Paypal In-Context Checkout Remove Review, Billing Required Text - paypal

I have integrated paypal in-context checkout in a python flask project using python Paypal Python SDK.
User will give donation via paypal or credit card. So I have disabled the shipping option by creating a WEB EXPERIENCE Profile with no-shipping=1.
Now Paypal In Context Popup after login, Looks Like Below,
This two lines seems confusing to me,
You'll be able to review your order before you complete your purchase.
The merchant requires your billing address to complete the payment.
I have disabled shipping, and accepting donation, so I don't need any billing or order review.
Is it possible to remove those lines from the UI ?

UI cannot be removed or edited. But 'NOSHIPPING=1' just means that no shipping address is required from your customer end.


WHMCS & PayPal - How to disable the create account from express checkout?

I am using PayPal with WHMCS. During the purchase, PayPal express checkout popup shows the create PayPal account form also below the credit card information form, and this [Create your PayPal account] form is required even after doing these changes as per the PayPal documentation.
On the other side, the WHMCS also doesn't have any option to disable/hide the create PayPal account form.
Due to this issue, my clients are getting annoyed and leaving my site without completing the purchase. How to disable the create account from express checkout?
That is the normal flow for new PayPal buyers. An option to pay without creating an account might sometimes be available, depending on many factors including the buyer's location, but is never guaranteed.
For the option of a black button to pay with a Debit or Credit Card to always be available, integrate with current PayPal Checkout buttons, which for a UAE buyer will look like this:
You can test the demo here and append &buyer-country=AE to the SDK script line (only for sandbox mode)
I know this is an old thread but incase anyone else is trying to solve it, I've just used simple CSS to hide it - using the default Twenty One theme I just added this to my custom.css file.
.express-checkout-buttons {
And it hides. I know its not the best option but it works for me as I don't need to my clients checking out via this option.

How to stop NVP forcing customers to sign up for account

I've had an NVP integration running for a year, and it's been great.
However, PayPal have now changed the page my customers see and the new style forces a user to create an account.
My customers are older people and don't want to sign up for an account. Previously they didn't have to
Is there anything I can do to make this optional again?
It's important to remember that Guest Checkout feature for Website Payment Standard and Express Checkout is not guaranteed for every transaction.
To control the risk for merchant, PayPal may close the guest checkout function for some special countries or districts buyers and the buyer will be asked to create a PayPal account.
If possible, please consider using the PayPal Payment PRO product line, where merchants can accept Credit Card directly within their own website.

Basic PayPal express checkout

I have a store running opencart which already has a fully functional shopping cart running, it is just requesting an API and authentication details.
So, how can I simply setup a API and be done with it, do i need to setup a sandbox account etc.
I just want a very simple setup for accepting payments via paypal and credit cards in NZ
Ive checked all the online guides and they are all for older layouts/designs of paypal.
Any help much appreciated!
The only thing You need to is to install and enable (both if not yet done) the PayPal standard (or Paypal Express checkout) payment options in OpenCart administration - as far as I understand Your problem clearly.
Go to administration Extensions -> Payments and here scroll to find the PayPal payment options (should be three by default: PayPal Standard, PayPal Website Payment Pro and PayPal Website Payment Pro UK) - PayPal Standard should be Your bet. If Install action is available on the right, click on it and afterwards click on Edit action. Insert Your account information, select Enabled status and Your are done.
Now users should be able to select this payment option and after confirming the order they should be redirected to PayPal to pay for their orders.

express checkout with html info without API calls?

Can I improve user experience, e.g. show product description, and highlight "Pay using your credit card", with simple Paypal buttons?
I offer a paid service on my website, with monthly subscription, fixed amount each month. I don't need the user's address, and there's only 1 "product".
Currently I created a simple "paypal button", which works fine, but I want to improve it, and possibly make it even shorter, but didn't find out how to:
highlight "pay with credit card",
I don't want to force users into logging into their paypal account (users with paypal account get error: "You cannot use an e-mail address or card number that belongs to an existing PayPal account")
show the user the product details/descriptions as in the picture:
Although I'm a programmer, I prefer not to use any API calls, especially since it doesn't seem to be necessary in my simple case.
How can I add these elements?
Is there an option with paypal to send users directly to a credit-card payment screen?
You'll need to switch to the Express Checkout API to show item details and force the credit card option. Even then, though, if the user has the credit card added to a PayPal account they're going to have to sign in and pay that way rather than use the CC form. Also, if you're working with recurring payments they'll need a PayPal account anyway.
The only way to avoid that is to sign up for PayPal Payments Pro so you can tie the credit card form directly into your website with no redirect to PayPal at all.
You'll need to enable Recurring Billing on Pro, too, after it's approved and enabled, and then your users can choose to sign up with PayPal (where you'd use Express Checkout) or Pro (where they'd enter a credit card directly.)
If you're really that set on not using API's you could apply for Enhanced Recurring Payments for Payments Standard, but I haven't fully tested that to see about passing order item details to the review pages.

Paypal where to set accept digital goods payment in sandbox

I've been trying this for few days. I've created some seller accounts, one of them I created early this year and it was working fine. Then when I return for this project this March, Paypal changed the API from to The old seller accounts were still working fine and can still accept the digital goods payments from the payer accounts that I created recently, however the new seller accounts, with BUSINESS type, suppose to be able to pay and accept payments got some issues. These newly created seller accounts receive the following warning:
You are not signed up to accept payment for digitally delivered goods.
Doing some research with google, I released I have to set the paypal business account for digital goods. But I can't find where to set it from the new paypal developer control panel. Even when I tried to log in to the sandbox version of, using the seller accounts I created in the sandbox, I still can't find where I can set it. In my business setup, there are only two options for me, one is Paypal payments pro and other other is "Virtual Terminal". Any idea? Please help....
I've found the way to add express checkout for digital goods in sandbox, but I think Paypal should pay attention to this because the way I used was very clumsy.
First sign in to sandbox and choose a business account to log in to the sandbox by using the url provided in the Application/Sanbox Accounts. Then use the account that you want to set to accept digital goods checkout to log into the sandbox url, it should be
After logged in, go to my business setup and pay attention to the setup my payment solution. Click the view all products and you will be redirected to a new page. Please note the url now, the "sandbox" is missing. Now click on the express checkout button, or whatever you want to add to the payment solution, you will be redirected again. Now pay attention to the url, insert "sandbox" to the url, e.g you have to replace it with, the rest of the url remain the same. Then press enter you will be redirected back to the business setup page. Now you can see your payment solution has become express checkout. It is stupid and I hope paypal can let us choose this directly from the control panel in the near future.
An alternative hides in Profile > My selling tools > API access > Update > At the bottom - Enable Express Checkout.
When I later go to My Account > My Business Setup I see: "Your payment solution: PayPal Digital Goods (Express Checkout)"