From Blender mesh to Unity - unity3d

I'm creating my terrain in Blender, as I feel more comfortable with it than using Unity's built-in tool. I have this mesh now, and I've implemented the LOD feature as well. The next problem to fix is the collider. I want to use the mesh collider for it. But I'm worried about performances. I split already my terrain in "chunks" each with its own LOD. I need to apply to each square a mesh collider.
What do you think about it? And also do you have any optimization advise?
On YouTube and on some Assets on the AssetStore, I can see a lot of modular terrains packages, and once I checked the mesh that they use, I can see that they are using mesh colliders everywhere.
Extra question: should the mesh be static?
Thank you guys for your time. To some, they might seem such stupid questions, but from someone who is starting now...Well, they still represent a big challenge.

I don't think it will be a problem as long you create a mechanism to deactivate the unnecessary, and unused parts. Look also Ocullision culling and make all the terrains static.


Unity - Randomly generated Worms like destrucible terrain advice

I've been looking online for some guidelines for this and have had no luck.
I'm having issues with the destructible part of my terrain.
I currently have a script which fills in a 2d array with 1's and 0's and then continues to create a mesh and collider from this array.
The trouble I'm having is that I have no idea how to detect a part of the mesh which was hit with an explosion and then almost cut the explosion from the mesh. I'm struggling to find any hints on how to modify a runtime generated mesh.
All I've been seeing online so far are 3rd party assets, but I'd like to avoid using assets as much as possible.
I'm not asking for someone to provide me with a solution, rather, point me in the right direction.
I'm sorry if this explanation was lacking, but in short, is it possible to modify a mesh at runtime and if so, how?

How to collide with a HEROIC FANTASY CREATURES FULL PACK from unity asset store

So I bought the unity humble bundle which had tons of great things for a very cheap price and one of them included the HEROIC FANTASY CREATURES FULL PACK VOLUME 1. I was messing around with it but I realized I had two problems. First is that I can not have gravity from a rigid body and a concave mesh so the mesh was sloppy. But the bigger issue is that the mesh doesn't change with the animation. I assume that the mesh won't change with the animation but I couldn't find anything that told me it wouldn't. If anyone can point me to a tutorial or discord or any help at all that would be nice.
You need to setup custom colliders, preferably capsule colliders , for each joint. see this video

How to change character weight in Unity?

So i try to make a adventure game and in one point my character need to eat some food and get fatter and fatter, smoothly every second.I've found only one solution in asset store.The MCS(Morph 3D) has this feature.But problem is i don't want to use one of their character.I have my on low-poly 3d character and i want to use this.
This is an example of what i need :
MCS Morph 3D
So where should i start? What should i look in to? Is there simple way to this or is it really hard?
Thanks already :)
This would normally be done with a frag/vert shader. You would modify the vertices of the mesh in the stomach area based on some value. This could be done really simply in which the distance of the stomach vertices from some given point located in the character's core would just increase based on your given value. I believe your thoughts are imagining something much prettier than this, but anything else would be much more involved for something that is purely visual. If you are not experienced with shaders, I would highly recommend purchasing a visual shader editor, such as Amplify (ASE) or Shader Forge. They make the jump into shaders much easier.

Unity 5 : Non-convex mesh collider & Is Trigger

I'm having some troubles checking the "Is Trigger" option on a non-convex mesh collider.
I looked for an answer on the internet and found something like :
Unity 5 does not support that because the updated PhysX does not allow it.
I was wondering if there was a solution now? Since the post is kind of outdated?
I hope you'll be able to help me :P
Thank you in advance,
A mesh collider can collide with a primitive collider (box, sphere, capsule) but there is no way to have two mesh colliders register a trigger or collision.
You'll need to use compound colliders to approximate the shape. IMO although it seems imprecise at first in practice you hardly notice if your collision area is slightly outside of your mesh. Performance wise multiple primitives (on anything other than mobile at least) are next to nothing so don't be afraid to use as many colliders as you need to approximate your shape.

Unity animated ribbon effect

Could tell me how to make these yellow animated ribbons like the ones seen in this video were made?
Is it made using a particle system? Or do you think it was made outside of Unity?
I'd love some direction on how I could recreate this effect. (I'm quite new to Unity so any help is appreciated)
If it is for a video, go for Adobe After Effects + Trapcode Particular:
In Unity: waaay more difficult. Probably procedural spline-based mesh generation. You need to know lot of stuff about bezier curves, 3d meshes, what exactly is a vertex in a 3d model and other strange things.
And everything it's explained quite well here:
P.S. #Night.owl You owe me two beers, mate :) ahahaha
Tiziano is right. You can use Procedural but I think that is complicated. If you are advanced then you can do that.
There is an easier way to do this like you asked. It is called LineRenderer
You need to learn Coroutine first, then animate the LineRenderer by moving the position of the LineRenderer's points in coroutine. This is the easiest way of doing this in unity.
If you look at the video below at 0:27, you will see what LineRenderer can do.
Learn about animating with LineRenderer