Why is my matlab plot not evolving using finite difference method? - matlab

I am trying to use a finite difference method to solve the heat equation for a given function u0. I want to evolve it in time using plots to see each frame change but when I run it all I see is the same frame over and over. I am aware of the error at the ends due to me not giving "u" a first or last index which will cause more overall error in the solution. I am not very good at matlab so I am not sure if I am writing my nested piece correctly.
% set up domain in time and space
t_step = .1;
tspan = [0 :t_step:1000];
L = 10; %length of domain
n = 64;
dx = 2*pi/(n-1); %spacing
x = 0:dx:2*pi;
x = x'; %make x vertical vector
% initial conditions for the function
u0 = sin(2*pi*x/L)+0*cos(3*2*pi*x/L) + 0.2*(cos(5*2*pi*x/L))+0*randn(size(x));
plot(x,u0);title('initial condition');pause;
t = 0;
for m = 1:tspan(end)
u = u0;
t = t + t_step;
for j= 2:n-1
u(j,m) = u0(j-1) - 2*u0(j) + u0(j+1)/dx^2; %u(1) and n left out


Plotting the free vibration response of a single degree of freedom graph in matlab

As part of the assignment, we have to plot the free vibration response of a single degree of freedom graph over the displacement vs time. The t should increase up to 3 seconds with the increment of the .05. When I try to plot the graph based on the code below I am not getting any graphs at all. Please any help would be highly appreciated. Please let me know if need to provide more information.
% Main subroutine to generate the response of a SDOF
z = 0.05;
w = 2*pi;
dt = 0.05; % dt represent the change in time which is constant
Tmax = 3;
TN = 1.0;
i = 0; % number of time step starting with 0
x = 0; % initial position
v = 0; % velocity at start time and position
x_vector = [x; v];
t = [0:0.05:3]; % defining the time vector 0 to 3 seconds
t_i = t;
% Insert the DHMAT scripts for calculating the matrix A and B
w_d = w*sqrt(1-z.^2);
% Start the loop
for t_i = [0:dt:Tmax]
% Insert the EXCIT script to calculate the excitation (f_vector)
f = EXIT(t, dt);
f_vector =[1;1];
i = i+1;
x_vectornew = A*x_vector - B*f_vector;
% t_i = t_i + dt;
plot(t_i, x_vectornew);

Negative values obtained in the solution of the 1D advection-dispersion equation using FD method

I am trying to solve the 1D ADE
This is my code so far:
clc; clear; close all
%Input parameters
Ao = 1; %Initial value
L = 0.08; %Column length [m]
nx = 40; %spatial gridpoints
dx = L/nx; %Length step size [m]
T = 20/24; %End time [days]
nt = 100; %temporal gridpoints
dt = T/nt; %Time step size [days]
Vel = dx/dt; %Velocity in each cell [m/day]
alpha = 0.002; %Dispersivity [m]
De = alpha*Vel; % Dispersion coeff. [m2/day]
x = 0:dx:L;
t = 0:dt:T;
%Initial and boundary conditions
f = #(x) x; % initial cond.
% boundary conditions
g1 = #(t) Ao;
g2 = #(t) 0;
A = zeros(nx+1, nt+1);
A(:,1) = f(x);
A(1,:) = g1(t);
gamma = dt/(dx^2);
beta = dt/dx;
% Implementation of the explicit method
for j= 1:nt-1 % Time Loop
for i= 2:nx-1 % Space Loop
A(i,j+1) = (A(i-1,j))*(Vel*beta + De*gamma)...
+ A(i,j)*(1-2*De*gamma-Vel*beta) + A(i+1,j)*(De*gamma);
% Insert boundary conditions for i = 1 and i = N
A(2,j+1) = A(1,j)*(Vel*beta + De*gamma) + A(2,j)*(1-2*De*gamma-Vel*beta) + A(3,j)*(De*gamma);
A(nx,j+1) = A(nx-1,j)*(Vel*beta + 2*De*gamma) + A(nx,j)*(1-2*De*gamma-Vel*beta)+ (2*De*gamma*dx*g2(t));
plot(t, A(end,:), 'r*', 'MarkerSize', 2)
title('A Vs time profile (Using FDM)')
Now, I have been able to solve the problem using MATLAB’s pdepe function (see plot), but I am trying to compare the result with the finite difference method (implemented in the code above). I am however getting negative values of the dependent variable, but I am not sure what exactly I could be doing wrong. I therefore will really appreciate if anyone can help me out here. Many thanks in anticipation.
PS: I can post the code I used for the pdepe if anyone would like to see it.

