Plot the phase structure function of a phase screen by definition - matlab

I have already had a phase screen (a 2-D NxN matrix and LxL in size scale, ex: N = 256, L = 2 meters).
I would like to find phase structure function - D(r) defined by D(delta(r)) = <[x(r)-x(r+delta(r))]^2> (<.> is ensemble averaging, r is position in phase screen in meter, x is phase value at a point in phase screen, delta(r) is variable and not fix) in Matlab program. Do you have any suggestion for my purpose?
P/S: I tried to calculate D(r) via the autocorrelation (is defined as B(r)), but this calculation still remaining some approximations. Therefore, I want to calculate precisely the result of D(r). May you please see this image to better understand the definition of D(r) and B(r). Below is my function code to calculate B(r).
% Code copied from "Numerical Simulation of Optical Wave Propagation with Examples in Matlab",
% by Jason D. Schmidt, SPIE Press, SPIE Vol. No.: PM199
% listing 3.7, page 48.
% (Schmidt defines the ft2 and ift2 functions used in this code elswhere.)
function D = str_fcn2_ft(ph, mask, delta)
% function D = str_fcn2_ft(ph, mask, delta)
N = size(ph, 1);
ph = ph .* mask;
P = ft2(ph, delta);
S = ft2(ph.^2, delta);
W = ft2(mask, delta);
delta_f = 1/(N*delta);
w2 = ift2(W.*conj(W), delta_f);
D = 2 * ft2(real(S.*conj(W)) - abs(P).^2, delta) ./ w2 .*mask;`
%fire run
N = 256; %number of samples
L = 16; %grid size [m]
delta = L/N; %sample spacing [m]
F = 1/L; %frequency-domain grid spacing[1/m]
x = [-N/2 : N/2-1]*delta;
[x y] = meshgrid(x);
w = 2; %width of rectangle
%A = rect(x/2).*rect(y/w);
A = lambdaWrapped;
%A = phz;
mask = ones(N);
%perform digital structure function
C = str_fcn2_ft(A, mask, delta);
C = real(C);

One way of directly computing this function D(r) is through random sampling: you pick two random points on your screen, determine their distance and phase difference squared, and update an accumulator:
phi = rand(256,256)*(2*pi); % the data, phase
N = size(phi,1); % number of samples
L = 16; % grid size [m]
delta = L/N; % sample spacing [m]
D = zeros(1,sqrt(2)*N); % output function
count = D; % for computing mean
for n = 1:1e6 % find a good amount of points here, the more points the better the estimate
coords = randi(N,2,2);
r = round(norm(coords(1,:) - coords(2,:)));
if r<1
continue % skip if the two coordinates are the same
d = phi(coords(1,1),coords(1,2)) - phi(coords(2,1),coords(2,2));
d = mod(abs(d),pi); % you might not need this, depending on how A is constructed
D(r) = D(r) + d.^2;
count(r) = count(r) + 1;
I = count > 0;
D(I) = D(I) ./ count(I); % do not divide by 0, some bins might not have any samples
I = count < 100;
D(I) = 0; % ignore poor estimates
r = (1:length(D)) * delta;
If you need even more precision, consider interpolating. Compute random coordinates as floating-point values, and interpolate the phase to get the values in between samples. D then needs to be longer, indexed as round(r*10) or something like that. You will need many more random samples to fill up that much larger accumulator.


Finding the values of a scalar function on a 3D grid which correspond to the direction of slowest increase

