How can I scale Kafka consumers? - apache-kafka

I'm reading the Kafka documentation and noticed the following line:
Note however that there cannot be more consumer instances in a consumer group than partitions.
Hmm. How can I auto-scale this?
For example let's say I have a messaging system with hi/lo priorities, so I create a topic for messages and partitions for hi and lo priority messages.
If this was RabbitMQ, I'd have an auto-scalable group of consumers assigned to each partition, like this:
If I understand the Kafka model I can't have >1 consumer per partition in a consumer group, so that picture doesn't work for Kafka, right?
Ok, so what about >1 consumer groups like this:
That get's around Kafka's limitation but... If I understand how this works both consumer groups would be pulling from a partition, for example msg.hi, with their own offsets so neither would know about the other--meaning messages would likely be delivered twice!
How can I achieve the capability I had in the Rabbit design w/Kafka and still maintain the "queue-ness" of the behavior (I don't want to send a message twice)? What am I missing?

Topic is made up of partitions. Partitions decide the max number of consumers you can have in a group.
Scenario 1:
When we have only one consumer, It can read all the messages from all the partitions.
Scenario 2:
In the above set up, when you increase the number of consumers in the group, partition reassignment happens and instead of consumer 1 reading all the messages from all the partitions, consumer 2 could share some of the load with consumer 1 as shown below.
Scenario 3:
What happens If I have more number of consumers than the number of partitions.? Each consumer would be assigned 1 partition. Any additional consumers in the group will be sitting idle unless you increase the number of partitions for a Topic.
We need to choose the partitions accordingly. That decides the max number of consumers in the group. Changing the partition for an existing topic is really NOT recommended as It could cause issues.
That is, Let's assume a producer producing names into a topic where we have 3 partitions. All the names starting with A-I go to Partition 1, J-R in partition 2 and S-Z in partition 3. Let's also assume that we have already produced 1 million messages. Now if you suddenly increase the number of partitions to 5 from 3, It will create a different A-Z range now. That is, A-F in Partition 1, G-K in partition 2, L-Q in partition 3, R-U in partition 4 and V-Z in partition 5. Do you get it? It kind of affects the order of the messages we had before! So you need to be aware of this. If this could be a problem, then we need to choose the partition accordingly upfront.
More info is here -

Your assumption about messages being consumed twice is correct (since each group consumes 100% of messages from a topic).
I agree with David. Moreover, I suggest that you create more partitions than you really need, which would leave you some headroom to increase the number of threads in the group when such a need arises.
You can always increase the number of partitions later (and/or add additional brokers), but it's nice to have that already done, so that you can only increase number of threads and be done with it (those situations usually require a quick response, so you should do all the prep. that you can do in advance).

Just create a bunch of partitions for hi and lo. 12 is a good number. So is 60. Just pick a number of partitions that matches how much maximum parallelization you want.
Honestly, although I personally would makemsg.hi and msg.lo be different topics entirely, that's not a requirement -- you can do custom parititoning to divide messages between partitions.

You can also use an AI based auto scaler like this
This scaler calculates the right number of consumer PODs based on workload prediciton and target KPI metrics


Kafka - Standalone sever - How to decide partitions?

I have a standalone Kafka setup with single disk. planning to stream over million records. How to decide partitions for my topic for better through-put? has to be 1 partition?
Is it recommended to have multiple partitions for a topic on standalone Kafka server?
Yes you need multiple partitions even for a single node kafka cluster. That is because you can only have as many consumers as you have partitions. If you have a single partition then you can only have a single consumer, and that will limit throughput. Especially if you want to stream millions of rows (although the period for those is not specified).
The only real downside to this is that messages are only consumed in order within the same partition. Other than that, you should go with multiple partitions. You will need to estimate the throughput of a single consumer in order to calculate the partitions, then maybe add one or 2 on top of that.
You can still add partitions later but it's probably better to try to start with the right amount first and change later as you learn more or as your volume increases/decreases.
There are two main factors to consider:
Number of producers and consumers
Each client, producer or consumer, can only connect to one partition. For this reason, the number of partitions must be at least the max(number of producers, number of consumers).
You must determine the troughput to calculate how many consumers should be in the consumer group. The combined reading capacity of consumers should be at least as high as the combined writing capacity of producers.

