Call another program with arguments passed to the currently executing batch file - scala

My use case: having a repl executable scala.bat which takes some arguments, one of which allows pointing it to a configuration file which is ran on start. I renamed scala.bat to scala-original.bat and called scala-original.bat from inside scala.bat:
#echo off
scala-original.bat -i C:\Progra~2\scala\bin\test-config.scala
How can I pass the original arguments scala.bat was called with to scala-original.bat? They should be added at the end of:
scala-original.bat -i C:\Progra~2\scala\bin\test-config.scala
For example, calling:
scala.bat -nc
should run:
scala-original.bat -i C:\Progra~2\scala\bin\test-config.scala -nc
We can ignore double specifying the -i part again for now.
For my use case, using an alias could also be a solution as seen in , eg.:
#echo off
doskey scala=scala-original.bat -i C:\Progra~2\scala\bin\test-config.scala $*

%* is "all parameters to me (the currently running batchfile)". (Try echo %* in a batchfile). That makes it very easy to pass them to the next batchfile:
scala-original.bat -i C:\Progra~2\scala\bin\test-config.scala %*


Can you get full command line from process ID (including command line arguments, etc)?

This question is in addition to the question asked here: On my system, the following command results in a PID (as expected):
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=4,5 python3 1> out.txt 2> err.txt &
Now, the methods in the stack exchange link above provide many solutions. However, when trying these solutions, I only receive the following information:
Is there a way to return the entire command line "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=4,5 python3 1> out.txt 2> err.txt &", not just the portion "python3"?
Assuming you're on a Linux system, you can find the individual bits, but you can't put it together.
Assume also that the process's PID is in $pid
The CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=4,5 variable gets added to the environment of the python command. You can find it in /proc/$pid/environ but you can't tell which of those variables were specified on the command line: the user could have written
python3 1> out.txt 2> err.txt &
The file redirections are available in /proc/$pid/fd:
/proc/$pid/fd/1 is a symbolic link to out.txt
/proc/$pid/fd/2 is a symbolic link to err.txt
I don't know how to tell if a process is running in the background.
Since you're just interested in the environment: with bash
declare -A environ
while IFS='=' read -r -d '' var value; do
done < /proc/$pid/environ
echo "process has CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICE value ${environ[CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICE]}"

Replace string with $ from makefile with sed

I am trying to replace ${dbPassword} in a property file with a password including $ signs.
My command is the following, but I have no idea how to replace this properly.
run: #cat $(FILE_PATH) | sed -i .bak 's/$${dbPassword}/$(VARIABLE_WITH_PWD)/g' $(FILE_PATH)
Let's say my dbPassword is: 123$456$789
With this, I am getting the result: 123${dbPassword}456${dbPassword}789
Three problems:
Target and recipe on the same line. The recipe must be on the next line, indented with a hard tab.
You pass $(FILE_PATH) on stdin, and as a file argument to sed. Remove the cat pipe.
Shell variables (as opposed to make variables) are not substituted inside single quotes.
So you might want to try this instead:
.PHONY: run
sed -i .bak "s/$${dbPassword}/$(VARIABLE_WITH_PWD)/g" $(FILE_PATH)
This assumes you have an environment variable, dbPassword and exported it prior to running make. If that is not the case, please provide your complete makefile.
I also have removed the # so you actually see what command make is executing. There's no point in wearing a blindfold while debugging your makefile.

How to use LSB_JOBINDEX in bsub array job arguments in Platform LSF?

