Show list of relations between turtles and patches - netlogo

In the model every turtle and patches has certain value. Then by making a comparisiĆ³n of the two values I get a new one. So I need to get the full list of the combinations (turtle-patch, and their values) that arise in the model.

It is not entirely clear what you want, but this example will probalby suffice. Let's use color as an example, because it is present by default.
[(list self color patch-here pcolor)] of turtles
You can substitute any list of characteristics you wish. Try it! E.g.
[(list who color pxcor pycor pcolor)] of turtles
Note that is you are thinking of this as documenting a mapping from turtles to the rest of the variables, you probably should use the table extension.


can a turtle only variable number be assigned to patches?

I'm trying to design a model for the spread of infection from person to environment.
Turtles have a hand contamination variable that shows the percentage of their hands that are contaminated. I'd like to give this number to patches that they're passing, but I'm getting an error saying it's a turtle-only variable.
Is it possible to give a hand contamination number to the patch?
This is part of my code:
turtles-own [hand contamination]
patches-own [p-contamination]
ask patches [set p-contamination hand-contamination]
A patch can't ever refer to turtle variables directly: What if there is more than one turtle there...which one? What if there are none?
However, a turtle can access the variables of the patch it is standing on. So you would probably do this from the turtle's point of view: I think this also makes sense, logically, since it is the turtle visiting the patch, and contaminating it.
;; turtles contaminate the patch they are standing on
ask turtles [ set p-contamination hand-contamination]
Note that if there is more than one turtle on a patch, they will overwrite each other's values. So, you may need to add the amount, or otherwise blend the two values, rather than replace it.
If there are more turtles than patches, or you really want the patch to be the thing that in control, the patch can look for turtles and acess their variables with OF:
ask patches
[ let visitors turtles-here
if any? visitors
[ set p-contamination ..some expression..
So, there it depends on your needs, and you have to decide what that value is.
There is only ever at most one turtle:
[ Contamination ] of one-of visitors
Even if many turtles, pick one at random:
[ contamination ] of one-of visitors
Use the value of the most-contaminated visitor:
(max (sentence [ contamination ] of visitors))
Average the values of contamination
(mean (sentence [ contamination ] of visitors))
...or some other expression that you choose
Again, this is all overwriting the patch variable. If you need to take the patchs' current values for that variable, you need to decide how:
If already contaminated, should it:
leave value alone
add turtle value to current value of P-Contamination
save the max of the two values
save the mean of the two values
blend them in some other way

How to have patches "belong" to turtle

I am brand new to Netlogo and am coding a world with caching animals. They will go to their caches (I set them as blue patches) if their energy value falls below 10. They can find these caches based on a random 'memory' value given to them which is used as an in-radius value. That way, they will face and go towards a cache within their in-radius memory if they are about to die. I am starting to incorporate a home-base system where the turtle remains in a smaller area with their own caches. Does anyone know how I can make a patch belong to an individual turtle? This would allow turtles to have their specific caches in their territory. I have looked into using links and breeds, but links are only between turtles and making the individual breeds for the 50+ turtles at a time seems ineffective and complex. I apologize I don't have any code attempting to have a cache (patch) belong to a turtle, I don't know where to start. Any ideas?
If you want a turtle to remember anything (patches or income or anything else), then you need to assign a variable in a turtles-own statement and then set the value appropriately. Here's some example code fragments. They won't work, and you actual code would likely look a lot different because you will need some design about the conditions under which a cache will be assigned, but they show you what a variable solution looks like.
[ my-caches
set my-caches (patch-set my-caches patch-here) ; code when a turtle finds a new cache site
If you want a patch that belongs to a turtle to make that patch unavailable to other turtles, then also set up a patch variable to store its owner.
[ my-owner
ask turtles
[ if [my-owner] of patch-here = nobody [set my-caches (patch-set my-caches patch-here)]
ask patch-here [set my-owner myself]
I suggest you do several NetLogo tutorials, then look at some library models (and understand them) before starting your own model. You need to understand basic concepts like turtles/patches, variables, ticks before trying to build a model.

In a Netlogo network, how can turtles "see" properties of other turtles?