Plot the phase structure function of a phase screen by definition

I have already had a phase screen (a 2-D NxN matrix and LxL in size scale, ex: N = 256, L = 2 meters).
I would like to find phase structure function - D(r) defined by D(delta(r)) = <[x(r)-x(r+delta(r))]^2> (<.> is ensemble averaging, r is position in phase screen in meter, x is phase value at a point in phase screen, delta(r) is variable and not fix) in Matlab program. Do you have any suggestion for my purpose?
P/S: I tried to calculate D(r) via the autocorrelation (is defined as B(r)), but this calculation still remaining some approximations. Therefore, I want to calculate precisely the result of D(r). May you please see this image to better understand the definition of D(r) and B(r). Below is my function code to calculate B(r).
% Code copied from "Numerical Simulation of Optical Wave Propagation with Examples in Matlab",
% by Jason D. Schmidt, SPIE Press, SPIE Vol. No.: PM199
% listing 3.7, page 48.
% (Schmidt defines the ft2 and ift2 functions used in this code elswhere.)
function D = str_fcn2_ft(ph, mask, delta)
% function D = str_fcn2_ft(ph, mask, delta)
N = size(ph, 1);
ph = ph .* mask;
P = ft2(ph, delta);
S = ft2(ph.^2, delta);
W = ft2(mask, delta);
delta_f = 1/(N*delta);
w2 = ift2(W.*conj(W), delta_f);
D = 2 * ft2(real(S.*conj(W)) - abs(P).^2, delta) ./ w2 .*mask;`
%fire run
N = 256; %number of samples
L = 16; %grid size [m]
delta = L/N; %sample spacing [m]
F = 1/L; %frequency-domain grid spacing[1/m]
x = [-N/2 : N/2-1]*delta;
[x y] = meshgrid(x);
w = 2; %width of rectangle
%A = rect(x/2).*rect(y/w);
A = lambdaWrapped;
%A = phz;
mask = ones(N);
%perform digital structure function
C = str_fcn2_ft(A, mask, delta);
C = real(C);
One way of directly computing this function D(r) is through random sampling: you pick two random points on your screen, determine their distance and phase difference squared, and update an accumulator:
phi = rand(256,256)*(2*pi); % the data, phase
N = size(phi,1); % number of samples
L = 16; % grid size [m]
delta = L/N; % sample spacing [m]
D = zeros(1,sqrt(2)*N); % output function
count = D; % for computing mean
for n = 1:1e6 % find a good amount of points here, the more points the better the estimate
coords = randi(N,2,2);
r = round(norm(coords(1,:) - coords(2,:)));
if r<1
continue % skip if the two coordinates are the same
d = phi(coords(1,1),coords(1,2)) - phi(coords(2,1),coords(2,2));
d = mod(abs(d),pi); % you might not need this, depending on how A is constructed
D(r) = D(r) + d.^2;
count(r) = count(r) + 1;
I = count > 0;
D(I) = D(I) ./ count(I); % do not divide by 0, some bins might not have any samples
I = count < 100;
D(I) = 0; % ignore poor estimates
r = (1:length(D)) * delta;
If you need even more precision, consider interpolating. Compute random coordinates as floating-point values, and interpolate the phase to get the values in between samples. D then needs to be longer, indexed as round(r*10) or something like that. You will need many more random samples to fill up that much larger accumulator.

