How to dynamically configure security for Artemis MQ addresses - activemq-artemis

Trying to dynamically create and provide security metadata for artemis mq topics (as opposed to defining them statically in broker.xml).
For that purpose I've implemented (as described here) the SecuritySettingPlugin interface.
Now, the issue is the getSecurityRoles/populateSecurityRoles of the implementation are called only at server startup.
So, at some point in time after the mq server has been started, a topic will be created :"newTopic")
Now I would like artemis to call again my SecuritySettingPlugin implementation to get the updated security roles (which will include configuration for the newly created newTopic).
Is that possible ?
P.S. security-invalidation-interval does not invalidate roles configuration cache.

Seems there is a way to customize an address security by API :


spring data geode pool is not resolvable as a Pool in the application context

I've come back to a #SpringBootApplication project that uses spring-geode-starter with version 1.2.4 although the same error happens with upgrades to 1.5.6 version.
It sets up a Geode client using
and in order to register interest subscriptions over HTTP, also
with a bean
public ReactiveSessionRepository<?> reactiveSessionRepository() {
return new ReactiveMapSessionRepository(new ConcurrentHashMap<>());
On starting the application the spring data geode client connects to the server (Geode version 1.14) and auto copies regions back to the client, which is great.
However, after all the region handles are copied over, there's an error with the #EnableGemFireHttpSession which is
Error creating bean with name 'ClusteredSpringSessions' defined in class path resource [org/springframework/session/data/gemfire/config/annotation/web/http/GemFireHttpSessionConfiguration.class] and [gemfirePool] is not resolvable as a Pool in the application context
The first info message in the logs is: 1109 sessionRegionAttributes: Expiration is not allowed on Regions with a data management policy of PROXY 277 lambda$logInfo$3: Falling back to creating Region [ClusteredSpringSessions] in Cache [Web]
So the client is trying to create a region ClusteredSpringSessions but it can't. The problem appears to resolve itself if I define a connection pool for HTTP, with a pool connection bean like this
public class SessionConfig {
public ReactiveSessionRepository<?> reactiveSessionRepository() {
return new ReactiveMapSessionRepository(new ConcurrentHashMap<>());
PoolFactoryBean sessionPool() {
PoolFactoryBean pool = new PoolFactoryBean();
ConnectionEndpoint ce = new ConnectionEndpoint("", 10334);
return pool;
There is still the Expiration is not allowed on Regions with a data management policy of PROXY info message in the log, but this time the Falling back to creating Region [ClusteredSpringSessions] in Cache [Web] appears to work.
I don't understand why a default pool can't connect.
If a pool is defined then in version 1.2.4 that can cause this issue.
Since you are using Spring Boot for Apache Geode (SBDG), which is an excellent choice (thank you), then you can simply include the spring-geode-starter-session dependency on your #SpringBootApplication classpath, which removes the need to explicitly annotate your Spring Boot application with SSDG's #EnableGemFireHttpSession annotation.
See here for more details. I also have a Sample application demonstrating the use of SSDG, here. The guide and source code for this example, along with other examples, can be found here).
Also, I would generally advise that users drive the GemFire/Geode cluster configuration from the application and not let the cluster dictate the Regions (and/or other components/configuration) that the client gets. However, SDG's #EnableClusterDefinedRegions annotation is provided and generally useful in the case you do not have control over the GemFire/Geode cluster your application is using. Still, in the (HTTP) Session UC, the GemFire/Geode cluster would need a Session Region (which defaults to "ClusteredSpringSessions" as determined by Spring Session for Apache Geode (SSDG) itself) anyway.
OK, now to the problem at hand...
I think what is happening here is, due to backwards compatibility and legacy reasons, Spring Data for Apache Geode (SDG), on which both SSDG and SBDG are based; SBDG additionally pulls in SSDG as well, defined a GemFire/Geode Pool by the name of "gemfirePool", specifically when using the SDG XML space and using/defining a DataSource configuration.
So, it is somewhat naively assumed users would be explicitly defining a Pool and calling it "gemfirePool", and not simply relying on a "default" Pool connection to the GemFire/Geode cache server (namely "localhost", 40404, or if using Locators (recommended), "localhost" and 10334).
However, for development purposes, and in SBDG specifically, I rely on the fact that GemFire/Geode creates a "DEFAULT" Pool anyway (when no explicit Pool is defined), and forgo the strict requirement that a "gemfirePool" should exist. But, SBDG builds on SSDG and SDG and they still rely on the legacy arrangement (for example).
I have filed an Issue ticket in SSDG to change this and better align SSDG with what SBDG prefers going forward, but I simply have not gotten around to it yet. My apologies for your inconvenience.
Anyway, it is a simple change you can make externally from your Spring Boot application, in like so (see here from the HTTP Session Sample I referenced from SBDG above). This will allow you to configure the Session Region Pool "name".
Also note, it is possible to change the name of the Session Region used by the client if what comes down from the cluster when you are using SDG's #EnableClusterDefinedRegions and the Region definition pulled down from the cluster is named differently on the server-side using this property.
Additionally, you can also configure the client Session Region data policy using properties as well (for example).
Regarding the Expiration "info" message you are seeing in the logs...
Since the client Session Region is a PROXY by default, then Expiration, Eviction and other Region data management policies (e.g. Compression, etc), do not actually make much sense.
In fact, SSDG is smart about whether to apply additional Region data management policies locally or not (see here, and specifically, this logic).
The message you are seeing in your application logs is in fact coming from SSDG, specifically. This message really serves as a reminder that your Session state management is actually "managed" on the server-side (when the application client is using a PROXY or even a CACHING_PROXY Region for that matter) and that the corresponding server-side, or cluster Sessions Region should be configured manually and appropriately, with Expiration policies as well as other things if necessary. Otherwise, no Session expiration would actually happen!
I hope all this makes since.
If you continue to have problems, feel free to file an Issue ticket and provide an example test or small application replicating your problem.

