I have a synthetic image. I want to do eigenvalue decomposition of local structure tensor (LST) of it for some edge detection purposes. I used the eigenvaluesl1 , l2 and eigenvectors e1 ,e2 of LST to generate an adaptive ellipse for each pixel of image. Unfortunately I get unequal eigenvalues l1 , l2 and so unequal semi-axes length of ellipse for homogeneous regions of my figure:
However I get good response for a simple test image:
I don't know what is wrong in my code:
function [H,e1,e2,l1,l2] = LST_eig(I,sigma1,rw)
% LST_eig - compute the structure tensor and its eigen
% value decomposition
% H = LST_eig(I,sigma1,rw);
% sigma1 is pre smoothing width (in pixels).
% rw is filter bandwidth radius for tensor smoothing (in pixels).
n = size(I,1);
m = size(I,2);
if nargin<2
sigma1 = 0.5;
if nargin<3
rw = 0.001;
% pre smoothing
J = imgaussfilt(I,sigma1);
% compute gradient using Sobel operator
Sch = [-3 0 3;-10 0 10;-3 0 3];
%h = fspecial('sobel');
gx = imfilter(J,Sch,'replicate');
gy = imfilter(J,Sch','replicate');
% compute tensors
gx2 = gx.^2;
gy2 = gy.^2;
gxy = gx.*gy;
% smooth
gx2_sm = imgaussfilt(gx2,rw); %rw/sqrt(2*log(2))
gy2_sm = imgaussfilt(gy2,rw);
gxy_sm = imgaussfilt(gxy,rw);
H = zeros(n,m,2,2);
H(:,:,1,1) = gx2_sm;
H(:,:,2,2) = gy2_sm;
H(:,:,1,2) = gxy_sm;
H(:,:,2,1) = gxy_sm;
% eigen decomposition
l1 = zeros(n,m);
l2 = zeros(n,m);
e1 = zeros(n,m,2);
e2 = zeros(n,m,2);
for i = 1:n
for j = 1:m
Hmat = zeros(2);
Hmat(:,:) = H(i,j,:,:);
[V,D] = eigs(Hmat);
D = abs(D);
l1(i,j) = D(1,1); % eigen values
l2(i,j) = D(2,2);
e1(i,j,:) = V(:,1); % eigen vectors
e2(i,j,:) = V(:,2);
Any help is appreciated.
This is my ellipse drawing code:
% determining ellipse parameteres from eigen value decomposition of LST
M = input('Enter the maximum allowed semi-major axes length: ');
I = input('Enter the input data: ');
row = size(I,1);
col = size(I,2);
a = zeros(row,col);
b = zeros(row,col);
cos_phi = zeros(row,col);
sin_phi = zeros(row,col);
for m = 1:row
for n = 1:col
a(m,n) = (l2(m,n)+eps)/(l1(m,n)+l2(m,n)+2*eps)*M;
b(m,n) = (l1(m,n)+eps)/(l1(m,n)+l2(m,n)+2*eps)*M;
cos_phi1 = e1(m,n,1);
sin_phi1 = e1(m,n,2);
len = hypot(cos_phi1,sin_phi1);
cos_phi(m,n) = cos_phi1/len;
sin_phi(m,n) = sin_phi1/len;
%% plot elliptic structuring elements using parametric equation and superimpose on the image
figure; imagesc(I); colorbar; hold on
t = linspace(0,2*pi,50);
for i = 10:10:row-10
for j = 10:10:col-10
x0 = j;
y0 = i;
x = a(i,j)/2*cos(t)*cos_phi(i,j)-b(i,j)/2*sin(t)*sin_phi(i,j)+x0;
y = a(i,j)/2*cos(t)*sin_phi(i,j)+b(i,j)/2*sin(t)*cos_phi(i,j)+y0;
hold on
This my new result with the Gaussian derivative kernel:
This is the new plot with axis equal:
I created a test image similar to yours (probably less complicated) as follows:
pos = yy([400,500]) + 100 * sin(xx(400)/400*2*pi);
img = gaussianlineclip(pos+50,7) + gaussianlineclip(pos-50,7);
I = double(stretch(img));
(This requires DIPimage to run)
Then ran your LST_eig on it (sigma1=1 and rw=3) and your code to draw ellipses (no change to either, except adding axis equal), and got this result:
I suspect some non-uniformity in some of the blue areas of your image, which cause very small gradients to appear. The problem with the definition of the ellipses as you use them is that, for sufficiently oriented patterns, you'll get a line even if that pattern is imperceptible. You can get around this by defining your ellipse axes lengths as follows:
a = repmat(M,size(l2)); % longest axis is always the same
b = M ./ (l2+1); % shortest axis is shorter the more important the largest eigenvalue is
