correlation of two values in one receive buffer Load runner - winsock

I have recorded a script in LR11.5 version using Winsocket protocol (Only protocol I was able to use to record my application). I want to correlate few receive buffers. In one such buffer I have two values to correlate, given that both are same values. Buffer is as below :-
recv buf30 136
"99\v56\v28 FEB 2016\vSK1\v8298,\v28 FEB 2016 16:23\vg15.0.00\vr11.000&END&"
The high lightened values are the one that I need to correlate. What should I do for this. I have used to lrs_save_param() function for correlation.

The correlation API you need depends on the network protocol recorded in your script. If it uses constant offsets of fields, you can safely use lrs_save_param. The result of correlation would be something like this:
lrs_save_param("socket0", LRS_LAST_RECEIVED, "param1", 16, 3);
lrs_save_param("socket0", LRS_LAST_RECEIVED, "param2", 138, 3);
(Zero-based offset, length of the value.)
But if the offsets vary from run to run, the situation is more complicated: you'll have to specify boundaries for the extracted values. For instance:
lrs_save_searched_string("socket0", LRS_LAST_RECEIVED, "param1", "LB/BIN=\v", "RB/BIN=\v",
2, 0, -1);
lrs_save_searched_string("socket0", LRS_LAST_RECEIVED, "param2", "LB/BIN=\v", "RB/BIN=\v",
8, 0, -1);
(Left and right boundary, 1-based number of occurrence, offset from the left boundary, length, which is autodetected in this case.)
Please check the official documentation for details.


Unusual unsigned short to bits swapping byte order

I'm reading in a stream of data, 64 bytes to be exact. I want to read 16 bits starting at the 480th bit of the incoming data. Unfortunately, I do not know what the incoming data type is, it's a bunch of random characters/boxes. Reading it in as an unsigned short (v), I get the number I am looking for, which for this example is 13.
my $satt_id = unpack("x60v1"), $msgdata); #$satt_id == 13
This results in $satt_id == 13, which is 00000000 00001101.
If I pull the data as 16 bits (b or B), the string does not reflect the value of 13, but rather is byte-swapped or reversed.
my $satt_idb = unpack("x60b16", $msgdata); #satt_idb == "10110000 00000000"
my $satt_idB = unpack("x60B16", $msgdata); #satt_idB == "00001101 00000000"
Why is this occurring? I want to alter the data and resend out the message, which would be relatively easy if all of the message elements were the same size (16 bits, just pack back as it was unpacked), but some are 6, 4, 2, and 1 bits. Should I just use little-endian b and then reverse? After altering the data reverse it back to original order and then pack it back as b?
Completely separate and not perl related, but this haunted me in a different utility. I just conceded by swapping the values in the Enum designation. It worked, just wasn't very viable when the amount of bits got higher than 4 (16 different values).
EDIT: I'm guessing this is just related to binary notation? Apparently starts from the right? So $satt_idb is correct, if you read right to left. So to make it more user friendly, just reverse, alter, then reverse again and repack?
EDIT2: Basically I'm trying to make a user-friendly method of editing messages coming through a data stream. As I mentioned in the comments, if I want to edit a single bit from 0 to 1 (which in the message represents something as true/false), I don't want the user to have to worry about editing the octet of data received, just select from a dropdown of true/false.
If it works with v, it means the data is in little-endian byte order, which means
is stored as
0b00001101 0b00000000
which is what you got.
Should I just use little-endian b and then reverse?
No. You are likely doing something incorrect if you are converting the numbers to a text representation (binary).
If you did somehow want the binary representation of the number, you could use
sprintf("%16b", $num)

Minecraft Forge 1.7.10: How to place a block on certain coordinates?