I have some scalar function F(x,y,z) defined on a grid in 3D space, and there is a minimum of F somewhere in the array. Example code to generate such a function, and locate the coordinates of the minimum, is given below:
x = linspace(-10,80,100);
y = linspace(-20,5,100);
z = linspace(-10,10,100);
[X,Y,Z] = meshgrid(x,y,z);
F = some_scalar_function(X, Y, Z);
% Find the minimum of the function on the grid
[minval,ind] = min(F(:));
[ii,jj,kk] = ind2sub(size(F),ind);
xmin = x(jj);
ymin = y(ii);
zmin = z(kk);
% Some sample scalar function (assume it is given on the grid, and the analytic form not known)
function F = some_scalar_function(X, Y, Z)
F = (X-6).^2 + 10*(Y+2).^2 + 10*Z.^2 + 5*X.*Y;
I would like to obtain a vector of F values from the grid along some new direction (let's call it r) which corresponds to the direction of slowest increase of the function F, i.e starting from the minimum and "walking" outwards. I would also like to obtain the corresponding values of the coordinate r as well. I have tried to explain what I mean in the figure below:
Taking a path along any direction other than r should lead to a steeper increase in F, and is therefore not the correct route. Can anyone show how this can be done in Matlab? Thanks!
After the comments from rahnema1 and Ander Biguri, I have run the command
[Gmag,Gazimuth,Gelevation] = imgradient3(F);
Taking a look at a plane through z=0, the function F(x,y,z=0) itself looks like the following:
and the outputs from imgradient3() look like this (again, only a single plane from the resulting full 3D arrays):
How can I obtain the line cut corresponding to path of slowest increase as a function of r from these? (still bearing in mind they are 3D arrays, and the direction is not necessarily constrained to the z=0 plane).
Consider a sphere that its center is the position of the minimum point of F.
For each point on the surface of the sphere compute the shortest path to the center point. use imerode to find the surface of the sphere and use shortestpathtree to compute the tree of shortest paths.
Gradient magnitude is set as the difficulty of path traversal. Use imgradient3 to calculate the gradient magnitude.
The path between the surface point with the minimum distance to the center , path1, is considered the direction of slowest increase of the function F.
But path1 is the half of the path. Other half ,path2, is computed by eliminating the sub-tree that contains the first surface point and again computing the shortest path tree using the resulting graph. The function im2col3 is defined for converting the 3D array to graph data structure.
Here is the non tested code:
% im2col for 3D image
function col = im2col3 (im)
col = zeros(prod(size(im)-2), 26);
n = 1;
for kk = 1:3
for jj = 1:3
for ii = 1:3
if ~(ii == 2 && jj == 2 && kk == 2)
col(:, n) = reshape(im(ii:end-(3-ii), jj:end-(3-jj), kk:end-(3-kk)),[],1);
n = n + 1;
% gradient magnitude
[Gmag,~,~] = imgradient3(F);
% convert array to graph
idx = reshape(1:numel(F), size(F));
t = im2col3(idx);
w = Gmag(t);
s = repmat(reshape(idx(2:end-1,2:end-1,2:end-1),[],1), size(t, 2));
G = graph(s, t, w);
% form the sphere
[~, sphere_center] = min(F(:));
[r, c, z] = ind2sub(size(F), sphere_center);
sphere_radius_2 = min([r c z]) ^ 2;
sphere_logical = ((1:size(F, 1)).'- r) .^ 2 ...
+ ((1:size(F, 2))- c) .^ 2 ...
+ (reshape(1:size(F, 3), 1, 1, [])- z) .^ 2 ...
< sphere_radius_2;
se = strel('cube',3);
sphere_surface = xor(imerode(sphere_logical, se), sphere_logical);
sphere_nodes = idx(sphere_surface);
% compute the half of the path
[T, D] = shortestpathtree(G, sphere_center, sphere_nodes,'OutputForm','cell');
[mn1, im1] = min(D);
path1 = T{im1};
% eliminate the sub-tree
subtree_root = path1(2);
subtree_nodes = bfsearch(T, subtree_root);
G1 = rmnodes (G, subtree_nodes);
sphere_nodes = setdiff (sphere_nodes, subtree_nodes);
% computing other half
[T1, D1] = shortestpathtree(G1, sphere_center, sphere_nodes,'OutputForm','cell');
[mn2, im2] = min(D1);
path2 = T1{im2};

How to speed up runtime of code that searches for data between several arrays within a 'moving' sphere

