Confused about pattern matching in Record constructions in Coq - coq

I've been using Coq for a very short time and I still bump into walls with some things. I've defined a set with a Record construction. Now I need to do some pattern matching to use it, but I'm having issues properly using it. First, these are my elements.
Inductive element : Set :=
| empty : element
| fun_m : element -> element -> element
| n_fun : nat -> element -> element
I pick the elements with certain characteristic to make a subset of them the next way:
Inductive esp_char : elements -> Prop :=
| esp1 : esp_char empty
| esp2 : forall (n : nat )(E : element), esp_char E -> esp_char (n_fun n E).
Record especial : Set := mk_esp{ E : element ; C : (esp_char E)}.
Now, I need to use definition and fix point on the 'especial' elements, just the two that I picked. I have read the documentation on Record and what I get is that I'd need to do something like this:
Fixpoint Size (E : especial): nat :=
match E with
|{|E := empty |} => 0
|{|E := n_fun n E0|} => (Size E0) + 1
Of course this tells me that I'm missing everything on the inductive part of elements so I add {|E := _ |}=> 0, or anything, just to make the induction full. Even doing this, I then find this problem:
|{|E := n_fun n E0|} => (Size E0) + 1
In environment
Size : especial -> nat
E : especial
f : element
i : esp_char f
n : nat
E0 : element
The term "E0" has type "element" while it is expected to have type "especial".
What I have been unable to do is fix that last thing, I have a lemma proving that if n_fun n E0 is 'especial' then E0 is especial, but I can't build it as so inside the Fixpoint. I also defined the size for "all elements" and then just picked the "especial" ones in a definition, but I want to be able to do direct pattern matching directly on the set "especial". Thank you for your input.
EDIT: Forgot to mention that I also have a coercion to always send especial to elements.
EDIT: This is the approach I had before posting:
Fixpoint ElementSize (E : element): nat :=
match E with
| n_fun n E0 => (ElementSize E0) + 1
| _ => 0
Definition Size (E : especial) := ElementSize E.

I'd have tried to do:
Lemma mk_especial_proof n E : esp_char (n_fun n E) -> esp_char E.
Proof. now intros U; inversion U. Qed.
Fixpoint Size (E : especial): nat :=
match E with
|{|E := empty |} => 0
|{|E := n_fun n E0; C := P |} => (Size (mk_esp E0 (mk_especial_proof _ _ P))) + 1
|{|E := fun_m E1 E2 |} => 0
However this will fail the termination check. I'm not familiar with how to overcome this problem with records. I'd definitively follow the approach I mentioned in the comments (using a fixpoint over the base datatype).
EDIT: Added single fixpoint solution.
Fixpoint size_e e :=
match e with
| empty => 0
| fun_m e1 e2 => 0
| n_fun _ e => 1 + size_e e
Definition size_esp e := size_e (E e).

I reduced your example to this, but you can easily go back to your definition. We have a set, and a subset defined by an inductive predicate. Often one uses sigma types for this, with the notation {b | Small b}, but it is actually the same as the Record definition used in your example, so never mind :-).
Inductive Big : Set := (* a big set *)
| A
| B (b0 b1:Big)
| C (b: Big).
Inductive Small : Big -> Prop := (* a subset *)
| A' : Small A
| C' (b:Big) : Small b -> Small (C b).
Record small := mk_small { b:Big ; P:Small b }.
Here is a solution.
Lemma Small_lemma: forall b, Small (C b) -> Small b.
Proof. intros b H; now inversion H. Qed.
Fixpoint size (b : Big) : Small b -> nat :=
match b with
| A => fun _ => 0
| B _ _ => fun _ => 0
| C b' => fun H => 1 + size b' (Small_lemma _ H)
Definition Size (s:small) : nat :=
let (b,H) := s in size b H.
To be able to use the hypothesis H in the match-branches, it is sent into the branch as a function argument. Otherwise the destruction of b is not performed on the H term, and Coq can't prove that we do a structural recursion on H.


