Kafka - Standalone sever - How to decide partitions? - apache-kafka

I have a standalone Kafka setup with single disk. planning to stream over million records. How to decide partitions for my topic for better through-put? has to be 1 partition?
Is it recommended to have multiple partitions for a topic on standalone Kafka server?

Yes you need multiple partitions even for a single node kafka cluster. That is because you can only have as many consumers as you have partitions. If you have a single partition then you can only have a single consumer, and that will limit throughput. Especially if you want to stream millions of rows (although the period for those is not specified).
The only real downside to this is that messages are only consumed in order within the same partition. Other than that, you should go with multiple partitions. You will need to estimate the throughput of a single consumer in order to calculate the partitions, then maybe add one or 2 on top of that.
You can still add partitions later but it's probably better to try to start with the right amount first and change later as you learn more or as your volume increases/decreases.

There are two main factors to consider:
Number of producers and consumers
Each client, producer or consumer, can only connect to one partition. For this reason, the number of partitions must be at least the max(number of producers, number of consumers).
You must determine the troughput to calculate how many consumers should be in the consumer group. The combined reading capacity of consumers should be at least as high as the combined writing capacity of producers.


Kafka partition count when single consumer has high throughput

I understand that partitioning is necessary for parallelism in kafka but not sure if it's always necessary. I have three broker nodes with a replication factor of 3. If my total producer throughput is 10mb/s and my single consumer throughput is 100mb/s, my application will do fine with just one consumer, hence a single partition. However, multiple sources online advise against using a single partition. Should I just create multiple consumers even if they're going to be idle?

Best ways to design a kafka consumer

Need a help in getting the best design solution for creating Kafka consumers.
Will be having multiple topics and those can be like groups say for example
10 topics that are used to send out emails (10 count is chosen because will be getting more client traffic and want to dedicate a topic per client like each topic for one client so that others will not be delayed or waited)
10 topics to process a business logic and the 10 count explanation is same as above.
Now with this usage what's the best way to design Kafka consumers? Consumer dedicated to each topic ? or is there a way where we can scale up consumer dynamically by passing in which topic it needs to subscribe? For sure will be deploying this in containers but want suggestions on how to get started with consumer part with dynamic scalability and common code. And what's the best technology to implement this type of kafka consumers? (dotnet/java/python) ?
Also please do suggest if partitions make sense in this kind of design so that we can leverage consumer groups.
Consumers belonging to a same consumer group are assigned partitions in a topic.
In kafka, a topic can have multiple partitions. The consumers consume the messages of a particular topic from their assigned partition(s). The messages in the partition are ordered by sequential offsets.
Now, topic-wide record order is not important, you generally want to start with a higher number of partitions in a topic. Let's say start with 100 partitions. Your data will be distributed across the 100 partitions in a topic, assuming null keys or at least 100 unique key values with non colliding hashes, as record keys determine partitioning. If topic order is important, you're limited to one partition, and therefore one consumer thread; however, this thread can separate consumption from processing by loading records into alternative data structures (a queue) for processing.
You can now have 10 consumers consuming from 100 partitions. Each consumer will be assigned to about 10 partitions, and they will consume the messages in a round-robin fashion.
If you want to scale out, you simply increase the number of consumers. If you double the number of consumer to 20 then each consumer will process 5 partitions, thus, you get double throughput.

When to create new Consumer in ConsumerGroup

I am newbie in Kafka world and was reading about Consumer and ConsumerGroup.I got the difference between them and understand why we need ConsumerGroup in Kafka.
But here my question is When we should decide when to create new Consumer within same Group.
When we have huge amount of data?
Could someone help me to understand any real use case.
I think some very good points have already been mentioned and here are my few cents. As your primary question seems to be "When" to add a consumer in a group...
There are 2 scenarios I could think of:
If one or more consumers in a Consumer group are overloaded by consumption from multiple partitions and you intend to distribute that load and increase parallelism. In this case, you could add consumers and trigger a rebalance.
If the partitions in a topic are increasing. This is quite a tricky scenario and may disturb the existing consumers in some ways. Following are a few examples of when this might happen:
a) If the semantics of your data are changing as partitioning a topic
based on the semantics is quite a common use case
b) If the data volume is increasing and the semantics are also changing
c) If only the volume is increasing that is leading to Scenario 1
However, as you've pointed out in your question - if only the volume is increasing and the consumers in a group are nicely mapped to the partitions on a 1-to-1 basis then you may be better off leaving things as they are. Otherwise, you might end up in the Scenario 2b.
Hope this helps!
In Apache Kafka, the level of parallelism is defined by the number of partitions. The higher the number of partitions, the higher the level of parallelism one can achieve. Depending on the volume of data, you should set the number of partitions to the desired value. Note that you can not have more active consumers than number of partitions.
For example, assume that you have a topic test with 5 partitions and a consumer group test-group. At any given time, only 5 consumers can be active withing test-group. Say we've got 1000 messages in topic test, then each of the 5 active consumers will consume (approximately) 200 messages. In case you run more than 5 partitions, the remaining will be inactive meaning that they won't consumer any messages at all. Similarly, if you have less consumers than partitions, then some of your active consumers will consumer messages from more than one partition.
Another -less straight-forward- example would be the following (taken from):
In this scenario, we do have two topics (A and B), each of which has 3 partitions. Two consumers belonging to the same consumer group are consuming messages from both topics.
As mentioned above, Kafka scales the topic consumption by distributing partitions among a consumer group. A consumer group is nothing, but a set of consumers sharing the common identifier.
A consumer is responsible to consumer messages from one or more partitions. If there is a single consumer running in the consumer group, it will consume data from all partitions. If there are multiple consumers running with in same group, they distribute the load in consumes from different-different partitions.
Maximum number of consumers are equal to the maximum number of partitions. If the consumers number exceeds than number of partitions, excessive consumers will be idle.
Let's say if there is a topic with 4 partitions. There are two consumer groups A and B. Group A has two consumers C1,C2. Both consumers will consume from approx 2 and 2 partitions.
While in Consumer Group B, there are 4 consumers, each consumer will consume from one partition.
When to use single consumer or multiple consumer : It depends on the use case. If you want a consolidated output from the processing where the calculations are based on the entire data in the topic, you should use single consumer unless you have a post processing logic to merge the output from each consumer.
If you are just reading the data and want to parallelize the process by distributing load, use multiple consumers