I am trying to average my CFD data (which is in the form of a scalar N x M x P array; N corresponds to Y, M to x, and P to z) over a subset of time steps. I've tried to simplify the description of my desired averaging process below.
Rotate the grid at each time step by a specified angle (this is because the flow has a coherent structure that rotates and changes shape/size at each time step and I want to overlap them and find a time averaged form of the structure that takes into account the change of shape/size over time)
Drawing a sphere centered on the original unrotated grid
Identifying the grid points from all the rotated grids that lie within the sphere
Identify the indices of the grid points in each rotated grid
Use the indices to find the scalar data at the rotated grid points within the sphere
Take an average of the values within the sphere
Put that new averaged value at the location on the unrotated grid
I have a code that seems to do what I want correctly, but it takes far too long to finish the calculations. I would like to make it run faster, and I am open to changing the code if necessary. Below is version of my code that works with a smaller version of the data.
x = -5:5; % x - position data
y = -2:.5:5; % y - position data
z = -5:5; % z - position data
% my grid is much bigger actually
[X,Y,Z] = meshgrid(x,y,z); % mesh for plotting data
dX = diff(x)'; dX(end+1) = dX(end); % x grid intervals
dY = diff(y)'; dY(end+1) = dY(end); % y grid intervals
dZ = diff(z)'; dZ(end+1) = dZ(end); % z grid intervals
TestPoints = combvec(x,y,z)'; % you need the Matlab Neural Network Toolbox to run this
dXYZ = combvec(dX',dY',dZ')';
% TestPoints is the unrotated grid
M = length(x); % size of grid x - direction
N = length(y); % size of grid y - direction
P = length(z); % size of grid z - direction
D = randi([-10,10],N,M,P,3); % placeholder for data for 3 time steps (I have more than 3, this is a subset)
D2{3,M*N*P} = [];
PosAll{3,2} = [];
[xSph,ySph,zSph] = sphere(50);
c = 0.01; % 1 cm
nu = 8e-6; % 8 cSt
s = 3*c; % span for Aspect Ratio 3
r_g = s/sqrt(3);
U_g = 110*nu/c; % velocity for Reynolds number 110
Omega = U_g/r_g; % angular velocity
T = (2*pi)/Omega; % period
dt = 40*T/1920; % time interval
DeltaRotAngle = ((2*pi)/T)*dt; % angle interval
timesteps = 121:123; % time steps 121, 122, and 123
for ti=timesteps
tj = find(ti==timesteps);
Theta = ti*DeltaRotAngle;
Rotate = [cos(Theta),0,sin(Theta);...
PosAll{tj,1} = (Rotate*TestPoints')';
for i=1:M*N*P
aa = TestPoints(i,1);
bb = TestPoints(i,2);
cc = TestPoints(i,3);
rs = 0.8*sqrt(dXYZ(i,1)^2 + dXYZ(i,2)^2 + dXYZ(i,3)^2);
handles.H = figure;
hs = surf(xSph*rs+aa,ySph*rs+bb,zSph*rs+cc);
[Fs,Vs,~] = surf2patch(hs,'triangle');
for ti=timesteps
tj = find(timesteps==ti);
f = inpolyhedron(Fs,Vs,PosAll{tj,1},'FlipNormals',false);
TestPointsR_ti = PosAll{tj,1};
PointsInSphere = TestPointsR_ti(f,:);
p1 = [aa,bb,cc];
p2 = [PointsInSphere(:,1),...
w = 1./sqrt(sum(...
D_ti = reshape(D(:,:,:,tj),M*N*P,1);
D2{tj,i} = [D_ti(f),w];
D3{M*N*P,1} = [];
for i=1:M*N*P
D3{i} = vertcat(D2{:,i});
D4 = zeros(M*N*P,1);
for i=1:M*N*P
D4(i) = sum(D3{i}(:,1).*D3{i}(:,2))/...
D_ta = reshape(D4,N,M,P);
I expect to get an N x M x P array where each index is the weighted average of all the points covering all of the time steps at that specific position in the unrotated grid. As you can see this is exactly what I get. The major problem however is the length of time it takes to do so when I use the larger set of my 'real' data. The code above takes only a couple minutes to run, but when M = 120, N = 24, and P = 120, and the number of time steps is 24 this can take much longer. Based on my estimates it would take approximately 25+ days to finish the entire calculation.
Nevermind, I can help you with the math. What you are trying to do here is find things inside a sphere. You have a well-defined sphere so this makes things easy. Just find the distance of all points from the center point. No need to plot or use inpolyhedron. Note line 66 where I modify the points by the center point of the sphere, compute the distance of these points, and compare to the radius of the sphere.
% x = -5:2:5; % x - position data
x = linspace(-5,5,120);
% y = -2:5; % y - position data
y = linspace(-2,5,24);
% z = -5:2:5; % z - position data
z = linspace(-5,5,120);
% my grid is much bigger actually
[X,Y,Z] = meshgrid(x,y,z); % mesh for plotting data
dX = diff(x)'; dX(end+1) = dX(end); % x grid intervals
dY = diff(y)'; dY(end+1) = dY(end); % y grid intervals
dZ = diff(z)'; dZ(end+1) = dZ(end); % z grid intervals
TestPoints = combvec(x,y,z)'; % you need the Matlab Neural Network Toolbox to run this
dXYZ = combvec(dX',dY',dZ')';
% TestPoints is the unrotated grid
M = length(x); % size of grid x - direction
N = length(y); % size of grid y - direction
P = length(z); % size of grid z - direction
D = randi([-10,10],N,M,P,3); % placeholder for data for 3 time steps (I have more than 3, this is a subset)
D2{3,M*N*P} = [];
PosAll{3,2} = [];
[xSph,ySph,zSph] = sphere(50);
c = 0.01; % 1 cm
nu = 8e-6; % 8 cSt
s = 3*c; % span for Aspect Ratio 3
r_g = s/sqrt(3);
U_g = 110*nu/c; % velocity for Reynolds number 110
Omega = U_g/r_g; % angular velocity
T = (2*pi)/Omega; % period
dt = 40*T/1920; % time interval
DeltaRotAngle = ((2*pi)/T)*dt; % angle interval
timesteps = 121:123; % time steps 121, 122, and 123
for ti=timesteps
tj = find(ti==timesteps);
Theta = ti*DeltaRotAngle;
Rotate = [cos(Theta),0,sin(Theta);...
PosAll{tj,1} = (Rotate*TestPoints')';
for i=1:M*N*P
aa = TestPoints(i,1);
bb = TestPoints(i,2);
cc = TestPoints(i,3);
rs = 0.8*sqrt(dXYZ(i,1)^2 + dXYZ(i,2)^2 + dXYZ(i,3)^2);
% handles.H = figure;
% hs = surf(xSph*rs+aa,ySph*rs+bb,zSph*rs+cc);
% [Fs,Vs,~] = surf2patch(hs,'triangle');
% close(handles.H)
for ti=timesteps
tj = find(timesteps==ti);
% f = inpolyhedron(Fs,Vs,PosAll{tj,1},'FlipNormals',false);
f = sqrt(sum((PosAll{tj,1}-[aa,bb,cc]).^2,2))<rs;
TestPointsR_ti = PosAll{tj,1};
PointsInSphere = TestPointsR_ti(f,:);
p1 = [aa,bb,cc];
p2 = [PointsInSphere(:,1),...
w = 1./sqrt(sum(...
D_ti = reshape(D(:,:,:,tj),M*N*P,1);
D2{tj,i} = [D_ti(f),w];
if ~mod(i,10)
D3{M*N*P,1} = [];
for i=1:M*N*P
D3{i} = vertcat(D2{:,i});
D4 = zeros(M*N*P,1);
for i=1:M*N*P
D4(i) = sum(D3{i}(:,1).*D3{i}(:,2))/...
D_ta = reshape(D4,N,M,P);
In terms of runtime, on my computer, the old code takes 57 hours to run. The new code takes 2 hours. At this point, the main calculation is the distance so I doubt you'll get much better.

