Using annotation ElementDependent in OpenJPA - openjpa

I don't know how and when I can use #ElementDependent in OpenJPA. But I can't find more infor in google. So I need to help to understand it. Please help me. Thanks you.


Referenced file contains errors spring-beans-4.0.xsd

i really don't check what is here the problem.
Can somebody help me?
Link to Image with the problem
Try to add this schema location

HQL changing year/month/date into year-month-date

I have tried with DATE_FORMAT(original_date,'%Y-%m-%d'), and it's not working. Anyone know the answer quick? Searching google hasn't really been helpful.
from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('2015/01/01' ,'yyyy/MM/dd'), 'yyyy-MM-dd')
That works!

Error about graph API

When I used this link:, It works OK But when I used, It doesn't work. Please help me to find out the reason. Many thanks for you help
This seems like a bug to me. You can report this at

Using instagram filters from an open source library

GPUIMage helped alot but exact result like instagram is not there. Found a new library but Not able to figure out how to use this. Any suggestions ?
Check this git.. code is this will help you the most..
Hope it Help to you :)

Symfony - sfGuardPlugin - Registration

I'm new in Symfony community so sorry if I'm asking about the topic which was already discussed.
I'm trying to use sfGuardPlugin in my project. Everything seems to be ok. The problem is that I don't really know how to easy implement registration engine. Does anybody know how to do it fast and easy ?
Is there is any plugin similar to sfGuardPlugin which is easy to use and has this method implemented ?
Please help.
sfDoctrineApplyPlugin or sfForkedDoctrineApplyPlugin