Kafka Consumer being Starved because of unbalance

I am new to Kafka and think I am missing something on how partition queues get balanced on a topic
We have 5 partitions and 2 consumers on a topic. The topic has a null key so I assume Kafka randomly picks a new partition to add the new record to in a round robin fashion.
This would mean one consumer would be reading from 3 partitions and the other 2. If my assumption is right (that the records get evenly distrusted across partitions) the consumer with 3 partitions would be doing more work (1.5x more). This could lead to one consumer doing nothing while the other keeps working hard.
I think you should have an even divisible number of partitions to consumers.
Am I missing something?
The unit of parallelism in consuming Kafka messages is the partition. The routine scenario for consuming Kafka messages is getting messages using a data stream processing engine like Apache Flink, Spark, and Storm that all of them distributed processing on CPU cores. The rule is the maximum level of parallelism for each consumer group can be the number of partitions. Each consumer instance of a consumer group (say CPU cores) can consume one or more partitions and on the other hand, each partition can be consumed by just one consumer instance of each consumer group.
If you have more CPU core than the number of partitions, some of them
will be idle.
If you have less CPU core than the number of partitions, some of
them will consume more than one partitions.
And the optimized case is when the number of CPU cores and
Kafka partitions are equal.
The image can describe all well:
If my assumption is right (that the records get evenly distributed across partitions) the consumer with 3 partitions would be doing more work (1.5x more). This could lead to one consumer doing nothing while the other keeps working hard.
Why would one consumer do nothing? It would still process records from those 2 partitions [assuming of course, that both the consumers are in same group]
I think you should have an even divisible number of partitions to consumers.
Yes, that's right. For maximum parallelism, you can have as many number of consumers, as the #partitions, e.g. in your case 5 consumers would give you max parallelism.
There is an assumption built into your understanding that each partition has exactly the same throughput. For most applications, though, that may or may not be true. If you set up your keying/partitioning right, then the partitions should hopefully be close to equal, especially with a large and diverse keyspace if you average them out over a large period of time. But in a more practical, realistic sense, you'll probably have some skew at any given time anyway, and your stream processing setup will need to tolerate that. So having one more partition assigned to a particular consumer is probably not going to make a big difference.
Your understanding is correct. May be there is data skew. You can check how many records are there in each partition by using offset checker or other tool.

Parallel Producing and Consuming in Kafka

1. Consuming concurrently on the same topic and same partition
Suppose I have 100 partitions for a given topic (e.g. Purchases), I can easily consume these 100 partitions (e.g. Electronics, Clothing, and etc...) in parallel using a consumer group with 100 consumers in it.
However, that is assigning one consumer to each subset of the total data on Purchases. What if I want just want to consume one subset of data with 100 consumers concurrently? For example, for all of my consumers, they just want to know Electronics partition of the Purchases topic.
Is there way they can consume this partition concurrently?
In general I just want all my consumers to receive the same data set concurrently.
From the information I've gathered, it seems to me that consumers CANNOT consume from replicas: Consuming from a replica
Can I produce the same data to multiple topics, like Purchase-1[Electronics] and Purchase-2[Electronics] so then I can consume them concurrently? Is this a recommended approach?
2. Producing concurrently on the same topic and same partition
When multiple producers are producing to the same topic and same partition, since we can only write to the partition leader and replicas are only there for fault-tolerance, does this mean there isn't any concurrency? (i.e. each commit must wait in line.)
If those 100 consumers belong to different consumer groups, they can consume from the same topic and partition simultaneously. In that case, you need to make sure each consumer is able to handle the load from the 100 partitions.
Producers can produce to the same topic partition at the same time, but the actual order of messages written to the partition is determined by the partition leader.
If you want to consumer from a single partition in parallel, use something like Parallel Consumer (PC).
By using PC, you can process all your keys in parallel, regardless of how long it takes, and you can be as concurrent as you wish.
PC directly solves for this, by sub partitioning the input partitions by key and processing each key in parallel.
It also tracks per record acknowledgement. Check out Parallel Consumer on GitHub (it's open source BTW, and I'm the author).