Unity animated ribbon effect - unity3d

Could tell me how to make these yellow animated ribbons like the ones seen in this video were made? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9dtp2PSrPg
Is it made using a particle system? Or do you think it was made outside of Unity?
I'd love some direction on how I could recreate this effect. (I'm quite new to Unity so any help is appreciated)

If it is for a video, go for Adobe After Effects + Trapcode Particular:
In Unity: waaay more difficult. Probably procedural spline-based mesh generation. You need to know lot of stuff about bezier curves, 3d meshes, what exactly is a vertex in a 3d model and other strange things.
And everything it's explained quite well here:
P.S. #Night.owl You owe me two beers, mate :) ahahaha

Tiziano is right. You can use Procedural but I think that is complicated. If you are advanced then you can do that.
There is an easier way to do this like you asked. It is called LineRenderer
You need to learn Coroutine first, then animate the LineRenderer by moving the position of the LineRenderer's points in coroutine. This is the easiest way of doing this in unity.
If you look at the video below at 0:27, you will see what LineRenderer can do.
Learn about animating with LineRenderer


What approach should I use to create animated backgrounds in Unity?

I'm new to Unity and trying to figure out the best way to create animated backgrounds. To be clear, I'm not asking you to give me an exact solution or instructions, and I would be grateful if you just tell me which direction to look in, and I will figure it out by reading the documentation.
I'm interested in how animated backgrounds are created in 2D Unity (for example, as here: https://youtu.be/OxiGlmV6ByA?t=1075 flying leaves are visible on the background). I only thought of using particles or just creating standard animations in Unity. But, the second way seems too long and complex, and about the particles, I'm not sure how much it affects the performance in a mobile game. Google searches mostly give instructions on how to create parallax backgrounds or moving backgrounds in Unity.
In general, I will be grateful if you tell me which approach is the most optimal for creating an animated background in a mobile 2D game in Unity.
The particles system is well optimized, for what you want to do it will not affects the performance, even on mobile.

From Blender mesh to Unity

I'm creating my terrain in Blender, as I feel more comfortable with it than using Unity's built-in tool. I have this mesh now, and I've implemented the LOD feature as well. The next problem to fix is the collider. I want to use the mesh collider for it. But I'm worried about performances. I split already my terrain in "chunks" each with its own LOD. I need to apply to each square a mesh collider.
What do you think about it? And also do you have any optimization advise?
On YouTube and on some Assets on the AssetStore, I can see a lot of modular terrains packages, and once I checked the mesh that they use, I can see that they are using mesh colliders everywhere.
Extra question: should the mesh be static?
Thank you guys for your time. To some, they might seem such stupid questions, but from someone who is starting now...Well, they still represent a big challenge.
I don't think it will be a problem as long you create a mechanism to deactivate the unnecessary, and unused parts. Look also Ocullision culling and make all the terrains static.

How to create animated beam sprite

I am new to coding, so am unfamiliar with many techniques etc, so please bear with!
I was wondering how you would go about recreating the effect seen in 'God of light' (http://wpuploads.appadvice.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/IMG_5498.jpeg), specifically the animated beams of light, with the awesome 'energy' look to them. In my SpriteKit game, the player reflects a beam (of light) using mirrors they draw. I am currently creating the beam using a CGPath as this lets me change its length easily, and have finished the code for the game without textures and just using SKSpriteNodes and shapes etc but I am clueless as to how I would go about adding an animated texture to the beam, such as the one in God of Light. If anyone would be willing to share any ideas as to the basic plan they would use to go about creating this effect I would be very appreciative!
Sorry its a little vague, but I haven't begun giving the beam a texture yet, and literally have no idea how to go about it.
I would use a separate animation program such as After Effects to create the the animation effect you want and export a series of keyframes. Then I would place the keyframes into an atlas and use SKAction animateWithTextures to animate them. Here is an excellent tutorial on it: Sprite Kit Tutorial: Animations and Texture Atlases: http://www.raywenderlich.com/45152/sprite-kit-tutorial-animations-and-texture-atlases

Unity3d; Skybox on mesh like in Source engine.

In older games Ive made levels in, like unreal or half-life the skybox is a parallaxed texture that you assign to world geometry, for instance, the ceiling of your room, to give the illusion of the room being open to the sky.
There are some neat tricks or weird things you can achieve with this 'sky portal' method. For example you could have 'sky' in an underground room. or walk through a hole in the sky.
I'm wondering is it possible to make a mesh in unity3d render as part of the skybox like in these older engines.
You can do this yes. Usually you assign a "SkyBox" to your camera and change the "Clear Flags" for her "SkyBox". However, there are other ways to do.
Learn more here: http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/Components/class-Skybox.html
Hope this help !

How to draw images on Terrain in unity

I am working on game in unity in which i need some images to be placed on terrain as in the attached image yellow arrows and "P in blue circle" are rendered on surface in unity.
Any idea or method will be appreciated.
There's no built-in support for decals in Unity. You could just create separate gameObjects with transparent texture and place them above the terrain here, or use one of several packages for decals in Unity Asset Store, like this one. (I have only briefly tried it and can't say anything about it's quality).
I know it's an old topic - but for those who are still not satisfied:
I would recommend using Easy Decal.
It's a very powerful decal projector. It's easy to use and you can stick decals also on uneven surfaces like bumpy terrains.
You could try putting a plane with the texture aligned with the surface normal slightly above the surface. Or you could try an extension that does decals for you. This is what i found:
Decal System for Unity3D
As previously mentioned Easy decal is a good choice. It's easy to use, has extensive fuctionalities and you'll get a lot for your money. But if you need skinned decals there's no way around Decal System Pro by Edelweiss interactive. It's more expensive, but beside the skinned mesh support it also supports texture atlases which saves you draw calls.