How to get the type of a subterm when you're building a match

My general question is: is there an easy way to incrementally build up a definition in Coq when I'm not familiar with the type of what I'm working with?
Consider one definition of the natural numbers in Coq, from Coq.Narith.BinNat
Definition discr n : { p:positive | n = pos p } + { n = 0 }.
Now, to me it's a little confusing what this term looks like. Suppose I'm trying to extract this positive p from the definition. My first try failed:
Require Import Coq.Narith.BinNat.
Fail Definition NToPos (x : N) : positive :=
match N.discr x with
| inright HO => 1
| inleft Hpos => Hpos
In environment
x : N
Hpos : {p : positive | x = N.pos p}
The term "Hpos" has type "{p : positive | x = N.pos p}"
while it is expected to have type "positive".
Well... okay. Now I know my basic misunderstanding is with the notation {p : positive | x = N.pos p}, but where do I go from here?
My question is, is there a better way to understand a definition such as N.discr? What I think I want is the following:
Definition NToPos (x : N) : positive :=
match N.discr x with
| inright HO => 1
| inleft Hpos => (* Please tell me how to further destruct Hpos *)
In general, to decipher a notation, you can ask something like
Locate "{ x | p }".
In this case, this figures out what { p : positive | n = pos p } means (you replace the "replaceable" parts of the notation with (meta)variables). It gives
Notation "{ x | P }" := sig (fun x => P)
Now the name sig can be used to get more information.
Print sig.
Inductive sig (A : Type) (P : A -> Prop) : Type :=
exist : forall x : A,
P x -> {x : A | P x}
Arguments exist [A]%type_scope _%function_scope
Which tells you that you need to match Hpos against exist _ p Hpos (the Arguments say that A is implicit and that P is explicit, but P (as a parameter) is already fixed by the type of the scrutinee and must be ignored, and the remaining arguments, x : A and the P x, need to be named).
Unset Printing Notations. (* In CoqIDE, you're told to set this from the view menu instead *)
Check N.discr.
(* Shows you that the notation stands for sig *)
And then continue as before.
I eventually figured this out by checking Print N.discr and observing:
N.discr =
fun n : N =>
match n as n0 return ({p : positive | n0 = N.pos p} + {n0 = 0%N}) with
| 0%N => inright eq_refl
| N.pos p =>
inleft (exist (fun p0 : positive => N.pos p = N.pos p0) p eq_refl)
: forall n : N, {p : positive | n = N.pos p} + {n = 0%N}
and seeing that the case I want is exist (fun p0 : positive => N.pos p = N.pos p0) p eq_refl. Then, exist is the key function. From that I was able to correctly guess inleft (exists p Hpos) would work:
Definition NToPos (x : N) : positive :=
match N.discr x with
| inright HO => 1
| inleft (exist p Hpos) => p

Program Fixpoint error with Admit Obligations and nested recursion

I was trying to define a function using Program Fixpoint, which uses another (anonymous) recursive function in its body. I tried using Admit Obligationsfor the moment, to see if something else made sense but I get an error.
This is a simple example that shows the same error (maybe there is a simpler one...).
Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Program.
Section Test.
Inductive FType : Type :=
| Base : RType -> FType
| Cons : RType -> FType -> FType
with RType : Type :=
| Empty : RType
| Nested : nat -> FType -> RType
| NestedList : nat -> list FType -> RType.
Variable ftype_size : FType -> nat.
Program Fixpoint failing (ft : FType) {measure (ftype_size ft)} : FType :=
match ft with
| Base _ => ft
| Cons hd tl =>
match hd with
| NestedList l rs =>
let fix loop (rs : list FType) (i : nat) : list FType :=
match rs with
| [] => []
| r' :: rs' => (failing r') :: (loop rs' (i + 1))
Base (NestedList l (loop rs 0))
| _ => ft
Admit Obligations.
End Test.
So, when running this it says Recursive call to loop has not enough arguments.. I was wondering why is this happening? Is it somehow related to this issue?
Also, if I define an indexed map and repeat this, I don't get any error.
Section Map.
Variables (T1 T2 : Type) (f : nat -> T1 -> T2).
Definition indexed_map (s : list T1) :=
let fix imap s index : list T2 :=
match s with
| [] => []
| hd :: tl => (f index hd) :: imap tl (index + 1)
imap s 0.
End Map.
Arguments indexed_map [T1 T2].
Program Fixpoint failing (ft : FType) {measure (ftype_size ft)} : FType :=
match ft with
| Base _ => ft
| Cons hd tl =>
match hd with
| NestedList l rs => Base (NestedList l (indexed_map (fun i r' => (failing r')) rs))
| _ => ft
Admit Obligations.
I can probably define it in a different way but I was still wondering why is this happening.
Reading the error message further, notice that loop occurs twice in the printed function. The second occurence is the one you wrote, but the first (the problematic one) is an argument to an axiom generated by Admit Obligations.
Recursive call to loop has not enough arguments.
Recursive definition is:
"fun (rs0 : list FType) (i : nat) =>
let program_branch_0 := fun _ : [] = rs0 => [] in
let program_branch_1 :=
fun (r' : FType) (rs' : list FType) (Heq_rs : r' :: rs' = rs0) =>
failing r'
(failing_obligation_1 ft failing hd tl Heq_ft l rs Heq_hd loop
rs0 i r' rs' Heq_rs) :: loop rs' (i + 1) in
match rs0 as rs' return (rs' = rs0 -> list FType) with
| [] => program_branch_0
| r' :: rs' => program_branch_1 r' rs'
end eq_refl".
To avoid that, you can step through the corresponding obligation manually and put your own axiom that doesn't depend on loop.
Parameter TODO : forall {A : Prop}, A.
Program Fixpoint failing ... (* Your definition *)
Next Obligation.
apply TODO.
(* Now the rest can still be Admitted. *)
Admit Obligations.