The smallest eigenvalue l1 is high in regions with strong gradients but no clear direction. The above does not take this into account. One option could be to make a depend on both energy and anisotropy measures, and b depend only on energy:
T = 1000; % some threshold
r = M ./ max(l1+l2-T,1); % circle radius, smaller for higher energy
d = (l2-l1) ./ (l1+l2+eps); % anisotropy measure in range [0,1]
a = M*d + r.*(1-d); % use `M` length for high anisotropy, use `r` length for high isotropy (circle)
b = r; % use `r` width always
This way, the whole ellipse shrinks if there are strong gradients but no clear direction, whereas it stays large and circular when there are only weak or no gradients. The threshold T depends on image intensities, adjust as needed.
You should probably also consider taking the square root of the eigenvalues, as they correspond to the variance.
Some suggestions:
You can write
a = (l2+eps)./(l1+l2+2*eps) * M;
b = (l1+eps)./(l1+l2+2*eps) * M;
cos_phi = e1(:,:,1);
sin_phi = e1(:,:,2);
without a loop. Note that e1 is normalized by definition, there is no need to normalize it again.
Use Gaussian gradients instead of Gaussian smoothing followed by Sobel or Schaar filters. See here for some MATLAB implementation details.
Use eig, not eigs, when you need all eigenvalues. Especially for such a small matrix, there is no advantage to using eigs. eig seems to produce more consistent results. There is no need to take the absolute value of the eigenvalues (D = abs(D)), as they are non-negative by definition.
Your default value of rw = 0.001 is way too small, a sigma of that size has no effect on the image. The goal of this smoothing is to average gradients in a local neighborhood. I used rw=3 with good results.
Use DIPimage. There is a structuretensor function, Gaussian gradients, and a lot more useful stuff. The 3.0 version (still in development) is a major rewrite that improves significantly on dealing with vector- and matrix-valued images. I can write all of your LST_eig as follows:
I = dip_image(I);
g = gradient(I, sigma1);
H = gaussf(g*g.', rw);
[e,l] = eig(H);
% Equivalences with your outputs:
l1 = l{2};
l2 = l{1};
e1 = e{2,:};
e2 = e{1,:};
The original data is Y, the size of Y is L*n ( n is the number of features; L is the number of observations. B is the covariance matrix of the original data Y. Suppose A is the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix B. I represent A as A = (e1, e2,...,en), where ei is an eigenvector. Matrix Aq is the first q eigenvectors and ai be the row vectors of Aq: Aq = (e1,e2,...,eq) = (a1,a2,...,an)'. I want to apply the k-means algorithm to Aq to cluster the row vector ai to k clusters or more (note: I do not want to apply k-means algorithm to the eigenvector ei to k clusters). For each cluster, only the vector closest to the center of cluster is retained, and the feature corresponding to this vector is finally selected as the informative features.
My question is:
1) What is the difference between applying the k-means algorithm to Aq to cluster the row vector ai to k clusters and applying k-means algorithm to Aq to cluster the eigenvector ei to k clusters?
2) the closest_vectors I get is from this command: closest_vectors = Aq(min_idxs, :), the size of the closest_vectors is k*qdouble. How to get the final informative features? Since the final informative features have to be obtained from the original data Y.
I found two function about pca and pfa:
function [e m lambda, sqsigma] = cvPca(X, M)
[D, N] = size(X);
if ~exist('M', 'var') || isempty(M) || M == 0
M = D;
M = min(M,min(D,N-1));
%% mean subtraction
m = mean(X, 2); %%% calculate the mean of every row
X = X - repmat(m, 1, N);
%% singular value decomposition. X = U*S*V.' or X.' = V*S*U.'
