Calculate area from Signal under basline [closed] - matlab

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Closed 5 years ago.
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The Matlab code I have plots the following curve:
X1= 1:600;
plot (X1,tmp)
basline = 0;% level
how can I calculate the area in the red circle?

You need to find the 2nd and 3rd zero cross (z2 and z3). then do a sum over the tmp. Something like this:
X1= 1:600;
tmp = sin(0.03*X1);
plot (X1,tmp)
range = 209:314;
basline = 0;% level


Sum Matlab from 0 to 10000 on function [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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syms k
S1 = symsum(1/((2*k)+1)^2,k,0,1000)
The result is this
It is a number in this form a/b
Why is this happening??
Do you know how to do this in octave too?
k = (0:1000);
k_sum = sum(1./((2*k)+1).^2);
It's interesting that you jumped straight to using syms when the basic matlab functions work perfectly well for this problem. Why is that?

Is it possible to plot bars with filled pattern in Matlab [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Is it possible to plot bars with filled pattern in Matlab, like this figure?
I attempted to use applyhatch_pluscolor link however, I couldn't make it work (attempt below). Is there an easy / feasible alternative?
Test code:
[im_hatch,colorlist] = applyhatch_pluscolor(gcf,'\-x.',1,[],[],150);
Then I changed the source code, from bits = hardcopy(h,'-dzbuffer',['-r' num2str(dpi)]); to bits = print(h,'-RGBImage',['-r' num2str(dpi)]);.
I got the figure below. However, this is still far away form the desired result.

How to covert this specific equation to matlab code [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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How to represent this equation to matlab code
Like so:
function y = sgn(x)
if x == 0
y = 0;
y = x / abs(x);

How can I extrapolate to higher values in Matlab? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have the following data:
and I want to extrapolate and know what a will I get at T=600 in Matlab.
How can I do that?
If its linear the code below solves this
clear all
close all
reg = polyfit(T,a,1);
hold on
legend('observations','lin. regression','pred. at 600p polyfit','pred. at 600p interp1')
val_polyfit = reg(2)+600*reg(1)
val_interp1 = interp1(T,a,600,'linear','extrap')
diff = val_polyfit/val_interp1
val_polyfit =
val_interp1 =
diff =
For Linear Interpolation:
aextra = interp1(T,a,600,'linear','extrap')

how to extract data from image by user [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to my program give a image to user and user by mouse choose a pixel,then spatial information of pixel return to program for another process.
how write code for it in matlab ?
Try this:
A=imread('your image');
[c, r, vals] = impixel;
c and r are arrays of all the columns and rows of the part of the image that user clicked on and vals are the RGB values of each point.