I would like to pass LSB_JOBINDEX to as an argument to my script instead of using an environment variable.
This makes my script more LSF agnostic and avoids creating a helper script that uses the environment variable.
However, I was not able to use LSB_JOBINDEX in arguments: it only works as part of the initial command string.
For example, from a bash shell, I use the test command:
bsub -J 'myjobname[1-4]' -o bsub%I.log \
'echo $LSB_JOBINDEX' \
and the output of say bsub2.log is:
So in this case, only the first $LSB_JOBINDEX got expanded, but not any of the following ones.
But I would rather not pass the entire command as a single huge string as the 'echo $LSB_JOBINDEX' in this example. I would prefer to just use separate arguments as in a regular bash command.
I've also tried to play around with %I but it only works for -o and related bsub options, not for the command itself.
Related: Referencing job index in LSF job array
Tested in LSF 10.1.0. Related documentation:
bsub will add single quotes around the arguments if the argument starts with $. For example. If the bsub command line is
bsub command -a $ARG1 -b $ARG2
Then bsub will add quotes to the arguments to the 2nd and 4th parameters. The command is stored like this
command -a '$ARG1' -b '$ARG2'
One way to prevent this is to put the commands in a script. Like this:
$ cat cmd
echo "line 2"
Then run your job like this:
$ bsub -I < cmd
Job <2669> is submitted to default queue <normal>.
<<Waiting for dispatch ...>>
<<Starting on hostA>>
line 2
Note that the -I is not needed. Its just so you can see the job output on the bsub's stdout.
OK. Looks like this works. But its not really a serious answer since it's so ugly. The thing is that bsub will surround the argument with single quotes if the argument starts with $. So the strategy is to find some way to make sure that the first character in the argument isn't a $. One way is to put any character other than $ as the first character of the argument. Follow it by a backspace literal, followed by the $. Note that it needs to be the actual backspace character, not ^ followed by H. Use ctrl-v followed by a ctrl-h to get the literal appended to the command line.
$ bsub -I echo "x^H\$LSB_JOBINDEX" "x^H\$LSB_JOBINDEX"
Job <2686> is submitted to default queue <normal>.
<<Waiting for dispatch ...>>
<<Starting on hostA>>
0 0
A tab literal also works. Not that its much better.
$ bsub -I echo " \$LSB_JOBINDEX" " \$LSB_JOBINDEX"
Job <2687> is submitted to default queue <normal>.
<<Waiting for dispatch ...>>
<<Starting on hostA>>
0 0

Command Line Mass Rename Jpg Files

I have a folder full of jpg files which all end with "-x-large.jpg" I would like to rename them all using command line so that it gets rid of the -x-large and just becomes .jpg.
So for example 123-x-large.jpg will become 123.jpg
Can someone tell me how I can do this with the ren command?
for img in *-x-large.jpg; do mv -i -v "$img" "${img%-x-large.jpg}.jpg"; done
This loops on all matching images and moves them into a new file with a truncated name (removing -x-large.jpg from the end) with the .jpg added back to the end of the file name. I'm invoking this interactively with mv -i so you are prompted before overwriting each file. To force overwriting (always say "yes"), change that to mv (remove the -i). To prevent overwriting (always say "no"), change that to mv -n.
Remove the -v (verbose) if you don't want to see each rename happen.
If you have a very large number of these files, the command line will be too long for the above command (since *-x-large.jpg will be expanded onto a command line). You can work around that with find and xargs as follows:
sh <(find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*-x-large.jpg' \
|sed -r 's/(.*)(-x-large.jpg)$/mv -i "\1\2" "\1.jpg"/')
This creates a shell script using bash process substitution, using find to generate a list of all files we want to rename and then piping them through sed to create the mv commands.
(See above for the mv flags. I removed -v because presumably this will be a very long list.)
See the version below if you want to check the script before running it.
The above one-liner requires GNU bash or Korn shell (ksh) as well as GNU sed.
Here's how to do it with neither (in three commands):
find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*-x-large.jpg' \
|sed 's/.*/mv "&" "&/; s/-x-large.jpg$/.jpg"/' >
Posix sed doesn't reliably support capture groups (\(…\) or sed -r to invoke ERE) and therefore we can't expect it to be able to match and recall text, so this version simply writes most of the command and then fixes the ending (the absence of a trailing double quotes in the first replacement is intentional; we add it in the second replacement). Posix shell (/bin/sh proper) doesn't support process substitution, so we dump to a temporary file, evaluate it, and then remove it.
If we're referring to Windows command-line, then SET /? is your friend. Loads of good info in there.
set SEARCH_SUFFIX=-x-large.jpg
for %%A in ("*%SEARCH_SUFFIX%") do (
set OLD_NAME=%%~nxA
ren "!OLD_NAME!" "!NEW_NAME!"

Supervisord- Execute a command before starting the application / program

Using supervisord, how do I execute a command before running the program?
For example in the code below, I want a file to be created before starting the program. In the code below I am using tail -f /dev/null to simulate the background process but this could be any running program like '/path/to/application'.
I tried '&&' and this doesn't seem to work. The requirement is that the file has to be created first in order for the application to work.
command:touch ~a.c && tail -f /dev/null
The problem is that supervisor isn't running a shell to interpret command sections, so "&&" is just one of 5 space separated arguments it is passing to the touch command; if this ran successfully, then there should be some unusual filenames in its working directory now.
You can use a shell as your command and pass it the shell logic you would like:
command=/bin/sh -c "touch ~a.c && tail -f /dev/null"
Usually, this type of shell wrapper should be the interface provided and managed by the app and is what supervisord and others just know how to call with paths and options, i.e.: ~a.c
(where is:)
touch $1 && tail -f /dev/null
Here is a trick.
You use a shell script to do that and beyond that
command:sh /path/to/your/
It's can your
touch ~a.c
exec tail -f /dev/null
notice exec