I am creating a Mod and I want to place a block on a specified coordinates, how can I do that? I am using Minecraft Forge 1.7.10.
I checked the Block.class and World.class but I didn't find something that does that..
I would really appreciate if someone can help.
There are several World methods that set blocks. The one thing you need to make sure of is that you need to call them on the server side of the mod, not on the client side. If called from the server side (using the proper method), then it'll automatically send the block change to all nearby players (and store the block change). You can call these methods from either server or client side, but generally you'll only want to call them from server side (you can check with the isRemote field of the World - if it's true then it's on the client; you'll only want to actually do stuff when it's false). Sometimes it does make sense to call from both the client and the server (EG an item that always changes a block, just so that the player doesn't need to deal with lag), but you always also want to change it with the server.
Now, there are several setBlock-like methods. The ones you'll be most interested in is setBlock's 4-parameter method. This method takes an x, y, and z coordinate and then the Block to set. If you want to add metadata, you'll need to use the 6-parameter method, which has x, y, z, the Block, the metadata, and then a flags parameter. This flags parameter does several things, but you'll generally want to set it to 3 so that it causes a block update, sends the change to the client, and doesn't skip rendering. The 4-parameter method simply calls the 6-parameter method with a metadata value of 0 and a flags value of 3.
if (!world.isRemote) {
// Sets the block at 9, 64, 20 to dirt
world.setBlock(9, 64, 20, Blocks.dirt);
// Sets the block at 9, 64, 21 to wool:15, IE black wool
world.setBlock(9, 64, 21, Blocks.wool, 15, 3);

How would one transfer files larger than 2,147,483,646 bytes (~2 GiB) with Win32 TransmitFile()?

Quoted from MSDN entry for TransmitFile:
The maximum number of bytes that can be transmitted using a single call to the TransmitFile function is 2,147,483,646, the maximum value for a 32-bit integer minus 1. The maximum number of bytes to send in a single call includes any data sent before or after the file data pointed to by the lpTransmitBuffers parameter plus the value specified in the nNumberOfBytesToWrite parameter for the length of file data to send. If an application needs to transmit a file larger than 2,147,483,646 bytes, then multiple calls to the TransmitFile function can be used with each call transferring no more than 2,147,483,646 bytes. Setting the nNumberOfBytesToWrite parameter to zero for a file larger than 2,147,483,646 bytes will also fail since in this case the TransmitFile function will use the size of the file as the value for the number of bytes to transmit.
Alright. Sending a file of size 2*2,147,483,646 bytes (~ 4 GiB) with TransmitFile would then have to be divided into two parts at minimum (e.g. 2 GiB + 2 GiB in two calls to TransmitFile). But how exactly would one go about doing that, while preferably also keeping the underlying TCP connection alive in between?
When the file is indeed <=2,147,483,646 bytes in size, one could just write:
TransmitFile(SOCK_STREAM_socket, fh, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, TF_DISCONNECT);
to let Windows handle all the lower-level stuff (caching, chunking the data up into pieces for efficient transmission etc. However, unlike the comparable Linux sendfile() syscall, there is no immediately obvious offset argument in the call (although the fifth argument, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped probably is exactly what I'm looking for). I suppose I could hack something together, but I'm also looking for a graceful, good practice Win32 solution from someone who actually knows about this stuff.
You can use the lpOverlapped parameter to specify a 64-bit offset within the file at which to start the file data transfer by setting the Offset and OffsetHigh member of the OVERLAPPED structure. If lpOverlapped is a NULL pointer, the transmission of data always starts at the current byte offset in the file.
So, for lack of a minimal example readily available on the net, which calls are necessary to accomplish such a task?
Managed to figure it out based on the comments.
So, if LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped is a null pointer, the call starts transmission at the current file offset of the file (much like the Linux sendfile() syscall and its off_t *offset parameter). This offset (pointer) can be manipulated with SetFilePointerEx, so one could write:
#define TRANSMITFILE_MAX ((2<<30) - 1)
LARGE_INTEGER total_bytes;
memset(&total_bytes, 0, sizeof(total_bytes));
while (total_bytes < filesize) {
DWORD bytes = MIN(filesize-total_bytes, TRANSMITFILE_MAX);
if (!TransmitFile(SOCK_STREAM_socket, fh, bytes, 0, NULL, NULL, 0))
{ /* error handling */ }
total_bytes.HighPart += bytes;
SetFilePointerEx(fh, total_bytes, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);
to accomplish the task.
Not very elegant imo, but it works.

