Symfony - sfGuardPlugin - Registration - forms

I'm new in Symfony community so sorry if I'm asking about the topic which was already discussed.
I'm trying to use sfGuardPlugin in my project. Everything seems to be ok. The problem is that I don't really know how to easy implement registration engine. Does anybody know how to do it fast and easy ?
Is there is any plugin similar to sfGuardPlugin which is easy to use and has this method implemented ?
Please help.

sfDoctrineApplyPlugin or sfForkedDoctrineApplyPlugin


IONIC3 - How to add rxjs debounceTime and distinctUntilChanged to ion-auto-complete in the getResult method

Iam working on a project where the developper who worked on befor me used ionic-auto-complete theird party library.
Iam wondering how to use debounce and distuncUntilChanged in the AutocompleteService.
Iam stuck on it, if anyone can help me please. Thank you
If it could be helpful to anyone, I found that for de debounce, you could add it in the property options[], it uses the debounce property of ion searchbar. But for distuncUntilChanged, I think it should be an update to the component from his creator.

What is the difference between ionic-nav-view , ionic-view, and ionic-content?

I am new to ionic. I have been going through ionic docs, where I encountered ionic-nav-view, ionic-view and ionic-content directives. I am very much confused regarding them. Although, docs mentions clearly about ionic-nav-view, that it's required to keep track of navigation of user in your app. But it doesn't specify clearly about roles of ionic-view and ionic-content and when to use them and how they are related ?
Can you give a suitable example/scenario, through which it becomes easy to understand them ?
Apologizing for bad english. Thanks in advance.

Location or Alternatives for Zends getRequest()->isPost()

i was wondering about where Zends functionality comes from when inside of a controller i call
It works, but i do not find where this "isPost()" function comes from.
I just noticed it because i don't have intellisense for that.
Question is:
Is this merely some fallback function that "newbie users" use apart from a better alternative?
Or is it perfectly valid using it?
Thanks :)
It is the official way to go, you can use it. Check the source code of Zend_Controller_Request_Http::isPost() to see what it really is doing, if you'd like :)

node-mongodb-native example code vs docs code? which to use?

I just wrote my first nodejs program using the node-mongodb-native driver. I used the documentation code from the github page, i.e.:
var mongodb = require("mongodb"),
mongoserver = new mongodb.Server('localhost', 6574),
dbConnector = new mongodb.Db('test', mongoserver);, db){
console.log('oh shit! error!');
However, upon looking at some example code on the github page, I discovered that the set up code looks very different from what I used. Does anybody know if there's any real difference between the different methods? I'm completely new to all this stuff and can't really tell if there's any reason to use one over the other. The code I wrote seems to run fine, but if the creator of the driver is using different code, I figured it would be worth checking if there are any reasons for that.
Thanks in advance for any replies!
Hi I'm the creator and no there is no particular reason you can't use your style. As when it comes to docs I usually tell people to start with the integration tests as there are many examples on how to do stuff. Unfortunately due to having a fulltime job the docs are not kept up to date at the pace I would like to.
I'm hoping to do something with that come late september but right now I'm trying to just get the driver up to the expected features of mongodb including making it work with 1.9.X and higher.
I'll accept any docs pull requests happily as the more the community help me the more it helps itself :)

GWT + Acegi implementation

I want to implement acegi security authorization in my GWT project.
I am not able to do it properly.
Can any one help thoroughly?
javacodegeeks have a nice tutorial with an example that can be of help. Though it is not complete for instance handling the logout/session timeout, it will give you a quick base where you can start off quickly.