[U S V] = svd(X,'econ');
e = U(:,1:M);
if nargout > 2
s = diag(S);
s = s(1:min(D,N-1));
lambda = s.^2 / N; % biased (1/N) estimator of variance
% sqsigma. Used to model distribution of errors by univariate Gaussian
if nargout > 3
d = cvPcaDist(X, e, m); % Use of validation set would be better
N = size(d,2);
sqsigma = sum(d) / N; % or (N-1) unbiased est
function [IDX, Me] = cvPfa(X, p, q)
[D, N] = size(X);
if ~exist('p', 'var') || isempty(p) || p == 0
p = D;
p = min(p, min(D, N-1));
if ~exist('q', 'var') || isempty(q)
q = p - 1;
%% PCA step
[U Me, Lambda] = cvPca(X, q);
%% cluter row vectors (q x D). not col
[Cl, Mu] = kmeans(U, p, 'emptyaction', 'singleton', 'distance', 'sqEuclidean');
%% find axis which are nearest to mean vector
IDX = logical(zeros(D,1));
for i = 1:p
Cli = find(Cl == i);
d = cvEucdist(Mu(i,:).', U(Cli,:).');
[mini, argmin] = min(d);
IDX(Cli(argmin)) = 1;
Summarizing Olologin's comments, it doesn't make sense to cluster the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix, or the columns of the U matrix of the SVD. Eigenvectors in this case are all orthogonal so if you tried to cluster them, you would only get one member per cluster and this cluster's centroid is defined by the eigenvector itself.
Now, what you're really after is selecting out the features in your data matrix that describe your data in terms of discriminatory analysis.
The functions that you have provided both compute the SVD and pluck out the k principal components of your data and also determine which features out of these k to select as the most prominent. By default, the amount of features to select out is equal to k, but you can override this if you want. Let's just stick with the default.
The cvPfa function performs this feature selection for you, but a warning to you that the data matrix in the function is organized where each row is a feature and each column is a sample. The output is a logical vector that tells you which features are the strongest to select in your data.
Simply put, you just do this:
k = 10; %// Example
IDX = cvPfa(Y.', k);
Ynew = Y(:,IDX);
This code will choose the 10 most prominent features in your data matrix and pluck out those 10 features that are the most representative of your data, or the most discriminative. You can then use the output for whatever application you're targetting.
1) I don't think that clustering eigenvectors (columns of PCA result) of covariance matrix makes any sense. All eigenvectors pairwise orthogonal and equally far one from another in sense of Euclidian distance. You can pick any eigenvectors and compute distance between them, distance will be sqrt(2) between any pair. But clustering rows of PCA result can provide something useful.
In the Matlab SVM tutorial, it says
You can set your own kernel function, for example, kernel, by setting 'KernelFunction','kernel'. kernel must have the following form:
function G = kernel(U,V)
U is an m-by-p matrix.
V is an n-by-p matrix.
G is an m-by-n Gram matrix of the rows of U and V.
When I followed the custom SVM kernel example, I set a break point in mysigmoid.m function. However, I found U and V were in fact 1-by-p vectors and G was a scalar.
Why does not MATLAB process the kernel by matrices?
My custom kernel function is
function G = mysigmoid(U,V)
% Sigmoid kernel function with slope gamma and intercept c
gamma = 0.5;
c = -1;
G = tanh(gamma*U*V' + c);
My Matlab script is
%% Train SVM Classifiers Using a Custom Kernel
rng(1); % For reproducibility
n = 100; % Number of points per quadrant
r1 = sqrt(rand(2*n,1)); % Random radius
t1 = [pi/2*rand(n,1); (pi/2*rand(n,1)+pi)]; % Random angles for Q1 and Q3
X1 = [r1.*cos(t1), r1.*sin(t1)]; % Polar-to-Cartesian conversion
r2 = sqrt(rand(2*n,1));
t2 = [pi/2*rand(n,1)+pi/2; (pi/2*rand(n,1)-pi/2)]; % Random angles for Q2 and Q4
X2 = [r2.*cos(t2), r2.*sin(t2)];
X = [X1; X2]; % Predictors
Y = ones(4*n,1);
Y(2*n + 1:end) = -1; % Labels
% Plot the data
title('Scatter Diagram of Simulated Data');
SVMModel1 = fitcsvm(X,Y,'KernelFunction','mysigmoid','Standardize',true);
% Compute the scores over a grid
d = 0.02; % Step size of the grid
[x1Grid,x2Grid] = meshgrid(min(X(:,1)):d:max(X(:,1)),...