(Fourier Transform) Simple DFT Result differs from FFT

I want to understand the discrete fourier transform by implementing it by myself.
While the result returned by my DFT is not correct the in matlab included version returns the correct frequencies of the original signal.
So the question is, where went I wrong. Is it a math or a implementation problem?
%% Initialisation
nfft = 1024;
K = nfft / 2 + 1;
c = 264;
e = 330;
t = -1:1/samples:1-1/samples;
[~, N] = size(t);
f = (sin(2*c*pi*t)+cos(2*e*pi*t)).*exp(-pi*(2*t-1).^2);
X = zeros(nfft, 1);
%% Discrete Fourier Transform
if true
for k=1:nfft
for n=1:nfft
X(k) = X(k) + f(n)*exp(-j*2*pi*(k-1)*(n-1)/N);
X=fft(f, nfft);
R = abs(X(1:K));
[V,I] = sort(R,'descend');
F1 = samples*(I(1)-1)/nfft;
F2 = samples*(I(2)-1)/nfft;
plot(1:K, R, 1:K, real(X(1:K)), 1:K, imag(X(1:K)))
The issue lies in the number of samples for which the transform is done.
Xall = fft(f);
hold on
What you compute matches the result from the FFT done on all samples (i.e. with 4000 real samples in and 4000 complex values out).
Now, if you read the documentation of FFT with doc fft you will see that the signal is truncated if the output size is smaller than the input size. If you try:
Y = zeros(nfft, 1);
for k=1:nfft
for n=1:nfft
Y(k) = Y(k) + f(n)*exp(-1j*2*pi*(k-1)*(n-1)/nfft);
Y2 = fft(f(:),nfft); %make it a column
abs(sum(Y-Y2)) %6.0380e-12 , result within precision of the double float format

