How can I use Non-linear Fitting function on Matlab [closed] - matlab

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have Non-linear Fitting function like:
prate ~ (m1-((m1-m2)/(1+(IC50/(conc)))))
And a table:
[I] (µM) Max polymerization rate
25.00 3.08
12.50 3.30
6.13 4.44
and IC50 = 1.87
I want to create a function like the one above and use this data to make a plot. Is that possible?

This might help you get started.
You need to define your function using handles.
Say you have a variable PolymerRate you want to estimate and conc as input variable, I think in your case would be something like:
IC50 = 1.87;
prate = #(m,conc) (m(1)-((m(1)-m(2))/(1+(IC50/(conc)))));
m0 = [1 1];
[m,resnorm,~,exitflag,output] = lsqcurvefit(F,m0,conc,PolymerRate);
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Sum Matlab from 0 to 10000 on function [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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syms k
S1 = symsum(1/((2*k)+1)^2,k,0,1000)
The result is this
It is a number in this form a/b
Why is this happening??
Do you know how to do this in octave too?
k = (0:1000);
k_sum = sum(1./((2*k)+1).^2);
It's interesting that you jumped straight to using syms when the basic matlab functions work perfectly well for this problem. Why is that?

Calculate area from Signal under basline [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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The Matlab code I have plots the following curve:
X1= 1:600;
plot (X1,tmp)
basline = 0;% level
how can I calculate the area in the red circle?
You need to find the 2nd and 3rd zero cross (z2 and z3). then do a sum over the tmp. Something like this:
X1= 1:600;
tmp = sin(0.03*X1);
plot (X1,tmp)
range = 209:314;
basline = 0;% level

How to create a a:d:b vector to create and display "sin(0), sin(pi/n), sin((2*pi)/n), . . . , sin(2*pi)]" [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have been trying for a while to get this to work but I don't seem to be getting any closer to a solution.
I'm not sure of what the pattern is and what to write for the "d" value in a:d:b
Clearly you want to start from 0 (a) and go to 2*pi (b).
Now the question comes what is your step size (d)?
From your example you can see that you are changing from 0 to pi/n.
And from pi/n to 2*pi/n.
This means your step size is d=pi/n
Once you defined your n, e.g:
you can do the rest like this:

How do I integrate a vector in MATLAB [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to perform integration on a vector L but I don't know exactly what to use. I want to obtain a (the integral) as a vector that is the same size as NT.
syms x
for i=1:NT
disp('Longeur de travée')
L(i)=input('L = ');
An easy way would be to use trapz. If you have X and Y such that Y(i) = f(X(i)) (so Y contains the values of some function at the location X) then you simply do
I = trapz(X, Y)
In your case, you can do
I = trapz(L, fa)
I guess, looking at your code.
Note that you could use more advanced techniques, that will, in principle, give you a better result (because they are higher-order). This is just one method, but an easy one.

How can I write this using Matlab with for loop, ones, and zeros? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Please help me out with this code:
for i = 1:n
u(t - a_i - td_i);
u: step function
t: time vector with n elements
a_i, tau_i, and td_i: variables that change inside for loop
I guess I need to use zeros and ones, but how can I do this correctly?
Simple function to sum the value inside the loop:
func = #(t) sum(t > a + td)
func(t) will be the sum of the foor loop