Kafka message partitioning by key

We have a business process/workflow that is being started when initial event message is received and closed when the last message is processed. We have up to 100,000 processes executed each day. My problem is that the order of the messages that come to specific process has to be processed by the same order messages were received. If one of the messages fails, the process has to freeze until the problem is fixed, despite that all other processes has to continue. For this kind of situation i am thinking of using Kafka. first solution that came to my mind was to use Topic partitioning by message key. The key of the message would be the ProcessId. This way i could be sure that all process messages would be partitioned and kafka would guarantee the order. As i am new to Kafka what i managed to figure out that partitions has to be created in advance and that makes everything to difficult. so my questions are:
1) when i produce message to kafka's topic that does not exist, the topic is created on runtime. Is it possible to have same behavior for topic partitions?
2) there can be more than 100,000 active partitions on the topic, is that a problem?
3) can partition be deleted after all messages from that topic were read?
4) maybe you can suggest other approaches to my problem?
When i produce message to kafka's topic that does not exist, the topic is created on runtime. Is it possible to have same behavior for topic partitions?
You need to specify number of partitions while creating topic. New Partitions won't be create automatically(as is the case with topic creation), you have to change number of partitions using topic tool.
More Info:
As soon as you increase number of partitions, producer and consumer will be notified of new paritions, thereby leading them to rebalance. Once rebalanced, producer and consumer will start producing and consuming from new partition.
there can be more than 100,000 active partitions on the topic, is that a problem?
Yes, having this much partitions will increase overall latency.
Go through how-choose-number-topics-partitions-kafka-cluster on how to decide number of partitions.
can partition be deleted after all messages from that topic were read?
Deleting a partition would lead to data loss and also the remaining data's keys would not be distributed correctly so new messages would not get directed to the same partitions as old existing messages with the same key. That's why Kafka does not support decreasing partition count on topic.
Also, Kafka doc states that
Kafka does not currently support reducing the number of partitions for a topic.
I suppose you choose wrong feature to solve you task.
In general, partitioning is used for load balancing.
Incoming messages will be distributed on given number of partition according to the partitioning strategy which defined at broker start. In short, default strategy just calculate i=key_hash mod number_of_partitions and put message to ith partition. More about strategies you could read here
Message ordering is guaranteed only within partition. With two messages from different partitions you have no guarantees which come first to the consumer.
Probably you would use group instead. It's option for consumer
Each group consumes all messages from topic independently.
Group could consist of one consumer or more if you need it.
You could assign many groups and add new group (in fact, add new consumer with new groupId) dynamically.
As you could stop/pause any consumer, you could manually stop all consumers related to specified group. I suppose there is no single command to do that but I'm not sure. Anyway, if you have single consumer in each group you could stop it easily.
If you want to remove the group you just shutdown and drop out related consumers. No actions on broker side is needed.
As a drawback you'll get 100,000 consumers which read (single) topic. It's heavy network load at least.

When to create new Consumer in ConsumerGroup

I am newbie in Kafka world and was reading about Consumer and ConsumerGroup.I got the difference between them and understand why we need ConsumerGroup in Kafka.
But here my question is When we should decide when to create new Consumer within same Group.
When we have huge amount of data?
Could someone help me to understand any real use case.
I think some very good points have already been mentioned and here are my few cents. As your primary question seems to be "When" to add a consumer in a group...
There are 2 scenarios I could think of:
If one or more consumers in a Consumer group are overloaded by consumption from multiple partitions and you intend to distribute that load and increase parallelism. In this case, you could add consumers and trigger a rebalance.
If the partitions in a topic are increasing. This is quite a tricky scenario and may disturb the existing consumers in some ways. Following are a few examples of when this might happen:
a) If the semantics of your data are changing as partitioning a topic
based on the semantics is quite a common use case
b) If the data volume is increasing and the semantics are also changing
c) If only the volume is increasing that is leading to Scenario 1
However, as you've pointed out in your question - if only the volume is increasing and the consumers in a group are nicely mapped to the partitions on a 1-to-1 basis then you may be better off leaving things as they are. Otherwise, you might end up in the Scenario 2b.
Hope this helps!
In Apache Kafka, the level of parallelism is defined by the number of partitions. The higher the number of partitions, the higher the level of parallelism one can achieve. Depending on the volume of data, you should set the number of partitions to the desired value. Note that you can not have more active consumers than number of partitions.
For example, assume that you have a topic test with 5 partitions and a consumer group test-group. At any given time, only 5 consumers can be active withing test-group. Say we've got 1000 messages in topic test, then each of the 5 active consumers will consume (approximately) 200 messages. In case you run more than 5 partitions, the remaining will be inactive meaning that they won't consumer any messages at all. Similarly, if you have less consumers than partitions, then some of your active consumers will consumer messages from more than one partition.
Another -less straight-forward- example would be the following (taken from):
In this scenario, we do have two topics (A and B), each of which has 3 partitions. Two consumers belonging to the same consumer group are consuming messages from both topics.
As mentioned above, Kafka scales the topic consumption by distributing partitions among a consumer group. A consumer group is nothing, but a set of consumers sharing the common identifier.
A consumer is responsible to consumer messages from one or more partitions. If there is a single consumer running in the consumer group, it will consume data from all partitions. If there are multiple consumers running with in same group, they distribute the load in consumes from different-different partitions.
Maximum number of consumers are equal to the maximum number of partitions. If the consumers number exceeds than number of partitions, excessive consumers will be idle.
Let's say if there is a topic with 4 partitions. There are two consumer groups A and B. Group A has two consumers C1,C2. Both consumers will consume from approx 2 and 2 partitions.
While in Consumer Group B, there are 4 consumers, each consumer will consume from one partition.
When to use single consumer or multiple consumer : It depends on the use case. If you want a consolidated output from the processing where the calculations are based on the entire data in the topic, you should use single consumer unless you have a post processing logic to merge the output from each consumer.
If you are just reading the data and want to parallelize the process by distributing load, use multiple consumers