CJ1W-CT021 Card Error Omron PLC

I got this error on a CJ1W-CT021 card. It happen all of a sudden after its been running the program for some time. How i found it was by going to the IO Table and Unit Set up. Clicked on parameters for that card and found two settings in red.
Output Control Mode and And/Or Counter Output Patterns. This was there reading
Output Control Mode = 0x40 No Applicable Set Data
And/Or Counter Output Patterns = 0x64 No Applicable Set Data
no idea on how or why these would change they should of been
Output Control Mode = Range Mode
And/Or Counter Output Patterns = Logically Or
I have added some new code, but nothing big or really even used as i had the outputs of the new rungs jumped out. One thing i thought might cause this is every cycle of the program it was checking the value of an encoder connected to this card. Maybe checking it too offten? Anyhow if anyone has any idea what these do or how they would change please post.
EDIT.. I wanted to add the bits i used, dont think any are part of this cards internal io but i may be wrong?
Work bits 66.01 - 66.06 , 60.02 - 60.07 , 160.12, 160.01 - 160.04, 161.02, 161.03
Data Bits (D)20720, 20500, 20600, 20000, 20590, 20040
I would check section 4-1 through 4-2-4 of the CT021 manual - make sure you aren't writing to reserved memory locations used for configuration data of the CT021 unit.
1) Check Page 26 of the above manual to see the location of the machine switch settings. The bottom dial sets the '1's digit and the top dial sets the '10's digit (ie machine number can be 0-99);
2) Per page 94, D-Memory is allocated from D20000 + (N X 100) (400 Words) where N is equal to the machine number.
I would guess that your machine number is set to 0 (ie: both dials at '0'), 5, or 6. In the case of machine number '0', this would make the reserved DM range D20000 -> D20399. In this case (see pages 97, 105) D20000 would contain configuration data for Output Control Mode (bits 00-07) and Counter Output Patterns (bits 08-15). It looks like you are writing 0x6440 to D20000 (or D20500, D20600 for machine number 5 or 6, respectively) and are corrupting the configuration data.
If your machine number is 0 then stay away from D20000-D20399 unless you are directly trying to modify the counter's configuration state (ie: don't use them in your program!).
If the machine number is 1 then likewise for D20100-D20499, etc. If you have multiple counters they can overlap ranges so they should always be set with machine numbers which are 4 apart from each other.

How can I store raw data with respect to time and sort it?

due to Internet communication i could have two (or more) ASCII files in RINEX format (GPS ASCII format) of the same data period, which i would like to merge to one file.
Each data set (epoch) contain more then one line (in this example 19 lines). I would like to merge those files, where it could be that they in some parts overlap each other.
here is an example of RINEX epoch data set:
09 2 21 12 59 59.9000000 0 9G31G23G11G13G32G17G14G20G19
23152606.238 121667768.06047 94806069.43545 23152606.540 23152606.521
1262.605 43.750 31.500
22765313.352 119632547.53447 93220179.18745 22765312.252 22765311.072
3252.769 46.250 32.250
20798168.896 109295128.07748 85165036.96747 20798168.642 20798168.578
-2252.493 52.750 43.250
25363206.177 133284559.23845
3776.403 32.750
20350616.203 106943239.96448 83332404.31147 20350615.386 20350616.499
-929.443 51.000 44.500
21994260.713 115580595.93348 90062809.84446 21994260.826 21994260.114
416.327 49.500 38.250
23964108.994 125932271.15846 98129049.02843 23964107.689 23964107.603
-3561.500 39.250 20.250
20225257.452 106284459.64448 82819085.85247 20225256.341 20225256.964
956.944 52.750 45.250
25623383.323 134651746.21445 104923415.17742 25623386.202 25623384.504
-3991.096 34.250 12.250
The first line contains the time info and below are the raw data for each GPS satellite.
My idea was to open each file separate and stored the raw data in some kind of array relative to time. Each time i read new epoch, i ask my array if i already have something with time so and so, and if not i place the raw data there.
My question is how to store the raw data with respect to time, since it is not one line but something dynamic that could always change.
If you have better idea, please share it with me.
To store the raw data with respect to time, I would:
Encode the time as a number (# of seconds since Unix "epoch time" or since some arbitrary start time - use microseconds instead of seconds depending on what RINEX time precision is).
Store the raw data as an array (data for each line is 1 array element - stored either as a string, an arrayref of words or a hash of values).
Store the reference to that array as a value in a hash, with the key being the time-encoded-as-a-number.