I am trying to build a model in which turtles decide to change colour depending on their environment in a network.
The approach would be to "check" the colour of the surrounding turtles and then set an if statement for the turtle in question to switch colour (there will only be 2 colours).
Specifically I would like to know how can a turtle "see" or check other turtles' colour (or other properties).
If possible I would also like to create a slider for "how many links away" can turtles see their neighbouring turtles' (or neighbours of neighbours, etc) colour.
I am new to both Netlogo and Stackoverflow, so please let me know if I should make any modifications to my model and/or question.
Welcome to Stack Overflow! Typically you'll want to stick to a single question per post, both for simplicity and for the benefit of future users with similar questions. As well, in cases where its applicable you should try to include some code to show what you've tried so far, as well as any setup necessary- you want to make a minimal, complete, and verifiable example. In this case, I think you're okay since your questions are clear and well explained, but if you have more complex questions in the future you will be more likely to get useful answers by following those guidelines.
For your first question, it looks like you want the of primitive- check out the dictionary entry for details. of can be used in a few ways, including allowing agents to check the value of a variable (such as color) of another agent. Check out this example code:
to setup
crt 10 [
setxy random 30 - 15 random 30 - 15
create-link-with one-of other turtles
to go
ask turtles [
set color [color] of one-of link-neighbors
Every time the go procedure is called, one of the turtles changes its color to the color of one of its link-neighbors. If you run it long enough, all connected turtles should end up with the same color.
For your second question, I suggest you check out the Nw extension, which is an extension built to deal more easily with Netlogo networks. Specifically, have a look at nw:turtles-in-radius, which should work with your slider approach. To get it working, include the extension using
extensions [ nw ]
at the start of your code. Then, assuming the same setup as above, you can play around with something like
to network-radius
ask one-of turtles [
set color red
ask other nw:turtles-in-radius 2 [
set color white
When you call the network-radius procedure above, you should see one turtle turn red, and any turtles within 2 links of that turtle turn white. To switch to a slider, just swap the "2" out for your slider variable. Hope that helps!

How to read node ids from an input box?

I am pretty sure there are some basic glaring flaws here but assistance would be great. What I am trying to do is to use an input box so that a user can specify connections between specific nodes. The data that is being inputted is in the form of a string (reporter) and I am having problems getting the programme to recognise the input. The code is as follows;
ask circle 1 [ create-links-with n-of 3 read-from-string connect-with ]
There's not enough information, but I'm going to guess. I'll assume that circle is a turtle-breed.
create-links-with wants an agentset, and n-of therefore needs an agentset as its second argument here. I don't think you can create an agentset with read-from-string, since the documentation says that read-from-string will only produce 'a number, list, string, or boolean value, or the special value "nobody".'
However, you could do something like this:
create-links-with n-of 3 circles with [color = read-from-string connect-property]
I'm using connect-property instead of connect-with; it's the variable that would be attached to the input box, and you can replace color with some other circles-own variable that you've defined.
If you have a fixed set of properties with which to identify the circles, it might be better to use a Chooser object, or even a slider, rather than an Input box.
(Outside of testing and experimentation, I think it's probably not the best strategy to identify turtles by their numbers. It's better to give them variables, and use the values of the variables to identify them, e.g. by using with.)

NetLogo two kinds of self-reference

I want to add an agenset of turtles to the variable TurtlesICanSee of a certain turtle that depends on that turtles properties. For instance, in one application I want to add only the turtle itself to TurtlesICanSee, in another application I want to add the two turtles (if there are any) with adjacent who-numbers (the turtle's own who-number + or - 1).
If I can figure out the first application by using who-numbers I think I can extend that to second application. However, I cannot figure out the first.
I tried
ask turtles [
set TheTurtlesICanSee turtles with [who = ([who] of self)]
but this fills the TheTurtlesICanSee of each turtle with every turtle.
I think I understand why; NetLogo thinks that I want every turtle x that has the same who-number as itself (x), i.e. every turtle. But I don't. For every turtle x I want every turtle y that has the same who-number as x.
Can anyone help me with this? Note that the solution that I need to the first application is one that can be generalized to the second. So not any way of adding a turtle to one of its own variables will do. I need a form of self-reference involving who (or a good argument against doing it this way I guess, but preferably the former).
Your code needs only a slight alteration to work, as follows:
ask turtles [ set TheTurtlesICanSee turtles with [who = [who] of myself] ]
Note the substitution of myself for self; has an explanation of the difference.
But actually there's no need to involve who numbers. It's almost never necessary to use who numbers in NetLogo; there's almost always a simpler, more direct solution. A simpler solution is:
ask turtles [ set TheTurtlesICanSee turtles with [self = myself] ]
But actually it isn't necessary to use with at all. We can use turtle-set to build the desired agentset directly:
ask turtles [ set TheTurtlesICanSee (turtle-set self) ]
This is the solution I would recommend, for clarity and brevity, but also because it will run faster, since it doesn't involve iterating over the set of all turtles, as the with-based solutions do.