eigenvalue decomposition of structure tensor in matlab

I have a synthetic image. I want to do eigenvalue decomposition of local structure tensor (LST) of it for some edge detection purposes. I used the eigenvaluesl1 , l2 and eigenvectors e1 ,e2 of LST to generate an adaptive ellipse for each pixel of image. Unfortunately I get unequal eigenvalues l1 , l2 and so unequal semi-axes length of ellipse for homogeneous regions of my figure:
However I get good response for a simple test image:
I don't know what is wrong in my code:
function [H,e1,e2,l1,l2] = LST_eig(I,sigma1,rw)
% LST_eig - compute the structure tensor and its eigen
% value decomposition
% H = LST_eig(I,sigma1,rw);
% sigma1 is pre smoothing width (in pixels).
% rw is filter bandwidth radius for tensor smoothing (in pixels).
n = size(I,1);
m = size(I,2);
if nargin<2
sigma1 = 0.5;
if nargin<3
rw = 0.001;
% pre smoothing
J = imgaussfilt(I,sigma1);
% compute gradient using Sobel operator
Sch = [-3 0 3;-10 0 10;-3 0 3];
%h = fspecial('sobel');
gx = imfilter(J,Sch,'replicate');
gy = imfilter(J,Sch','replicate');
% compute tensors
gx2 = gx.^2;
gy2 = gy.^2;
gxy = gx.*gy;
% smooth
gx2_sm = imgaussfilt(gx2,rw); %rw/sqrt(2*log(2))
gy2_sm = imgaussfilt(gy2,rw);
gxy_sm = imgaussfilt(gxy,rw);
H = zeros(n,m,2,2);
H(:,:,1,1) = gx2_sm;
H(:,:,2,2) = gy2_sm;
H(:,:,1,2) = gxy_sm;
H(:,:,2,1) = gxy_sm;
% eigen decomposition
l1 = zeros(n,m);
l2 = zeros(n,m);
e1 = zeros(n,m,2);
e2 = zeros(n,m,2);
for i = 1:n
for j = 1:m
Hmat = zeros(2);
Hmat(:,:) = H(i,j,:,:);
[V,D] = eigs(Hmat);
D = abs(D);
l1(i,j) = D(1,1); % eigen values
l2(i,j) = D(2,2);
e1(i,j,:) = V(:,1); % eigen vectors
e2(i,j,:) = V(:,2);
Any help is appreciated.
This is my ellipse drawing code:
% determining ellipse parameteres from eigen value decomposition of LST
M = input('Enter the maximum allowed semi-major axes length: ');
I = input('Enter the input data: ');
row = size(I,1);
col = size(I,2);
a = zeros(row,col);
b = zeros(row,col);
cos_phi = zeros(row,col);
sin_phi = zeros(row,col);
for m = 1:row
for n = 1:col
a(m,n) = (l2(m,n)+eps)/(l1(m,n)+l2(m,n)+2*eps)*M;
b(m,n) = (l1(m,n)+eps)/(l1(m,n)+l2(m,n)+2*eps)*M;
cos_phi1 = e1(m,n,1);
sin_phi1 = e1(m,n,2);
len = hypot(cos_phi1,sin_phi1);
cos_phi(m,n) = cos_phi1/len;
sin_phi(m,n) = sin_phi1/len;
%% plot elliptic structuring elements using parametric equation and superimpose on the image
figure; imagesc(I); colorbar; hold on
t = linspace(0,2*pi,50);
for i = 10:10:row-10
for j = 10:10:col-10
x0 = j;
y0 = i;
x = a(i,j)/2*cos(t)*cos_phi(i,j)-b(i,j)/2*sin(t)*sin_phi(i,j)+x0;
y = a(i,j)/2*cos(t)*sin_phi(i,j)+b(i,j)/2*sin(t)*cos_phi(i,j)+y0;
hold on
This my new result with the Gaussian derivative kernel:
This is the new plot with axis equal:
I created a test image similar to yours (probably less complicated) as follows:
pos = yy([400,500]) + 100 * sin(xx(400)/400*2*pi);
img = gaussianlineclip(pos+50,7) + gaussianlineclip(pos-50,7);
I = double(stretch(img));
(This requires DIPimage to run)
Then ran your LST_eig on it (sigma1=1 and rw=3) and your code to draw ellipses (no change to either, except adding axis equal), and got this result:
I suspect some non-uniformity in some of the blue areas of your image, which cause very small gradients to appear. The problem with the definition of the ellipses as you use them is that, for sufficiently oriented patterns, you'll get a line even if that pattern is imperceptible. You can get around this by defining your ellipse axes lengths as follows:
a = repmat(M,size(l2)); % longest axis is always the same
b = M ./ (l2+1); % shortest axis is shorter the more important the largest eigenvalue is
The smallest eigenvalue l1 is high in regions with strong gradients but no clear direction. The above does not take this into account. One option could be to make a depend on both energy and anisotropy measures, and b depend only on energy:
T = 1000; % some threshold
r = M ./ max(l1+l2-T,1); % circle radius, smaller for higher energy
d = (l2-l1) ./ (l1+l2+eps); % anisotropy measure in range [0,1]
a = M*d + r.*(1-d); % use `M` length for high anisotropy, use `r` length for high isotropy (circle)
b = r; % use `r` width always
This way, the whole ellipse shrinks if there are strong gradients but no clear direction, whereas it stays large and circular when there are only weak or no gradients. The threshold T depends on image intensities, adjust as needed.
You should probably also consider taking the square root of the eigenvalues, as they correspond to the variance.
Some suggestions:
You can write
a = (l2+eps)./(l1+l2+2*eps) * M;
b = (l1+eps)./(l1+l2+2*eps) * M;
cos_phi = e1(:,:,1);
sin_phi = e1(:,:,2);
without a loop. Note that e1 is normalized by definition, there is no need to normalize it again.
Use Gaussian gradients instead of Gaussian smoothing followed by Sobel or Schaar filters. See here for some MATLAB implementation details.
Use eig, not eigs, when you need all eigenvalues. Especially for such a small matrix, there is no advantage to using eigs. eig seems to produce more consistent results. There is no need to take the absolute value of the eigenvalues (D = abs(D)), as they are non-negative by definition.
Your default value of rw = 0.001 is way too small, a sigma of that size has no effect on the image. The goal of this smoothing is to average gradients in a local neighborhood. I used rw=3 with good results.
Use DIPimage. There is a structuretensor function, Gaussian gradients, and a lot more useful stuff. The 3.0 version (still in development) is a major rewrite that improves significantly on dealing with vector- and matrix-valued images. I can write all of your LST_eig as follows:
I = dip_image(I);
g = gradient(I, sigma1);
H = gaussf(g*g.', rw);
[e,l] = eig(H);
% Equivalences with your outputs:
l1 = l{2};
l2 = l{1};
e1 = e{2,:};
e2 = e{1,:};

