Difference between ionic.io and ionic framework - ionic-framework

I do not understand what are the difference between ionic.io and ionic framework ? Is it the same thing? So why is there two distinct websites and 2 names for the same product?

Ionic framework is the framework for building hybrid mobile apps. It is, and always will be - free.
Ionic.io is the site for Ionic Platform, which adds additional services like Deploy, Build, Push notifications, User management, etc. It is currently in beta and it's thus free, but as they go live (soon, as far as I know) they will have pricing (there will be a free plan however).
Basically, you do not need Ionic Platform, but it's really awesome and worth the money (in case you fall out of the free tier) if you'll ask any Ionic developer.

In addition to the other answers, I would say:
Ionic framework is both
A CSS Framework with a lot of reusable and customizable front-end UI elements.
A JavaScript UI library with JS components which give life to front-end elements
Ionic.io is the ecosystem which includes, among others:
Ionic Cloud
Ionic Creator
Ionic Lab
Ionic View
In this post, you can find more information:

As I understand it:
Ionic framework is an SDK
Ionic.io is a platform and tooling
In other words, Ionic (framework) is a way to create mobile SPA hybrid apps based on Cordova, that let you leverage native phone features and also AngularJS's MVC-based approach to app development. This is free.
Ionic.io, however, is a bunch of web services and tools that add value to your Ionic apps, letting you store stuff server-side, send push notifications, etc. These may eventually cost money.

The 2 websites deal with Ionic, but :
Ionic.io is the main platform tool website where you can find all information about ionic "world" (Ionic Framework, Ionic platforms, Ionic icons, Ionic app creator, Forum...). It is the Tool Ionic showcase
Ionic framework is useful for developers to know how to install and develop ionic apps.
I hope it helps


Iconic's ability to support complex web applications

Ionic was built with mobile in mind - creating a good mobile experience using web technologies. You start out with a web app, so there is the possibility to use it for all 3 platforms. However I’ve never seen anything that resembles a complex web application that uses iconic for both the web and mobile. Will it support the ability to use 3rd party controls such as complex grid controls that may only be used on the web and not in the mobile apps. I’m trying to decide if we use ionic just for mobile and have a completely separate code base for our web application. Any invites would be greatly appreciated!
Basically everything that works on the web also works on mobile devices built with Ionic.
Ionic creates a WebView where javascript code runs. you can use capacitor or cordova to manage native functionality.
So if you have web developers you can do anything you could do as "Mobile Web" but in an app.
Now you can also choose whether to use react, angular or vue.
For example using Ionic with react you can use the VirtualDom and develop exactly as if you were using react on the web.
Instead, using for example React Native you will be forced to use a set of react components (or write new ones) but you will not have the VirtualDom available.
However you can also integrate native code, which Ionic doesn't support.
There are a lot of articles online that cover the subject by comparing competitors:
From Ionic
So yes, you can use all javascript libraries!

Ionic : create web app and native apps with same code?

I'am about to start learning ionic to create a project for web and mobile.
What i want is : writing code once, and having a classic website and an iOS and Android native apps.
The design is different between website and apps, so it can't just be responsive, it kinda must have different html for different platforms.
Is this possible with this version of ionic or should i create two different projects for web and apps ?
Thank you!
First of all, Ionic does not create native apps for iOS and Android, they are hybrid apps.
That being said yes, there is a way to achieve what you want but it probably isn't the best way. Ionic build does produce a plain web project inside a www/ folder which you can deploy as a website.
That however is probably not the best option if you want a great website, as web and mobile app design is quite different.
Ionic already creates hybrid applications, i would not use it as a tripartite technology and rather create a separate project for a web application.

Migrating app from Cordova to ionic

We have a couple of hybrid mobile apps we have developed using plain Cordova plugins and AngularJS that we developed over last few months. I have been following Ionic framework over last few months and see that there are some benefits over plain Cordova/Phonegap. If anybody has gone through migration of Hybrid apps from plain Cordova/Phonegap to Ionic or those who have implemented Apps using Ionic framework, pls share your thoughts:
Are there real performance benefits of using Ionic over plain Cordova with AngularJS?
I have had issues with Cordova plugins like camera plugin and file chooser plugin and getting support or fixes from Cordova team has been a herculean task. Does usage of Ionic alleviate such problems via quick support/fixes?
I intend to use DB plugins (like mysql lite). Has anybody used ionic mysql plugins that helps in faster (and performing) DB operations? Any experience?
Thanks and regards,
I won't call myself an expert however:
Ionic framework is basically just cordova + angular. So the benefits won't be from a performance standpoint. You would be able to write your apps as a single screen webpage as you would with angular. That's about it. There is also some convenient css going on but I get the impression that that is not really your concern
I haven't had issues with plugins like that. But again, it is really just cordova at the core so ionic probably wont alleviate that. It uses exactly the same plugins as plain cordova.
Once again, it is just cordova + angular. So your experience would be the same mostly. Nothing that I've tried at the plugin level ever worked better or worse in ionic.
Ionic really excells at being cross platform and looking/feeling native without having to write two completely different applications. As far as I can tell it is up to the developers of the plugins to maintain them and not the ionic team so any problems that you have with pluugins will follow you right through with any cordova variants (phonegap, ionic etc.)

Ionic web output

I would like to develop a website and mobile apps(android, ios) with same functionality. I want to reuse the web page code for mobile platforms.
Is ionic good for me?
Can I add different looking / functionality for my web page or it have to be same?
Yes the ionic mobile platform good for you because you
are website developer so you have knowledge about JavaScript, jQuery,
css, AngularJs, HTML right, and in using Ionic platform this is
technology we are used for developing mobile application only. You have
to get some knowledge about Cordova plugins because PhoneGap, Ionic is
totally plugins based architecture.

Confuse about Ionic official and Ionic.io

I am trying to figure out what is the relationship between Ionic official site( http://ionicframework.com/ ) and Ionic.io, are they belong to same company and ionic.io is just a service for ionic?
Or they are basically irrelevant?
The reason I ask this question is I find that Ionic.io is going to charge potentially( http://ionic.io/pricing ) which may affect my future decision about which mobile framework to use.
Ionic, the framework (ionicframework.com), is a free, open source framework for building mobile apps.
Ionic, the platform (ionic.io), is a platform that provides services and tools for Ionic apps and is not necessarily free.
Development of the framework is likely supported by Ionic.io but not exclusively since it is on Github. Both domains are owned by the same person.