Matlab plot in loop error

I am creating figures in a for loop. The figure is a 2D mesh plot, which is supposed to be updated every iteration. The value to be plotted in a 200x200 array.
My problem is: It seems the calculation is running every iteration, but the plot is always the first one created, no matter I just plot or save to file.
Here is my code:
x = 1:200;
y = x;
for i = 1:100000
c = calculate(stuff, c); % value to be created, nothing to do with x and y
h = figure;
saveas(h, sprintf('FIG%d.jpg',i);
drawnow; % did not work with or without this command
First, thank you for all your inputs and suggestions! I didn't expect to get so many help within such a short time!
Then, I can answer some of the confusions here.
To Daniel: yes the c is changing. The program is calculating c based on its previous value. And there is sufficient step for c to change.
To R.Schifini: I tried pause(.1) but it didn't help unfortunately
To Andrew: thanks for pointing it. The complete program is attached now. And as to Daniel, the program calculate the value of c based on its previous values.
To The-Duck: I tried clf(h, 'reset') but unfortunately it didn't help.
Complete code:
Main program: please refer to wikipedia for the physical equation if you are interested
% Program to calculate composition evolution for nucleation and growth
% by solving Cahn-Hilliard equation - Time dependent non-linear
% differential equation
% Parameter
sig = 0.1; % J/m^2
delta = 10E-9; % m
D = 1E-9; %m^2/s
A = 10*sig/delta; % J/m
K = 3*sig*delta; % J/m^3
M = D/(2*A); % m^2/s
N = 200; % mesh size
dt = 1E-12; %s
h = delta/10;
% Rng control
r = -1+2.*rand(N);
beta = 1E-3;
n = 10000;
% initialization
c0 = zeros(200);
c0 = c0+ 0.1+beta.*r;
c = c0;
x = h.*linspace(-N/2,N/2,N);
% Iteration
for i = 1:n
LP_c = laplacian(c,h);
d_f = A*(4*(c.^3)-6*(c.^2)+2*c);
sub = d_f - (2*K)*LP_c;
LP_RHS = laplacian(sub,h);
c = c + dt.*RHS;
% Save image every 2000 steps
% if ( i==1000 || i==10000 || i==100000)
% h = mesh(x,y,c);
% pause(.1);
% saveas(h, sprintf('FIG%d.jpg',i));
% clf(h,'reset');
% end
%h = figure;
Laplacian function:
function LP_c = laplacian(c,h)
v1 = circshift(c,[0 -1]);
v2 = circshift(c,[0 1]);
v3 = circshift(c,[-1 0]);
v4 = circshift(c,[1 0]);
LP_c = (v1+v2+v3+v4-4.*c)./(h^2);
You can see the commented part in main program is for plotting periodically. They all give the same plots for each iteration. I tried the current OR version, also tried if ( mod(i,2000) == 0) to plot more pics. There is no difference. Shown:
However, if I comment out the periodic plotting, just run the program for different values of n, I got different plots, and they obey physical laws (evolving structure), shown in time order
Therefore I excluded the possibility that c might not update itself. It has to be some misuse of the plotting function of matlab. Or maybe some memory issue?
An interesting point I discovered during edition session: If I put the command h = figure in front of the loop and plot after the loop end, like this:
h = figure;
% Iteration
for i = 1:n
LP_c = laplacian(c,h);
d_f = A*(4*(c.^3)-6*(c.^2)+2*c);
sub = d_f - (2*K)*LP_c;
LP_RHS = laplacian(sub,h);
c = c + dt.*RHS;
It seems all value of c calculated during the loop will overlap and give a figure shown below: I guess this indicates some facts about the plotting function of matlab, but I am not sure
Btw, can I answer directly to each comment and high light the new added section in my post? Sorry I am not as familiar with Stack Overlow as I should have :)
I ran your routine and with the following changes it works for me:
% Iteration
for i = 1:n
LP_c = laplacian(c,h);
d_f = A*(4*(c.^3)-6*(c.^2)+2*c);
sub = d_f - (2*K)*LP_c;
LP_RHS = laplacian(sub,h);
c = c + dt.*RHS;
% Save image every 2000 steps
if ( mod(i,2000)==0)
h1 = mesh(x,y,c);
saveas(h1, sprintf('FIG%d.jpg',i));
The main change is the figure handle variable from h to h1. Why? You are already using variable h in your equations.