Issue with Discrete Double Fourier Series in MATLAB

The formula for the discrete double Fourier series that I'm attempting to code in MATLAB is:
The coefficient in front of the trigonometric sum (Fourier amplitude) is what I'm trying to extract from the fitting of the data through the double Fourier series seen above. Using my current code, the original function is not reconstructed, therefore my coefficients cannot be correct. I'm not certain if this is of any significance or insight, but the second term for the A coefficients (Akn(1))) is 13 orders of magnitude larger than any other coefficient.
Any suggestions, modifications, or comments about my program would be greatly appreciated.
%data = csvread('digitized_plot_data.csv',1);
%xdata = data(:,1);
%ydata = data(:,2);
%x0 = xdata(1);
lambda = 20; %km
tau = 20; %s
vs = 7.6; %k/s (velocity of CHAMP satellite)
L = 4; %S
% Number of terms to use:
N = 100;
% set up matrices:
M = zeros(length(xdata),1+2*N);
M(:,1) = 1;
for k=1:N
for n=1:N %error using *, inner matrix dimensions must agree...
M(:,2*n) = cos(2*pi/lambda*k*vs*xdata).*cos(2*pi/tau*n*xdata);
M(:,2*n+1) = sin(2*pi/lambda*k*vs*xdata).*sin(2*pi/tau*n*xdata);
C = M\ydata;
%least squares coefficients:
A0 = C(1);
Akn = C(2:2:end);
Bkn = C(3:2:end);
% reconstruct original function values (verification check):
y = A0;
for k=1:length(Akn)
y = y + Akn(k)*cos(2*pi/lambda*k*vs*xdata).*cos(2*pi/tau*n*xdata) + Bkn(k)*sin(2*pi/lambda*k*vs*xdata).*sin(2*pi/tau*n*xdata);
% plotting
hold on
legend('Data','Least Squares','location','northeast')
xlabel('Centered Time Event [s]'); ylabel('J[\muA/m^2]'); title('Single FAC Event (50 Hz)')