"Drawer" panel keeps showing up on refresh - google-chrome-devtools

I just upgraded my chrome version to 49.0.2623.87, and now the "drawer" panel that contains the console keeps showing up when I refresh (F5) my page with the dev-tools opened.
Apparently there was a fix in the "emulator" panel but it seems that the checkbox this fix was using does not exist anymore.
Is anyone having the same problem and managed to fixed it ?

Got it.
With Dev Tools open hit F1 to open the settings.
Uncheck 'Enable CSS source maps'
Close the Settings box.
This has worked for my problem with the console opening all the time - I've just restested and this is the only option you need to change. I am sure it will fix your issue as well as it is linked strongly with mine.


How can I change the docking of devtools in VS Code?

VS Code was docking devtools pane within the window before. Now, It opens a new window that increases back and forth. Is there any way to dock it back? I tried a few settings they did not work. Also, there is no dock icon as in Chrome.
This started with vscode v1.74 and is an electron bug. See The developer tools become a floating window.
There is a fix reported there. Disable the setting
Windows > Experimental > Windows Control Overlay: Enabled
You will be prompted to restart vscode and then opening the Dev Tools will be docked as before. Apparently, the Electron bug has been fixed.
In the devtools panel, click the vertically-aligned three dots at the top right. That will open up a context menu. You will see a "Dock side" entry with different icons signifying option values for that setting. You probably accidentally clicked the one that makes it pop the devtools out into its own window. Select whichever option you actually want there.

Eclipse doesn't show quick fix popup in some environments

If a custom quick fix added using MarkerResolution it becomes available both in the "onhover" popup (left pic) and in the Ctrl+1 editor menu (right pic).
It works fine in most cases, but unexpectedly we found some environments (not related to OS) in which the same Eclipse version offers only the second way to show quick fixes.
Is it a known Eclipse bug or a feature depending on a setting?
Any thoughts?

restoring vscode settings to default

In vscode, there is an option to chose which language I'm going to use when I make a new file. I accidentally clicked do not show for this setting/UI but I want it back. I tried googling it but I can't find any solutions. Is this is even changeable?
If you are talking about this feature, it can be re-enabled by changing the value of Workbench > Editor > Untitled: Hint (workbench.editor.untitled.hint) in the settings.
But without that feature you can still change language mode by clicking the button at the bottom right of the window.

VSCode: How to turn off auto select in File Explorer when changing window tabs?

In VSCode, if I have an editor window tab open and I click anywhere in that editor window, the selected file in the File Explorer changes to the file being edited. I would like to prevent that behavior. This is possible in Visual Studio, but I can't seem to find a similar setting in the preferences file of VSCode.
Can anyone provide some suggestions?
This has been added, see https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/14745.
Configuration is "explorer.autoReveal": false
You can't, at least not today. The only thing you can do, is keeping the scroll position when switching tabs. See this answer for the setting: VSCode prevent file Explorer from jumping
And here is the feature request on Github: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/14745
(Feel free to add a "Thumbs Up" via Github Reaction at the top so the request gets more attention in the future, this increases the chances that it gets implemented sooner)

Console window no longer appearing correctly

My console window is not longer baked into Eclipse. It appears as a seperate window which hovers over my any open project file windows. I don't know what I did to cause this. I've tried re-starting Eclispe, opening and closing the console view.
Screenshot attached
Found solution, right click on console window and un check "Detached" option.