xGrid = [x1Grid(:),x2Grid(:)]; % The grid
[~,scores1] = predict(SVMModel1,xGrid); % The scores
h(1:2) = gscatter(X(:,1),X(:,2),Y);
hold on;
h(3) = plot(X(SVMModel1.IsSupportVector,1),X(SVMModel1.IsSupportVector,2),...
% Support vectors
% Decision boundary
title('Scatter Diagram with the Decision Boundary');
legend({'-1','1','Support Vectors'},'Location','Best');
hold off;
CVSVMModel1 = crossval(SVMModel1);
misclass1 = kfoldLoss(CVSVMModel1);
Kernels add dimensions to a feature. If you have, for example, one feature for sample x={a} it will expand it into something like x= {a_1... a_q}. As you are doing this for all of your data at once, you are going to have a M x P (M is the number of examples in your training set and P is the number of features). The second matrix it asks for is P x N, where N is the number of examples in the training/test set.
That said, your output should be M x N. Since it is instead 1, it means that you have U = 1XM and V=Nx1 where N=M. To have an output of M x N logic follows that you should simply transpose your inputs.
Given a system of the form y' = A*y(t) with solution y(t) = e^(tA)*y(0), where e^A is the matrix exponential (i.e. sum from n=0 to infinity of A^n/n!), how would I use matlab to compute the solution given the values of matrix A and the initial values for y?
That is, given A = [-2.1, 1.6; -3.1, 2.6], y(0) = [1;2], how would I solve for y(t) = [y1; y2] on t = [0:5] in matlab?
I try to use something like
t = 0:5
[y1; y2] = expm(A.*t).*[1;2]
and I'm finding errors in computing the multiplication due to dimensions not agreeing.
Please note that matrix exponential is defined for square matrices. Your attempt to multiply the attenuation coefs with the time vector doesn't give you what you'd want (which should be a 3D matrix that should be exponentiated slice by slice).
One of the simple ways would be this:
A = [-2.1, 1.6; -3.1, 2.6];
t = 0:5;
n = numel(t); %'number of samples'
y = NaN(2, n);
y(:,1) = [1;2];
for k =2:n
y(:,k) = expm(t(k)*A) * y(:,1);
plot(t, y(1,:), t, y(2,:));
Please note that in MATLAB array are indexed from 1.
I used the following code to compute PCA :
function [signals,PC,V] = pca2(data)
[M,N] = size(data);
% subtract off the mean for each dimension
mn = mean(data,2);
data = data - repmat(mn,1,N);
% construct the matrix Y
Y = data’ / sqrt(N-1);
% SVD does it all
[u,S,PC] = svd(Y);
% calculate the variances
S = diag(S);
V = S .* S;
% project the original data
signals = PC’ * data;
I want to keep the principal components with the maximum variance , say maybe the first 10 principal components which contribute to the maximum variance. How do i go about this?
function [signals,V] = pca2(data)
[M,N] = size(data);
data = reshape(data, M*N,1);
% subtract off the mean for each dimension
mn = mean(data,2);
data = bsxfun(#minus, data, mean(data,1));
% construct the matrix Y
Y = data'*data / (M*N-1);
[V D] = eigs(Y, 10); % reduce to 10 dimension
% project the original data
signals = data * V;
I guess svds can do the job for you.
In the doc, it says:
s = svds(A,k) computes the k largest singular values and associated
singular vectors of matrix A.
Which is essentially the k largest eigenvalues and eigenvectors. These are sorted by eigenvalues in descending order.
So for 10 principal components, just use [eigvec eigval] = svds(Y, 10);