Kafka Consumer being Starved because of unbalance

I am new to Kafka and think I am missing something on how partition queues get balanced on a topic
We have 5 partitions and 2 consumers on a topic. The topic has a null key so I assume Kafka randomly picks a new partition to add the new record to in a round robin fashion.
This would mean one consumer would be reading from 3 partitions and the other 2. If my assumption is right (that the records get evenly distrusted across partitions) the consumer with 3 partitions would be doing more work (1.5x more). This could lead to one consumer doing nothing while the other keeps working hard.
I think you should have an even divisible number of partitions to consumers.
Am I missing something?
The unit of parallelism in consuming Kafka messages is the partition. The routine scenario for consuming Kafka messages is getting messages using a data stream processing engine like Apache Flink, Spark, and Storm that all of them distributed processing on CPU cores. The rule is the maximum level of parallelism for each consumer group can be the number of partitions. Each consumer instance of a consumer group (say CPU cores) can consume one or more partitions and on the other hand, each partition can be consumed by just one consumer instance of each consumer group.
If you have more CPU core than the number of partitions, some of them
will be idle.
If you have less CPU core than the number of partitions, some of
them will consume more than one partitions.
And the optimized case is when the number of CPU cores and
Kafka partitions are equal.
The image can describe all well:
If my assumption is right (that the records get evenly distributed across partitions) the consumer with 3 partitions would be doing more work (1.5x more). This could lead to one consumer doing nothing while the other keeps working hard.
Why would one consumer do nothing? It would still process records from those 2 partitions [assuming of course, that both the consumers are in same group]
I think you should have an even divisible number of partitions to consumers.
Yes, that's right. For maximum parallelism, you can have as many number of consumers, as the #partitions, e.g. in your case 5 consumers would give you max parallelism.
There is an assumption built into your understanding that each partition has exactly the same throughput. For most applications, though, that may or may not be true. If you set up your keying/partitioning right, then the partitions should hopefully be close to equal, especially with a large and diverse keyspace if you average them out over a large period of time. But in a more practical, realistic sense, you'll probably have some skew at any given time anyway, and your stream processing setup will need to tolerate that. So having one more partition assigned to a particular consumer is probably not going to make a big difference.
Your understanding is correct. May be there is data skew. You can check how many records are there in each partition by using offset checker or other tool.

How does offset work when I have multiple topics on one partition in Kafka?

I am trying to develop a better understanding of how Kafka works. To keep things simple, currently I am running Kafka on one Zookeeper with 3 brokers and one partition with duplication factor of 3. I learned that, in general, it's better to have number of partitions ~= number of consumers.
Question 1: Do topics share offsets in the same partition?
I have multiple topics (e.g. dogs, cats, dinosaurs) on one partition (e.g. partition 0). Now my producers have produced a message to each of the topics. "msg: bark" to dogs, "msg: meow" to cats and "msg: rawr" to dinosaurs. I noticed that if I specify dogs[0][0], I get back bark and if I do the same on cats and dinosaurs, I do get back each message respectively. This is an awesome feature but it contradicts with my understanding. I thought offset is specific to a partition. If I have pushed three messages into a partition sequentially. Shouldn't the messages be indexed with 0, 1, and 2? Now it seems me that offset is specific to a topic.
This is how I imagined it
['bark', 'meow', 'rawr']
In reality, it looks like this
But that can't be it. There must be something keeping track of offset and the actual physical location of where the message is in the log file.
Question 2: How do you manage your messages if you were to have multiple partitions for one topic?
In question 1, I have multiple topics in one partition, now let's say I have multiple partitions for one topic. For example, I have 4 partitions for the dogs topic and I have 100 messages to push to my Kafka cluster. Do I distribute the messages evenly across partitions like 25 goes in partition 1, 25 goes in partition 2 and so on...?
If a consumer wants to consume all those 100 messages at once, he/she needs to hit all four partitions. How is this different from hitting 1 partition with 100 messages? Does network bandwidth impose a bottleneck?
Thank you in advance
For your question 1: It is impossible to have multiple topics on one partition. Partition is part of topic conceptually. You can have 3 topics and each of them has only one partition. So you have 3 partitions in total. That explains the behavior that you observed.
For your question 2: AT the producer side, if a valid partition number is specified that partition will be used when sending the record. If no partition is specified but a key is present, a partition will be chosen using a hash of the key. If neither key nor partition is present a partition will be assigned in a round-robin fashion. Now the number of partitions decides the max parallelism. There is a concept called consumer group, which can have multiple consumers in the same group consuming the same topic. In the example you gave, if your topic has only one partition, the max parallelism is one and only one consumer in the consumer group will receive messages (100 of them). But if you have 4 partitions, you can have up to 4 consumers, one for each partition and each receives 25 messages.