Simulate 1,000 geometric brownian motions in MATLAB

I currently have code to simulate a geometric Brown motion, courtesy of http://www-math.bgsu.edu/~zirbel/sde/matlab/index.html.
However, I would like to generate 1,000 simulations and to be to display them in a graph.
The codes I have at the moment to generate a single simulation are as follows:
% geometric_brownian(N,r,alpha,T) simulates a geometric Brownian motion
% on [0,T] using N normally distributed steps and parameters r and alpha
function [X] = geometric_brownian(N,r,alpha,T)
t = (0:1:N)'/N; % t is the column vector [0 1/N 2/N ... 1]
W = [0; cumsum(randn(N,1))]/sqrt(N); % S is running sum of N(0,1/N) variables
t = t*T;
W = W*sqrt(T);
Y = (r-(alpha^2)/2)*t + alpha * W;
X = exp(Y);
plot(t,X); % plot the path
hold on
axis([0 T 0 max(1,exp((r-(alpha^2)/2)*T+2*alpha))])
title([int2str(N) '-step geometric Brownian motion and its mean'])
xlabel(['r = ' num2str(r) ' and alpha = ' num2str(alpha)])
hold off
That code cannot be used directly to simulate 1,000 paths/simulations. Unfortunately, it has not been vectorized. The easiest way to do what you want is to use a for loop:
N = 1e3;
r = 1;
alpha = 0.1;
T = 1;
npaths = 1e3; % Number of simulations
rng(0); % Always set a seed
X = zeros(N+1,npaths); % Preallocate memory
for i = 1:n
X(:,i) = geometric_brownian(N,r,alpha,T);
hold on
t = T*(0:1:N).'/N;
This is rather slow and inefficient. You will need to modify the function a lot to vectorize it. One thing that would improve performance is if you at least removed the plotting code from inside the function and ran that separately after the loop.
Another alternative might be to use the sde_gbm function in my SDETools toolbox, which is fully-vectorized and much faster:
N = 1e3;
r = 1;
alpha = 0.1;
T = 1;
npaths = 1e3; % Number of simulations
t = T*(0:1:N)/N; % Time vector
y0 = ones(npaths,1); % Vector of initial conditions, must match number of paths
opts = sdeset('RandSeed',0,'SDEType','Ito'); % Set seed
y = sde_gbm(r,alpha,t,y0,opts);
title(['Geometric Brownian motion and it's mean: ' int2str(npaths) ...
' paths, r = ' num2str(r) ', \alpha = ' num2str(alpha)]);
In either case, one obtains a plot that looks something like this
To perform 1000 simulations, the straightforward way would be:
Nsims = 1000;
N=10^15; % set to length of individual sim
r = 1;
alpha = 0.1;
T = 1;
t = (0:1:N)'/N;
t = (T*(r-(alpha^2)/2))*t;
W = cat(1,zeros(1,Nsims),cumsum(randn(N,Nsims)));
W = W*(sqrt(T)*alpha/sqrt(N));
Y = repmat(t,1,Nsims) + W;
X = exp(Y);
Plotting is just like before
plot(t,X); % plots ALL 1000 paths
% plot(t,X(:,paths)); % use instead to show only selected paths (e.g. paths =[1 2 3])
hold on
axis([0 T 0 max(1,exp((r-(alpha^2)/2)*T+2*alpha))])
title([int2str(N) '-step geometric Brownian motion and its mean'])
xlabel(['r = ' num2str(r) ' and alpha = ' num2str(alpha)])
hold off
For comparatively short (small) sets of simulations looping over your code or executing the above should do. For heavy duty simulations you may benefit from Horchler's promised speed advantage.