Subject does not have subject-level compatibility configured

We use Kafka, Kafka connect and Schema-registry in our stack. Version is 2.8.1(Confluent 6.2.1).
We use Kafka connect's configs(key.converter and value.converter) with value: io.confluent.connect.avro.AvroConverter.
It registers a new schema for topics automatically. But there's an issue, AvroConverter doesn't specify subject-level compatibility for a new schema
and the error appears when we are trying to get config for the schema via REST API /config: Subject 'schema-value' does not have subject-level compatibility configured
If we specify the request parameter defaultToGlobal then global compatibility is returned. But it doesn't work for us because we cannot specify it in the request. We are using 3rd party UI: AKHQ.
How can I specify subject-level compatibility when registering a new schema via AvroConverter?
Last I checked, the only properties that can be provided to any of the Avro serializer configs that affect the Registry HTTP client are the url, whether to auto-register, and whether to use the latest schema version.
There's no property (or even method call) that sets either the subject level or global config during schema registration
You're welcome to check out the source code to verify this
But it doesn't work for us because we cannot specify it in the request. We are using 3rd party UI: AKHQ
Doesn't sound like a Connect problem. Create a PR for AKHQ project to fix the request
As of 2021-10-26, I used akhq 0.18.0 jar and confluent-6.2.0, the schema registry in akhq is working fine.
Note: I also used confluent-6.2.1, seeing exactly the same error. So, you may want to switch back to 6.2.0 to give a try.
P.S: using all only for my local dev env, VirtualBox, Ubuntu.
#OneCricketeer is correct.
There is no possibility to specify subject-level compatibility in AvroConverter unfortunately.
I see only two solutions:
Override AvroConverter to add property and functionality to send an additional request to API /config/{subject} after registering the schema.
Contribute to AKHQ to support defaultToGlobal parameter. But in this case, we also need to backport schema-registry RestClient. Github issue
The second solution is more preferable till the user would specify the compatibility level in the settings of the converter. Without this setting in the native AvroConverter, we have to use the custom converter for every client who writes a schema. And it makes a lot of effort.
For me, it looks strange why the client cannot set up the compatibility at the moment of registering the schema and has to use a different request for it.

Wildfly Elytron: Principal not available in SimpleSecurityManager

I implemented an authentication mechanism similar to CustomHeaderHttpAuthenticationMechanism in, using PasswordGuessEvidence and also the other Callbacks mentioned in the example. Reason for the custom mechanism is that beside a simple credential check we need also to validate more constraints to check if a user is validated.
Stepping through this authentication mechanism looks quite good, the authenticationComplete method is called and also the authorizeCallback is successful. However, when accessing an EJB via a resteasy endpoint (EJB is annotated with #SecurityDomain and #RolesAllowed...) the SimpleSecurityManager.authorize method fails because the securityContext.getUtil method neither provides a principal nor something else. If accessing a method annotated by #PermitAll it is successful.
I guess the principal should be created by the ServerAuthenticationContext when working through the different callbacks, right?
How do I manage that the SimpleSecurityManager can recognize the principal, would I need to create it in my authentication mechanism, and how?
In this case it sounds like your EJB deployment has not been mapped to the WildFly Elytron security domain so is still making use of PicketBox security in the EJB tier which is why you are not seeing the identity already established.
Within the EJB subsystem you can also add an application-security-domain mapping to map from the security domain specified in the deployment to the WildFly Elytron security domain.
FYI at some point in the future when we are ready to remove PicketBox from the server these additional mappings will no longer be required, they are just unfortunately needed at the moment whilst we have both solutions in parallel.

spring cloud auto refresh config server property

I have configured spring cloud config which picks up property from Github. If I post to /refresh, I am also able to get the updated value in my application.
Now I want to get properties updated automatically. That means I don't want to hit refresh API to get the changes reflected in my application from Github property file to my application.
Do I need to implement Rabbitmq and cloud bus for it or there is any other simple way to do it?
Also there document says that we need to add a dependency on the spring-cloud-config-monitor library for push notification.
But I did not find any such dependency in maven to be added. Not sure if my understanding is wrong. Please help.
You would need a Config server with Spring Cloud Bus and RabbitMQ (or Kafka or Redis) support.
RabbitMQ with the following exchange:
name: springCloudBus
type: topic
durable: true
autoDelete: false
internal: false
The config server would send data to the topic once it receives push events from Git (Github, Bitbucket, GitLab) via a webhook to http://<config-server>/monitor
And a client application with Config and RabbitMQ libraries, subscribed to the previous exchange to receive messages of the properties that need to be refreshed.
More could be found in my blog at: with a brief explanation of the configuration, logs and full source code for the Config server and client app.
They are not generally available yet. You need to add as a maven repository and use a milestone release.

Wildfly8: Server-level Remote IP Address filtering with Undertow?

How can I only allow requests from my Apache Server in the DMZ access to WildFly over AJP, and block everything else?
This answer works great at deployment level but I would prefer control at the server-level :
At the moment only way to do this is by implementing ServletExtension and add extra handlers that will take care of that.
see for more on writing extensions
and example of using it:
In any case I would encourage you to create new feature request in undertow jira to add proper support for this. Issue tracker can be found at: