OpsHub Visual Studio Online Migration Utility - Service Error on Migration Summary - azure-devops

I have downloaded opshub tool for the migration, trying to migrate from on premises to visualstydio team service. Getting error On the migration summary page with error message:
"Unable to communicate with the required process opshubtfsservice.Because probably it is not running. Restart application & try again"
I verified the opshub service is running as local service. I tried to restart & tried with Network service/local account etc. But no lock.
Can you please help me on this here.
Thank you.

It seems that your machine is behind a proxy and all traffic in-out is being routed through it. (Including the communication of local traffic)
You will have to bypass local addresses from the proxy as well as enable OVSMU to communicate through the proxy.
Please refer the C:\Program Files\OpsHub Visual Studio Migration Utility\Other_Resources\Resources\ProxyUtility.zip to configure OVSMU to utilize your proxy. There should be a user guide document which lists the steps.Keep the bypass local address value as default.


How Do Service Connections Work For On-Prem Agents Connecting To On-Prem Services?

This question is purposefully general because I'm trying to understand things more from an architectural perspective, because that will impact which group I need to contact. My team is using Azure DevOps (cloud) with on-prem build agents. The agents connect to ADO via a proxy.
We use several tools in-house provided by vendors with ADO plugins in the Marketplace that require us to set up service connections. Because the services are installed on-prem, the endpoints we enter are not available via the Web (e.g. https://vendor-product.my-company.com).
If I log into the build machine and open up IE, I am able to connect to the service endpoint URL. However, whenever I try to run a task from ADO, it fails with some kind of connection-related issue ("The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send", "Task ended with an exception: Error: read ECONNRESET", etc.).
The way I thought it worked, all the work takes place on the build machine itself, so the calls would be going from my-build-server.my-company.com to https://vendor-product.my-company.com. Those error messages though make me wonder if the connection is actually coming from https://dev.azure.com.
So the questions I have are:
For situations like this, is the connection to a service endpoint going to be seen as coming from my on-prem build agent, or from ADO (or does it vary based on how the vendor writes their plugin)?
If the answer to #1 is "it varies", is there any way for me to tell just from the plugin itself without having to contact the vendor? (In my experience some of the vendor reps don't understand how the cloud works.)
Because my build agent was configured to use a proxy when I set it up, is it going to use that proxy for all connections, even internal ones? I think I can set up a proxy bypass list for the agents but I presently only have read access to the build box. I can request temporary elevated access but I'd need some level of confidence that's what the issue is.
Hope I explained the situation clearly, thanks in advance for any insight.

SCCM keeps deployng even it was removed

Problem: System Center Endpoint Protection keeps deploying itself from SCCM to the computers and servers after I manually delete them, even if the SCCM server got completely removed recently. Though AFAIK the deployment tasks weren't deleted, only the services stopped and SCCM related programs uninstalled. Also the server (Hostname: SCCM_SERVER) was shutdown.
If I open one of the servers and go to Configuration Manager, I see that Assigned management point is still SCCM_SERVER.
Question: Not having been delved into SCCM administration prior, how is this happening? Did it create windows services on each machine? Could there be additional SCCM administration sever running somewhere else? I checked GPO/scheduled tasks - nothing. How does the deployment work? And how do I stop it?
Also, if additional information related to the software/hardware/network is required please ask.
Have you checked the log file EndpointProtectionAgent.log? Maybe it can give us some clues.
If you want to decommission SCCM, you could uninstall the SCCM client.
The correct way is edit the Client Settings node in the Administration workspace first.
Modify the device settings "Install Endpoint Protection client on client computers", choosing False or No will not uninstall the Endpoint Protection client. To uninstall the Endpoint Protection client, set the Manage Endpoint Protection client on client computers client setting to False or No. Then, deploy a package and program to uninstall the Endpoint Protection client.
#About client settings in System Center Configuration Manager

Visual Studio Online - operations failed getUser List

We are trialing a test migration of a project on TFS 2010 (on prem) to #visual-studio-online using #OpsHub . During the migration phase at the user mapping window we are getting the below error message.
2015-07-08 15:10:49,916 [4] ERROR Error : The operation has timed out
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at
webRequest, WebException& webException)
I am not able to find much information on-line about this error. I tried doing the migration as a TFS administrator and as a domain user who has project admin access to the project but still get these time out errors.
I saw online a user upgraded to #OpsHub 1.3 from 1.2 to overcome this issue which I tried but still doesn't help. Do we need to open any other ports for this to work apart from 80 and 443? Any suggestion as to how to over come this issue?
From the logs we find out that error is about time out from your local tfs server.
Server Error : TF400324: Team Foundation services are not available from server tfs.nextdigital.com\Next Digital.
Technical information (for administrator):
The operation has timed out
Here you need to work with your tfs admin to increase timeout parameter of your tfs.
Following thread might help you in this.
Thanks & Regards,OpsHub Support

Unable to configure TFS backup using Backup wizard

When trying to configure the TFS 2010 backup using the TFS Power Tools I kept running into teh following error message:
Account TFS\tfsadmin failed to create backups using path \\tfs-xxxxxxx.local\TFSBackups
The strange thin is that TFS\TFSAdmin has full permissions on both share and file system and that the share path doesn't contain any spaces (thanks for MSDN forums for pointing that out).
I tried backing up through the SQL Server Management Studio, and sure, there the backups fail too.
It turns out that while the backup job is started using the account specified in the Create Backup Wizard of the TFS Power Tools, SQL Server will try to write the files to the share using its own service account.
So in addition to whomever needs access to the share, you need to add the service account running SQL Server to that share as well. In this case it was running under NETWORK SERVICE, so adding MACHINENAME$ to the share's list of permitted users did wonders.

OpsHub VS Online Migration Service Error: Read Timed Out

I'm running into an error using the migration utility after installing v1.0.1.006. I have previously used v1.0.1.001 to migrate a sandbox/test project with success. I attempted to use the .001 version to migrate the full project but ran into the Processing blocked problem. The recommendation was to update to the .006 version.
Now after running for 30-60 minutes, I get the following error:
com.opshub.eai.metadata.MetadataException: OpsHub-014371: Could not instantiate metadata implementation for xxx to xxx| TFS Source 1409181936489 ALM TFS 1409181936495, due to ; nested exception is: java.net.SocketTimeoutExeption: Read timed out.
Restarting the app appears to make the process resume, only to have the same error repeat after another 30-60 minutes. As a side-note, the Work Item never shows me a count like it did in version .001, it just says Running.
Connection refused error is logged continuously on your instance. From the logs it looks like your background services are not running properly.
Have you installed anything on port 8989 or 9090. Port 9090 is service port for tfs/vso side communications, but as per the logs service is not running or not responding properly. Also from the utility ui logs we captured that background opshub server service also not working.
Can you please make sure following things.
"OpsHub Visual Studio Online Migration Utility" is configured as
Manual service and not running before you start migration utility
This service will be automatically started by migration utility, it
will also spawn process of tfs proxy on 9090 port.
Port 8989 and 9090 is free and no other processes are occupying it
during migration utility execution.
OpsHub Support