parent', h, ...
'FaceColor', 'texture', ...
'EdgeColor', 'none', ...
'CData', im, ...
'FaceAlpha', 'texture', ...
'AlphaData', double(alpha));
I wrote a little test script to show how this can be used and to show the results.
t = linspace(0, 2*pi, 13);
dX = cos(t(1:end-1));
dY = sin(t(1:end-1));
X = (3 * dX) + 5;
Y = (3 * dY) + 5;
scale = 1;
% Load the MATLAB logo as an example image
png = fullfile(matlabroot,'/toolbox/matlab/icons/matlabicon.gif');
[im, map] = imread(png);
im = ind2rgb(im, map);
% Determine alpha channel based on upper left hand corner pixel
flatim = reshape(im, [], 3);
alpha = ~ismember(flatim, squeeze(im(1,1,:)).', 'rows');
alpha = reshape(alpha, size(im(:,:,1)));
% Plot some things prior to creating the quiverpic object
fig = figure();
hax = axes('Parent', fig);
axis(hax, 'equal');
% Plot a full circle
t = linspace(0, 2*pi, 100);
plot((cos(t) * 3) + 5, (sin(t) * 3) + 5, '-')
hold(hax, 'on')
% Plot markers at all the quiver centers
plot(X, Y, 'o', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'w')
% Plot a random image behind everything to demonstrate transparency
him = imagesc(rand(9));
uistack(him, 'bottom')
axis(hax, 'equal')
colormap(fig, 'gray')
set(hax, 'clim', [-4 4]);
% Now plot the quiverpic
h = quiverpic(im, X, Y, dX, dY, 1, alpha);
axis(hax, 'tight')
Same image with varying vectors and scaling
Any image of any aspect ratio will work just fine

how to produce this particular 3D graph from scalar data in Matlab?

I am trying to produce this graph using Matlab. The built-in ellipsoid function is confusing. For this problem I have two variables ( width and length ) and a constant height.
to make it very simple I want to show that the width is changing while we approach the tip but height is constant. w,x,h are the variables shown in the graph.
I would really appreciate it if someone can help.
The following code gets you a long way, I think. See example output:
I added enought comments that you should be able to take it from here...
% plot ellipsoid in 3D
% height and width of ellipsoid:
e_h = 10;
e_w = 3;
% position where the "quivers" (arrows) go:
q_offset = 2; % distance from axis
q_scale = 0.5; % multiplier to give parabola some size
q_spacing = 0.5; % distance between arrows
q_height = 2.5; % height above XY plane where arrows are drawn
N = 1000; % number of points for drawing
theta = linspace(0, 2*pi, N); % parameter to help drawing ellipse
zerov = zeros(1, N); % array of zeros that I will need
% coordinates of main ellipse:
x = e_w * sin(theta);
y = zeros(size(x));
z = e_h * cos(theta);
% plot main ellipse:
plot3(x, y, z)
% secondary plot
y2 = q_scale*(e_w.^2 - x.^2) + 2; % offset parabola - what your plot looked like...
hold on
plot3(x, y2, zerov+q_height); % plotting the parabola in the XY plane at height
axis equal % make the plot dimensions isotropic
% add quivers
q_base = -e_w:q_spacing:e_w; % x coordinate; y and z are fixed
q_length = (e_w.^2 - q_base.^2)*q_scale; % length of quiver - just an equation I chose
q0 = zeros(size(q_base)); % another vector I will need multiple times
q1 = ones(size(q_base)); % ditto
% plot the arrows: the "-1" argument means "don't scale"
quiver3(q_base, q0+q_offset, q_height*q1, q0, q_length, q0, -1)