Using functions in definitions

I'm modeling a program in which users can choose from different operators and functions for writing queries (i.e. formulas) for the system. For showing these operators, here I defined add and mul functions and used nat datatype, instead of my program's functions and datatypes. How should I define formula that enables me to use it in definition compute_formula. I'm a bit stuck at solving this issue. Thank you.
Fixpoint add n m :=
match n with
| 0 => m
| S p => S (p + m)
where "n + m" := (add n m) : nat_scope.
Fixpoint mul n m :=
match n with
| 0 => 0
| S p => m + p * m
where "n * m" := (mul n m) : nat_scope.
Definition formula : Set :=
nat-> nat -> ?operators_add_mull ->formula.
Definition compute_formula (f: formula) : nat :=
match f with
|firstnumber,secondnumber, ?operators_add_mull =>
?operators_add_mull firstnumber secondnumber
First, your syntax for defining a data type is not quite right: you need to use the Inductive keyword:
Inductive formula : Set :=
| Formula : nat -> nat -> ?operators_add_mul -> formula.
It remains to figure out what the arguments to the Formula constructor should be. The Coq function type -> is a type like any other, and we can use it as the third argument:
Inductive formula : Set :=
| Formula : nat -> nat -> (nat -> nat -> nat) -> formula.
After defining this data type, you can write an expression like Formula 3 5 add, which denotes the addition of 3 and 5. To inspect the formula data type, you need to write match using the Formula constructor:
Definition compute_formula (f : formula) : nat :=
match f with
| Formula n m f => f n m

How can I match on a specific value in Coq?

I'm trying to implement a function that simply counts the number of occurrences of some nat in a bag (just a synonym for a list).
This is what I want to do, but it doesn't work:
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Import ListNotations.
Definition bag := list nat.
Fixpoint count (v:nat) (s:bag) : nat :=
match s with
| nil => O
| v :: t => S (count v t)
| _ :: t => count v t
Coq says that the final clause is redundant, i.e., it just treats v as a name for the head instead of the specific v that is passed to the call of count. Is there any way to pattern match on values passed as function arguments? If not, how should I instead write the function?
I got this to work:
Fixpoint count (v:nat) (s:bag) : nat :=
match s with
| nil => O
| h :: t => if (beq_nat v h) then S (count v t) else count v t
But I don't like it. I'd rather pattern match if possible.
Pattern matching is a different construction from equality, meant to discriminate data encoded in form of "inductives", as standard in functional programming.
In particular, pattern matching falls short in many cases, such as when you need potentially infinite patterns.
That being said, a more sensible type for count is the one available in the math-comp library:
count : forall T : Type, pred T -> seq T -> nat
Fixpoint count s := if s is x :: s' then a x + count s' else 0.
You can then build your function as count (pred1 x) where pred1 : forall T : eqType, T -> pred T , that is to say, the unary equality predicate for a fixed element of a type with decidable (computable) equality; pred1 x y <-> x = y.
I found in another exercise that it's OK to open up a match clause on the output of a function. In that case, it was "evenb" from "Basics". In this case, try "eqb".
Well, as v doesn't work in the match, I thought that maybe I could ask whether the head of the list was equal to v. And yes, it worked. This is the code:
Fixpoint count (v : nat) (s : bag) : nat :=
match s with
| nil => 0
| x :: t =>
match x =? v with
| true => S ( count v t )
| false => count v t

Inside a branch of a match block, how do I use the assertion that the matched expression is equal to the branch's data constructor expression?

I am trying to develop a programming style that is based on preventing bad input as soon as possible. For example, instead of the following plausible definition for the predecessor function on the natural numbers:
Definition pred1 n :=
match n with
| O => None
| S n => Some n
I want to write it as follows:
Theorem nope n (p : n = O) (q : n <> O) : False.
contradict q.
exact p.
Definition pred2 n (q : n <> O) :=
match n with
| S n => n
| O =>
let p := _ in
match nope n p q with end
But I have no idea what to replace _ with. My intuition suggests me that there must be some assumption : n = O available in the | O => branch. Does Coq indeed introduce such an assumption? If so, what is its name?
Coq doesn't automatically introduce such hypothesis, but you can introduce it explicitly by using the full form of the match construction:
Definition pred2 n (q : n <> O) :=
match n as n' return n = n' -> nat with
| S p => fun _ => p
| O => fun Heq => match q Heq with end
end (eq_refl n).
return introduces a type annotation with the type of the whole match ... end expression;
as introduces a variable name that can be used in this type annotation and will be substituted with the left hand side in each branch. Here,
in the first branch, the right hand side has type n = S p -> nat;
in the second branch, the right hand side has type n = O -> nat. Therefore, q Heq has type False and can be matched.
More information in the reference manual, in the chapter on Extended pattern-matching.